Weekend @ Bernie’s is what we’re experiencing.

Our Democrat run government does not care about law, what is just or fair. They only care about staying in power to force a one world government.

A drug addict shoots a random person & they are not liable for murder because they were unaware due to drugs.

A non President keeps classified documents knowingly and then discloses classified documents to get paid $8,000,000 9 years ago. But today he’s forgetful.

Newsoms winery stayed open during Covid despite higher death per population data in Napa while he closed our Valley bec more people tested positive but did nit die here in SB.

A mob of illegals bum rush National Guards injuring them to get across the border. They are rewarded with visa gift cards & transportation to another city where they’re provided housing.

Tyson food lays off 1,200 American Citizens to hire 5,200 illegals.

Look at Trumps trial where there are no victims.

Look at our SBUSD & how many known sexual predators they chose to keep and allow access to children.

What you & I do is under scrutiny. While the top does whatever they want.

And the Cult of the Donkey, your Democrat voting spouse, friend, neighbor always vote D.

Don’t worry, soon Biden will be removed after they rig the 2024 election & place Bernie back in with Barrack as his VP. . Then Obama will slide back into the Whitehouse. Watch.

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Brian, You sound so unhappy. Time for you to leave this country you clearly don’t love. You also don’t have a truthful source for your skewered wrong information. Go, and take your buddies with you.

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Brian's assertions are not conjecture - those are the facts!

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You speak like a true Leftist (the part about how Brian should leave because his opinion differs from yours). Here's my story, and I'm sticking to it: I LOVE California, and would love to stay here, but the LEFTISTS (who are not liberals) who have run this state for decades have made it impossible for the working-class to stay, and that's why they are leaving in droves. I actually had someone say to me "If you don't like California, why don't you join the rest of the bigots and move to a Republican state?" There you go! If you dare to point out facts, you're a bigot! By the way, unlike 90+% of the American people, I'm not voting for Biden nor for Trump, neither of whom have shown moral character.

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Agree with some of what you say, but nonetheless my disgust with Newsom might even be greater than yours. The damage that man, and his party, have done to this state is absolutely mind-numbing. How can any working-class person with a functioning brain support him?

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Thomas John you ignorant slut. You tweetie birds just can't help putting in your digs against the great Donald John Trump. While you might find his pallor off-putting, his mental capacity clearly exceeds both Biden's and yours. Trump built his wealth in the real estate business then decided to have a 10 year run in his own television show then decided to run for office and became president on his first try. Meanwhile Biden was feeding at the public trough and to this day nobody seems to be able to explain how he accumulated his wealth on a public parasite salary. I shouldn't dignify by response the musings of a brainwashed worm. Thomas John, what have you accomplished?

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Right on

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Always the simple comment.

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Jeffie Barton….what have you accomplished? What’s so great anyway about what thief, tax-evaded, liar, sexual abuser, loser of election d.j. Dump did in his miserable life? Not one iota of humanity, love, kindness, fairness, in his self-servicing life. Nothing better for him now than JAIL for the rest of his uneducated selfish life.

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Well, I've raised a few great kids. Volunteered for a 1/2 dozen organizations in town, from Scouts to trail building. Stayed married to the same woman, no golfing dates with Stormy or anything. Had a security clearance for a decade and never showed folks I was trying to swoon anything I had access too. But If it makes you feel good to call me names that's about you for sure.

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If Santa Barbara Current allows aging "journalists" to write whatever is in their addled mind as if its clever and thought provoking when its just an embarrassment to most; Is that elder abuse?

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Nicole, as long as people like you are open to reading different points of view, Santa Barbara Currents provides a welcome public service.

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J Livingston….there is NO public service or benefit to your article (s) , especially comments on the present political scene. This is just one of practically no other publications / emails in S.B. for frustrated Republicans to print more Dump-lies about the state of our country…..ignoring the dangers to our Democracy in exchange for voting for a man who will hopefully reduce their taxes. THAT is the only benefit the nasty nose-holding Republicans will get from a Dump presidency……and the buggers are willing to give up our freedom, our Democracy in hopes of getting a little richer. TDUMP will enhance HIS PERSONAL LIFE….especially since it is now evident he is financially ( and morally ) BROKE…..not anyone else’s life, you dummies. And, wise men are forecasting that if the dumpy one gets in, he will arrange…like Putin…..to stay in till he dies, which I, for one, will gratefully say “ Rest in Pieces, you awful awful man .” Yes, he will, he will, he will die.

