I absolutely get it...and was right there with you. It was Winston Churchill who said: "If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain."
But the current situation is more dire than ANY other in our Nation's history...it's GO time!
My experience was just the opposite. I voted in my first election as a Republican by absentee ballot from Vietnam. For decades I voted Republican. As the party strayed from its roots and embraced some pretty bad people (Santos, Boebert, Greene, Cawthorn et al ) I reregistered as an independent. Is the world better than it was under Trump? Yes and no. We have toilet paper. Masks are optional. The stock market is way up. Inflation is bad. Interest rates are up. Sorry, I can’t vote for Trump. His lack of crisis management skills, his propensity to prevaricate, his tear gassing my old priest on his was to a photo op with an upside down bible PLUS the scary Project 2025 manifesto seal it for me.
During and after his term as President of the United States, Donald Trump made tens of thousands of false or misleading claims. The Washington Post's fact-checkers documented 30,573 false or misleading claims during Trump’s presidential term, an average of about 21 per day.[1][5][6][7] The Toronto Star tallied 5,276 false claims from January 2017 to June 2019, an average of 6.1 per day.[2] Commentators and fact-checkers have described the scale of Trump's mendacity as "unprecedented" in American politics,
Pretty thin gruel, Nancy. But you did make me look up this long-standing WaPo screed. I suggest others also review what WaPo calls a Trump "false or misleading claim". Helps one to understand why this got zero traction outside the Beltway, when you delve into their claims. Call if differences in opinion, and call it selling the sizzle which has long been part of the Trump persona. But outright lies? That prize still belongs to Obama and Biden in recent memory.
I receive a lot of praise behind the scenes which I still find disconcerting. The left is still winning the censorship war. As long as they continue to scare common-sense thinkers to remain quiet, they win.
The Silent Majority will still roar when necessary. That time is certainly now. Thanks for sharing your evidence about the crushing Stockholm Syndrome oppression that stifles public comment in this town. Proving how necessary this forum continues to be. Thank you also for your always welcome and through-provoking contributions. The circle of shared thought is growing.
There are really two issues here when dealing with the oppression of the local cancel culture: (1) fending off their often very trite criticisms; and (2) putting something constructive on the table in return.
Education about alternative solutions from a "conservative" point of view is a major part of this feedback exercise. Not just relying ...... "yeah, well your mother wears army boots*". (*Code for the more common back and forth internet drivel.)
.........."Yes, I am a conservative and here is why........ let's talk about these important issues"........... our backs in fact are up against the wall this election.
Even if we are only talking among ourselves. What is our conservative bedrock in a few short phrases. Why do those bedrock values offer the better course of action in the political arena, without getting dragged down into the weeds and word games the others like to play.
Knowing also where the line is between our own personal beliefs, and expressing political beliefs which need to be far more pragmatic. Politics being the art of compromise. This is our local work in progress. Where else in town does this basic dialogue even taken place in public view?
Voting is necessary ... to keep up the pressure ... and to force the Democrat party to cheat.
But it will not solve the fact that RINOs refuse to fight. They also refuse to defend their fellow Americans, and they refuse to go after tough districts and force the Democrats to waste (our) resources defending their seats.
Elections are decided by a handful of corrupt counties. About 50+ for the nation. 6 for Texas. 6 for Florida. Not sure how many in Cali. ... These election offices - along with the state office determine who counts the "votes," how many "votes" will count, and how many "voters" are available for "counting."
And if - and "if" is a big word - we win elections ... then what? ...
As Mr. Schulte's first vote indicates, lowering the voting age to 18 was a mistake. About 6% of all voters are now aged 18 to 24. Neurology tells us that most of these brains are not yet fully developed, and their voting patterns confirm this fact.
Time to be reminded that it was okay to be drafted and die for your country at age 18 back then; which pales in comparison to the ability to also vote at age 18.
Obama stretching out adolescent dependency on a parent's health insurance plan until age 26 was a more significant maturation set back.
The US military still provides the best boot-strapping, remedial education, skills building experience for many, many young people. Absent the always present threat this must also include the potential for an ultimate sacrifice. But as a "boot camp" for young people who are still wandering about in their young lives, the military provides remarkable transformations.
