Greenland Yields! Zuckerberg Shields! Presidential Battlefields! Ellen’s Travel Plan Reveals!
by Robert Eringer
“Why Trump really wants Greenland” (The Telegraph)
“Canada will never become America’s 51st state, opposition leader says” (The Telegraph)
This is not about Trump taking over Greenland and Canada.
This is about Trump signaling Vladimir Putin that two can play the expansionist game.
In other words: This will be part of Donald Trump’s negotiating stance in pushing Mad Vlad to end the Russian tyrant’s expansionist war on Ukraine – and countering Vlad’s imperialistic intentions for invading nations that were previously part of the Soviet Union.
As former Time columnist Joe Klein wrote in the WSJ about Trump:
I will take him [Trump] seriously, but not literally. He’s negotiating. He’s sending messages. And I don’t think the messages are all that terrible. He is haggling for better rates for American ships in the Canal. He’s sending a larger message to the Chinese: we’re watching every move you make, especially in the western hemisphere. He is haggling with Denmark: Greenland wants independence. He is poking Canada, provocatively, for better trade deals and more defense spending.
And it’s working…
“Greenland leaders ready to talk with Trump after prez-elect expressed interest to make territory part of America” (NY Post)
“Denmark sent Trump team private messages on Greenland” (Axios)
Denmark sent private messages in recent days to President-elect Trump’s team expressing willingness to discuss boosting security in Greenland or increasing the U.S. military presence on the island.
“Greenlanders mull over independence and closer ties with US” (The Telegraph)
Pure genius: Trump, even before occupying the Oval Office, has not only raised the stakes against Putin but is already garnishing, without pushing the envelope, the strategic cooperation he seeks from Greenland and Denmark.
And Mad Vlad is alarmed…
“Kremlin welcomes the possibility of a meeting between Trump and Putin” (ABC News)
Only Institutional Washington takes Trump literally – and gets all whiny about it.
“Land grabs, occupation, and threats will not make the US great again” (Atlantic Council)
Scribed by Daniel Fried, a former U.S. ambassador who, as my next door neighbor in the 1960s, used to sleep beneath a large black & white poster of Mao Zedong.
“Trump Formally Convicted” (Forbes)
And neither, apparently, does the voting public.
We sympathize with those afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome and pray for their eventual recovery.
“We have lost loved ones, been left disabled and even diagnosed with cancer after taking the Covid vaccine” (Daily Mail)
Patients whose health has been ravaged after taking Covid-19 vaccines are calling for more support as the Government faces paying out tens of millions of pounds in damages.
Almost 17,000 claims for disability damages have now been submitted after new information emerged about the potential risks including blood clots.
Mainstream media is now sharing these stories instead of shaming those who speak the truth.
Speaking of which…
Mark Zuckerberg says Biden officials would 'scream' and 'curse' when seeking removal of Facebook content (NBC News)
"Basically,” Zuckerberg told Joe Rogan, “these people from the Biden administration would call up our team and, like, scream at them and curse. It got to the point where we were like, 'No, we're not gonna, we're not gonna take down things that are true. That's ridiculous.'"
Not content with eradicating free speech, Biden and his bullies wanted the truth deleted.
Little wonder social media and high tech titans are pilgriming to Mar-a-Lago in an effort to come clean and start fresh. They are tired of lies, and of being screamed/ cursed at by “progressive” hacks.
Everyone used to complain about Donald Trump’s tweets. Turns out, his rants paled in comparison to Dem tantrums.
Only six more days until Biden and his bums are out, out, out. And not soon enough.
Gavin Newsom Cut $100M From Fire Prevention Budget Before California Fires (Newsweek)
The 2024-25 California state budget, which Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law in June 2024, slashed funding for wildfire and forest resilience by $101 million.
Goofy Gav’s political career is up in flames.
“LA celebs imply LA Mayor Karen Bass backlash is over race – not drastic cuts to fire department, being out of US during wildfires” (NY Post)
Ah, but of course—it’s all about race. Chuckle, oink, barf.
