Mar 17Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Don’t give our leaders any more stupid ideas than they already have.

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Mar 17Liked by Santa Barbara Current

I’ve always thought there should be a Border tax.

Every person who comes into our country illegally, their country needs to pay a tax on that individual and pay for their deportation. Why are we paying for them?

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We are “ paying “ for them, to answer your question, Diane, BECAUSE THEY ARE IN GREAT NEED. THEY, like you, want to have a safe place to sleep, enough food to sustain them, freedom of movement……why do you want to hurt them when they have travelled months and miles for some safe place to survive? Would you want someone you love to be in their positions? Would they be standing at the border if they had an alternative? Would you?

Grow up. Try a bit of kindness…..you are all so heartless.

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Mar 17Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Also you said “try a bit of kindness”.

I spent 15 years of my life taking care of my handicap parents ( yes, both of them) for free because I love them.

And excepting NO hand outs from our government or anyone.

When my sister had a cerebral palsy child, I breast her baby as long as I could.

And now, my old neighbor can’t walk her dogs so I walk them because I love her & her dogs.

When an old person walks across a street,yes, I get out of my car to help them.

When you say “grow up” you should think twice before you disrespect someone on these comments. It’s rude and has no place for shaming someone you don’t know.

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You think my saying “Grow Up “ is rude……wow! Have you ever listened to a creature called trump who is the KINGPIN CANDIDATE of the people who are knocking themselves out to get him in as self- appointed dictator? And most of the untruths printed here come from advocates of that same asshole…oh sorry….is that rude of me?

Tell me, how do you like a candidate who admires HITLER…..remember him? The Republicans are trying to get a LOVER-ADMIRER OF HITLER into the White House of these United Democratic States. Why aren’t you all screaming in anger ?

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Beautiful story Diane - spoken like a true American. Good for you.

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Mar 18Liked by Santa Barbara Current

NancyKaren...a famous (in her own mind) person once said:

"Grow up. Try a bit of kindness…..you are all so heartless."


Dear Karen,

So glad to see you (and yourself), once again, prancing your all-knowing tolerance, faux-kindness and reluctance (?) to stereotype millions of deplorables who are "all so heartless".

Besides being married to a Harvard physicist, where did you acquire the hubris to know what is in someone's heart?

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Mar 18Liked by Santa Barbara Current

So Nance, you've taken a few in to live with you, right? After all, "They are in great need." No? Well, would be ok if 100 of them moved in next door to you?

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Earl Brown : I ask again, what are you referring to when you ask if I’ve “ taken a few to live with you “ . A few what , I ask again. As for people living next door…..don’t you have people living next to you? Or have they all moved AWAY from you, for what seems to be understandable reasons. I suspect you wouldn’t be a good neighbor.

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“ . . they want a safe place to sleep, freedom of movement etc. . . “ _Everybody_ wants what we here in America have - ok to have them all come over? Instead of 10 million - 4 billion? We owe them nothing, _unless_ they make an application for legal entry.

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Hole smoke - Nance, I don’t know what you’re smoking but save me a puff! That’s not the way life works. ‘They want a safe place to sleep, enough food,’ etc etc - well, people in hell want ice water but they ain’t gonna get it. I’m sorry, but “life’s a bitch and then you die” - that’s reality. Who said we have to take care of the world’s population?

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Who? That would be Jesus in Matthew 25:35-40:

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

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Stephen, Words to warm the heart and give a sliver of hope when combatting the sickness and despair which seems to have taken hold of our otherwise fair political opponents. All intelligent attempts to understand the cultish support of one man so completely off the chart vis a vis normalcy, sanity, good will, honesty, AND THE LAW!

It boggles the mind, and hurts my soul. Let us hope it is a temporary sanity and will go away. Thank you for your soothing words.

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Mar 18Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Both Bulgaria and Romania are losing population. Entire rural towns are being abandoned. Decent infrastructure already in place, housing already built, excellent farm land, major Danube river transit, with links between Europe and Asia. Both countries would be safe harbors for any group of migrating peoples.

Both Bulgaria and Romania provide opportunities not unlike those faced in the early American pioneering days- raw land for those willing to farm it and make it productive. UN should be running a global immigration resettlement program in both Romania and Bulgaria.

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Apr 16Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Bulgaria doesn’t hand out any freebies.

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Mar 17Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Don't forget about Dane Angus, killed by a hit and run driver a couple weeks back. Cops still have not released any info about the arrested Salvador Jimenez, 34 or why he hasn't been charged with serious felonies.

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Mar 17Liked by Santa Barbara Current

They are braking the law. We all have to obey the law.

The law can’t be fair for one person and not the other. That’s why it’s illegal to cross the border illegally in any country for the good guys and for bad guys.

If US citizens crossed over into Mexico illegally, they would be in jail for life (possibly).

Everyone needs to follow the law, no matter where you’re from, no matter their bank account size.

I understand there are very desperate good families coming over but at the same time, there are very bad actors coming in as well.

