Mar 26·edited Mar 26

Bears repeating - elections do have consequences. Especially for the younger future tax payers ,who really do need to understand what they are wittingly or unwittingly signing up for today. All future public debt commitments made today will land squarely in their laps, if they keep voting for more public debt which now outstrips projected revenues.

You well described the following unsettling facts:

"1. The constant demand for more government services,

2. the continued un-budgeted costs to fund foreign wars,

3. the continual rise of the federal workforce and its heavy burden, and

4. the uncontrolled influx of millions of illegal immigrants every year,

5. plus the steep build-up of debt throughout the economy are pressuring the limits of fiscal/financial equilibrium." (Hanley)

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Underscoring Hanley's point #3 for California too:


..........."The state’s economy has only increased the number of jobs in the state by 82,000 in the last year as of February,........ with 61,100 of those being government positions,........ according to the California Employment Development Department.

California did again win the prize a the most anti-business state in the nation. Voters, we must stop this free-fall. This is purely a partisan default - two decades of a Democrat super-majority running this state and choking it with its anti-business agendas.

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J Livingston: tsk, tsk, “ bears repeating? “ what are those animals asking over and over….?

You may mean “ bares….”?

No problem. An innocent mistake unlike your daily rhetoric.

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I thought J. Livingston was using a Double entendre ("bear" economy).

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Bull...... Michael. Happy days are soon coming again. The animal spirits of the marketplace sense it.

BTW: Way back in the last century, our college humor magazine did a full edition riff on LBJ's statement, "these are perilous times"...... morphing this into any number of variations including .."these are peerless limes". Fun with word play. Those in fact were bears repeating that LBJ line, since this was the Cal Berkeley humor magazine. Go Bears.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Shall we defer final judgement to "Words-Wiki" Nancy? But thank you for baring your own soul amongst us. Keeps us on our toes. (Dang we are idiomatic, aren't we?)


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Mar 26·edited Mar 27

There has been a shift from people voting in accordance with a national interest to voting with a personal interest. If represented graphically it would look a lot like the graph of national debt. Whether it is a kushy do-nothing job in the "public sector" or some form of government cheese, voters are terrified of losing their free stuff. Politically, talk of fiscal responsibility is heard by voters as a threat to their free stuff. Of course there is no free stuff since all these schemes transfer wealth from those who create value through productive enterprise to those who do not. There is no doubt that the final chapter of this story is universal equality in poverty. To break any addiction requires an uncomfortable withdrawal. While the voters will unlikely vote for a diminution of benefits it could be imposed by the right leadership. While I have my doubts, I believe Donald Trump is our best hope to save this great nation from fiscal collapse. And like the addict who complains through the process, he will be thanked for the result.

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Latch Key Kids was Carter’s legacy.

But let’s look at history;

Pandemic, rushed vaccines, injured people, new Democratic President, gas shortages, supply chain issues, record high inflation, record high interest rates.

Dejavu? This all happened in the 1970s and again in 2020.

Wake up, this is not new. This is purposeful destruction of the Economy.

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Thank you for pointing out that Obama increased the debt more than Trump and that under Trump was a National, International emergency.

Why is it that the Govt does not have to balance a checkbook?

Why does the Govt harass us for income taxes, but prints money when they see fit?

Why is that the people who cannot balance a checkbook are in charge of finances!

Might as well put the Fox in charge of the hen house!

Why do we support our tax money being used for illegal purposes, we are helping the government break our own laws.

For starters illegals coming into the country. They are not coming in through a proper point of entry, they purposefully go around our legal immigration system.

Then our government provides the law breakers with a visa gift card, smartphone, transportation to a city, then they are provided shelter and more money as a monthly stipend. Illegals can fly freely, for free,without providing identification.

All rewards for breaking our laws.

And we keep allowing it. We keep funding it. We are aiding and abetting criminals.

Why are we funding a war in Ukraine? Did Congress declare war? Why are our weapons being used over there to attack Russia?

