May 5·edited May 5Liked by Santa Barbara Current

The vast majority of the homeless are mentally ill, drug addicted or both. They are not homeless because of home affordability but because of an inability to function in society or hold a job. California State University Chanel Islands (CSUCI) is a home to some crazy ideas and and some crazy students. While some would say it it still is, it used to be a state mental hospital where the mentally ill and drug addicted found help and a home. Back in the 1970s I played a jazz gig and puppet show for the inmates and I can tell you that it was not like One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest. I saw inmates that were clearly unable to function in society. I saw inmates that were clean, housed and safe. Nurse Ratched was actually kinda awesome. Today they are our homeless living on the streets, dirty, diseased, unfed. No amount of money thrown their way will fix that. The only fix is to get the homeless housed in state mental hospitals. If only we still had state mental hospitals.

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Jeff - fabulous take on the problem! I agree it’s not lack of home affordability - it’s because these people are sick and drug addicted. We need to stop trying to fit therm into normal, day to day society - it doesn’t do us or them any good. Instead, we need to treat them like the people with problems they really are. I suggest we find a place for them where they can get the help they need and we can stop throwing money down a rathole. Build a big care facility out in the desert that provides them with medical assistance, clean accommodations, good food etc. - a place that’s professionally set up to help them!

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May 5Liked by Santa Barbara Current

I love how he puts his name on the phony check in the photo accompanying the article as if he is funding these projects from his own money rather than the taxpayers. In his world it's all monopoly money that he is spending.

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There is a better set of words to describe these people, how about parasites, frauds and criminals.

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Regarding the long standing touting of “phony checks” by politicians in both parties, just how sleazy are the republican senators and Congressman who voted against the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, then taking full credit that the benefits of this successful bill brought to their communities?

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May 5·edited May 5

Peter, somebody forgot to tell you that Biden always refers to it as the bipartisan infrastructure bill because almost half the Republicans in the Senate voted for it. I personally didn't think it was good idea because it's inherently inflationary and much of it are wasteful earmarks designed to help reelect the member of Congress in their districts or states in which they are located. Carbajal never misses a beat in making sure everyone knows he is bringing home the pork. For instance, he recently took credit for securing 500K to build a 10,000 sq ft Japanese community center in Santa Maria. How many Japanese people are currently living in Santa Maria?

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Call them out. Name names. This is exactly who does not deserve re-election.

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People like Salud keep getting re-elected because there is major fraud in the election system with no ID's, mail in ballots, ballot harvesting, and the vote tabulating machines like Dominion that SB county uses. The other machines like ES&S and Harper are not far behind in regards to rampant ballot fraud. I find it statistically impossible that Democrats always win by the margin of 70%, plus or minus 3% and the Republicans lose by 30%, plus or minus 3%. Interesting how those numbers are steady every election cycle.

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AMEN!!! I've been dead for 6 years and I still vote by mail, as do my dead parents. Unlike most of your readers, however, our postal cancellations read "Heaven", not "Hell." Before I died my company sent me to Hell to meet the dead Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez, who showed me and the other poll workers how to rig those Dominion machines. I am not too good at math, but doesn't 70% + 30% = 100%? Factoring out the 1% super rich and the 3% morbidly wealthy means there are about 26% of the population who still don't get it. As long as I have your attention, ¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo! The holiday commemorates a battle fought at Puebla, Mexico, on May 5, 1862, but that was first celebrated in Los Angeles, California, on May 5, 1863 - yes, Cinco de Mayo is an AMERICAN holiday, like the 4th of July. Which reminds me, my glass is empty, so it's time for another margarita! ¡Viva Juarez! ¡Viva Lincoln! ¡Viva las dos Repúblicas!

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The homeless population will continue to expand unless, and until, the border is closed. Simply put, there is no way that California can, everyday, add enough housing for the numbers pouring in that day. In street terms: it is a bottomless pit.

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May 5·edited May 5

A few years back, there was an attempt to create better terminology besides the one-size fits all "homeless" designation.

Which begs the solution required is simply providing everyone a home. . Let's bring back the more comprehensive terminology, since each broader category leads to very different responses. What are the percentages in each general category, or dual categories?

