Feb 20Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Crucially missing in this case: a corpus delicti.

Why does this case trigger so many concurrent thoughts about Russia and Navalny? Thank you for your very clear summation. The ideal certainly is justice is blind. But as you clearly point out, the reality is often it is not. Yet at least we have some degree of transparency, and ability to expose corruptions of those fundamental ideals.

This case has not yet dropped into the "sudden adult death" file. But equally disturbing is the financially ruinous demands imposed when "the state" decides to weaponize its power against a single individual.

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Do you not see that Trump creates his own problems? He has never felt rules or laws apply to him. Look at his history.

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Feb 20Liked by Santa Barbara Current

what’s going on here? Trump is the first President to be dragged through the courts during an election season, while Biden is the first sitting President to be declared legally incompetent to stand trial for taking state secrets home while he was Vice President…it’s as if all of our government’s institutions are aligned against Trump…

The Silent War continues…

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Legally incompetent? One man’s opinion does not make you legally incompetent. I could make the same case for Trump and all his gaffes and mixing up of people and places.

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Feb 20Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Judicial misconduct! The outrageous Trump indictments and trials remind me that voting has consequences. New York voters chose AG James. Like elsewhere, there’s a decline in voter participation. Why? Is voter decline political or structural? Do voters have a sense our vote matters? Know enough to cast a vote? Is there excitement about candidate choices (beyond being for or against Pres Trump)? Is known election fraud and CIA interference a turnoff?

After only 15% of NY City voters elected Mayor Eric Adams — reminding me of the similar low turn out for former SB City Mayor Cathy Murillo — I looked at NY Stats. 70.5% of New York State’s Voting Age Pop is Registered (as compared to 69.4% in CA or 84.6% in New Jersey). In 2022, there was 55% NY State voter participation. The majority of registered voters participated. Apparently AG James has a solid base of ‘Let’s destroy Trump’ voters.

What’s the back story on biased, over-reaching Judge Arthur Engiron? How will he be held accountable? Disbarred? Typically it seems Judges run unopposed becoming seated for life presumably because of the adverse consequences to opponents of being blackballed, demoted or terminated from existing positions. Engiron’s conduct justifies term limits plus personal consequences. President Trump’s sons weren’t even on trial.

Looking at my 3/5 Ballot, I ask myself: Do I know enough to vote for specific positions or a specific candidate? If I leave ballot blanks, without a none of the above option, will voting machines auto fill?

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Yes. It should be the textbook case for judicial misconduct.

... and the rest of your post is also excellent. Well said.

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“If I leave ballot blanks, without a none of the above option, will voting machines auto fill?”

With unaccountable mass mail-in voting and aggregation techniques, it is most likely that your vote has already been tabulated for whomever the Democrats wish to win any particular election. Auto fill? Why bother? Who is to check? They have even made questioning the integrity of the electoral system a crime punishable by lawfare and prison time.

These are dark times

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it’s no longer voting, it’s balloting…

Why do some elections take more than a day to count?

Can cheating be done after the polls are closed?

Who controls the pollbooks?

Who controls the databases?

Who controls the elections?

Why are extra BALLOTS printed?

If someone doesn't vote, can bad actors hijack their vote?


Who safeguards 'blank' BALLOTS?

Who issues 'blank' BALLOTS?

Who controls 'blank' BALLOTS?

How many 'blank' BALLOTS are generated vs. total county pop?

THE CONTROL AND ISSUANCE OF BLANK BALLOTS IS KEY...why is there a direct correlation between where illegal aliens live in Blue Counties and Democrat votes?

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Dawson, the answer to almost every one of your questions is "Democrat operatives and Because they are cheating."

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Wow! Someone is deep into the conspiracy theory world. Give media attention to a poor looser with a gift for the con and this is what you end up with.

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I love you too, Nancy…

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Wouldn’t trump love to know how those machines do that! So would I. You guys are really really crazy….

Don’t you know Fox News paid Billions of dollars because they accused Dominion of favoring the Democrats. FOX NEWS LOST THAT STUPID ACCUSATION…..dont you people ever hear real news?