If it is about “democracy” why didn’t we fund the war in Ethiopia? Look it up, lots more deaths and tyranny. Didn’t you hear about it on CNN, the White House Press secretary talking about the atrocities over the last few years?

November 2020 the Ethiopian government began military operations in the Tigray region against the region’s ruling party. Civilian structures Tigray, including hospitals, schools, factories, and businesses, were shelled, looted and destroyed by Ethiopian federal forces and regional militias, and by Eritrean armed forces.

The fighting and continued restrictions on humanitarian access forced more than two million people to flee their homes, with thousands fleeing into Sudan, and left at least 2.3 million in need of assistance.

Now Ethiopia’s federal government is battling yet another revolt.

Where are the US protestors, the college kids chanting. No where. No one here cares about the deaths of all those Ethiopian civilians.

But wait, whose side is the US Deep State on? The people or the government? Think the Deep State players want Ethiopias rich natural resources and slave labor for their EVs and solar panels? Or perhaps it’s the estimated 500 tons of gold in them there hills?

Yep, it’s not about “freedom” it’s about the “Benjamin’s”.

You’d think you’d hear the African Americans talking about all the bloodshed over there. After all they’re “African”, right? Or is that another Democrat label used to divide people.

I don’t know about you, but I do not identify as a Scottish American. I am an American.

Stop letting the Ds fool you. They stole the Democratic Party a long time ago. Now the D stands for Deception & Destruction.

Just like “Planned Parenthood”. I challenge you to show me where on their website it talks about being a parent. The very first thing you see on their website is “ Need an abortion? We're here to help. ”

Deception & Destruction.

Democrats, wake up and take back your Party. Fire every career politician out there. Yes, that includes right here in SB.

Ask yourself after decades of D control are

- our schools better? With a 60% rate that cannot read and write at grade level, I’d say nope.

- Our SB homeless are off the street getting three square meals and regular healthcare. Nope. The homeless population has not gone down in decades despite five “first time ever” collaborative measures. Despite having 60 non profits that are dedicated to helping homeless.

- is SB financially stable? Nope, debt up the yin yang, the Democratic way!

- are businesses flourishing? Depends on the business but overall, what do you think?

- is crime rate reduced significantly? Nope, the police discourage people from filing complaints stating there is no point the criminal will be back on the street tomorrow. Oh and btw they’re a gang member so if you file a complaint they’ll know it was you. Yeah, how do you like that one from our SBPD.

So Ds how are your leaders doing for this community?

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Brian……worried again, like a true unAmerican Republican….worried some poor immigrant is getting something for nothing,…..WELL, PAY UP YOUR FULL TAXES, and maybe those needy others won’t have to take your measly dimes…..you and trump all cut out of the same money-grubbing cloth. And vote for the guy who wants the rich and corporations to pay taxes…..

And that is not the fat one with the orange face .

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I don't care about the "needy others" _unless_ they resspect and obey our laws. I don't know who's worse - the criminals flooding across our borders or the criminals in Washington D.C. who are rewarding them for doing so.

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excellent short history of US debt over the near past decades...I particularly like your statement, "We live in an uncertain world with many variables affecting both the world economy and the U.S. economy."

the US & the World are broke (and broken beyond repair)...just today a Dallas Federal Reserve branch report confirms US now suffering from stagflation as the devaluation of the currency accelerates...there is no saving the existing fiat currencies and systems of controls imposed by the worldwide banking cartel...

it's time to wake up to the reality that we are at war...it's should be readily apparent to those with the courage to look...word of caution: once you look, see & begin to realize the pervasive level of corruption & evil across our Country & the World, there is no turning back...

?do happenings make sense to your inner self? our Country is collapsing with recent direct hits, for example:

government infiltration & corruption

justice system infiltration & corruption

voting system modifications & corruption

border insanity

drugged population

government targeting politicians & people of different ideas

huge suspicious fires

planes falling apart

series of train derailments

bridge collapses

food production facilities burnt down, planes crashing into them, Bill Gates & China gobbling up farmland & pushing synthetic food

etc etc etc

the list is a small sample of things that have happened across America, many in just the last year...people get angry for questioning such events — but if you believe they are all truly organic, then at this point you are simply asleep and/or naive and/or ignorant, or just plain stupid...

many now believe that The Silent War is the war to end all wars, with 1,000 years of Peace on the horizon...best advice is to prepare for the financial collapse…it won’t happen under President Trump, so best to prepare accordingly…for the heads of households, it's a good time to consider protecting the homestead & nest eggs with metal assets (lead, gold, silver)...