1. The have nots - temporary and already covered by our very generous social welfare programs

2. The can nots - addicts and mentally-impaired, in need of state institutional care settings.

3. The will nots - the service-resistant, willful, and/or professional grifters - jail or work camps.

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J. - the ‘Have nots’, the ‘Can nots’, and the ‘Will nots’ . . . great! I’m stealing it!

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Great article as always, Andy. Why won’t people wake up and see this enormous problem, staring us all right in the face? The media won’t address it and the public at large refuses to recognize the catastrophic problems that will arise. Talk about sticking your head in the sand.

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If voters and elected officials refuse to confront this issue, why blame just the media?

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The Anarchy on our campuses focused on hating Israel and Jews is exposing the spiritual crisis calling for Revival to Save America!!!

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After ranting about the national debt, the author concludes with..."Congress has no plan to address these federal catastrophic shortfalls which exceed $100 trillion." Isn't this the Congress with a Republican majority and Mike Johnson (R, LA) as the speaker? >sigh< The national debt will continue to increase as long as Republicans allow billionaires and multinational corporations huge tax breaks. During the Trump Administration, legislation and executive actions by President Trump increased the national debt by $8.4 trillion, with interest. Additionally, the author reminds us that California's debt is $78 billion "...more than the state budget of 41 states." Well, California's population is also larger than 41 states! And each of those states as TWO senators (82 Senators), whereas California's voice is choked out with only TWO, but that is another issue.

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Involuntary incarceration for those who are a risk to themselves and others used to be considered the appropriate method, Christian charity, government policy for the good of the public as a whole. The money spent on mental institutions was FAR less than what Homeless, Inc. now is supplied with through our tax dollars. The few who had not completely fried their brains with drugs or alcohol could clean up and rejoin society. A parallel can be drawn with orphanages vs the current foster program. The Civilian Conservation Corps swept the millions out of work in the First Great Depression up and off the streets and put them to work building the National Park system. Our current woes CAN be dealt with, history shows us examples, but the swamp Uniparty has another agenda. Woe is us.

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Good one Pat!

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Why did they cut off the bottom of the giant check where the check is signed by THE TAXPAYER? It is made to look like it comes out of Salud Carbajal's own personal account. After how many years in office with seniority, Carbajal has not even succeeded in bringing home more bacon. An under-achiever, in his own Democrat swamp.

In his re-election year - expect a flurry of more photo ops- in lieu of running a serious or accountable campaign for this important office. Turn our congressional district red, if we want a fighting chance to save this country.

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Thank you J. I too see swamp people! They're everywhere. The Red has only a small percent of leaders who WILL buck the system. I agree with you. Yes, both parties have destroyed this once great, solvent nation. Red is the only voice to rescue our national decay. THEN we can all focus on ousting the Red Swamp People. Prophesy may say otherwise and we may be at the global end. Nonetheless, We must always stand for truth and justice FOR ALL.

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Another well written article pointing up our financial woes Mr Caldwell, Thank You…One must first recognize that our government is a criminal organization in order to properly assess the damage being done to Our Country…open borders, prohibiting the use of Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine to combat C19, the ruining of our financial systems, the poisoning of our air (Chemtrails) our food (sugars, salts, seed oils, GMO stuff) our water (fluoride), and worse, poisoning our minds…and on and on and on….It's a coordinated effort to collapse Our Nation…meanwhile US taxpayers are paying for all. It's a win-win for the small group of people that control the levers of power, both here in Our Great Nation & across The World…

US TAXPAYERs are paying for it all…examples:

Paris accord = scam (trillions) made

Red Cross = scam (billions)

Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)

WAR = scam (trillions)


Who audits where the money actually goes?

Who actually receives the money?

Slush funds everywhere.

Think GS pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?

The hole is deep…

PS...May is Chemtrail Awareness Month...look up...


"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - George Carlin

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Ohhh, good quote! We're still SO indoctrinated in our misguided beliefs.

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Another thought: Marx railed against the evils of Capitalism, including what he claimed was abuse of labor. Take a hard look at Communism. Total abuse of the labor force and private capital. No thanks

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The problem is FJoe Biden, our dopey president, doesn't know the difference between Karl and Groucho.

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That is true, Earl!