“It Keeps Getting Worse: L.A. Water 'CEO' Makes Unbelievable Salary and Claimed 'Equity' Was Top Priority” (Red State)
Mayor Karen Bass’s “diplomatic” trip to Ghana while LA burned was taxpayer-funded!
Question: What kind of “diplomacy” is needed between Los Angeles and Ghana?
Answer: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. Which, as we know, is much more important than ensuring a water supply for putting out fires.
That’s why the LA Fire Department employs a “Diversity Chief” and pays her $300K p.a.
But wait—there’s more!
“LA Mayor Karen Bass promised before being elected to not go abroad – then was caught in Ghana when fires erupted” (NY Post)
Before she took office, Bass pledged that if elected, “Not only would I of course live here [in LA], but I also would not travel internationally — the only places I would go would be DC, Sacramento, San Francisco and New York.”
“L.A. Water Chief Knew Fire Hydrants Not Working, Reservoir Offline” (Breitbart)
Janisse Quiñones, hired in May on a $750,000 salary, left the Santa Ynez Reservoir in the Pacific Palisades disconnected as wildfires began in the Los Angeles area.
$750,000 per year for a Water Chief?
PLUS a housing allowance!
“Gay Choirs, Trans Cafes And Social Justice Art: What LA Spent Money On While Cutting Its Fire Budget” (Daily Caller)
The City of Los Angeles cut funding for its fire department and allocated thousands of dollars to various progressive programs, including a “Midnight Stroll Transgender Cafe” and a Gay Men’s Chorus.
But no one’s strolling or singing in LaLa Land anymore.
“All 5 living presidents attend Jimmy Carter's funeral” (CBS News)
From the look of news coverage and photos, the only Presidents and First Ladies who looked content in each other’s company were Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and George W.
Michelle O. didn’t want to be there and wasn’t.
The Kameleon and Doug-the-Nanny-Schtupper didn’t want to be there and were.
Hillary was indifferent. And Bubba knew better than to mess with Hil.
As for Joe and Jill… well, they don’t matter no’ mo’. Aside from nudging Joe to stay awake, no one seemed to care about a…
Only Trump and Obama were animated enough to enjoy one another’s company. Obama may have calling Trump “Hitler” and Trump may have emphasized Barack’s middle name – “Hussein” – and suggested he was born in Kenya… but all is fair in love, war, and politics.
As for George W., he’s a congenial good ol’ boy who used to drink Benedictine and Coke, gets along with everyone, and now paints and watches TV.
The award for Least Comfortable Presidential Participant goes to…
And finally, in Montecito…
“Complete Incompetence: Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Is Mercilessly Mocked After Secret About Her New Home Show Gets Out” (Western Journal)
Although called At Home with Meghan, the action (Me-Again cooking) takes place in someone else’s home, not her own, rendering its very title a misleading lie.
I’m not a gambler but I’ll offer huge odds this show not only bombs but seals a termination of the Harry/Meghan relationship with Netflix.
“Ellen DeGeneres is seen back in Montecito weeks after moving to England and 'leaving US for good' post-Trump win” (Daily Mail)
Not surprised.
And just in time for Trump’s Inauguration!
You may be right about many of these particulars but you are absolutely wrong about the public not caring that we have a President who is a convicted Felon (amongst other odious things). Half the country would disagree. It SHOULD matter.
I find your snarky comments about President Carter’s gathering in terrible bad taste. Can’t we give this a break and try to focus on how we can solve the problems that we ALL have??
I sincerely appreciate (I mean this) your attention to issues we face. I hope you can give the same careful analysis to what Trump does going forward and not mindlessly give everything a rubber stamp. He may do some good things. He may also do some harm. I’m hoping we can ALL stay awake and stop attacking each other.
The fire is a reminder of Warren Buffet saying "When the tide goes out, you can tell who is not wearing a bathing suit." The fire showed that the governor, mayor of L.A., head of Water & Power, fire chiefs, California representative to legislature who proposed the fund to oppose Trump as his city burned, and the members of the Californian legislature who voted $50 million to oppose Trump, are all without bathing suits.