Saving Free Speech In the Era of Woke Assault
It should come as no surprise that the more “educated" an American citizen is, the more left leaning he will likely be. Leaning left makes one dangerously susceptible to the new woke religion that is progressive, gnostic, revolutionary, and utopian. This new religion goes by many amorphous names indicated by Tampon Tim’s glib remark “one person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.” The new church’s means of evangelization is brainwashing, and its true end is dystopian. Most public institutions employ college graduates and therefore many have become progressive propaganda mills in the service of the new religion.
One of the many deceptions perpetrated on Americans by the teaching arm of the new church – the mainstream media – is their false narrative of election “integrity.” The abuse of speech is dramatic when the reasonable demand for Voter-ID laws is mis-characterized as voter “suppression.” Worse, it is a matter of public record that massive cheating took place in the 2020 election. The mainstream media reports it as “the cleanest election in history.” The Brennan Center for Justice is just one of the countless media outlets peddling the massive lie that “by all measures, the 2020 general election was one of the most secure elections in our history.” The Grey Lady chimes in with the contradictory headline “The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud.” The scale and intensity of the propaganda threatens social banishment to anyone who questions its fake “veracity.”
“Some ideas are so stupid only intellectuals can believe them.” George Orwell
The new church of the progressive left arbitrarily dictates that we are not allowed to even suggest that massive cheating takes place at the ballot box, in spite of the fact that there are 18 pages of voter fraud convictions since 2019 as a matter of public record on the Heritage Foundation Voter Election Fraud Map. There is much more obvious voter fraud visible to those who have managed to recover commonsensical eyes to see and ears to hear, but still, the state forbids discussion in the public square. However, much like the other frauds peddled by the new religion, the evidence against them mounts in the aftermath, as was the case with a certain laptop and “vaccine.”
Election Fraud More Widespread Than Ever
Although more evidence of election fraud continues to surface as the statute of limitations on human interest runs out, one still has to sift through the fog of intentional confusion emitted by outlets such as NPR, which tries to turn the true story into a victim narrative. In Arizona, nearly 100,000 ineligible voters have been taken off the rolls. The Rasmussen Reports Organization did a poll less than a year ago where one in five admitted to a kind of voter fraud including filling out a ballet for a relative or friend while 17 percent admitted to voting in a state in which they no longer resided. Several other kinds of voter fraud are mentioned in the survey.
There are too many instances of voter fraud to name here, but let it suffice to mention a few. There is election interference by high tech oligarchs such as Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Cuban, Jack Dorsey, and many more. They interfere in ways that constitute a form of “buying an election.” There is both hard and soft election fraud in many forms. The hard fraud takes place when the voter process is manually altered through illegal ballots and the manipulation of voting machines. Soft fraud is demonstrated in things such as the suppression of the truth concerning Hunter Biden’s laptop and in how Facebook and Twitter colluded with the Democrat Party to suppress information.
Democrats Making It Even Easier to Cheat
Another subtle way to cheat is the left’s attempt to legalize illegal voting by passing laws to allow illegal aliens to vote in local elections. The first non-citizens right to vote in municipal elections began 30 years ago in Takoma Park Maryland. Three Cities in Vermont allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. The city of Santa Ana in California votes this November whether to “expand access to voting” to non-citizens in local elections, joining Vermont and Maryland. California Appellate judge Mark B. Simons grants the vote to non-citizens in San Francisco to vote in school board elections. Finally, the left makes a clever end run by the current use of the “Motor Voter Act” of 1993. It’s all the camel’s nose under the tent, but nonetheless these movements violate the U.S. Constitution if one understands Article 1 in conjunction with the 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th amendments.
Issues of voter fraud are better dealt with before they occur, for while hindsight is clear, it’s not expedient to address fraud after the fact. With that in mind, three Santa Barbara patriots who represent the Santa Barbara Voter Integrity Project, Michael English, Rosalie Hardoin, and Lisa Sloan have taken important action. They met with Michael Daly and Martin Cabos at the County Elections Division to do their part to ensure that local elections in Santa Barbara are examined carefully and proceed with due integrity. The goal of the meeting was to present research on Santa Barbara County’s 2020, 2022, 2024, and future elections. The good citizens followed up with an important letter with a series of 11 questions that ought to concern us all. They bring up the vital issues of voter roll cleanup, the DMV problem, and the use of defective machines. The official answer to these important questions was underwhelming.
On the Right there are those who would cheat, but they are the exception, not the rule. On the Left the new church’s party line is to “win by any means necessary.” Some on the left are honest, but they are the exception, not the rule. Voter Integrity is an issue that concerns all Americans. We must carefully consider all the issues mentioned above and do our part as good citizens to participate in this great republic as our forefathers intended.
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Pat Fish just said something here that I have always completely agreed with “How you spend your money is the one thing that really has an impact.” I bought food supplies from small farmers, sustainable fisheries. I bought things made in America. But in the last year I've seen how the government is working to rob us of that power - with inflation, with increased surveillance on what we purchase, with their goal of centralizing so they can control how we spend our money. It's our tax money that goes into organizations like FEMA and here they are, spending that money on illegals rather than NC. They believe they own us entirely. I've been disgusted beyond belief in the last week at how they've threatened civilians who are actually saving lives in NC. These people bought mules and helicopters with their own money partly so that they would have the power to do what's right in a situation like this. And the government is saying they don't have that right. This is not going to go well in NC. I want to think our dollars save us from having to fight our government. But it's not our government right now. It's not even the corrupt government of 2020 stealing that election. They know they can't steal this election because it'd be too obvious, so they're doing what they can now to steal our money and take that power from us. Only Trump can save us.
What is obvious is the gaslighting, where the people committed to staying in power by any means suggest that those who insist that elections were stolen are delusional and should be laughed at, scorned, censured or even locked up. Witness how they have used the “ justice “ system to suppress and incarcerate anyone willing to say the 2020 election was stolen. This is the essence of the whole J6 travesty. Steve Bannon is now in jail. Many Trump defense lawyers have lost their law licenses. Rudy Guliani is being destroyed, as they have tried to do to Sidney Powell. Peter Navarro recently got out of jail. The weaponization of the legal system, combined with the wholesale propaganda war from the MSM and most of the education establishment, would seem to be invincible. Our being able to even voice these opinions on Substack, Telegram, or X is viewed as a danger to “ democracy”. This means, to them, that our freedom of speech is a danger to their oncoming tsunami of progressive satanic Marxist hegemony. John Kerry and his friends view the US Constitution as an obstacle to their new world order, which they will run. Remember what Trump said as he put pressure on his bleeding ear-“ fight, fight, fight” and ask God to save us from His enemy who temporarily seems to be winning.