
We need a group of people that are on "Team America"! This means people should stop complaining about what Trump is NOT and his shortcomings, and focus on the good work that, has been done, and can be done, by a very confident, effective, and strong man that 1. Keeps his word, 2. Gets things done, and 3. is Pro America.

Whether we like it or not, there is no other choice. Whether we like him or not, He can and will make the changes that we need to have happen, and we can go from there. He won't be in office forever. He is a bull and he will bring change, and he does love America, so we need to recognize that reality, and get behind him for what he can accomplish and which happens to be what we need. This is a long game, and Trump is the guy to forge what needs to be forged to take back our land. There is no debate about that so let's recognize that and give him support and go forward.

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Basically what you are saying is, forget he's a vile, lying, sexual assaulter. 'grab them by the pussy'..that he has cheated on his wives, sets a horrible example for our youth, stirred up his cult-like followers to riot at the capital, beat police officers with Trump flags and now calls them hostages, that he questioned the citizenship of our first black president, called for the death of the Central Park 5, etc....forget all that because we need to win.. I thought Republicans were the party of morals and ethics? And you were a teacher? Sad state of affairs.

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Did you attend public school in Santa Barbara? Just wondered, the education system is in the toilet and that might explain how you interpreted my comment they way you did. The kids don’t know how to read anymore.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

My kids attend Goleta public schools with all of them receiving an excellent education with one heading off to college next year. They also learned excellent reading, writing and critical thinking skills in the IB program at DP. Many of their friends are heading off to prestigious colleges all over the country, some earning outstanding scholarships (one recently winning a $50,000 Edison scholarship), multiple national merit scholars. They also learned kindness and compassion, how to interact with those from different backgrounds, and how to develop morals and ethics while serving in school leadership positions under Scott Guttentag where they work to bring the entire school together-- polar opposite values than those espoused by Trump.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13Author

Will, I know what’s happening in the schools, I worked at DP, and I know Scott Guttentag. It is not as you say, and it is at a level of corruption and harm I have never seen before nor could I stay silent about. Interesting you bring up Guttentag…

You can tell yourself these things all you want, and that is part of the problem because you refuse to look deeper than what is being presented on the surface. Maybe you are in on it? I don’t know, but I am afraid when you wake up, you’ll be real sorry:(. I understand that some people don’t want to face reality.

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from what I learned, you were there for a short time, didn't want to be there and were toxic for the students and staff. So I understand you have an axe to grind but I'll base my opinions on my 8 years of observing the school up close, participating in various PTSA and Site Council meetings and the day-to-day experience with the teachers and admin. And as the principal shared this year, DP was the top performing school in all of SB County. And don't even try to disparage a local legend like Scott Guttentag. You are out of your depth here.

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14Author

Wow, a little defensive are we? My experience is that people are defensive when other people speak truth, it has a tendency to bring out the worst in them.

The principle of DP says a lot of things, many of them are a manipulation of the truth. Again, a refusal of people to go any further to see for themselves if it’s true.

Unfortunately, you have your facts wrong, you have no idea what my experience was at DP because you haven’t spoken to me, and you are repeating hearsay.

Anytime you’d like to get together for coffee and talk and hear another side to the story, I’m available.

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Apr 14·edited Apr 14

Will I think your summary is what most of the other parents at DP would agree with.

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So, Mr. Biden has those qualities you refer to? Please.

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This lady Nancy P said “yes. She’s has lost all credibility, I don’t think we have further discussions with her because she’s an agitator. Just here to aggravate with no possibility of any common sense discussion. These types should not be engaged with. Their goal is to frustrate.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 13

My kids both attended SB public schools. One is finishing up an engineering degree in college and the other is attending accepted students day at Cal today trying to pick what school they'll go to next year. Like Will we were very happy with the education they received. True, they were always in honors, advanced placement type classes which I'm sure helped with their academic outcomes.

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Thank you Will. I'll look forward to replies to your post.

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Right on Christy!

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I haven’t seen any evidence that he loves anybody but himself and power. He will say anything to get elected and plays on the fears of Maga. He rode into 2016 on the coattails of Obama successes and then accomplished very little.

A Republican House is accomplishing nothing while under the thumb of Trump. Who needs more of this?

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

With that well said Christy, I hope all reading SB Current will agree to be or to find precinct captain volunteers to deliver votes for President Trump 2024. Volunteers are needed in every BOS District and precinct to get out the vote. At minimum, please agree to be a street captain to get folks in your neighborhood to vote.

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Apr 12Liked by Christy Lozano, Santa Barbara Current

Trump proves to be a blunt, targeted truth teller. A vastly under-appreciated virtue apparently. Takes getting past his often inflated puffery to accept that he has been right on virtually all matters of substance. Women should appreciate this quality; while men discern it instinctively.

Trump is a curious combination of bombast and bedrock. I trust him on matters of national interest, and tune out the verbal filler he uses to get his bearings. I'll say it again, turn off the sound and watch his body language if you really want to hear what Trump is saying.

That said, I was a virulent anti-Trump person until I watched the astro-turf Left attack him on Inauguration Day. Then the whole thing flipped for me, as the anti-Trump tactics of the Left kept getting exposed as pure and malicious deep state fraud.

Why did Trump terrorize them so much. That is the question we still need to resolve and it is not because of Trump's obvious superficial qualities - it is because of his far deeper intent to .......... drain the Swamp. We must continue with that task. We are at a national crossroads.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Liked by Santa Barbara Current

?Why did Trump terrorize them so much? people will be shocked to learn the breadth & depth of the pure evil that Trump was (is) fighting…it’s an Old World system of totalitarian control run from the shadows…Trump is playing the mean-man role in order to draw them out of the shadows & into the Light…[they] are in turmoil & therefore throwing everything they have in order to remove him for the game…


In the invisible war for the future of our Republic, the tables are now turned. And now, the...


PS…Methinks that most all of the naysayers and haters will vote for Team Trump (4-6% will be forever lost)…much will happen between now & then…all lies will be (and are being) revealed…

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Apr 12Liked by Santa Barbara Current

I can relate to what your saying, I also felt some allegiance to him because the attacks from the left were so rabid during his presidency. However, whatever good will I had dissipated when he attacked the best governor in the US (DeSantis) and maliciously lied about his record and his character. It was shameful and helped me understand why so many people are so contemptuous of him.

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Ron Desantis's time will come, Lou. For one, I am glad he is taking his young family out of the Wash DC fishbowl at this time in their lives. Plus we learned it does not pay to have too many "young" ex-Presidents hanging around causing mischief behind the scenes, so for RDS to wait this out for another term will benefit all concerned

The GOP farm club is deep with young talent - may they all get a turn after our current Junk Yard Dog breaks up the DC log-jam first. We need a lot of good and proven conservative leaders to keep the clean up efforts going for years afterwards.

Even if Trump loses this one, the cause will not be lost at all - or the deepening need for fiscal sanity. It will simply grow even louder until it finally reaches a critical mass, should God forbid we end up on this current path Biden/Obama and the dominant Democrats have set us upon.

Trump - brash and brazen as he is - is shining a spot light on what too many people did not want to see, or accept when they did see it. The deep state forces are showing us who they really are right now- and more people are finally getting it.

Also keep in mind "women's issues" (wearing their astro-turfed pink kitty hats en masse) may well have been voices just as equally from the more female-dominated and highly organized public sector unions like the teachers unions (AFT and NEA) and the nurses unions, clerical/administrative employees (SEIU). There was a confluence of self-interests in that march, more than just a "women's" march.

On a more New Age-y note, we may well also be observing the influences of Maya, the Goddess of Illusion.....the work of the shape-shifting Jungian Trickster.... the forces that go bump in the night.... yang and yin...... etc. ....... in this currently brutal Age of Disinformation. Hang on, is all I can offer.

History will look back on these times and it will make more sense, but not right now in the middle of it all. Trump is merely an avatar for the times; not a god or a cult leader. Instead, he became the face of the zeitgeist that had already been teeming. I guess that is why I don't take him that seriously as our Be All End All. He is just riding the crest of the current wave right now. All of us are part of the wave.

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well said My Friend…Trump is merely the Field General leading the charge by shining the Light on those that are corrupt (Treason & Corruption first) and evil (Crimes Against Humanity)…it’s a public education process…sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth — YOU MUST SHOW THEM…ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE…Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths…it will be the best of time and the worst of times

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Trump is a threat to the Democrats. No one else on the national stage is.