The precision ballet on the carrier decks in the opening scenes of TopGun:Maverick continues to give me chills even just writing about it - every person on that deck, in their various team color tee-shirts had a zero tolerance for error task to carry out, and they did. it Few experiences in young lives today require that much concentration and discipline.
Not to mention that a great many of the recruits in the armed forces are foreign born, and the military provides them with a path to citizenship. With the armed forces struggling to recruit native-born Americans, why not set up recruiting stations just this side of the wall and concertina wire in order to enlist more immigrants? I know they will faithfully serve to "support and defend the Constitution" even while MAGA Republicans deport their parents, demonize their heritage, and slander their patriotism.
"Patriots" do not jump ahead of those already waiting in line to enter this country legally, when they choose to support and defend the US Constitution.
You absolutely nailed it, anyone who will vote for the Democrats in this next election are either on the tag where their heads are in the sand. Thank you for your commentary.
Yes, vote MAGA if you want 4 years of revenge and no policies to benefit Americans.Just look at the Republican House, they have spent their year doing nothing but Trump’s revenge bidding
Yes, vote MAGA if you prefer Russia over our European allies.
Yes, vote MAGA if you prefer an autocracy over a democratic Republic.
Yes, vote MAGS if you want to see Social Security and Medicare cut in order to fund more tax cuts for the wealthy.
Yes, vote MAGA if you dislike minorities, women, gays, science and history.
Yes, vote MAGA. if you are looking for a leader that was so afraid of losing an election that he started crying about fraud to prime his MAGA base before the election. A leader who claims to be a billionaire but incessantly begs for money from his less affluent base.
A leader so insecure that he courts the worst of world leaders.
Yes, vote MAGA if you want a leader who will surround himself with yes-men and toadies instead of those who are experts in their fields.
Vote MAGA if you prefer to spend time arguing over Drag Queens in schools, revenge politics and other fringe or imaginary problems versus keeping our nation operating even at a basic level.
Unfortunately the conservative movement has become the Trump movement and
Trump personifies everything the rest of the world despises about America, casual racism, crass materialism, relentless self-aggrandizement, vulgar on an epic scale. The fact that so many Republicans are comfortable with the thought of this monumentally unqualified man in the Oval Office shows how warped the party has become.
This is why I miss all the RINOs. I didn't agree with a majority of their policies - but I did agree with many of them. And even if one didn't agree it didn't turn into a name calling war, a party that would keep Santos around for the vote, a party where all the kids and step kids get jobs in the administration. Good lord what would Regan would think? He's be ashamed.
Was that the same Reagan who held secret negotiations with the Ayatollah to convince him NOT to release the U.S. hostages until AFTER the November election? Then after becoming president orchestrated the Iran-Contra deal involving illicit arms and narcotics in order to raise money to circumvent Congress in his effort to arm the "contras," who then used the guns to kill American Catholic nuns in El Salvador?
Have you heard what Trudeau has passed a law for in Canada hate speech will not be tolerated. You can go to prison for life and face massive fines. Do you suppose we’re next?
Whew! I had to scroll almost to the bottom of the page before finding one of your mistaken rants on Henry’s brilliant dissertation! I thought for a moment you mightta had a GOP flash, realized how right he is, and had nothing to say! :)
Isn't it true there is a lag time between "tax cuts" and the ensuing economic benefit?
Did not the Clinton economy really play off the Reagan "tax cuts"? "Covid" was also a massive economic dislocation for a discrete period of time, but all bets are off from that discrete impact and its still lingering fallout.
The animals spirits of the market place do sniff change is in the air right now, so who should be getting credit for this?
I agree with much of this. Each team takes credit for what ever looks good and blames the rest on the other side. Even if the policies/laws took days or decades to come to fruition.
Amen. Vote MAGA!
I absolutely get it...and was right there with you. It was Winston Churchill who said: "If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty, you have no brain."
But the current situation is more dire than ANY other in our Nation's history...it's GO time!
My experience was just the opposite. I voted in my first election as a Republican by absentee ballot from Vietnam. For decades I voted Republican. As the party strayed from its roots and embraced some pretty bad people (Santos, Boebert, Greene, Cawthorn et al ) I reregistered as an independent. Is the world better than it was under Trump? Yes and no. We have toilet paper. Masks are optional. The stock market is way up. Inflation is bad. Interest rates are up. Sorry, I can’t vote for Trump. His lack of crisis management skills, his propensity to prevaricate, his tear gassing my old priest on his was to a photo op with an upside down bible PLUS the scary Project 2025 manifesto seal it for me.
