My daughter-in-law started a Girl Scout troop in Sedona AZ. On the first day, she started with the pledge of allegiance, but none of the 8 years olds knew it. That is third grade!
She started teaching them while her 4 year old grandson sat near by. They recited it and learned about what it means, and by the third meeting they all could recited it.
I came for a visit and they showed off their new skill. I was a very proud grandma. But what made me laugh and cry was when my 4 year old Grandson said he could recite it too, and proceeded to make me proud with a perfect pledge, in an adorable 4 year old voice. I have it on video and watch it often.
Thank you for your book and reminding us all about what is important. I am a proud immigrant, standing tall and always honoring our American flag.
I taught English -- Freshman Composition -- at Santa Barbara City College for 20 years. For the lesson on concise and active voice writing, I would present the Pledge of Allegiance: "I pledge allegiance. . . ." A simple "subject-verb-object" structure followed by strings of phrases. A good, strong sentence. Afterwards, I would invite the students to stand and recite the Pledge. They always did. Today, I imagine I'd be reported to the dean.
We share your pride in the flag and dismay over those who disrespect it. Looking forward to getting the book Having Faith in the Flag. As an avocado rancher, I want to get Pedro the Avocado
Agree. Well written. My flag flies 24/7. I was proud that so many chose to fly the flag after 9/11. I was NOT proud of how the flag eas used on January 6th, and I am troubled by that sort of mentality.
Such a great point. As the World has changed Americans have grown and matured through the decades.
Some, mostly Democrats, like to say we haven’t matured that we as a nation are racist longing for the days of slavery. Democrats say we need to pay reparations. I find this interesting given the history of the Democratic Party.
When Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, was elected the Democrats/Confederates started the Civil War. Six days after the Confederates surrendered a Democrat assassinated Lincoln.
His VP stepped in. Johnson, a Democrat who openly opposed the 13th Amendment.
In 1865, the 13th Amendment which banned slavery and involuntary servitude was finally passed after facing much opposition from the Democratic Party.
The 1866 Civil Rights Act was vetoed by Democratic President Andrew Johnson twice.
1918 Women’s Suffrage: The Democrats voted against and defeated women’s rights five times. The Amendment finally passed when the Republicans managed to swing sine Democrats to vote in favor.
1964 Cvil Rights Act passed with 93% of Republican support. Democratic senators filibustered the bill for 75 days,
Today Democrats say they are the “Party of the People”. I guess they’ve matured over the decades, would you agree?
The Republican Party voted for each human rights bill throughout the decades. I think it’s wonderful Democrats are finally recognizing equal rights for everyone, even illegal trespassers to this country and your empty home.
We need to continue to grow together and have open discussions. The only way we can move forward is by forgiving the past and working together to Keep American Great.
And I have full confidence that Joe Biden will cause Americans to become more united than ever.
thank you for the pleasing article, Faith in the Flag…the Flag means more than most can imagine…I too quit watching & supporting sports teams (and all others) that disrespect our Flag, as they are also disrespecting our country & those that serve to keep us safe…
Flag salutes don't cut it with me. When I was in grade school we recited the pledge with our right arm stretched out, palm up; the nazis did it palm down. Too many politicians hide corruption under the banner and pledge. My loyalty is to a constitutional republic. Teaching our youth to pledge to something they do not yet understand can lead to tyranny.
My grandparents grew up in the 1890's and early 1900's and there was no "pledge" in schools at that time. My own parents grew up in the 1920's and 1930's with the outstretched arm version of the "pledge" before the words "under God" were added in 1954. I attended several elementary schools while growing up in the 1950's and early 1960's, some schools said the pledge, some did not. I also noticed that some of the students left the room and did not participate. When asked to explain, these 3rd and 4th graders told us that the compulsory routine repeated reciting of a memorized oath or pledge makes such an oath meaningless. Furthermore, the pledge was made to an object, which is a form of idolatry that they, as Christians, were not allowed to participate in. Upon entering the U.S. Army only once did I have to swear an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution (not the flag), and during my several years of military service there was never a "pledge of allegiance" at the beginning of formations or meetings. Since all of those present had sworn to defend the U.S. Constitution, such a public display of our patriotism was unnecessary.
