One of the more significant benefits of aging is you no longer have much of an ego. Age simplifies things.
The downside is you’re old. Things start to break. And I don’t mean the transmission of your car. Body parts begin to shake, rattle, and roll. Everything hurts. Gravity gets stronger. And you become invisible. If you’re somewhere where everyone is, let’s say, under forty, no one even knows you’re there.
I kind’a like that part.
Other downsides: Using a ladder is no longer a smart call. You need help moving things, but don’t want to ask. If you don’t have life insurance, you’re not getting any. Medicare isn’t all that bad, but you still have to pay for it. Growing up, I was led to believe it would be free, and probably was and should be, but we know how government manages our money so well…
Perhaps the best upside of getting old is experience.
Or I would like to think so. You’ve lived through many ups and downs. Endured your share of pains and joys. Done a lot of stupid things and hopefully learned from them. And, if anyone listens, you can pass on all the smarts you gained. Maybe make a little difference. Help your children or someone younger get through their own struggles and guide them to make good decisions. I’ve tried with my grandkids but haven’t had much luck yet.
They’ll come around.
Armed with what we hope is good substance, we pass it along by telling our stories to anyone we can corner. Burn their ears about the “old days.” How things used to be so much better. We feel the need to spill our memories upon any poor soul who didn’t get away in time.
Though our lifespan is brief when compared to the history before us, we do have a lot to offer. After all, we grew up drinking out of garden hoses and riding bikes without helmets; heck we even survived unsupervised play time!
Milk was delivered to our front door and doctors made house calls.
Yes, things have changed.
Health Care
In the day, doctors were highly regarded, earned good incomes, and being a doctor was considered an extremely noble profession. Still is. But the government and insurance companies have managed to mess it all up. It’s no longer up to the doctor what he charges and receives. It’s controlled by people who have no clue about his/her practice and what’s required to keep the doors open to provide good healthcare.
As with everything, once government sticks its nose into something it turns what was a beautiful flower bed into a trampled mess.
I hate taxes. Pure and simple. Taxes, for those who pay, have done nothing but go up. Again, for those who pay taxes. For the millions who don’t pay, they reap the benefits of the hard work and efforts made by those who feed the unquenchable beast.
It irks me when kids (in many cases the parents, or grandparents) make the commitment and agree to pay exorbitantly high tuitions so administrators of colleges and universities can make a fortune (a million dollars a year and more) to indoctrinate students. Then government comes along and tells the students, “Don’t worry about it, you’re covered. Someone else will pay it for you.” That “someone else” is you, the taxpayer! Most people don’t have a clue where money comes from. If it’s flowing their way, it’s “free.”
Same goes for the ongoing nightmare of illegal human leaches taking advantage of America’s kindness and paying for all their needs. Millions upon millions of dollars – our dollars – are paying for their food, shelter, clothing, school, healthcare, hotels, phones, plane rides.
And what do we get in return?
Diseases we thought were irradicated. Ungrateful attitudes as though we owe them something. Murderers, pedophiles, and terrorists all living on our generosity. In return they complain and give us the finger after they beat up cops or kill people with drugs.
The Future
Another upside of getting old, if you want to call it that, is we won’t have to deal with the hell that is being unleashed in America today. But then that attitude is very selfish of me. I have daughters and grandkids who are going to have to figure out to navigate this new world.
I know my grandkids are not thinking about taxes, squatters taking over their neighborhoods or terrorists skulking along our streets planning on ways how to kill as many unsuspecting citizens they can.
It’s scary. So very scary how we float through a week dealing will all our regular life stuff while others are scheming on how to destroy all we’ve built.
Wood, if not treated or painted periodically will eventually rot. Concrete will crack. Asphalt will crumble. Plants without water will die. And a country without leadership, common-sense and focus will ultimately fail and become nothing but a field of dead weeds. Worthless and no longer fruitful.
I really hope we can fix this trend of insanity and maintain some semblance of America as we used to know it. I want my grandkids and their kids to share their wisdom and bend ears with stories about, “I remember when...”
Poignant and pertinent. There are many of us who share your thoughts and feelings. Thank you for sharing. As our first President was quoted as saying, "The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government". It's high time we get back to good governance.
What a GREAT article. No truer words spoken. I just attended General Michael Flynn's gathering and movie last night. It was great to meet a TRUE American!! It was sad to hear and see what our corrupt "leaders" can and have done to Real Americans that only want what is best for our country. Everyone needs to watch his movie (FLYNN Deliver the Truth Whatever The Cost) and pass it on to save our country. If the government can do it to Flynn, they can do it to ALL of us.