Each morning I come out to the kitchen and the dog gets excited.
He’s thinking it’s time for a walk. That all depends on my day and my plans, but he has no clue what my plans are.
Today I put on my shoes, grab the leash, and we get in the car. He’s so excited! Are we going to the beach, the park? Then we pull into the parking lot, and he realizes we are not at the beach, but the vet’s office.
Not what he signed up for.
The World had an awakening on June 27; it learned for the very first time that Joe has cognitive issues. After the debate, the corporate media, top Democrat donors, and Democrat Politicians, have decided that Joe Biden is not mentally fit for office. George Stephanopoulos gave Joe a soft interview but called him out for his mental incapacity.
The week prior to the debate, corporate media was denying Joe had any cognitive issues, saying the Republicans have been making it all up. Stephanopoulos, Robert De Niro, the ladies of “The View,” all adamantly dismissed Joe's cognitive failings. Vice President Kamala Harris called Joe the sharpest guy she knows and marveled that behind the scenes, he’s a hard worker.
What happened just before the debate? Did Joe have a stroke a la Pennsylvania’s Democrat Senator John Fetterman?
So why the 180-degree about face in the media and among top Democrats? Why are they now saying Joe must go? A week prior, Joe was in tip-top shape, so smart at negotiating foreign policies, a hard worker even from his Delaware beach house. This is like Dr. Tony Fauci with the Covid masks, one week he says they don’t work and the next he says wear a t-shirt over your face.
No new science.
I ask myself, why have so many people been in denial of Joe's mental incapacity and habitual lies? I wonder how it is that so many professionals – highly educated people – aren’t educated at all. They’re just followers of corporate media, being told what they’re allowed to think. I was talking to a diehard Democrat the other day about the debate and Joe's mental wellness. He acknowledged Joe was suffering mentally but was still going to vote for him over Trump.
Orange man bad: TDS.
A Vote for Dementia
I bluntly said, “You’re going to vote for person who has a mental illness, who can’t find his way off a stage over a sharp, successful businessman?”
His response was simply, “I hate Trump.”
He could offer nothing other than “Trump is mean.”
Wow! There’s our college education in a nutshell.
So, if Joe Dementia is on the November ballot, that above-mentioned Democrat will vote for him. Do Democrat voters think Joe is actually in charge? Or are they okay that Joe is just a figurehead, a puppet?
Whoa, that is an eye opener!
Watch the Democrats nominate Joe, knowing he’s not fit, knowing he’s mentally incapacitated. Did you notice the Democrats moved up their National Convention by a month to fast-track approving Joe as their leader? Democrat voters apparently actually support putting a dementia patient on the ballot.
If that doesn’t send off alarm bells, well then, we are all truly screwed.
Oh right, the Democrats want you to believe their only chances of beating the bad orange man is a mentally incompetent elderly man who doesn’t even know what year it is. This is soooo funny, and sad. Sad that Democrat voters willingly support a mentally incompetent person to run our country.
Irresponsible and idiotic are the better terms.
Here’s some critical thinking for you: it’s all part of the plan and the sheeple will fall in lock step. Recall the Dems have their architectural plan to “Build America,” rather tear down America and its Constitution. Corporate media is now allowed to acknowledge Joe has a mental illness and is not fit to run any country, much less ours. He’s not fit to have the keys to the car much less the nuclear codes, and that’s now officially public knowledge; it’s no longer a conspiracy theory.
Ever ask yourself, who gave corporate media permission to acknowledge Joe is unfit for office and why now?
Here’s a reality check, as much as Democrat voters would cherish having a mentally disabled person as their guy, there is no way Joe will be on the November ballot.
Let’s fast forward.
Old is New Again
Democrats will remove Joe after he’s nominated, using the 25th Amendment, or he will disappear. Kamala Harris will become the Democrat presidential candidate. Who will she – or some cigar-chomping committee – name as her VP? Kamala is as smart as a brick and has the lowest ratings in history, in most cases, lower than the mentally incompetent Joe.
She is destined to become the presidential nominee after Joe is laid to rest, either in a dementia ward or the grave. And since her approval ratings are not there, they will need a popular VP candidate to make the election seem plausible.
Who will it be?
Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson? California Governor Gavin Newsom? Hillary Clinton? Michelle Obama? Barack Obama?
Oh yeah, I said it.
Why do you think it’s not possible?
Hear me out. Hussein can run as VP; he can’t run as a presidential candidate. He has always said he wanted a third term; he never left DC. If a Harris/Obama ticket wins, Kamala can step down citing some issue or scandal and Barack steps up as the acting president till the term is over.
Oh, and here’s the latest groundwork to remove Kamala after they install her. Rumor has it she’s an “anchor baby.” Her parents were not U.S. citizens when they gave birth to her on American soil. Anchor babies are not allowed to be president. And voila, Hussein has his third term.
At this point the only crazy notion out there is that Biden’s name will be on the ballot come November.
Come on man!
True blue voters: will you comply with the lies? Will you follow the obvious manipulation of the American people blindly? Will you support a dementia patient nominated by the Democratic National Committee? Will you support True Blue when they remove Joe? Do you know you are being manipulated?
Or is it that you just like being told what to think and who to vote for, like a dog on a leash?
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Democrats are now focusing on "Trump is Mean". One sees this now playing out at many levels, primarily from the utterings of both Kamala Harris and Michelle Obama.
From the Santa Barbara Street religious non-profit Unitarian Society's Wayside Pulpit announcing to passing cars: "Choose those who lift you up. Michelle Obama" to Kamala Harris reported today in the WSJ: "What kind of country do we want to live in? Do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law, or in a country of chaos, fear and hate?"
Democrats sum and substance remains OrangemanBad and you are a bad person if you support him. They have not moved iota beyond that same 2020 message. Witness Democrats yet again claiming they are the aspirational party of decency, but in fact they did give us Joe Biden and his curiously mean-spirited Return to Decency.
Welcome to another dissonant Election Year, 2024, just like Democrats exploited fear, uncertainty and death threats during their Covid Election Year 2020. But that is mean of me to even mention this, making their case for them. Onwards and upwards folks, we have a lot of good to look forward to Making America Great Again. And not a moment too soon. Offense remains the best defense.
We (heart) conservatism because it is best for all of America. Loving what makes America great is our best gift: limited government; rule of law; protection of private property; free and competitive markets.
After the four years of Obama-driven, deep state sabotage thrown at POTUS Donald Trump, even before Trump was elected in 2016, it is Trump who deserves finally getting a real first term. He has more than earned it, and captured the will of America's long-suffering and silenced majority. America cannot survive a fourth term of Barack Obama.