PS...Trump (with US Mil assistance) is leading the counter insurgency...fight for Trump!

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Thanks for the truth

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Staggering information, and yet the majority of people have their head in the sand. "This too shall pass." "It's been worse than this." "Anyone but Orange Man!" Our children and their children will not thank our generation or the one that came before.

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"in the sand" is _not_ where the majority of people have their heads.

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All very good points. The deficit is bad. But many of us cannot vote for Trump, the Project 2025 manifesto is scarier than the debt.

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Why? ... Anything the Democrats do is better than Orange Man Bad? ...

Might as well give up.

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FYI: Project 2025 https://www.project2025.org. Worthy of future discussion.

Politics follows culture, as the prescient Andrews Breitbart often repeated.

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Thank you publishing this article to the truth behind what we all have been experiencing most of our lifetimes. Different Presidents and different administrations who ran our country were just puppets to a darker more nefarious group who called themselves the Senior Excutive Service alligned with 17 intelligence agencies. President Trump was selected from a group of 133 generals to run in the 2016 election. During his administration he cleverly crafted and documented his adminstrations actions through executive orders in a publication through the commission of 1776 and the report is called the 1776 Commission Project. Many people here in Santa Barbara County were in disbelief that such corruptions could we have no power or authority over. We the people who stand up for the US Constitution at our city, school and Board of Supervisors meetings decisions of how our tax dollars money is spent on a local level. We have authority to inform and speak on these local policies and procedures of our elected officials countywide and hold them accountable especially at the Board of Supervisors they hold the purse strings for the entire county government that affects all the local cities, and town governments. NewCaliforniaState for Santa Barbara County has been very instrumental to bring all this accounting and debts here in our state alone because the state is the 4th or 5th largest economy and largest state with 54 electors what the real problem is the Democrats have way more voters registered than the Republicans. With the Election Intregrity Project and New California State and those independent repubicans we are Being heard. I recently attended the Colab fundraiser at Madonna in on the 21st March to her both Sherriff Brown, and Sherriff Parkinson. They said We the People are waking up. They are starting to address our concerns at the borders with illegal migrants, Election Security, this has all elevated with Califirnia Financials and national financial markets crashing with no military support at our borders. Our National Guard is still federalized under the Trump Administration. The Military has jurisdiction over the US Constitution. We have been experiencing a silent coup de Tat with the Military and our Commander in Chief President Donald J. Trump. The Truth will be disclosed sooner than you think. We are there so buckle up buttercup it is going to be so biblical Happy Easter and God Bless you All. NewCaliforniaState.com


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Professor of Verbs and Nouns Nancy Freeman


Dear Karen,

You are always so quick to correct others.

The most recent example is your "tsk tsk" comment to J. LIVINGSTON ...allow me to quote a famous Cat Lady:


Nancy Freeman

Nancy’s Substack

2 hrs ago

J Livingston: tsk, tsk, “ bears repeating? “ what are those animals asking over and over….?

You may mean “ bares….”?

No problem. An innocent mistake unlike your daily rhetoric.


Tsk tsk...

I guess the dyslexic Webster-Merriam needs NancyKarens wordsmithing guidance.


How do you spell bears as in bears repeating?

The verb bare has only one meaning: “to uncover.” All other verb uses are for bear: “bearing children,” “bear south on the expressway,” “it bears repeating.” Bear is the only one of this pair that can also be a noun.


A DOUBLE TSK, TSK again...I guess you missed your Harvard (TRIBE) discussion on what BARES do in the woods.

Not to get biblical, but have you recently perused the topic of judgementalism found in Matthew 7:5 ?