The bad guys are ruining it for the good good decent families. That’s why the law needs to be unforced. Keep the good people and not let in the bad.

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Americans did cross the border illegally into Mexico, poaching wild game for pelts and bringing with them guns and slaves in violation of Mexican law. We all know how that turned out! The northern half of Mexico was carved off by America's "manifest destiny" lunatics.

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Di - _that's_ why our laws require people to apply for legal entry.

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Mar 17Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Absolutely sickening. Drooling pervert joe, his, Kamel and every one of his appointments should be tried, and either imprisoned for life, or better yet, executed for treason. We supposedly have a housing shortage here in Commiefornia, and now the state will sue any city/county that refuses to let a builder build a monstrous multi-storied high density apartments/condos in residential areas. So we have housing shortage, so the logical thing to do is let millions of ILLEGAL ALIEN trash, from 3d world S__thole countries flood in???? These ILLEGAL ALIENS can't afford any of the supposed "Affordable Housing" currently being built. But the DEMOcRATS, greasy Gabbing Nuisance will now subsidize said ILLEGAL ALIENS so they can live in these not affordable "Affordable Housing" units. Paid for by you and me.

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Stephen - ‘Drooling pevert joe’, . . . ‘DEMOcRATS, greasy Gabbing Nuisance . .’ Donno know where you came up with these but very descriptive! Love ‘em!

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Why do Dems want everyone else to pay for their socialist policies/agendas. (Because the secret is, it takes someone who actual works to pay for their agenda) If it is so important to them, why don't they pay for it out of their own pockets?? Because they are greedy deep down.

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Biden/ Harris have a very disappointing record on immigration reform. They have waited till late in the game to make headway. No or few visits to border regions to get first hand accounts during the first three years of their term.

This is a matter high on peoples priorities .Why wait until so close to election time ?

That said , I have to question Andy Caldwell and his grandstanding on the issue.

I can’t help but think that there are many donors to COLAB who have , or , do hire undocumented workers. Mr. Caldwell makes a ton of dough off money made by these entities.

Can anyone refute that something is wrong here ?

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Mar 17Liked by Santa Barbara Current

There are many industries (ag employees less than half of the illegal immigrants in our country) that employ immigrants, legal and otherwise. That is not what this column addresses. What we are addressing is the failure to deport illegal aliens who have committed heinous crimes. With respect to hiring "undocumented" workers, Gilbert, you have obviously never been an employer. Every employee must present documents to satisfy what used to be called the I 9 form...the problem is the same law that requires employees to furnish the documents also requires employers to TAKE THEM ON FACE VALUE or be subject to a discrimination lawsuit. Finally, many of the farmers now are using H2A laborers who have legitimate documentation.

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Mar 17Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Try comparing tax dollar per pupil spending for "open border" K-12 enrollments, along with any alleged ag industry benefits. Valid request, what is the full picture for those who are directly and indirectly benefiting from "open borders". Additionally, how many US dollars are sent out of the country in the form of "remittences" which do not recirculate in the US economy. We need to paint the irresponsible open-border issue with the appropriate brush.

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I hope Biden gets in and taxes all you stingy bastards to poverty…..THEN you may have some compassion.

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"tax us to poverty. . . " Don't worry - if he gets in - he will!

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Money money money money……that’s all you bloody Republicans think of. Your precious dollars. Try thinking of your loving family standing at the border……would you help them?Those immigrants are no different from you, you selfish people.

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Mar 17Liked by Santa Barbara Current

If you really loved your family, you would give them the address of a US consulate in their home country and tell them to apply for legal immigration to the US. Or move to their country and help them fight their own system from within. Take a copy of George Washington's biography for inspiration. Yes, you can.

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The United States of America is a Republic, not a democracy. Socialism/Communism is Slavery at its worst just as it was in 1861/1862 when President Lincoln was installed as president to stop this slavery, the Civil War was fought and won by the Union defending the US Constitution. Our illegal immigrants are foreign and domestic enemies of the nation and state at all our borders. It was California's 1849 Constitution compacted with God and ratified by Congress in Article 1 Section 18 to keep slavery from forming in this state. 1879 when California incorporated that same slavery clause is included. President Lincoln took our wording towards slavery and added the 13th Amendment in 1865. You can either support and defend this nation from enemies foreign or domestic and protect it from freedom of invasion. Our Constitutional rights have standing since the US Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land as noted in the 6th Amendment. More power to We the People for Santa Barbara County. We the People are taking back our Authority either individually or through NewCaliforniaState.com and Nothing Can stop what is headed straight at us for there is no power greater than our Lord, Jesus Christ, and God. PSALM 33:12 "Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord."

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Mr. Caldwell , 1st , our company is very strict in our hiring process. No papers , no job. So please refrain from taking that road with me.

2nd , my comment was not directed at your current piece. It was directed at your well known history of placing blame for immigration problems at the foot of Democrats .

My point is that , to be as vocal as you have been , and to assess the blame carelessly , you had best have a squeaky clean platform to do that from.

