(The Thursday December 19th meeting of the Santa Barbara City College Board of Trustees recognized three trustees completing their term of service, but only honored two: Anna Everett and Robert Miller. Trustee Veronica Gallardo was begrudgingly given a hastily cobbled together resolution. Unlike her two colleagues, Trustee Gallardo was not presented with her certificate personally by Board President Jonathan Abboud. That task was assigned to Trustee Ellen Stoddard. Veronica Gallardo was the only Hispanic elected official serving on the board for a college designated as a Hispanic-serving institution. She was the lone conservative on the dais. Below is a transcript of my public comment. – C.B.)
Public Notes Spoken to the SBCC Board of Trustees
I will be speaking directly to Veronica Gallardo momentarily as my way of honoring her. But first, I think it’s important to mention that the resolution for Trustee Gallardo almost didn’t happen.
A week and a half ago, I sent an email to the board president inquiring to how she would be honored. She is the second-longest-serving trustee on the Board, with only Trustee [Marsha] Croninger ahead of her in seniority. Ms. Gallardo was also the only Hispanic on the Board who is also Spanish-speaking. Given that this is a Hispanic-serving community college, that is extremely significant.
When I heard back from the board president, I was told that there was no resolution. None was intended because in January she was going to be honored by, and I quote, “others.”
That astonished me and I was disturbed by it.
When people heard she wasn’t going to be honored as her two colleagues were – and as they were entitled to be honored for their service – word got out to the community and pressure was put on the college board of trustees.
And so, a resolution was hastily written.
I would like to bring out two points from the resolutions. The first is the second paragraph written for both Trustee Everett and Trustee Miller. It’s written: “WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees wishes to honor her [his] service and thank [them] for the work [they] did to make SBCC a better place for all….”
That second paragraph is omitted from Trustee Gallardo’s resolution.
There is something, however, tacked at the end of her resolution, but it’s not in the same spirit. It reads: “Trustee Veronica Gallardo is honored and thanked for her twelve years of service on the Santa Barbara Community College District Board of Trustees, and her long term commitment to the success of SBCC.”
I was an English teacher. The subject of the sentence is no longer the Board of Trustees actively honoring her service.
I found that offensive in its omission.
Secondly, in Trustee Gallardo’s resolution, one of the paragraphs reads: “WHEREAS, Trustee Veronica Gallardo will be remembered for her willingness to always voice her point of view, even when she was the lone vote on some issues….”
I take issue with that statement. Trustee Gallardo did not, “voice her point of view.” There was a time in this country when the single voice would have been recognized, not for voicing a personal “point of view,” but for acting out of conscience, for justice, for looking after her constituents, for representing the 40% of the student population who are Hispanic. For doing the best she could as a trustee, serving this entire community.
That is not a “point of view.”
That is courage.
Courage in standing up to folks who perhaps are a cabal. Or who just want to get along, silent; just go with the status quo or whatever is politically expedient.
Trustee Veronica Gallardo is a courageous woman. And such courage should always be celebrated on this board and by all elected officials: the lone individual who stands up and takes the hits.
Celeste’s Resolution
In my honoring her, I would like to say to you, Veronica, that I have my own resolution here… Don’t worry, Board President Abboud, it’s not as long as yours… It’s the final stanza from a favorite poem of mine. As far as I’m concerned, Auden speaks far more eloquently than any of us could – well, following the speakers here, they were pretty darn eloquent – but it’s better than I could do:
“Defenseless under the night
Our world in stupor lies;
Yet, dotted everywhere,
Ironic points of light
Flash out wherever the Just
Exchange their messages:
May [Veronica}, composed like them
Of Eros and of dust,
Beleaguered by the same
Negation and despair,
Show an affirming flame.”
[“September 1, 1939,” W. H. Auden]
Thank you, Trustee Gallardo, for your outstanding public service. Thank you, Ma’am.
The full video from this SBCC Trustee meeting is available here. Public comments in support of Veronica Gallardo begin at the 50 minute mark.
There’s no equity and inclusion for Republicans or any Non-Democrat in South County, and few care because most live in their protective bubble. Representative Gallardo’s major contributions over the last 12 years — including as President of the Board — were never recognized because every local media source, including SBCC’s The Channels, refused to report on her significant remarks and accomplishments. Rather, the current Board majority of progressive selected militants plus former SBCC employee complicit weak Ellen Stoddard chose to unlawfully censure Trustee Gallardo forbidding her from representing her District plus the greater Santa Barbara Hispanic community for which SBCC receives supplemental tax funding as a Hispanic Serving Institution.
Any local Board that is 6 Democrats to 1 Republican seems to do everything it can to remove the non-Democrat. Motions by the sole non-Dem are not seconded; closed Board sessions focus on bullying the conservative to resign (as succeeded at Santa Ynez High School District), last minute special meetings are called with only the conservative NOT given advanced heads up, … the list is long of the abuses Trustee Gallardo has been subjected to over the years. During her tenure she has proven to be the only known Trustee who reads the Agenda and its lengthy attachments, is the only Trustee with advanced degrees and successful career experience in both education and K-14 school fiscal management, and the only Trustee asking the tough questions taxpayers need answered.
In return, she was censured: forced to speak during public comment as a member of the public rather from the Dias as the duly elected representative of her District, and the Santa Barbara Community College District. She has not been duly protected from lawsuits or from other Trustee actions despite the millions SBCC spends on Attorney Craig Price at Griffith and Thornburgh who knows what’s required to keep the millions rolling in from SBCC and SBUSD property taxpayers.
Republicans and No Party Preference (NPP) registered voters, whose combined numbers equal progressive Democrats, need to unite to identify INFORMED highly qualified career executive candidates, finance them, and work to ensure each is elected to become the majority on school boards. The time is NOW for 2026! Otherwise militants , progressives, those who are employed by government or NGOs, or are retired or newcomers will be DCC and NWPC of SB selected to fill every elected seat on every Board and Council in South County. Sadly, the status quo will continue because life in a protective bubble is cozy and safe until the collapse of South County or there’s a change in the weather.
It’s interesting how in “lefty world” race is everything. That’s right, one’s self worth, integrity, intentions, righteousness, even good vs. evil is based on race. That is until minorities are of the conservative persuasion, then achievements are downplayed, or as in this in this case, ignored all together.
Yes, minorities that dare to go against the liberal agenda and ideology are often subjugated to harassment and routinely regarded as “sell outs.”
Well, these times they are a changing. Conservatives of all colors and backgrounds are coming out of the woodwork in droves. Spiritually, it is uplifting and self liberating to come out of the darkness and finally be heard. Even black citizens in Chicago are fed up, standing up to the lawlessness and incompetence of the once almighty Democratic machine.
Finally, the adults are back in the room and in charge. Enough is enough and we as conservatives of all races and backgrounds, are not going back!