Feb 13Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Good article & best of luck with your quest to promote conservative ideals and processes…it is good to see reasonable people fighting to bring confidence back to our election processes…

most people don’t really follow politics closely, however, Year 2020 was quite an eye opener for many and we learned so many things about America, but unfortunately most of it was unbelievable, disgusting and sad.

we learned how corruption in our government goes way back in history…how the individuals that represent us care more about the almighty dollar…how rampant pedophilia is that goes on in Hollywood, in the elite class, and those in politics…we learned of the helpless children that are sexually abused & even worse…how the CIA and FBI are corrupt and serve to cover things up or to eliminate certain individuals…we learned of the Deep State, aka The Swamp, and of the pathetic people in it, some of whom shocked me…we learned of fraudulent elections, the fake MSM, and of foreign interference…we learned of a virus that was man made and how the shots we causing great harm to individuals…we learned the truth about JFK, 9-11, Judge Scalia, and John McCain…we learned of all the cheating ways of the Democrats and hate groups like BLM and Antifa…we learned of the future plans of the Democrats for communism and new world order…and learned that many people hated Trump more than they loved their own country.

But we also learned other things, including how much Trump loves America and Americans…we learned how many many Americans believe in him and his plans for our great country…i learned that I loved a man not for who he is, but instead what he is fighting for. DO NOT give up on Trump…trust your military & trust the brave men and women who give their life for our country…pray for our precious children….above all, trust in God almighty…He will not allow his

"We the People" and his "One Nation Under God" to succumb to the evil that envelopes this world…

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Feb 13Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Wonder what each candidate brings to the table as far as fundraising abilities? With one shining exception when Dale Francisco raised over $140,000, the Santa Barbara County GOP Central Committee has operated on an annual budget of approximately $30,000. An abundance of the "mother's milk of politics" enables the County GOP to put real muscle behind its candidates.

Marlin K. Brown

former SB County Central Committee member

former president, Santa Maria Valley Republican Club

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Hey Marlin! This is Poornima. Remember me? I was the executive director of the SBGOP from 2011 to 2012. Hope we can reconnect.

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I'm voting for the new slate. The local GOP badly needs new blood running the party. The status quo is unacceptable. I am tired of losing year in and year out. The party needs to focus with razor-like intensity on increasing registration to at least level the playing field with the Democrats. The current incumbents had their chance and obviously they didn't get it done. A political party's only objective should be to win elections, something we have failed miserably at for the last 20 years.

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The SBGOP needs to get away from all social issues and focus on the economic issues, oil and gas, water issues, crumbling infrastructure etc then maybe, just maybe they'll get somewhere. There are NO social issues listed by the founders in the Constitution. Follow the lead of the founders GOP, remember small government and lower taxes? That was the original intent of the party, not drag hour and abortion.

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It is encouraging to see courageous challengers who have proven contributions and commitment to American values of smaller, less invasive government. Actively spread the word to your networks and VOTE! Current, stale leaders have failed locally. At the same time, it continues to mystify me why former SBRCC Leaders such as Waugh and Brown posting here, and others, go into hiding after their volunteer service on SBRCC. Why? With exception, the county is full of complicit, fear-filled Republicans which makes it appear that the DEM stronghold has indeed effectively “extinguished” Republicans. I encourage all to decide today to contribute their time, or money or advocacy. Be seen, be heard, vote for new transparent local leadership.

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I am very encouraged by the new slate and the possibility for effective and more professional leadership. The currant CC is run like a dysfunctional HOA. They have insulated and protected themselves only to rule over the ashes. A complete overhaul and change of leadership is long overdue.

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Is banning abortion on your agenda? GOP can take a loooong hike.

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Did you even read the article?

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