A Dozen Reasons Why You Must Vote Republican in 2024
I’m nervous as hell about this upcoming election. Yes, Republicans have the momentum, but they had the same momentum in 2020 and you know what didn’t happen…
When I read about the hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots that are sent to bogus addresses in various states – especially the battleground states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Missouri, Nevada, and Arizona – that, if counted, could easily tip the state and the election to Biden and the Democrats, I worry.
“Voters” who purportedly live in abandoned gas stations, vacant strip malls, and empty lots, regularly receive ballots by mail with absolutely no accountability. Myriad ballots are also mailed to fraternity and sorority houses, nursing homes and the like, addressed to “voters” who have lived in those facilities, often for decades.
All those “voters” no longer even need to mail their ballots; a “harvester” will simply pick them up and insert those envelopes into any number of convenient “drop boxes”; the more the merrier.
No need for postage stamps. It’s all done for you!
That is now what passes for the sacrosanct “democracy” so many Democrats chirp about “saving.”
During the Covid-19 shutdowns, Democrat operatives didn’t let the ongoing crisis “go to waste.” Oh no, they took full advantage by manipulating voting procedures and introducing expanded mail-in voting, unattended drop boxes, and extended voting periods. All of which made it that much simpler to defraud the public.
And, to make it even sweeter for cheaters, there is virtually no time between the end of a voting period (November 5 this year) and the officiating of the result. Once that count is certified nationally, that’s it. There is no longer any time to challenge the outcome.
Put President Trump Back in Charge
Now that I have that off my chest, and despite my unease, I’m still optimistic that Mr. Trump will prevail, and that we’ll usher in at least a couple years of good old-fashioned pro-American prosperity.
Here’s why you should vote for Donald J. Trump for President of the United States of America:
In all likelihood, he would have won in 2020, having received 7 million-or-so more votes than he got the first time (2016) had it not been for the installation of those abovementioned pandemic-induced easy voting rules introduced in most of the battleground or “swing” states.
Rewarding candidate Biden with an election win after all the trials, tribulations, and indictments that Democrat politicians, Democrat judges, and Democrat District Attorneys dumped on President Trump would be a travesty of justice. If Democrats win this time, that way, this nation will never again (or at least not for a very long time) be able to hold a clean, fair, and free election.
In addition to bringing fairness back to universal suffrage (Voter ID, one-day voting, paper ballots, and chain of responsibility), there are at least twelve reasons you as a voter should cast your ballot, not only for Donald J. Trump for President, but also for almost any candidate with an “R” next to his name.
Here they are:
Your parental rights are at risk. You should be alarmed that so many school districts under the guidance of Democrat administrators have usurped your right to raise your child as you see fit. If that child, for example, reveals to a teacher, nurse, or administrator that he or she believes they were born with the “wrong” body and wish to be the “other” sex or gender, you will quickly be removed from the equation. Your child will no longer be your child to be raised. The California Senate has recently approved a bill that will ban school districts from requiring teachers to notify parents if their child asks to go by a new pronoun at school. California has become a “sanctuary” for such children and, if you’ve ever dealt with Child Protective Services, you’ll know it will be nearly impossible to release its grip on your child once they have him in their clutches.
If you are concerned about the protection of your home and your family, you should know that if Democrats control all three branches of government, your 2nd Amendment rights will surely be diminished even further.
Apparently, the Democrat Party is okay with the continuing invasion taking place at our southern border and, more recently, at our northern border. Biden and his cohort will pretend to “do something” to quell the assault on our sovereignty, but if re-elected, the onslaught will continue. Mr. Trump and the Republican Party will put an end to it.
The next president could name two new Supreme Court justices. If you like the make-up we have now (and I do), you must vote Republican to maintain a court that relies on the original words of the U.S. Constitution and not the “feelings” or “emanations” given off by the penumbra of those words.
If you care at all about energy independence, why would you vote Democrat? The U.S. was on a path to energy dominance by the end of Mr. Trump’s first term, but on day one of the Biden Administration, that ended.
If you cherish Freedom of Speech, why would you vote for a Democrat, whose propensity for “speech codes,” silencing opposing views, and cancellation of conservative voices in virtually every medium of communication is apparent and active?
If you are sick of being threatened with legal action for refusing to use some idiot’s “personal pronoun,” you should be voting Republican.
If “Military Readiness” means anything, it certainly doesn’t include mandated Diversity! Equity! Inclusion! (DEI) indoctrination. Nor should military readiness feature paying for things such as sexual “reassignment” surgery. An Honorable Discharge is all that should be required to remedy the situation. Let the confused person figure it out on his own dime. Mr. Trump promises to rectify that.
If you want a real Commander-in-Chief of our military forces, vote for Donald Trump. The other guy is, well, let’s just say, he doesn’t command attention or respect.
The U.S. is essentially bankrupt. While both parties have contributed to this predicament (over-spending and over-borrowing), today’s Republican Party is more likely to attack the problem.
Government has grown completely out of control. We could follow the example of President Javier Milei of Argentina and do away with perhaps half of all government agencies and their employees. That would be a good start, but it will never happen under a Democrat administration. There is a chance, however slight, that a Republican will take on the challenge of at least beginning to rein in the intrusive Colossus our government has become.
If you believe that girls’ sports (and their attendant locker rooms and shower facilities) should be restricted to real girls, that biologically born boys and men should not be allowed to compete with biologically born girls and women, a vote for a Republican will maintain that standard.
There you are: my one dozen reasons to re-elect Donald J. Trump and to vote Republican. You may be content to go along with the Biden team’s agenda and are happy to give up your speech and self-protection rights in exchange for government largess.
I’m not and I’m hoping most of you aren’t either.
Fingers crossed!
Next week: Speculation on Mr. Trump’s Vice-Presidential choice.
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In addition to Jim's great list, I would highlight another reason to vote Trump/Republicans in 2024: NO NEW WARS. Trump was able to keep the regimes of both North Korea and Russia in check during his admin. Would Hamas and their Iranian backers have attacked Israel on Oct 7th if Trump was in the Oval Office? We will never know for sure but what we do know is that a weak president emboldens our adversaries. Trump and an increasing number of Republicans understand that our foreign policy should be "Peace Through Strength" not Biden's "War Through Weakness". Sadly, the only country that has benefited from Biden's foreign policy is China.
When you cast your vote in November, take a moment to consider how much more needless death, suffering, and destruction there has been around the world since Biden/Harris stepped into office.
Well said! This will likely trigger the usual commentators who are in favor of the current insanity. God allows leaders to be put in their positions of authority. The people in Washington DC, Sacramento and blue governments mistakenly believe that they are God.
They are not just fools, but are wittingly, or unwittingly working for the other team.
Look up Daniel 2:21
“ He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding”