(I requested a college student to document his experiences for me to share with our readers. He expressed concern about potential backlash, so I assured him that his name would remain confidential.)
Here it is:
“My California College Experience”
“I believe California is the most beautiful state in this country. I am from Chicago and was fortunate enough to attend Santa Barbara City College (SBCC). The entire time I felt like I was in a movie. The campus is on top of a cliff overlooking the great blue Pacific Ocean. Every day I couldn’t believe how surreal the views were; to experience it daily made me feel as if I were in a dreamworld.
“What woke me up out of dreamland was the school’s culture. I didn’t understand why the school system had to be involved with so much politics. I didn’t know why no one would say anything about it either. For instance, once the English professor gave his or her political point of view, all the students would simultaneously agree in unison. No questions asked or second thoughts.
“Then, students would begin devoting their time writing arguments from that professor’s point of view. Upon receiving a Gold Star for their work, students would continue to express these viewpoints, having been rewarded for mimicking their professor’s opinions. They had learned that if one desired to receive a passing grade, they had better write in agreement with the professor’s expressed opinions.
“English was not the only class in which students would do best by agreeing with their professor’s viewpoint. In my calculus class, psychology class, even philosophy class, I couldn’t avoid receiving small segments of a professor’s leftist opinions. If that's the professor's opinion, fine; he may want to let his students know his viewpoints. But when those political opinions are included in lectures too, you start to wonder if these courses and lectures are simply vehicles for spreading leftist propaganda.
“I should mention that I never trusted politics; I believed it was all corrupt. However, after experiencing schooling in California, I now know that there are certain agendas being pushed by a specific group of very biased people. Among many factors, I decided to return to Chicago for school. Even in the university system there, students are pushed by these leftist agendas. They may not be as extreme as my experience in California, but most of the students seem to follow – and agree with – their professors instead of questioning their opinions and/or beliefs.
“Nobody seems to ask why.
“Why are these viewpoints being pushed on us?
“I wondered too that if an agenda on the right, for example, was being promoted would people begin to question that? It’s important for us to be open to hear all different viewpoints, but why does it feel as if we must agree on a certain one, and, if not we may not pass the class? It doesn’t matter if you're left or right, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is first for a reason.
“Our school system should be open to all viewpoints. To pick one side without giving the other a fair hearing or offering the same introspection, is wrong and inimical to a real education. It is only fair to hear all reasonable perspectives without picking favorites because they agree with you.
“My hope is that in the future, students will be able to hear more different perspectives and will be open to expressing what they believe in.”
Vote NO on Measure P
I’ve heard this story for decades; to succeed, you need to comply. Students have complained that their instructors have advised them to leave (drop) their class if or when they express disagreement with the opinions offered.
This young man has opened the door to more discussion. Can you see and hear in his voice the intimidation he experienced from professors at SBCC that scares students into submission? Is this propaganda enforcement what they are paying student fees for?
Do SBCC administrators even know about it?
If Measure P is defeated, it could force fundamental changes in how SBCC is directed and how the faculty is managed, because public control over this public Community College can be restored.
Students Should be Treated the Same as Members of the Military
The following issue has also persisted for decades without resolution. It is essential that if our military personnel are required to vote absentee in their hometowns, the same standard should apply to all students attending out-of-area institutions like SBCC, UCSB, Westmont, and Antioch. The Democrat Party continues to host events that incentivize student voting, which, considering the leftist propaganda students are fed, creates an unequal playing field. Just last weekend, they organized a taco event at SBCC to encourage participation; promotional materials are still visible.
These gatherings – designed to boost voter turnout (read: Democrat turnout) among students – often cater to specific demographics. The recent taco event was aimed at engaging Hispanic students, highlighting a targeted approach to mobilize voters. While these initiatives may seem beneficial, they raise questions about fairness and equal access to the voting process for all students, regardless of their background or location.
It is crucial to recognize the implications of these practices. Measure P should be rejected to ensure that voting remains a fair and equitable process for everyone involved. We must advocate for a system that treats all voters equally, without favoritism or special incentives that could undermine the integrity of our electoral process.
Update on World Market
The company has extended its lease for three years.
And ending DYK for this week…
Please vote NO on Measure I
Santa Barbara Current’s Endorsement List (Nov 5, 2024 Election)

I dropped out of college, never got a degree. I thought, back in 1974 that going to college was a waste of money unless your degree was essential for work. I told my dad that my brother needed an expensive Ivy League education because he was going to be a surgeon, but it would be more productive for me if I just started submitting my writing places, going to parties in Los Angeles or NYC where I'd network and make contacts. So I left Santa Barbara.
I thought it was more important to apprentice myself, learn on the job.
In LA there were still WWII Jewish arts refugees and I was lucky to spend time talking with some of them. And it wasn't only Jews. I look back with amazement at how generous they were. Because intellectuals then had lived through persecution and they believed in freedom of speech.
And that's how I became a professional writer. It's so different now because the NYC editor who got my first piece published was a real Leftie, a Red Diaper Baby raised in Greenwich Village. But he thought it was hilarious when I made satirizedLefties in my writing. I was really spoiled by him and the handful of editors I worked with and the older writers who helped me.
Sadly, that generation with its truly liberal taste for freewheeling expression is gone and has been replaced by thpught control Leftie intellectual police. RIP true American culture.
Ah education. Once again the term has a different definition from Democrats who run the school boards. After decades of the same issues, not educating kids and pushing CRT behind closed doors you might question the goal, because academics and upward education is obviously not the goal.
Thank you Fair Education & Christy Lazano for making CRT public knowledge.
From Kindergarden kids are fed information and then have to regurgitate that info to pass a class. That information is not A, B, Cs or Math as evidenced by over half of SBUSD & CA kids not being able to read or do math at grade level.
Yes 60% of kids cannot do academics at grade level, but SBUSD has a 95% graduation rate. Obviously something doesn’t ad up.
Point is they groom kids from elementary school to not think, to regurgitate, repeat the propaganda dripped to them in school. In High School kids are to write a research paper, based solely upon the reference materials provided by the teacher. Students are not allowed to research their answers, they must use the one sided references provided.
In every class, math, Spanish, English, etc.. kids are repeatedly asked about their sexuality and how their skin color and their parent’s incomes influence their mental health.
From several gay students we know, they feel the district is cruel trying to out them to the world , trying to force them to advertise that they are different. No consideratiin for the kids emotional health. Task driven, confuse the kids.
My son & his friends, who are straight and are confident in their sexuality, lie on these surveys intended to out or confuse kids.
Way before COVID we saw how the schools do not care about education or health. Our school board is controlled at the state level and do as they are told.
Why? What power, what do these adults get out of harming kids and following orders?
Money. Yep, they start consulting companies or non profits that they get paid to look the other way and fall in line.
Capps had her “friend” get paid $1,800/ hour while her consulting firm got a cut of the pay.