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So painful! Could laugh but 1,000s are dying because of this doofus/incompetent idiot!! What the Democrat party has become. Can't see the forest wild fire for the spotted owl and fallen old growth. Excellent JB "ism"

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Salud has no clue, never has. Our State and County government are clueless. Most of those who do NOT read your blog are oblivious. Many of those who do read your blog are, or feel, powerless. Solutions are unprintable.

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Feeling powerless is exactly how Big Government wants you to feel. Guard against it. Knowledge is power. Keep the conversation going.

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Could't agree more!!!

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Conversation is alive and well.

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Play actors. NOT QUALIFIED!

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Andy, have you considered the billions of dollars in tax subsidies given to the oil and gas industries? “ In the U.S., the fossil fuel industry collected $757 billion of incentives in 2023, from preferential oil and gas lease and royalty rates” and that’s not all “ Most of the subsidies to U.S. fossil fuel companies were implicit, costs that are borne by society in the form of environmental degradation and harmful health impacts” Forbes

“These projects can’t rely on private sector investors alone because they don’t pencil out.” Andy Caldwell

I appreciate your transparency, it’s easy to discern that you’re full of shit.

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Caldwell: Re the National debt…if more of the wealthy paid their taxes, we would be less in debt. Why don’t you advocate for that……it is a known fact this is a big issue.

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Nance - top 10 % of taxpayers pay 75.8% - bottom 50% pay 2.3%

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The point is, going into deficit spending does not work. Successful alternatives such as Salvation Army, our local St. Vincent's Orphanage, Mission Rescue, and so many others are helpful for both of the societal Co-Dependents that desire contact with one another.

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Isn't most of the reason we're strapped with a Social Security liabiliity of $27 trillion and a medicare liabilitiy of $41 trillion because the boomer generation wanted the end of life services - but didn't want to support the taxes to fund them properly? Can't have it both ways folks.

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May 5Liked by Santa Barbara Current

No it is because social security and Medicare taxes go into the general fund and not a trust fund. The money is mismanaged.

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May 5·edited May 5

Correct - they all fall on a sword to protect it to keep the grey hairs voting for them.

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In my opinion it is the error of looking to government for solutions that are better handled by the individual or private sector. All government solutions end up having the opposite effect. As I love to say, there is nothing so expensive as that which the government has sought to make affordable. Healthcare is a great example where cost is not determined by market forces which naturally establish equilibrium with patients ability to pay. Today getting a drug or procedure on the approved medicare list is big money and the deals are hashed out between insurance companies, drug manufacturers, politicians, anyone who stands to get a piece of the pie financially or politically. This all occurs quite independent of the patients needs. The result is that costs skyrocket, people get rich, doctors prescribe what is covered and the patient rarely gets what he needs.

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Agreed. It's not managed as well as it should be. I'd argue that many (not all) of the fortune 500 companies I've worked with over the past decades aren't much better managed. My fear is that something like 40% of American families don't have 1,000 bucks in the bank their retirement would be a s show of poverty. I'm not sure they don't have any money because they think they'll be taken care of - or if they just haven't made enough to save. Either Way yes, I'd rather have invested that 12% myself.... The medical system is another mess created by both sides taking $$ in one hand and making promises they don't keep with the other.

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Unfortunately WE all must NOT eat the typical American modern diet. Many prescription-use-ailments can be alleviated or reversed with simple diet changes. Best tip, only shop the perimeters of a grocery store. NO PRE PACKAGED FOOD, salad dressing, mass produced dairy. And do not buy GMO produce! Side effects: lower cholesterol, high blood pressure, reduce weight! This won't readily change the abusive health care industry, but it will keep people off prescription drugs and aid in a healthier, surgery free life. Those who truly are ill can then get the help they need because the health care system will be solvent. And yes, that industry is full of financial abuses that need to be restructured.

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I only see a doctor if I am so sick that I feel that I have nothing to lose. An act of desperation when all other avenues have been exhausted. I never felt this way about western medicine before covid mismanagement revealed the true nature of our healthcare system.

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According to you J. Barton……do I understand you might like all the seniors who depend on Social Security for survival to…perhaps….go to Gaza so their fate can be linked to the Palestinians, courtesy of Netanyahu?