You are such a faux-genius!🦄

Now, go paint 🐈‍⬛the cats🐈


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Hey . . . Nancypants is free to express her mistaken but inimitable POV. I like it 'cause it's straight talk - wrong, but straight.

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She's like an ex-spouse. You're wasting your posting time speaking to a fool.

You write well, so I'd stick to writing articles. All of us bystanders can see you're right without the need for you to spell it out.

Don't let an idiot ankle biter suck up your time and distract you.

Otherwise ... keep up the good work.

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DerekHanley. Maybe if the wealthy of this country would pay their share of taxes, the U.S.wouldn’t have to borrow so much.

After all, when a business man gets rich in America, he is using the structure others have paid for, all of which HELP HIM GET RICH…..the roads, the airways, the telephones, the internet, on and on…..he USES what others have worked at and already paid for.

Once again, all these articles by Republicans have one theme : money, money, money. No one of you cares about health care, abortion bans, bad treatment of gays, wars in Ukraine and the starving people of Gaza…..oh, it is all so sad to listen to….

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No such thing as a "fair share" of taxes. There is simply the IRS tax code, as written.

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I know for a fact that California has not one but two Constitutions 1849 compacted with God, and 1879 which incorporated the state and amended over 922 times. It Invoked the Vatican and the British Crown into our tax system through the Federal Reserve Act of 1918. It is UnConstitutional on all grounds and has no standing. It is all documented at Georgetown University, and through an American Veteran who is the son of the American Revolution with the SAR. https://youtu.be/lTkaFUlBfQE?si=p3-7PovhqXTKpCM9

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You mean the _76%_ percent of taxes paid by the top _10%_ of taxpayers doesn’t count?

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Yeah, Reagonomics worked really great. Corporation's, and the wealthy got tax cuts cause this way profits would trickle down to the masses. That worked really great.

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Nice try.

Some of us remember the Reagan budgets that the democrats in congress made a great show of declaring Dead on Arrival. After which they went on to spend gobs of money for junk. They made a deal with the president to cut $2 of spending for every $1 of new spending…and then failed to follow through. I know you think if you fib often enough it will replace the truth…but it’s not working. Plus, it makes you look pathological.

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Sounds like the Republican Congress we have now.

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No such thing as a "tax cut". Just the IRS Code, as written.

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Trump will not fix the problem. ...

If the Deep State allows him to take office, I'll eat my MAGA hat.

But that said, there's no way for him to 'fix' the deficit or the debt.

The Democrats will never accept lower spending levels. Anything less than an unsustainable level is 'racist' or whatever the insult of the day is. And, of course, ...

The Republicrats will never accept lower spending levels either ... for exactly the same reason.

The budget depends on two men: The Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader. And both men will be undermined by defections in their party if they decide to do anything pro-American.

So a Democrat can either rape America's budget - and be a 'racist' - or rape the budget harder. And a Republicrat can rape America's budget - and be a 'RINO' - or rape the budget harder - and be a 'RINO'

For anyone wondering what happens if a Congress critter dares to resist the KKKrats ... I suggest looking into Speaker of the House Tom Delay's story. (And if you try the Wikipedia version, just reverse all that. It was a hit job.)

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When insurrection has been commited against the US Constitution, the Military have juridiction to protect the constitution and offenses against "We the People."

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What you are missing is the fact that there is no more power behind the deep state. The evil one does not have power above our Lord, Jesus Christ, and our God, whose image is embedded our double helix dna in Ancient Hebrew "Made in God's Image aka "Yeshua"

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There’s only one way we can fix it and eliminate the stupid Commie-Dems and their wild spending - a crushing GOP victory in November.

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excellent article though ... covers the debt issue in an informative way.

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Victor Davis Hanson , a favorite and Dr. Aijan

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Both excellent.

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Is this publication an offshoot of Fox New?

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This was an interesting read that seemed pretty fair and balanced - until the last few paragraphs where Mr. Hanley started his campaign for the role of VP..... " He has the energy and tirelessness of a much younger man." etc.

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