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Will Nancy P or Nancy Freeman, or both, be giving a "like" to your comment?

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Good one Nance! Wrong as usual, but jolly good!

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It's been great entertainment!

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Nicole: Kudos to you for an insightful well-asked question of a non -informative show-off article signifying NOTHING.

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We are witnessing elder abuse in the highest form. And it is running our country.

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Many citizens have similar serious questions about pResident Biden given the great power of the office…

What 'off-market' drugs are being provided to JB in order to sustain minimum daily function?

What is the real medical diagnosis of JB?

Who is managing his care?

Who is 'really' managing his care?

Given his ever-degrading mental faculties, Methinks that [they] plan to replace Sleepy Joe ASAP…his value is gone: can‘t walk/talk, exposed as pedo & criminal, everyone knows he’s not running the place & [they] now know that everyone knows…MSM is turning on Crooked Joe & The Mockingbird always tells of their next moves…

PS…the Ukraine reveal is rising…

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People who are intelligent, subscribe to truthful sources for information, and do their own critical thinking do NOT question the intelligent, caring humanity, and leadership of President Biden.

With a criminal tax-evader Republican A-hole as a demented candidate for that office, I don’t know why you Republicans dare say one negative word about our President. I wish one of you would list truthfully……a serious request…..what does trump possible offer America? He hates everyone except a few white men; he’s a tax evader, which means he has cheated Americans of money he owes, he’s a liar, a sexual abuser, denied the truth about 2020 election, professes to love Hitler and Putin, professes to be a dictator if elected, his friends and lawyers have mostly gone to jail or been disbarred……WHAT HAS HE DONE THAT IS GOOD FOR AMERICA? Please tell me. No one of you addresses that….he is one mammoth disaster; why do you want him as President? SPEAK…..someone…..the TRUTH, not more lies.

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Hi Nancy, good to hear from you…as requested, here is a partial list of Trump accomplishments…God Bless…


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more importantly, Trump is working behind the scenes to save the country (and the world with assistance from other key players within many countries across the world)..we are at war (WWIII)…if interested, here is a link to a fellow digital soldier who developed a good understanding of the behind-the-scenes moves made by “Team Trump” to devolve the US government as we move through the war…stay tuned and be prepared…God Bless…


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dDawson, you MUST be kidding !! “ devolution “? Have you been drinking again?

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haha, I'm not a drinker Nancy (and only use drugs for medicinal purposes)...for those that can't see (refuse to?), we are living through the coordinated takedown of the America...it's what some would term a "Color Revolution", and includes many of that same tactics applied throughout the past centuries to degrade cultures and nations states in order to take power...

here & now, we are living the curse of Lin Biao…he was the key figure that devised and implemented the tactics used for the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the mid1960s under Chairman Mao...

history repeats...FYI, this fellow provides a good summary of Lin Biao and his "Army of Hairy Crabs"...the “Ghost Disease” is upon us… summary starts at about 13 min mark...God Bless…


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Nancy, taking your oft-requested plea for face value, here is a good place to start the transition into understanding why Trump (and the conservative movement) is and remains so popular. And growing, among young people.

Many conservatives enjoy the perspectives offered by Victor Davis Hansen and find the following book spoke and continues to speak for many of us: https://www.hoover.org/research/victor-davis-hanson-case-trump

Enjoy reading this - it is probably available at the library or used on eBay. Hoover Institution is also a good bookmark to follow, to stay current on widely held conservative thought. Appreciate your continued requests for better understanding on this topic.

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Yes, it would be helpful if everyone would read conservative views, and know what you're talking about instead of what media tell him

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"...He hates everyone ..."

How do you know such things?

Once again, might I suggest meditation, deep breathing and significantly more bulk in the diet.

Bring ALL the cats 🐈🐈‍⬛🐅 🐗, some paint brushes and let's do brunch 🐡


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Nance - you didn't use 'intelligent', 'leadership', and 'Biden' in the same sentence, did you ? For shame! Sophocles had it right when he said of Crook Biden - " Time, which sees all things, has found you out."

