
Nice work, Andy. Just goes to show you how important it is having an objective or simply "free" press on watch over what local government is doing. This is only one of many reasons to lament the loss of the Santa Barbara News-Press. At this point, except for people such as you, nobody's minding the store!

Thank you for your efforts.

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Yes, we have only to look to the Oxnard plain and Camarillo where acres of the most prime topsoil has been paved over with higher density housing. It's criminal.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Our governor wants 30% of California to be in Conservancy by 2030 and 50% 2050. These are also Biden’s plans for the nation. I guess that’s the reason we can’t just start a new city. And yes, they want to stack and pack people vertically instead of sprawl. And I don’t understand the selective rezoning.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

I once got stuck in the Granada Building elevator (8 story building). Picked up the emergency phone and it connected to an elevator repair person in Ventura! It was a long wait until the doors finally opened mid floor and I got to crawl out. That was my own wake-up call about the future of stack and pack - do they all come with built-in elevator repair genies?

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It may sound wild but I believe it’s for eventual control. Once living in a stack & pack environment, your utilities, entrance/exits can be controlled and rationed.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Time to also stop blaming "the state" for any of these mandates. The "state" is nothing more than the collective voices of our own elected representatives. "The state" in this case has names: Senator Monique Limon and Assemblyman Gregg Hart.

Do both Limon and Hart deserve re-election, if this what their combined voices in Sacramento inflict upon us? (Trick question)

Term limits have not protected us from bad government. Term limits in fact have entrenched government misfeasance even more tenaciously; compared to the "bad old days" when Willie Brown was the de facto state power broker. At least there was still some institutional wisdom and personal accountability inherent in the pre-term limit system. Term limits tossed out the good with the bad, so we are now worse off because of this overly broad mandate.

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