Whoopi Eructs, Joe Steps Aside, Obama Ramps Up, A Pritzker Blindside
by Robert Eringer
“Donald Trump’s Eldest Granddaughter, Kai, 17, Steals Show at Republican Convention with Tribute to ‘Grandpa’” (Daily Mail)
Compare this to…
“Let Me Meet My Grandpa: Joe Biden’s Secret Grandchild Makes Heartfelt Plea” (Daily Telegraph)
Will Joe finally meet his own flesh and blood after he leaves the White House?
Don’t hold your breath. Given his family’s lack of values, probably not.
Because… as I’ve written before, Thanksgiving at the Biden residence is… A Rafter of Turkeys…
Whoopi Goldberg Faces Backlash Over Comments About Trump’s Granddaughter” (The Blaze)
What’s the difference between a Whoopee Cushion and Whoopi Goldberg?
One comes without a stink.
Whoopi eructs live on The View
“Jill Biden Drops out of Presidential Race” (The Babylon Bee)
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Jill Biden has formally dropped out of the 2024 presidential race, she announced today at a press conference that was supposed to be for her husband.
"I cannot in good conscience continue," the acting president said as her husband wandered around somewhere backstage.
Good riddance to a first family and their White House handlers who conspired for many months to keep the American people in the dark about Joe Biden’s senility—and thereafter allowed their meal ticket to make a fool of himself.
“Biden Staffers Blindsided After President Drops Out of 2024 Race: ‘We’re All Finding Out by Tweet’” (Politico)
“None of us understand what’s happening,” said one such staffer.
It’s very simple: Start boxing up your personal office items.
“Blagojevich: Obama Used ‘Chicago’ Way to Take Down Biden’” (Newsmax)
Was this an Obama coup?
Barrack has not endorsed the cackling Kamel, a Cali gal that belongs to a Willie, not a Barry.
According to former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, the Demo Party’s peaceful coup d'état is “classic Chicago Democrat machine politics”—a style, Rod says, that puts “selection over election, bosses over the people.”
So, who might Boss Barry favor?
Meet J.B. Pritzker
If Rod is to be believed, a Windy City fix is in. (Another flatulence joke?)
Under the guise of “democracy,” the backroom boys (Chicago’s DNC) will likely select (not elect) …
Pritzker-Whitmer (or Pritzker-Shapiro)
And speaking of Willie…
“Scandal Behind the Cackle as Kamala’s Former Lover Demands Biden Make her President NOW—All the Sordid Secrets America’s ‘Momala’ Hopes You’ve Forgotten” (Daily Mail)
Says Willie [Brown], “In all the jobs she’s had… she’s always been outstanding.”
Especially when she wasn’t standing!
In an embarrassing 2019 op-ed for the San Francisco Chronicle, Willie proudly proclaimed: “Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?”
Most damning, he also conceded in the article that he “certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco.”
“RFK Jr. Floated a Job in a Trump White House as he Weighed Endorsing Trump” (The Washington Post)
Said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr: “I have a lot of respect for President Trump for reaching out to me. Nobody from the DNC, high or low, has ever reached out to me in 18 months. Instead, they have allocated millions to try to disrupt my campaign.”
So much for democracy in today’s Democratic Party.
“Trump & Zelensky Hold Phone Call—and Ukraine Says it Liked What it Heard” (Politico)
I’ve heard pro-Biden folks say Trump would have handed Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter
If that’s so, why didn’t Putin invade Ukraine while Trump was president?
Answer: Putin would not have dared. Only with the advent of a Biden presidency and Joe’s bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan did Putin choose to take advantage of what he perceived as weakness. (He also correctly pegged Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan as lightweights.)
Putin’s hero, Joseph Stalin, once said, “You are backward, you are weak… hence you can be beaten and enslaved.”
Yes, Biden’s support—with NATO—has been formidable, and Putin’s imperialistic ambitions remain at bay. But this has been at the cost of so very many lives while weapons manufacturers enrich themselves (and senior USG employees hope to do the same after retirement by joining the boards of such companies).
“Whistleblowers Claim Trump’s Security Detail was Mostly ‘Unfamiliar’ DHS Agents, Not Secret Service” (The Blaze)
A subscriber/ former senior official of CIA brought the above news item to my attention along with his own take on events:
“So let me get this straight. Mayorkas pulled trump’s regular Secret Service protection detail and replaced them with a mix of untrained DHS investigative agents, some 5’5” women who couldn’t even re-holster their weapons? Then they leave the most obvious shooter platform unsecure and ignore up to an hour of warnings that a threat exists from the eventual shooter? They let Trump go out there like a sitting duck even when they know there is a problem? C’mon man. And we are not supposed to ask Q’s? 🤨”
DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) is U.S. Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle’s main mission, which means the protection of her boss’s opponent was given a low priority.
Which presumably jibes with Institutional Washington’s wishful thinking: Lower the guard and give “lone nuts” a crack.
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After another embarrassing performance by Democrat appointees Kimberly Cheatle is gone.
“Buffoon-in-Charge,” Kimberly Cheatle just resigned. Talk about rats fleeing a sinking ship!