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Lots of Adderall ... or street meth.

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Yes. It is. But the kid sniffing traitor trying to start WW3 to save his crime family from justice has burned through all the sympathy I can muster.

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As this new discussion forum begins to take form, this is a good time to be reminded of the fruits from another aging brain, written one year before his death: Saul Alinksy's Rules for Radicals:

"The Rules

"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."

"Never go outside the expertise of your people."

"Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

"A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

"A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag."

"Keep the pressure on."

"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."

"The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."

"If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside; this is based on the principle that every positive has its negative."

"The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

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Or if that elder's caretakers painted his face orange.......

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J.LIVINGSTON….you have the bad taste to quote one Sharyl Attkisson? She taught kindergarten and might have done some learning in, I believe, a Florida college…..?? Must check my sources.

.Hardly a scholar. Why would she have an info of value?

Now, check the education of a Maddow, ( MSNBC ), ( go ahead, Google HER education) plus the superb nightly delivery cum clearly defined sources of Lawrence ODonnell. The news on that station is from highly educated esteemed prosecutors, authors, men who have been scholars all their lives….but MOST importantly….they quote trusted and respected sources, sources verified and confirmed by other respected commentator on BBC, PBS.


On the other side…we have opinionated clowns on the FOXXY…big mouths with not much of anything worth hearing except slander which they think is funny. Oh. Well…….FOXXY does American listeners a big disservice: their listeners think they are getting news, whereas…..we know what they’re getting, don’t we J . l.?? I think the word is “ rubbish”.

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Dawson…..still waiting.for ONE trump achievement. Where are they? On the other hand:

Sixteen women claim he abused them.

30 companies won’t loan him money.

He lied about owning Trump Tower…..he may own the land it’s on but not the building in spite of the

big ugly sign on it

He lied about being rich…can’t pay his dues…been begging to him dumb followers whom he disdains

Cheated Americans out of the taxes he never paid but should have

91 counts of possible conviction

BEing sued by several Capitol policemen who got hurt during Jan. 6.insurrection….Trump’s idea

Owes mucho dollars to E. Jean Carroll

Loves Putin

Loved and admired Hitler

Married two immigrants but hates immigrants to U.S.

Calls immigrants “ rapists “….which of course HE IS….A RAPIST!

Not fit for anything above being a rat catcher…..!

So….waiting to hear how he will enhance this country or its people …..hmmmmmm ?

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Careful, Nancy. Slander per se again. Have fun tracking the Trump vs George Stephenopolis lawsuit. At stake are those pesky limits the law does impose on "free speech". A teaching moment.

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What "slander"? Right or wrong Nancy has the right to interpret her perception of Trumpy's shinanigans.

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Slander per se. Legal term of art; not just an opinion.

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"He lied about owning Trump Tower…..he may own the land it’s on but not the building in spite of the big ugly sign on it."

Nope. The land it sits on is leased from its German owner.

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Good and timely questions, Dale. And widely shared. Hospital bioethics committees are often asked to grapple with these very confounding issues.

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If I run down the street with a fish in my hand but only one shoe and no socks and I can't remember where I left my water bottle because I can't see behind me BECAUSE WHO HAS EYES ON THE BACK OF THEIR HEAD!?! And then a dog runs by that looks familiar but I can't quite remember the way it smelled yet the rays through the trees dance on the cracked concrete in a familiar gopher snake kinda way that's reminiscent of that one time we ate sticks and rolly pollies and sometimes the sun doesn't even come out.. TELL ME THEN, is it elder abuse?? Or is it the grease burning from the backroom permeating through molded beams, cracked pleather and sauteed onions swept under a booth both unseen and forever part of the background radiation.. long live freedom, forever and ever even if the robots come and take all your collectible spoons.. is that Eldridge abuse? Ish spat melder a bruise? I thank beforei ran and CAN'T U C??

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Are you the person who's been tampering with Biden's teleprompter?


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Oh Lorde no. I'm just hopping on this crazy train with you.🤘

Keep coming with the comedy!

Hail Satan

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How can we possibly do brunch without murdering each other, let alone my possibly choking while listening to your lies?