Yes, I’m a Liberal. Fact: the more education a person has, the more likely he/she is a Liberal.

Why do you think a trust fund will be a solution to “ mismanaged “?

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Well N. Freeman, your writing is a testament to the fruits of higher education.

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Merci and thanks. You may approach humanism yet!

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Bad reply. Humanism is empty. No human gain! Cold, unethical, belief patterns that do nothing to improve humanity.

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My dear woman, to imply that a college educated man is intelligent is akin to saying that a shirtless man is clothed.

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NO! LBJ set the SS, Medicare, and other social programs into being. A promise for everyone's golden years. Most the nation lives at or just above minimum wage. SO, we were promised WHEN HOURLY JOB and entry level workers had their SS wages taken, they could count on the government to help them in old age. Make more, pay more, earn more. Liberal policies are GIVING away this money. That is what is depleting the "promise" to all Americans/citizens.

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It is hard to imagine the amount of debt this country has and carries at huge expense (interest payments). Obviously America is not working as a concept if horrible debt is what is needed to make it operate. It’s a failed form of government.

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May 5Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Are you serious? Capitalism and our Constitutional freedoms set us apart from every other nation on earth. It’s the creeping Socialism that is killing us. Why isn’t that obvious to you? Printing money also contributes to the economic mess that will eventually sink us all. There should also be no such thing as a career politician, but unfortunately we’ll never go back to the days when it was considered public service and they had to have real jobs to live on.

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I said America not capitalism.

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One of the major concepts of America is capitalism

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You do realize the “American experiment” includes capitalistic principles?

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Here are the debt-to-GDP ratios for some of the largest economies around the world: Japan: Japan has the highest debt-to-GDP ratio among major economies, with figures reported as 255%,

United States: The debt-to-GDP ratio of the United States is reported at 123% Italy: Italy's debt-to-GDP ratio is noted at 144%, France: France has a debt-to-GDP ratio of 110%, United Kingdom: The UK's ratio is reported at 104%, Germany: Germany shows a lower debt-to-GDP ratio at 66%, Canada: Canada's ratio is noted at 106%

106.59%, Greece: Greece has a high ratio at 168%, Singapore: Singapore's debt-to-GDP ratio is reported at 168%, Spain: Spain's ratio is noted at 107% The 'socialist' Scandinavian countries, based on the latest available data, are as follows: The debt-to-GDP ratio for Denmark was reported at 29.3% in

Sweden: 30.4% and Norway had a debt-to-GDP ratio of 44.3% in 2023.

Seems like they're having a nice life and low dept. I'm looking for a country with l debt and here is what we get - Brunei: 2.1%

Kuwait: 2.9%

Cayman Islands: 4.5%

Afghanistan: 7.4%

Turkmenistan: 8%

Azerbaijan: 11.7%

Burundi: 14.5%

Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo): 14.6%

Russia: 17.2%

Palestine: 18.5%

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Yes, and all those nations except Japan have needed The United States to pull their sorry socialistic governments out of bankruptcy. More than once!

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When did we help out Singapore? I didn't know they were socialistic?

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America is NOT a failed experiment. Our leftist/socialist anarchists in govt and those funding the anarchists and encouraging illegal immigration ARE the failures.

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It is a failing experiment, since there are now too many buffers built-in, alienating the governed from their government. Two wit: massive unelected government bureaucracies, and their self-serving government employee unions.

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Right on, John

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May 5Liked by Santa Barbara Current

You are so right again Andy!

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May 5·edited May 5

The back pages of the IRS 1040 Instructions booklet portrays in graphic form where our money comes from and where it goes. Two simple to understand pie charts, tell the story as vividly as it can.

Yet, we continue claim no one understands what is happening? Our own government is telling us on Government Bureaucrat Appreciation Day, every April 15.

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If is a failed form of government, where else on this planet is their a better one….better in the sense of serving well the largest number of people? What would you recommend?

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Nance - whatcha mean “serving the largest number of people”? The government owes us 2 things - the Army and stop signs. Everything else, stand on your own 2 feet!

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Earl Brown, I ask again. If you don’t like our Democracy ( pre-trump ) what do you prefer?

In which country would you rather live? Your “ Army and stop signs “ words make no sense to me.

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