Thank you Henry for educating children about our great country. As a legal immigrant, like your father, I love this country. I have lived in 2 other good countries, but the USA will always be my home. I still have the flag that I received at the SB Court House the day I became an American Citizen, many years ago. Carla Reeves
Excellent article about the flag Henry. “It’s the symbol of, the land I love . . .” George M. Cohan sure had it right!
_Nobody_ loves and appreciates this great country more that me. I have a flag decal on my car, the front window of my house, and sometimes sign my emails: ‘Earl Brown, American’. I’ve traveled this world enough to see what a genius George Washing and the boys were when they put this country together.
Although Biden and the Commie-Dems are trying to turn the USA into a s___hole, everything will change when Trump takes over. Believe me - he’ll clean house, like Regan and his people did when they kicked out Carter and all his idiot Democrat losers. I just hope we can hold out that long!
Amen. ... So much to say, it's hard to stay with just one small rant:
We live in a Ratopia where some rats live at 38k feet while others are eaten alive. Meanwhile most of us rats just float through life aimlessly wondering what's wrong and worrying about what will go wrong.
A few know. But can do very little about it ... and find out how little when the FBI shows up to go through their underwear ... or they find themselves with a devastating lawsuit fueled by our own taxes.
That said, most Americans are NOT down with the cause.
Just spend 30 minutes talking to my illegal Mexican neighbor who's been living in Texas now for 36 years ... and you will understand why the border is open. He has kids. He has grandkids. He has a riding lawn mower. He fills his yard several times each summer with his Church friends ... so they can warm the planet with barbecued beef, pork, and chicken. ... He is NOT down with the cause.
God knows the nation has been hijacked. And none of us ... not one gave our consent. Even the lunatics supporting the insanity ... support it because they think my skin color causes it. No one wants it to continue except Larry Fink and Klaus Schwab and their ilk.
That's why we haven't (yet) gotten the Sodom and Gomorrah treatment.
My daughter-in-law started a Girl Scout troop in Sedona AZ. On the first day, she started with the pledge of allegiance, but none of the 8 years olds knew it. That is third grade!
She started teaching them while her 4 year old grandson sat near by. They recited it and learned about what it means, and by the third meeting they all could recited it.
I came for a visit and they showed off their new skill. I was a very proud grandma. But what made me laugh and cry was when my 4 year old Grandson said he could recite it too, and proceeded to make me proud with a perfect pledge, in an adorable 4 year old voice. I have it on video and watch it often.
Thank you for your book and reminding us all about what is important. I am a proud immigrant, standing tall and always honoring our American flag.
Della - beautiful story! :)
Amazing. Even on this post ... some do not understand that the flag, the pledge of allegiance, and other signs, symbols, and rites of patriotism ...
... are not about you.
Makes one wonder if they give a flip about their grandchildren.
I taught English -- Freshman Composition -- at Santa Barbara City College for 20 years. For the lesson on concise and active voice writing, I would present the Pledge of Allegiance: "I pledge allegiance. . . ." A simple "subject-verb-object" structure followed by strings of phrases. A good, strong sentence. Afterwards, I would invite the students to stand and recite the Pledge. They always did. Today, I imagine I'd be reported to the dean.
We share your pride in the flag and dismay over those who disrespect it. Looking forward to getting the book Having Faith in the Flag. As an avocado rancher, I want to get Pedro the Avocado
Agree. Well written. My flag flies 24/7. I was proud that so many chose to fly the flag after 9/11. I was NOT proud of how the flag eas used on January 6th, and I am troubled by that sort of mentality.
“America matured under the red, white, and blue”
Such a great point. As the World has changed Americans have grown and matured through the decades.
Some, mostly Democrats, like to say we haven’t matured that we as a nation are racist longing for the days of slavery. Democrats say we need to pay reparations. I find this interesting given the history of the Democratic Party.
When Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican President, was elected the Democrats/Confederates started the Civil War. Six days after the Confederates surrendered a Democrat assassinated Lincoln.
His VP stepped in. Johnson, a Democrat who openly opposed the 13th Amendment.
In 1865, the 13th Amendment which banned slavery and involuntary servitude was finally passed after facing much opposition from the Democratic Party.
The 1866 Civil Rights Act was vetoed by Democratic President Andrew Johnson twice.
1918 Women’s Suffrage: The Democrats voted against and defeated women’s rights five times. The Amendment finally passed when the Republicans managed to swing sine Democrats to vote in favor.