If this were a game show instead of a critical national election, who would win The Biggest Liar award? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/revealed-joe-biden-lied-special-counsel-robert-hur/#
Trump finally wins something:
During and after his term as President of the United States, Donald Trump made tens of thousands of false or misleading claims. The Washington Post's fact-checkers documented 30,573 false or misleading claims during Trump’s presidential term, an average of about 21 per day.[1][5][6][7] The Toronto Star tallied 5,276 false claims from January 2017 to June 2019, an average of 6.1 per day.[2] Commentators and fact-checkers have described the scale of Trump's mendacity as "unprecedented" in American politics,
Pretty thin gruel, Nancy. But you did make me look up this long-standing WaPo screed. I suggest others also review what WaPo calls a Trump "false or misleading claim". Helps one to understand why this got zero traction outside the Beltway, when you delve into their claims. Call if differences in opinion, and call it selling the sizzle which has long been part of the Trump persona. But outright lies? That prize still belongs to Obama and Biden in recent memory.
Obviously facts don’t matter to you or anyone else in the MAGA cult bubble.
I receive a lot of praise behind the scenes which I still find disconcerting. The left is still winning the censorship war. As long as they continue to scare common-sense thinkers to remain quiet, they win.
The Silent Majority will still roar when necessary. That time is certainly now. Thanks for sharing your evidence about the crushing Stockholm Syndrome oppression that stifles public comment in this town. Proving how necessary this forum continues to be. Thank you also for your always welcome and through-provoking contributions. The circle of shared thought is growing.
There are really two issues here when dealing with the oppression of the local cancel culture: (1) fending off their often very trite criticisms; and (2) putting something constructive on the table in return.
Education about alternative solutions from a "conservative" point of view is a major part of this feedback exercise. Not just relying ...... "yeah, well your mother wears army boots*". (*Code for the more common back and forth internet drivel.)
.........."Yes, I am a conservative and here is why........ let's talk about these important issues"........... our backs in fact are up against the wall this election.
Even if we are only talking among ourselves. What is our conservative bedrock in a few short phrases. Why do those bedrock values offer the better course of action in the political arena, without getting dragged down into the weeds and word games the others like to play.
Knowing also where the line is between our own personal beliefs, and expressing political beliefs which need to be far more pragmatic. Politics being the art of compromise. This is our local work in progress. Where else in town does this basic dialogue even taken place in public view?
Voting is necessary ... to keep up the pressure ... and to force the Democrat party to cheat.
But it will not solve the fact that RINOs refuse to fight. They also refuse to defend their fellow Americans, and they refuse to go after tough districts and force the Democrats to waste (our) resources defending their seats.
Elections are decided by a handful of corrupt counties. About 50+ for the nation. 6 for Texas. 6 for Florida. Not sure how many in Cali. ... These election offices - along with the state office determine who counts the "votes," how many "votes" will count, and how many "voters" are available for "counting."
And if - and "if" is a big word - we win elections ... then what? ...
As Mr. Schulte's first vote indicates, lowering the voting age to 18 was a mistake. About 6% of all voters are now aged 18 to 24. Neurology tells us that most of these brains are not yet fully developed, and their voting patterns confirm this fact.
Time to be reminded that it was okay to be drafted and die for your country at age 18 back then; which pales in comparison to the ability to also vote at age 18.
Obama stretching out adolescent dependency on a parent's health insurance plan until age 26 was a more significant maturation set back.
No one has been drafted in over fifty years. Time to raise both the draft age and voting age to 21.
The US military still provides the best boot-strapping, remedial education, skills building experience for many, many young people. Absent the always present threat this must also include the potential for an ultimate sacrifice. But as a "boot camp" for young people who are still wandering about in their young lives, the military provides remarkable transformations.
The precision ballet on the carrier decks in the opening scenes of TopGun:Maverick continues to give me chills even just writing about it - every person on that deck, in their various team color tee-shirts had a zero tolerance for error task to carry out, and they did. it Few experiences in young lives today require that much concentration and discipline.