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Feb 23·edited Feb 23Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Nancy-Bot, You, just like my ancestors in Soviet Russia, are laboring under the false assumption that the people in power actually give a rats behind about the voters or any machine count. They do not. They, just like masks for Covid or our current POTUS, are there for show. The counting machines have nothing to do with it..literally. If they did, we wouldn't be having this discussion. What checks and balances are in place to confirm that what Reuters or any major network announces is actually the count? Today, almost all elections of consequence count for days and weeks, yet my smartphone can do over a million calculations per second. My desktop computer does over a billion calcs per sec without even breaking a sweat. So why does it take more than a few seconds to announce the count totals? Even a 1960's Korean War surplus tabulation device could spit out the answer in fractions of a second.

Its not the machines. Never was.

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Montecito93108: To answer your question, Ms. or Mr. Anonymous: “Do voters….know enough to cast a vote. “. Not Republican voters, judging from the crazy comments here: Zepke, saying “ BIDEN WON THE ELECTION BY CHEATING “. No substantiation, no further comments.

None of you gives any evidence of your unhealthy non-critical-thinking comments…..just whatever you feel like saying, no matter how unsubstantiated they are……

Critical-thinking folks! The basis for separating facts from trash. Stop wallowing in trash. You are losing any semblance of respect.

“Judge Engiron ( spelling ? ) is biased, over-reaching “ you write. Yet he’s a judge in the Court of Laws of these United States, and you are …..WHAT?

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Feb 20Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Oh, so the IRS hasn’t come after the most high profile person on earth because they’re understaffed. Why didn’t I think of that.

I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 because I’m a conservative and I didn’t think there was any way he would govern conservatively. When he did in many ways, I voted for him in 2020. I will always vote for the cretin who will put America first and do what I think is right for this country, rather than the sophisticate who will ruin same.

The fact that you apparently think Trump is more of a criminal than Biden or a host of other Democrat politicians is precious.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Great summary. This is a corrupt to the core narcissist judge. How about the judge in Ventura that let the woman go that stabbed her boyfriend in the face over a hundred times , killing him. Glad it wasn't my son or I 'd be incarcerated now. Loving The SB Current!

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Feb 20Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Judge Engeron is probably a relatively reasonable man in most respects. Yet his clear bias or outright hatred of Donald Trump could be argued is irrational. Did Engeron personally suffer in any way due to the policies of Trump? Certainly not. Why then is he intent on punishing Trump financially? Why are others trying to put Trump in jail? Why are still others trying to keep Trump off the ballot in order to deny Americans a choice in the upcoming election? There is a group insanity to the hatred of Trump which cannot be explained by the consequences of Trump policies. Just ask any Trump hater what policy of Trump was damaging to them personally or for the country? He says Nazis are nice people. He is a dictator. He is a threat to democracy. He incited an insurrection. There are many more and they all have two things in common. They are untrue and they have been repeated by the media so many times that intellectually lazy among us believe them to be true. What Desmet calls mass formation or the irrational behavior of groups has been seen through history but is perhaps more prevalent today than ever before. Global warming and the covid "pandemic" are other examples fueled entirely by propaganda. If we were not constantly pummeled by propaganda that the world is about to boil over would anyone have made the observation that it is actually getting hotter? Afterall we are talking about a couple of degrees in 100 years or so. This is well within the normal trend of climate that is always changing, and it has been hotter and colder in the far past before humans burnt fossil fuel. Yet I hear idiots all the time claiming that it is getting so hot lately. Ditto for Covid. If not for the manufactured hysteria it would have been considered a normal flu season.

One might speculate as to the motivation for these propaganda campaigns and certainly money and power play fundamental roles. Those seeking power and wealth will use any means to achieve their goals. I believe that today more than ever we are subject to the mentally debilitating influence of propaganda. The reason is that more than ever our world view is not based on direct experience but on the media, the internet, the dross found on Tic Toc and so on. Direct experience does not support global warming, covid hysteria or Trump derangement. Yet direct experience is best and truest source of information. I have little hope for our future as our thoughts are increasingly under the grip of the digital universe. This is ever more true in our youth, our future leaders. The best thing you can do for your mind and the minds of your children is to put down that freakin phone, get off the damn internet and experience the world first hand.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Hey, Zepke, thanks for this explanation but I still don’t understand how a summary judgement can be leveled against a defendant without due process. Isn’t this prevented by the 5th, 7th, and 14th Amendments of the Constitution?