1964 Cvil Rights Act passed with 93% of Republican support. Democratic senators filibustered the bill for 75 days,
Today Democrats say they are the “Party of the People”. I guess they’ve matured over the decades, would you agree?
The Republican Party voted for each human rights bill throughout the decades. I think it’s wonderful Democrats are finally recognizing equal rights for everyone, even illegal trespassers to this country and your empty home.
We need to continue to grow together and have open discussions. The only way we can move forward is by forgiving the past and working together to Keep American Great.
And I have full confidence that Joe Biden will cause Americans to become more united than ever.
well said, Brian. And Americans know what you mean.
thank you for the pleasing article, Faith in the Flag…the Flag means more than most can imagine…I too quit watching & supporting sports teams (and all others) that disrespect our Flag, as they are also disrespecting our country & those that serve to keep us safe…
Flag salutes don't cut it with me. When I was in grade school we recited the pledge with our right arm stretched out, palm up; the nazis did it palm down. Too many politicians hide corruption under the banner and pledge. My loyalty is to a constitutional republic. Teaching our youth to pledge to something they do not yet understand can lead to tyranny.
Bob Reingold
My grandparents grew up in the 1890's and early 1900's and there was no "pledge" in schools at that time. My own parents grew up in the 1920's and 1930's with the outstretched arm version of the "pledge" before the words "under God" were added in 1954. I attended several elementary schools while growing up in the 1950's and early 1960's, some schools said the pledge, some did not. I also noticed that some of the students left the room and did not participate. When asked to explain, these 3rd and 4th graders told us that the compulsory routine repeated reciting of a memorized oath or pledge makes such an oath meaningless. Furthermore, the pledge was made to an object, which is a form of idolatry that they, as Christians, were not allowed to participate in. Upon entering the U.S. Army only once did I have to swear an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution (not the flag), and during my several years of military service there was never a "pledge of allegiance" at the beginning of formations or meetings. Since all of those present had sworn to defend the U.S. Constitution, such a public display of our patriotism was unnecessary.
Henry is a fantastic writer and I think it is admirable that he still believes in country, honor and the flag. Thank you for your insights.
Thank you Henry for educating children about our great country. As a legal immigrant, like your father, I love this country. I have lived in 2 other good countries, but the USA will always be my home. I still have the flag that I received at the SB Court House the day I became an American Citizen, many years ago. Carla Reeves
"All manner of common sense is lost on perverted ideology."
It's truly baffling trying to understand the logic and goal behind such division and destruction done in the name of inclusion and diversity.
Excellent article about the flag Henry. “It’s the symbol of, the land I love . . .” George M. Cohan sure had it right!
_Nobody_ loves and appreciates this great country more that me. I have a flag decal on my car, the front window of my house, and sometimes sign my emails: ‘Earl Brown, American’. I’ve traveled this world enough to see what a genius George Washing and the boys were when they put this country together.
Although Biden and the Commie-Dems are trying to turn the USA into a s___hole, everything will change when Trump takes over. Believe me - he’ll clean house, like Regan and his people did when they kicked out Carter and all his idiot Democrat losers. I just hope we can hold out that long!
Amen. ... So much to say, it's hard to stay with just one small rant:
We live in a Ratopia where some rats live at 38k feet while others are eaten alive. Meanwhile most of us rats just float through life aimlessly wondering what's wrong and worrying about what will go wrong.
A few know. But can do very little about it ... and find out how little when the FBI shows up to go through their underwear ... or they find themselves with a devastating lawsuit fueled by our own taxes.
That said, most Americans are NOT down with the cause.
Just spend 30 minutes talking to my illegal Mexican neighbor who's been living in Texas now for 36 years ... and you will understand why the border is open. He has kids. He has grandkids. He has a riding lawn mower. He fills his yard several times each summer with his Church friends ... so they can warm the planet with barbecued beef, pork, and chicken. ... He is NOT down with the cause.
God knows the nation has been hijacked. And none of us ... not one gave our consent. Even the lunatics supporting the insanity ... support it because they think my skin color causes it. No one wants it to continue except Larry Fink and Klaus Schwab and their ilk.
That's why we haven't (yet) gotten the Sodom and Gomorrah treatment.
"The world has always counted on America and the flag under which she flies.'
Tell that to Ukraine or lately Israel.