The Show Must Not Go On
Well, that’s settled.
President Joe Biden is not President of the United States. He is the “elected” president, of course, but his debate performance put an end to any speculation that he is “in charge,” “sharp as a tack,” or is any one of the other clichéd embodiments of mental agility put forward by Biden flacks such as press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, sycophants such as Senator “Chuck” Schumer, cheerleaders like “Morning Joe” Scarborough, MSNBC talk-show host Joy Reid, the ladies of “The View” (and its audience), and enablers such as Joe Biden’s wife, “Dr.” Jill Biden.
Who is in charge remains an open question. Any one of Biden’s handlers could be. Or they could all be. For example, Senior Advisor Mike Donilon, who served as chief strategist for this administration could be a major domo. Anita Dunn is another name that keeps popping up. She too is/was a chief strategist. Steve Ricchetti served as Chief-of-Staff for Vice-President Biden, and now serves as Counselor to the President. Annie Tomasini, Dana Remus, Julie Rodriguez, Ron Klain, and Jill Biden, along with two of her top advisers, Julissa Reynoso Pantaleon and Anthony Bernal are more influencers. All could have Joe Biden’s ear, and all could have a personal agenda that they’re pushing.
I’m not a Washington insider, but what I do know is that all the above-named – other than Jill Biden and possibly Ron Klain – are unknown to the public. And that’s not right. The public deserves to know who is really calling the shots. If the man they elected isn’t in charge, they should be informed as to who is.
As for the results of the debate, you’d have to be as cognitively impaired as Joe Biden is to believe that he “won” or came out better than Donald Trump. That over 30% of viewers say that Biden did better than Trump is unsettling.
Nevertheless, it wasn’t much of a debate.
It was a brawl.
A schoolyard brawl.
In my youth, I took part in several such incidents. They often came to body blows, but at first it was all insults and threats. That’s what we witnessed these two adult men engaging in, and it wasn’t pretty.
Not at all.
But at least it didn’t come to blows.
Biden, after a week or ten days of so-called preparation,arrived completely unprepared; he was simply dazed and confused.
On the other hand, Trump was focused and came out swinging.
The result was ugly.
Trump won hands down and maybe that’s all he had to do.
But we must ask: now what?
Here’s what:
Trump’s task now is to formulate an American Revival Plan. We don’t need to hear another of his rally speeches. Time to move on, as Bill Clinton’s team did after the Lewinski affair and his impeachment trial.
“Drill, Baby, Drill” is an effective applause line. But what does that mean?
Most of us on this side of the aisle are in favor of drilling for more energy, but we also care about the environment. That between 8,000 and 20,000 airplanes are in the air at any given hour of the day (nearly 100,000 commercial flights take place every 24 hours) spewing both unspent fuel and exhaust into the near stratospheregives us pause.
We have hybrid cars (I have one), why not hybrid airplane engines? Jet fuel to take off and land, electricity to cruise. It’s just an idea but it could help a lot. Such a plan doesn’t have to be mandated; authorizing tax credits for making the switch could accelerate the trend.
Instead of loading up with windmills that whack birds of prey, scar the landscape, and scare the whales, or solar arrays that become killing fields for insects and other creatures, the U.S. could go nuclear. Small, efficient, and virtually non-polluting nuclear power plants could satisfy U.S. needs and accomplish what doomsday alarmistsclaim they want in half the time, for a lot less money, andwithout pointless strangulation of the economy.
There are a host of positions that Donald Trump can and should expound upon, such as:
1) The precipitous drop in military enlistments. He could examine why that has happened and suggesthow to re-invigorate the program;
2) budget deficits and inflation are vexing but can be righted. Mr. Trump should enumerate a plan;
3) Immigration, both legal and illegal is a mess and needs to be addressed. What to do about the 10 to 20 million people from other countries now here is a problem. Forget about undertaking a “mass deportation” unlike anything ever seen. There’s got to be a better way.
4) Student debt. Maybe a plan to return education loans to banks and mandating that colleges and private institutions be on the hook for delinquencies, not taxpayers;
5) Failing schools. If a public school falls below an agreed-upon standard, a federal plan would allow parents whose children attend that school to take their tax money to wherever they believe their child would be better educated;
There are many more issues to be addressed that would stand in stark contrast to what Democrats do or have done and that could sway undecided voters. Trump doesn’t have to be too specific, but specific enough to draw in some of those fence-sitters who could make all the difference.
Donald Trump is America’s Showman, but we’ve seen the show. We like it, but he needs to do more if he expects to build his audience and hold it through November 5 and beyond.
President Biden’s pathetic debate performance has given President Trump that opportunity.
He should grab it.
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Does the hidden hand of Valerie "The Night Stalker" Jarrett still play a dominant role in this current Obama III administration?
Tucker Carlson did warn after witnessing the platform subcommittee presentations at the 2020 DNC, a very, very radical group of "progressive" ideologues were running the entire polity-making show. His conclusion was it would not matter who got nominated, since these younger soon to be Biden staffers had the energy and clout to get what they wanted. And they told us in plain sight, at the 2020 DNC.
Label Joe Biden as an "affable moderate" all anyone wants, but these were the people already calling the shots in his name. Biden has long been only a figure head. But after this debate Biden becomes the official Democrat bobble-head.
Barry Soetoro is still running the shadow government…
Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails? Put simply, OBAMA ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/ Clinton. OBAMA also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting OBAMA & his cabinet etc which could never happen. Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof!
What countries donated big money to CF and why? How much was owed by accepting? When she lost how would this be repaid? What did OBAMA do with cash just prior to leaving office? Repayment to those who donated for favors/access? Never gotten over the fact that OBAMA was able to send $1.7 Billion Dollars in CASH to Iran and nobody in Congress, the FBI or Justice called for an investigation! Also sending money to Palestinians: …where else?