Experience-Based Travel is all the Rage
The travel brochure explains it all: “Experiential travel, also known as immersion travel, is a form of tourism in which people focus on experiencing a country, city, or particular place by actively and meaningfully engaging with its history, people, culture, food, and environment. It can often be transformative.”
These so-called “experience-based” vacations have become very popular. These “escapes” range from a dude ranch, where you’ll participate in a cattle drive and/or cattle roping, hike down into the Grand Canyon, enjoy whitewater rafting down the Colorado River and any number of experience-based travel excursions. There are also kayak tours in upstate New York wherein you’ll row down the Hudson River and be welcomed each night by a staff that provides shelter and meals.
Americans spend thousands on such trips (which I prefer to call working vacations); after all, these are nothing like taking a nap on a beach sipping Mai Tais.
The inspiration for the new vacation idea
We calculate that about half of all Americans would enjoy this type of experiential vacation that would bring them closer to the cultures of the many millions of “asylum seekers,” whose policies they voted for that encourage/welcome these migrant journeys.
Have you noticed how the travelers that cross our borders by the thousands each day on foot have few bags? These travelers reportedly trek thousands of miles without luggage, bags, food, or water, and without restrooms or showers. Curiously enough, upon arrival, most look well fed and healthy: healthy enough to cross our border through a river and under barbed wire.
Lightbulb! They are using a service to transport their luggage and provide meals while they get to walk unencumbered by a rucksack full of clothing and supplies they’d need to survive in the wild, such as food, water, warm clothes, blankets, change of clothes, medicines, etc., …
The experience begins with a bus or train ticket from their home to the border of their own country before being transported into Mexico. There, they’ll be provided with a meal and shelter for a night’s rest before beginning their walk to the U.S. border. Once at the border they will wade across the Rio Grande and cross over into the United States via the American-government-provided path through the cut barbed wire.
Everything is Free in America
Once in the United States they will be reunited with their luggage, provided with transportation to a hotel, and be given a $5,000 Visa card and a smart phone as a “thank you” for their patronage. If they wish to continue to the second leg they will be provided with transportation via bus or airplane to a major city in the United States where they can freely utilize the $5,000 gift card and enjoy the sights of a major American city.
No vaccination card or ID required. The Biden administration wants everyone making the journey to travel light and enjoy the experience. They recommend dressing lightly, wearing comfortable walking shoes, and to carry a sweatshirt.
Note to Travelers:
“Please review the news footage of those you see crossing the border to examine appropriate attire to travel thousands of miles ‘on foot.’ Our travel packages are affordable for all as they are subsidized by the U.S. Government. Come and enjoy the experience so many Americans voted for and argued for.
Please remember to fill out the Survey which you should receive in November 2024.”

This satire was written to bring attention to the humanitarian crisis created by a government that promotes “Open Borders” and encourages people to risk their lives to travel from faraway lands. These migrants are subjected to human traffickers, criminals, violence, food instability, theft, and they themselves commit theft, property damage, etc., to name a few of the issues associated with this conduct. It is not humane to encourage people to take such journeys knowing the dangers and the laws of that country prohibit illegal entry. But as you can see from the millions crossing our border on foot, they are able to walk, swim and make the journey. They are being helped by the Biden Administration using your money and encouraged by cartels who are becoming fabulously rich.
As long as the U.S. serves as an A.T.M. machine for other countries' government, what incentive do those governments have to improve conditions for their people?
No one locally is demanding to know — or getting answers — to when and where bused migrants are taken in our sanctuary county, which refused to cooperate with I.C.E. Sadly, what was written is not satire. Taxpayers fund maps, info, expense debit cards , free transport, free health care to non-citizen, unlawful migrants who are intentionally brought in by our govt. Cheap labor; militia.