This isn’t a case where the defendant just didn’t show up or the facts are not in dispute.

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Feb 20Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Eric, I also do not understand. The Motion to Dismiss is used when the "four corners of the pleadings" (legalese meaning considering the entire document) does not even allege a "cause of action upon which relief can be granted."

Sometimes a Motion for Summary Judgment is used for the same purpose. More correctly, it is used after the prosecutor-plaintiff has presented their case and there is nothing in the "record" to support a judgment for the prosecutor-plaintiff. The "record" is the compilation of evidence submitted into evidence. Before a trial begins the 'record" is empty as materials exchanged during discovery do not become part of the "record" until a party makes a motion to admit, and the judge accepts it, during the trial. In effect, Judge Engoron made a ruling based on an empty record.

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Feb 20Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Eric: thanks for raising “This isn’t a case where the defendant just didn’t show up or the facts are not in dispute.” What’s the recourse for corrupt attorney representation? Off article topic: I recently learned and confirmed via a Google search, a local attorney filed a case under my name “without my knowledge” and case ruled against me because “client didn’t show to dispute”. How could I when totally unaware? What’s my recourse? I’m livid. The local attorney filed without telling me to capture 45% of award plus expenses for ‘going to court’ versus the agreed upon negotiated settlement of 33% as I had authorized. I was used and abused; and robbed by the retained attorney recommended by my attorney neighbor. I’m convinced locally there’s much institutionalized judicial corruption plus undisclosed finders fees.

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Feb 20Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Come on, man ... it is a totally legit trial of the most guilty orange man on earth ...

... just like the 2020 selection ...

... it's the will of the people ...

/sarc off

Actually Mr. Zepke, Esq. did an excellent job summarizing this dumpster fire.

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Feb 20Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Nancy, It's fine and encouraged to disagree here, but refrain from knee jerk ideological-based responses. Use evidence. Debate objectively. You are intelligence, so use it. As in my response to your comment above. Judges are appointed in many cases: appointed by elected officials with their own political agenda. Such as SCOTUS. Judges are also elected themselves, reflecting the community's values, including Jim Crow values. Recall the Mississippi judge and jury in the lynching / murder case of Emmett Till.

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Celeste: why are you giving me directions? You may not have heard…..Americans and I believe in free speech, just as you are indulging in….but please direct yours elsewhere.

If these idiots spew garbage, I will react to it.

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Excellent Article and in legal jargon "To Wit" it was all Rigged.

Now may I inguire of the good folks of Santa Barbara.

Like Trump, are there any targeting of individuals in SB Court

all for financial gain in the Millions of Dollars?

I rest my case.

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

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Mr. Zepke - Does Trump have any chance of relief at SCOTUS? Is the BMW paint job case on point?

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ERIC Gordon. Are you aware that NOT EVEN TRUMP EVER EVER SAID BIDEN CHEATED.?..? You’re a first….AND Trump admitted to those close to him that HE HAD LOST!

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Schmidt….Whoever you are, you’re a nut case. If you are still questioning …..after the 60 Courts who told Trump he had lost…..you’re stupid as well.

Don’t bother answering….this is a waste of my time and intelligence.

What are you….12 years old? Grow up and do the research.

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Feb 20Liked by Santa Barbara Current

You don’t seriously think I care one wit what someone like you thinks of me, now do you? But I do love seeing that famous tolerance you Lefties always preach but never practice, demonstrated. You don’t get to tell me when or to whom to respond, either.

Every trope you’ve raised has been answered by others on this forum, more than once. The fact that you fail at reading comprehension and cling to your discredited beliefs sort of points to you being 12, or stupid. People like you can’t disagree without being disagreeable. I think it’s because you know your arguments are so weak.

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Feb 21Liked by Santa Barbara Current

True, you have no impact on her ...

... but your posts encourage normal people, and address issues in a rational way ...

... and that reminds us that we are not alone...

... and also to keep calm when posting.

Keep up the good work!

