I personally am voting for Uncle Chen's Walnut Shrimp. If this is the mark of the man, there are no other things to consider. Future addiction problems, yes. But no aroma issues at all. Yum.
I’m sure the citizens of Carpinteria would prefer the smell of orchids to the smell of pot. Das Williams is largely the one to thank for making Carp the pot growing leader in the state. Roy Lee is a great alternative.
Vote Das out to send a message to the Democrat machine
Roy Lee is a great candidate.I got to know him when I lived in Carpinteria.He is just a very solid guy and knows the community.I moved back to Santa Barbara and unfortunately he is not on my ballot now.I spend time in Carp on weekends visiting my brother and driving the back way on 192 the stench of Pot is overwhelming.I lived on LA Mirada and bordered on blueberry fields on the mountain side of 192.Most people I talk to in Carp blame Das Williams for the stench.Get rid of Das and pot!!
I read this article by Ms. Donovan who stated "If you really want to make changes in your community, you’ve got to vote. The next chance you will have to express your wants, needs, and desires, will take place in Santa Barbara on March 5th."
As many here now reading Mr. Buckely's "The SB Current" words are being said about the serious
problems here in Santa Barbara County but also the State of California. These serious problems
are not going to "Go Away" by voting because the entire State of California and this County is
in a Python-Death-Stranggle-Hold by one Party Rule.
Former FBI Executive Officer Tom Parker told everyone in SB exactly what is going on and I will
quote from his 2/22/20 Article in the Independent "Public Corruption are To Often the Harbingers's
of Stark Realty." Harbinger Def. - A person that foreshadows or foretells the coming of something bad or evil. And I quote again from Tom Parkers article of that corruption :
"Simply put, political corruption is the use of official power by government officials for illegitimate personal gain. Unfortunately, there is too often a laissez faire attitude among the honest leaders in the community where perceptions of a problem are ignored or merely swept under the rug. Those perceptions are often the by-products of cronyism, influence peddling, bribery, or extortion."
It is not going to be "Good Enuf" to merely vote folks, you are going to have to get involved and find out what is going on with your Local Government because if you do, it will shock you to the core.
Prop 1: We first need an exhaustive post-mortem on every single other "homeless initiative" and explain why they all failed. And then explain why they keep demanding even more money. We cannot keep handing the tax payer check book over to Homeless Inc, when there has been no accountability for every one of their past failures.
How long has it been when the "Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness" not only did not end homelessness, but in fact grew the problem.
Why did the annual billions of dollars "tax the rich" Mental Health Services Act intended to address "homelessness) again fail so badly? Where did that money go, and where is it still going. (Yes I know Prop 1 attempts to remedy some of the MHSA failings, but first we need proof it will not fall down the exact same rat hole, that has afflicted this and all other Homeless Inc demands for more money).
I personally am voting for Uncle Chen's Walnut Shrimp. If this is the mark of the man, there are no other things to consider. Future addiction problems, yes. But no aroma issues at all. Yum.
I’m sure the citizens of Carpinteria would prefer the smell of orchids to the smell of pot. Das Williams is largely the one to thank for making Carp the pot growing leader in the state. Roy Lee is a great alternative.
Vote Das out to send a message to the Democrat machine
Roy Lee is a great candidate.I got to know him when I lived in Carpinteria.He is just a very solid guy and knows the community.I moved back to Santa Barbara and unfortunately he is not on my ballot now.I spend time in Carp on weekends visiting my brother and driving the back way on 192 the stench of Pot is overwhelming.I lived on LA Mirada and bordered on blueberry fields on the mountain side of 192.Most people I talk to in Carp blame Das Williams for the stench.Get rid of Das and pot!!
I read this article by Ms. Donovan who stated "If you really want to make changes in your community, you’ve got to vote. The next chance you will have to express your wants, needs, and desires, will take place in Santa Barbara on March 5th."
As many here now reading Mr. Buckely's "The SB Current" words are being said about the serious
problems here in Santa Barbara County but also the State of California. These serious problems
are not going to "Go Away" by voting because the entire State of California and this County is
in a Python-Death-Stranggle-Hold by one Party Rule.
Former FBI Executive Officer Tom Parker told everyone in SB exactly what is going on and I will
quote from his 2/22/20 Article in the Independent "Public Corruption are To Often the Harbingers's
of Stark Realty." Harbinger Def. - A person that foreshadows or foretells the coming of something bad or evil. And I quote again from Tom Parkers article of that corruption :
"Simply put, political corruption is the use of official power by government officials for illegitimate personal gain. Unfortunately, there is too often a laissez faire attitude among the honest leaders in the community where perceptions of a problem are ignored or merely swept under the rug. Those perceptions are often the by-products of cronyism, influence peddling, bribery, or extortion."
It is not going to be "Good Enuf" to merely vote folks, you are going to have to get involved and find out what is going on with your Local Government because if you do, it will shock you to the core.
Howard Walther member of a Military Family
Prop 1: We first need an exhaustive post-mortem on every single other "homeless initiative" and explain why they all failed. And then explain why they keep demanding even more money. We cannot keep handing the tax payer check book over to Homeless Inc, when there has been no accountability for every one of their past failures.
How long has it been when the "Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness" not only did not end homelessness, but in fact grew the problem.
Why did the annual billions of dollars "tax the rich" Mental Health Services Act intended to address "homelessness) again fail so badly? Where did that money go, and where is it still going. (Yes I know Prop 1 attempts to remedy some of the MHSA failings, but first we need proof it will not fall down the exact same rat hole, that has afflicted this and all other Homeless Inc demands for more money).