Just Secure the Damned Border
Twenty years ago, I went to China on a visa and never left. During all those years, I landed a couple good jobs, rented a nice place and contributed my share to society. But since I wasn’t a citizen, I couldn’t get any health insurance and not the kind of welfare assistance the United States provides. So, I decided it wasn’t fair and launched a campaign for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform.” That didn’t go over too well and now I’m in jail for a bunch of violations. What I don’t get is after all these years of working and contributing, how come I couldn’t get a bunch of free stuff and become a Chinese citizen?
Sound ridiculous?
It is.
Just try and pull off that scenario in any other country on this planet besides the United States and see where it gets you. So how come America is forced to come up with a new immigration process when we already have one in place that works just fine for those who follow the law and go through the process?
First, it’s because of the adage if you repeat something enough times people will start to believe it. The left has hammered us with the need for “immigration reform” for so long that the tune is now hummed daily. And the left is using the fact that they don’t care who comes in, what their legal status is or if they’re criminals or not as the rock to pound over conservatives’ heads to show what bad people those on the right are because they have no heart.
For the left, immigration reform isn’t about immigrants, they’re merely being used as the weapon to go after Republicans. The ultimate goal is to strengthen their position with a larger voting bloc.
For the most part, immigrants work hard and play a large role in American society. However, there is a large segment of immigrants responsible for domestic violence, gangs, drugs, and drunk driving.
You only need to read the paper to see the result of this.
Regrettably for the hardworking segment, this bad element taints the entire group. And there is the amount of assistance immigrants receive which won’t go away and in fact will more-than-likely grow.
The term “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” is nothing more than a pretty phrase; It really is just a fast-track way to make millions upon millions of people citizens. How does this balance out with all those who have struggled through the legal process, waited years, spent thousands of dollars to do it the right way?
First, it diminishes their pride in becoming an American citizen. Why did they bother? And what about those going through the process today watching the puppets in Washington banter this nonsense around?
Insanity at Work at the Border
If politicians could agree to secure the border, really lock it up, have all those immigrants who want to be part of the United States register and then start the clock ticking toward legal status – the same process we already have in place – then I say let’s do it.
But we know that isn’t going to happen.
What we’re doing now is insane.
And one of the latest examples or that insanity is the uprising in Iraq. Jane Fonda, Hillary Clinton, and Obama all claimed that when we pulled out everything would be fine. But while we sit plush here at home, none of us can even fathom the atrocities going on over there.
Killers are running around the desert unimpeded like something out of a horror movie.
In response, this administration is sending 300 of our people back to Iraq but will not pay them an extra little hazard pay (who doesn’t think going into that hell hole isn’t hazardous?); it’s a lousy extra $7.50/day. At the same time, Biden just promised countries in Central America a quarter billion dollars to help them with their mess.
How much of that (our money) will go toward fixing anything?
Which leads to the other pressing issue, and of even more immediate concern: the massive influx of children from Central America. How many are we supposed to take in, 50,000, 100,000, one million?
You think we have gang problems now?
End “Birthright” Citizenship
Yes, we need comprehensive immigration reform yesterday. We need to immediately change the law to read that anyone crossing the border is committing a felony, that any child or pregnant woman giving birth in this country does not become an automatic American citizen if you came here without permission. And that you will be sent back to your country of origin and that country will pay for the expense of sending you back or they’ll be cut off from getting any of our tax dollars.
From a personal standpoint, nothing angers me more than when someone else’s problem suddenly becomes mine and I’m put in a position to accept it or else.
Not this time.
Mexico has some of the toughest immigration standards on the planet and kicks everyone out who doesn’t belong or puts them in prison. How is it possible these kids are permitted to come through Mexico so freely? Its apparent Mexico is closing its eyes. Is this payback of some sort? This massive influx needs to be sent back immediately with the message to thousands of others poised to come here, don’t waste your money.
And speaking of money, it does take some cash to travel that far. Who put that up? Where did these kids get this money? None of them look under nourished and most are well dressed.
Something really stinks in all this.
The fictional alien race the Borg insisted that you will be assimilated. Currnent open border policy is designed to avoid assimilation. To come to America legally it is necessary to speak English, be at least 18 years of age, must have a place of residence, you need to have good moral character without significant criminal history, be willing to serve in the military, show knowledge of US history and government and swear allegiance to the United States plus much more. To come illegally you need nothing but an open hand wanting to be buttered. Legal immigrants want to become Americans while illegal immigrants want to become beneficiaries of American generosity. An assimilated immigrant population can strengthen our country while an unassimilated population is a disjointed collection of different ethnic groups each in their own communities speaking their own languages. Without an American identity the ability to act in the interest of America is as foreign as our language to these immigrants. The concept of making America great again falls on deaf ears. You can bet that when given the opportunity to vote the illegal immigrants will reward the Democrat party for all they have done destroy America.
I want to point something out. I had written this column in 2013. I already knew what was coming and knew it wasn't going to be good, but I had no idea how really bad it could get. After this column was published in the SB Newspress, my life was threatened by a number of people/groups. Typical tolerant left. And as was to be expected same old tired nonsense of being racist, hating Hispanics yadayadayada. I never in my wildest dreams could have predicted the horror that faces America today. And as we are now all aware, it's not just south of the border, it's worldwide taking advantage of Biden's red carpet to America. I still can't fathom why the left/democrat/socialists are okay with it. Their own well being, their own families are and will suffer from this massive illegal influx. And the solution is so simple. Biden has to undo what he did on day one as a dictator when he reversed Trumps successful policies and take some of those billions being squandered on the illegals, tossed overseas and otherwise wasted on stupid things like the Green New Disaster and build the damn wall.