(The following is just a trickle of some of the many comments we’ve received after the third week of Santa Barbara Current. – Jim Buckley)
Doesn’t Want to Hear About It
Since you support Trump despite his many offenses and 91 felony charges, please remove me from your mailing list. Trump is clearly a fascist and supporting him is an offense to the concept of democracy - small D.
Robert Meltzer
(Editor’s note: It’s clear, at least to me, that President Trump was cheated of his second term by the massive collusion of governmental agencies, deep-staters, social media, mainstream press, and the underhanded quasi-legal machinations of Democrat Party lawyers and leaders. So, yes, I believe he should be granted his second term and I’ll vote for him if he’s the nominee. Democrats with a big “D” can throw as much stuff at the man as they can muster, and it won’t change my mind. Ninety-one felony “charges” or a thousand, this kind of activity takes place in all the corrupt regimes of the world; that it is happening in the U.S. is depressing and disgraceful. Oh, and, if “Commander in Chief” Biden (?) would simply look in the mirror he’d see the man who gives “offense to the concept of democracy.” – J.B.)
Likes Santa Barbara Current
What a breath of fresh air reading this! Those of us who grew up in the time of questioning authority, aka classic liberals, welcome the seedlings of intelligent discourse back to a Santa Barbara-based publication. Bravo!
Santa Barbara Native
Stay the Course
I love Naomi Wolf and am so happy that she has questioned and exposed the left’s hatred and animosity towards most Americans. She has literally Questioned Authority. I hope she keeps it going and doesn’t stop. I pray she doesn’t do a turnaround and go back to the left talking points. God Bless Naomi Wolf.
Christine Lord
Time to Wake Up
More and more people are waking up to the evils that the overlords continually cast upon us…so good to see, as the silent war continues…
P.S…time to wake up your family, friends, and neighbors…God Bless.
A Must Read
“Facing the Beast,” Dr. Wolf’s most recent book, is well worth the read. Putting aside whatever one’s political views might be about the Covid pandemic, this book is a must read if you are interested in a real-life test of the value of free speech and the importance of scientific inquiry.
Can You Hear The People Sing?
Welcome to the Hallelujah Chorus! The beginning of the end for despots. Maher and Wolf are like Shakespeare's Fool in Lear: whispering truth in the king's ear. Exclaiming!
Celeste Barber
Santa Barbara is Unique
Thanks to Bonnie Donovan, we learned of a six (six!!!) story apartment building going up on the Lower Riviera, on Grand Avenue. Corruption and deception abound with our elected officials. We need to exercise our collective voice to preserve everything that makes this town unique and not an exurb of L.A.
P.S. This has nothing to do with creating affordable housing. It’s more about lining the pockets of unethical individuals.
Eva Konstantine
Butterfly Beach
Give Christy Lozano an “A”
Thank you for your lucid assessment of the financial boondoggle the public school system has become. I cannot support teachers whose cowardice in the Covid plague times deprived a generation of kids of vital learning. Money squandered; typical of government.
Pat Fish
Santa Barbara
Walls Coming Down
It is clear the Walls of Jericho are crumbling. The trumpets are manned by the locals who are not happy.
Irrational Social Planning from Sacramento, flowing down to Counties and cities like Santa Barbara are resulting in decades of failure. It is piling up like a garbage heap from the Dark Ages.
Wallpaper covering holes of failure: from energy sourcing, high-speed rail fiasco, Cap & Trade, inner city destruction with Stack 'em & Pack 'em destruction, and more, can no longer disguise failure. To use an old weaver’s saying... it goes against the grain. It is such “planning” that is destroying cities like San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Monica, Santa Barbara, and many others.
Santa Barbara County, the City of Santa Maria, and outlying areas, are the next target for unreasonable, and irrational high-density infill. As they remove agricultural land from cultivation to build housing, they are simply creating the slums of 25 years from now.
California has lost a Congressional Seat with population outflow. The smart ones are packing up and moving to states with rational budgets, highways that support freedom of movement, commerce, and planning based upon local resources. As the majority in Sacramento follow the guidelines of failed Soviet central planning, and of taxing the middle-class working poor, there can only be one outcome.
Cars Are Basic fields weekly complaints from citizens of improper or no notice about their neighborhood streets being destroyed, intentional dangerous barriers being built, and intentional congestion. That is just the current actions by government. What will happen with Sacramento-ordered 5,000 plus new housing just in the county let alone more density in cities? The streets cannot handle it. Retail cannot survive. Look at "Death Valley" on State Street in Santa Barbara, for example.
Successful cultures for thousands of years have built wide and working transportation grids for the people. This is not what California is facing.
The Walls of Jericho are crumbling.
Scott Wentz
President, Cars Are Basic