Not to mention that a great many of the recruits in the armed forces are foreign born, and the military provides them with a path to citizenship. With the armed forces struggling to recruit native-born Americans, why not set up recruiting stations just this side of the wall and concertina wire in order to enlist more immigrants? I know they will faithfully serve to "support and defend the Constitution" even while MAGA Republicans deport their parents, demonize their heritage, and slander their patriotism.
"Patriots" do not jump ahead of those already waiting in line to enter this country legally, when they choose to support and defend the US Constitution.
You absolutely nailed it, anyone who will vote for the Democrats in this next election are either on the tag where their heads are in the sand. Thank you for your commentary.
Yes, vote MAGA if you want 4 years of revenge and no policies to benefit Americans.Just look at the Republican House, they have spent their year doing nothing but Trump’s revenge bidding
Yes, vote MAGA if you prefer Russia over our European allies.
Yes, vote MAGA if you prefer an autocracy over a democratic Republic.
Yes, vote MAGS if you want to see Social Security and Medicare cut in order to fund more tax cuts for the wealthy.
Yes, vote MAGA if you dislike minorities, women, gays, science and history.
Yes, vote MAGA. if you are looking for a leader that was so afraid of losing an election that he started crying about fraud to prime his MAGA base before the election. A leader who claims to be a billionaire but incessantly begs for money from his less affluent base.
A leader so insecure that he courts the worst of world leaders.
Yes, vote MAGA if you want a leader who will surround himself with yes-men and toadies instead of those who are experts in their fields.
R.I.P Republican Party. You will be missed.
Who do I vote for if I like the Open Border, high prices, declining real wages, and Drag Queen Story hour?
Vote MAGA if you prefer to spend time arguing over Drag Queens in schools, revenge politics and other fringe or imaginary problems versus keeping our nation operating even at a basic level.
Talk about hostile 😳 you have all the Democrats lies down pat🤮
So frivolous to accuse someone of lies without providing any facts. You sound like Trump.
Unfortunately the conservative movement has become the Trump movement and
Trump personifies everything the rest of the world despises about America, casual racism, crass materialism, relentless self-aggrandizement, vulgar on an epic scale. The fact that so many Republicans are comfortable with the thought of this monumentally unqualified man in the Oval Office shows how warped the party has become.
This is why I miss all the RINOs. I didn't agree with a majority of their policies - but I did agree with many of them. And even if one didn't agree it didn't turn into a name calling war, a party that would keep Santos around for the vote, a party where all the kids and step kids get jobs in the administration. Good lord what would Regan would think? He's be ashamed.
Was that the same Reagan who held secret negotiations with the Ayatollah to convince him NOT to release the U.S. hostages until AFTER the November election? Then after becoming president orchestrated the Iran-Contra deal involving illicit arms and narcotics in order to raise money to circumvent Congress in his effort to arm the "contras," who then used the guns to kill American Catholic nuns in El Salvador?
Right on 👍👍👍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I worry that early voting by mail can be more easily tampered with? We know there is voter corruption…
Have you heard what Trudeau has passed a law for in Canada hate speech will not be tolerated. You can go to prison for life and face massive fines. Do you suppose we’re next?
Henry Schulte: just one other Republican full of bad information. It’s a sin to tell a lie🎼🎼🎼🎶🎵
As Michael Wilson implies: “ heartless and brainless “.
Whew! I had to scroll almost to the bottom of the page before finding one of your mistaken rants on Henry’s brilliant dissertation! I thought for a moment you mightta had a GOP flash, realized how right he is, and had nothing to say! :)
Mr. Schultes GDP growth numbers seem to be way off - and too high. Please correct me if I'm reading this data wrong - but the greatest growth seems to start at 2020. https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?locations=US
Yes. The third quarter of 2020.
But the greatest upward change starts in 2020 and continues on. Interesting.
Isn't it true there is a lag time between "tax cuts" and the ensuing economic benefit?
Did not the Clinton economy really play off the Reagan "tax cuts"? "Covid" was also a massive economic dislocation for a discrete period of time, but all bets are off from that discrete impact and its still lingering fallout.
The animals spirits of the market place do sniff change is in the air right now, so who should be getting credit for this?
I agree with much of this. Each team takes credit for what ever looks good and blames the rest on the other side. Even if the policies/laws took days or decades to come to fruition.
That old saying: success has many fathers, while failure is an orphan.