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Feb 21Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Thanks for the kind words. I know it’s an exercise in futility. Some people are so blinded by their hatred they become irrational. They are to be pitied.

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The best outcome from reading Ms Freeman's posts is learning the Biden forces have absolutely nothing new to make their case.

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“Unhinged hysteria “ I will interpret as, you, Mr. Gordon, haven’t got a bit of evidence that the courts are wrong where the trump is concerned. Show me.

Let’s talk facts…so far no one will address where the Courts have got it wrong. There are many other laws which could be used to demonstrate they got it right.. No one of MERIT is talking about reversals….no one demonstrating that with facts, just opinions and vague references, etc.

I still am waiting for someone to admit who they think won the last Presidential election…..so??

I KNOW Biden won, just as I KNOW the Dump lost EVERY POPULAR VOTE of his 3 candidacies .

Speaks volumes for the trust and the good sense of the American public. You guys….I’m not so sure.

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"I KNOW Biden won"

As do I. I also think he cheated. The two conclusions are not mutually exclusive.

If you remove the cheating, then Trump won handily.

But that is the same as saying if my uncle had breasts he would be my aunt.

As far as your contention that no one has provided you with any proof of the legal cases being wrong, I can point to the recent Supreme Court decisions as well as Zepke's article right here.

What is that line from Shakespear's "Hamlet": "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

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The lady in fact babbles tired and discredited Democrat operative talking points. Bots online on other websites also keep raising the exact same, almost word for word, discredited talking points.

Who is feeding someone this same list? It is to copy cat, so it belies any original or independent thinking. .........Orangeman bad, and you are a bad person for supporting him. ...........Yada, yada, yada. Ad nauseam.

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Livingston, have you seen the Carlson interview with Benz on the national security state? Or the good work being done on the same issue by Matt Taibbi, Glen Greenwald, and Michael Shellenberger? It explains who is doing this, how they are doing it, and why.

Well worth the read or listen:


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Time very well spent watching this. And taking notes as to the players.

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No one has provided any credible evidence that the election was fraudulent. This is merely a MAGA fantasy.

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"No one has provided any credible evidence that the election was fraudulent. This is merely a MAGA fantasy."~Nancy

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” ~Albert Einstein

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Yes, the MAGA illusion that Trump actually won.

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yes! now you're cookin' with gas! ...well at least today you have put MAGA fantasy and reality in the same sentence and can also brag that you were mentioned in the same post with Albert Einstein! So you got that going for you...which is nice. 😂

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Gordon: If you can read, I said , “it is an illusion of yours that Trump won.” Even he has admitted he lost. The problem with truth is YOURS TO BEAR.

Educate yourself, little man.

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Thank you, Brent. I sent this letter to all the food stores I mail order from in NYC. I'm a passionate home cook, and NYC has long had the best, most ethically produced food products available for mail-order. But I never thought I'd live to see this assault on democracy. Here is my letter to every food business I order from:

Hi - First, I want to tell you how much your food and cooking products mean to me! I've been housebound in our home in Santa Barbara for the last year after a stay in the hospital. Since my husband was taking such good care of me I wanted to do my part - we couldn't go out so I decided to cook restaurant-quality meals at home. I wanted to spoil him. Your products have helped make that happen! My husband says he's never eaten better.

I also wanted to let you know I won't be ordering from your store until the Truckers are adequately heard in NYC. I know you didn't pass down this verdict. You aren't the judge. But I don't understand how NYC can stand by silently. The lawfare that has been going on against Trump is disgusting and the last ruling is an attack on democracy. And anyone who thinks Trump deserves this should know that today they are attacking Trump, and tomorrow it will be the rest of us. This is the prelude to the digital currency they want. They will control what we can buy and what we can't.

I stand with anyone and everyone who stands for true democracy. Until the NYC businesses all stand up for democracy I just won't be ordering from any companies there. I say this as someone who worked in the media, too. The lies have got to stop. We are better than that as a country.

And then I will be back ordering from you and the other NYC companies that I love.

Peace and prosperity to all.


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A perfect example of all laws apply to thee, but not me, said all the left leaning creatures. Ultimate hypocrisy.

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