I’m still waiting for SOMEONE to name one of The Dump’s virtue. To answer you question, I know such things about the Dump from listening to HIM, NPR, PBS, BBC, trusted Prosecutors, honorable law professors ( Tribe ) at Harvard, my good instincts, reading, and the fact that NO ONE ever names one virtue of that uneducated criminal named trump. Everyone either talks about making more money with trump or maligns Biden un fairly.

ALSO, OUR AMERICAN LAWS SAY OVER AND OVER AGAIN THAT TRUMP has broken many of the laws of this country. You didn’t question that Hitler was a monster, did you? Why do you not attribute MONSTERHOOD to this criminal named trump? He hates as many as Hitler and will do what Hitler did because trump says he admires Hitler. Have you not heard him say that? You keep asking me how I know.

I’m intelligent, I can read, I listen well, I know right from wrong, I think clearly……besides all that, many different prosecutors of the U.S. have said TRUMP HAS BROKEN THE LAWS OF THE U.S. Good enough for me. Have I answered your question for the fifth time?

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NancyKaren recently said:

"...I’m intelligent, I can read, I listen well, I know right from wrong, I think clearly..."

So, I guess ONE out of FIVE isn't too bad.

Please, PLEASE tell us more about Harvard, your unanswered (March 9th) post about Fox News Anchorettes with their "f-me" high heels, slit dresses that expose thighs and "...fake hair that careens across both breasts..." (also posted by you on March 9th and 10th)

We are all very grateful that you're so eager to share your immense reservoir of virtue.

Keep typing Karen, please keep typing!

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Media Mistakes in the Biden Era: The Definitive List 2024 (Sharyl Attkisson) The list grows almost hourly.


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Nancy boy you got your talking points down. and you go on and on and on about them but the truth is this. Are you better off now than you were three years ago if you are then you're one of the few. You don't have to like Trump, but the policies that made our country great he keeps.

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"MONSTERHOOD" - I'll have to remember that one :)

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As someone who is an ‘elder’, I would like to add that, just because someone can’t find the right word at the moment or miss speaks, that does not mean that they have diminished intelligence or decision-making capabilities.

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Nancy P and Nancy Freeman - a technical question: Since both are linked to "Nancy's Substack but are posted under two different screennames, does this mean you get TWO "like votes", or just one? Thnx.

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Yes... but you are not the president

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I think you missed the part about not having diminished intelligence or decision-making capabilities.

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No.But it takes more then having these capabilities. As a president, there is a need to display that you have control and are capable. with Biden, this is not the case he displays weakness.

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I totally disagree. There is a good reason why Biden raised 10 million after The State of the Union. He was sharp, confident and highlighted his accomplishments.

Trump may suck all the energy out of the room with his crazy rants but Biden gets things done.

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Nancy, Biden taps into 22 million government employees in this country and their unions, who are only too happy to ensure only a Democrat freely spends our tax dollars and then some. Any Biden "fund-raising" should never be used as a surrogate for anything other than a prime example of more insider Democrat pay to play.

It is unlikely the 59 million small business owners in this country, are on Biden's "fundraising" lists. And it is also not an accomplishment to push this nation further into massive debt, nor ignore its national sovereignty after four years of Biden's open border policies. Perhaps that is why Biden's "fiery" SOTU address failed to move the needle in any of his approval numbers.

(BTW:Congrats for not using the post SOTU preferred mockingbird media phrase "fiery". Appreciated.)

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Like what?? Totally ruining our country?

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The country is not ruined.

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"...If a President [or former President] is led to a podium by professional "handlers" and told to read from a teleprompter, something he could never have written by himself, is that Elder Abuse?"

Well, it would appear that both parties are guilty of "Elder Abuse"!

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How so?... only one is doing that and we all know who that is . we see it every day, but the media wants us to ignore it.

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You must be talking about Trump who cannot remember the name of his wife or who is the current president.

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Nope, you keep getting Biden mixed up with Trump.

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Begging the next question Stephen, should Nancy Reagan have pushed her husband to run for another term, had it been allowed?

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No, Ron was already showing signs of dementia and she was pretty much running things in the final days of his administration.

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Does anyone STILL doubt that Joe Biden is a victim of elder abuse?

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