You have made a living off of interests with checkered pasts when it comes to employing undocumented workers.

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Your headline, THREE ILLEGAL ALIENS, THREE DEAD WOMEN, makes it sound like for every undocumented migrant coming into the country, there will be a dead woman. While the death of these women is tragic, where is the outcry for the women that are killed daily by their husbands, boyfriends, acquaintances and strangers.? Why isn’t there a headline when these women are killed by abusive men? What is being done about the guns used in a lot of these killings?

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Apr 16Liked by Santa Barbara Current

The guns? Honey, you’re worried about the wrong thing.

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I don’t allow people I don’t know to call me honey, honey.

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I asked AI about this article and got the response below. I'd say it's pretty accurate. 🙂

--- AI assessment of content ---

Here are some flaws in the logic of the article "Three Illegal Aliens. Three Dead Women":

* **Focuses on emotional impact over data:** The article uses tragic cases to evoke anger towards illegal immigrants, but doesn't provide a balanced perspective. Crime statistics for immigrants compared to native-born citizens are absent.

* **Correlation vs. Causation:** The article implies that illegal immigration directly causes crime. This is a complex issue with many contributing factors. Not all illegal immigrants are criminals.

* **Cherry-picking evidence:** The article focuses on a few specific cases of violent crime committed by undocumented immigrants. This doesn't represent the whole picture.

* **False Dichotomy:** The article presents a false choice - supporting illegal immigration or supporting victims of crime. There's room for solutions that address both border security and public safety.

* **Loaded language:** Terms like "invasion" and "swamped" are emotionally charged and dehumanize immigrants.

* **Limited scope on solutions:** The article criticizes social services for illegal immigrants but doesn't consider the potential economic benefits of immigration.

* **Attacking solutions:** The article criticizes efforts by other states to deal with the influx of immigrants, like Colorado's (potentially flawed) attempt to integrate them into the workforce.

Overall, the article presents a one-sided view of a complex issue. It relies on emotional appeals and avoids presenting a comprehensive picture of immigration and crime.

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Yeah Earl. As usual you’re not thinking ahead….of course not. You probably use that thing on your neck for a hat rack….if the colossal idiot gets voted in…..remember, he LOST THE POPULAR VOTE THREE TIMES ( I wonder why? )…..he adores HITLER, he loves Putin, and the crazy little guy dictator of N.Korea…..where do you think our Democracy will be?

You wouldn’t know; I don’t think you can think ahead.

He is also a RAPIST, has broken the laws of THIS country 91 times and counting, he wanted his minions to HANG MIKE PENCE, and so many other transgressions. Whatever do you see in that uneducated, foul mouth, woman hater, bad father, liar, liar, liar…..trying to blame Biden for the fact that he…trump…broke the laws of this country, over and over again. You should be ashamed of yourself for wanted that degenerate as our President.

As for the people trying to become American citizens, YOU TOO come from people who migrated to America. Why don’t you share your heritage with us. YOUR ANCESTORS ALSO were born elsewhere, not unlike the people looking for safety on the border. I think you are more alien to this country than they…..yeah, I think you ARE from another planet. Maybe you should return.

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‘Undocumented’ - ‘Newcomers’ - ‘Unsanctioned’ What a joke! These are illegal alien foreigners who are breaking our laws by not applying for legal entry, and our stupid “Leaders”, (p u l e e a s e ), are just letting them flood in. There are 8 billion people in the world. How many of them would like free money, free food, free medical, free rent? 2 billion? Ok, so let 2 billion people in we don’t know anything about? If by any chance Crook Biden and the Commie-Dems win the election that’s probably what’s gonna happen!

Andy’s excellent post refers to 3 women being murdered by illegal aliens. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Many of these illegal aliens were in some s___hole jail cell in some s___hole country 2 weeks ago before their politicians got rid of them by sending them here. We’re going to see _major_ crime develop with these animals because they won’t have anything to lose until Trump gets in and starts kicking a - - and deporting them.

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I’ve said it before.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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There is another mental disorder greatly afflicting our country, one which appears to have infected the hearts and souls of many reading this column: selfishness. "I got mine, to hell with you!" When your larder is full and their is a hunger stranger at the door, you can either bolt and secure the door...or set another place at the table. "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while coveted after, they err from the faith, and pierce themselves through with many sorrows." 1st Timothy 6:10

It is no wonder so many MAGAmericans are so miserable and angry.

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…when you live in fear that your picture will be added to this collection of victims by next year…🤕

Indeed, local authorities are of little to no help. I’ve been questioned longer about why I called the police, than he was about why he was trespassing on my property to steal and threaten me. It's like he is under a high level of immunity or protection. It’s more than scary.

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Anonymous Participant, very good comment, take care of yourself calling the "local police"

it will get you in more trouble than the person robbing your home. Always and I mean always

speak few words to Police especially in this town.

Howard, member of a Military Family

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Thanks to Biden's "wide open border policy" not one single American died in the Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore, so stop your bitchin'.

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