The End.

Sometimes it's just simpler to stick to the bottomline.

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So that's the primary reason you support him?

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Do I need another reason? Let's rephrase the question: Why would you support Biden? Or any Democrat for Federal office?

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Apr 15·edited Apr 15

This case I feel Biden is the more rational of the two old men. Now if Romney was a choice it might be different.

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Apr 12Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Jim, having been a guy my whole life and knowing countless other guys, I can assure you the reason why women (and many men) have a strong aversion to Trump is not because "he's a guy or a man being a man". That's ridiculous and indicates a total misunderstanding of how people perceive Trump. The reason why he is disliked so much is because he is an inveterate (bordering on pathological) liar, obnoxious narcissist, blustering braggart, con artist/grifter, name-calling loud mouth, unethical/untrustworthy, reprehensible bully, crass/tacky/tasteless, demagogue, attention whore, etc. In other words, he's a totally dislikable human being. Most men I know do not like him or remotely resemble him. Lastly, he is hardly handsome. I wouldn't consider an orange, obese man with a combed over mop for a head of hair to be comely. The only real reason to vote for him is that the other guy is a senile nitwit who has an uncanny ability to f-up everything he touches.

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Lou, I just don't understand why you believe the "only" reason you would vote for Trump is because "the other guy" is worse. Please, look at Trump's record (as opposed to the nitwit's); that's where your focus should be.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

His record is mixed. Yes, he has some significant foreign policy achievements (Abraham Accords negotiated by his son-in-law) and his economic/tax policies were pretty good (first two years). On the other hand, he was a big spender, refused to do anything with our out-of-control entitlement spending, stupidly tried to get the Federal Reserve to take interest rates below zero. His handling of Covid was not good. Relied on Fauci and his minions far too much. Berated states like Florida and Georgia for opening up earlier than he wanted. Besides giving billions of dollars to states to subsidize their lockdown policies, he also gave them the money to fund universal mail-in balloting and other election rules chicanery.

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Covid was a hoax. Sorry, it was a very mild disease not anything worthy of the ruining of the country’s economic wellbeing. And as this became clear and factual (kids don’t get it, healthy people are barely sick) the gov kept on with the BS.

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Apr 12Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Totally agree, Lou. Sadly, there’s no alternative out of 330M Americans — or with open borders, 350M+++ residents.

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Yes you are completely correct, but who is behind open border and promoting mass immigration? You ever ask yourself that?

The best example that people never talk about is Biden’s top cabinet. If you look at his top cabinet which is mostly Jews, Alejandro Mayorkas before becoming the Secretary of Homeland Security was on the board of directors of HIAS (HEBREW IMMIGRANT AID SOCIETY) which is one of the biggest NGOs promoting open borders in the USA. Which HIAS is one of these Jewish NGO’s I’m talking about that promotes mass immigration into western nations. In 2017, HIAS organized the “Jews for Refugees” assembly, which brought together over 50 very powerful Jewish organizations in the USA including the vile ADL to lobby for more “asylum seekers” into the USA and to oppose DONALD TRUMP‘s ban on immigrations from Muslim nations. HIAS gets over 100$ million in our tax payer dollars from the administration that Alejandro Mayorkas is apart of and that funding has only exploded since 2020. As you might of guessed these Jews don’t want to send these immigrants to Israel, but they want to send them to white nations to replace white people which is Biden’s stated goal. Now it has been discovered that HIAS is directly facilitating the invasion of the US southern border by helping illegals cross the Darien gap which connects South America to the American continent. They have a dedicated building used as a processing facility there, and are using their funding to help build roads and other forms of transportation to help illegals reach North America. They’ve even produced maps in Spanish to explain to illegals how to best reach the USA southern border. Mayorkas is aware of this and has even visited these facilities.

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Someone really likes conspiracy theories and dislikes Jews.

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Tell Jews to stop using their power to fund mass immigration then. If you look at its history labeling people as conspiracy theorists was actually a term invented by the CIA to deflect attention over the JFK assassination. If they’re not meddling in our country then why are they the only lobby that isn’t required to register as a foreign agent? I mean their warmongering lobby doesn’t even try to hide the fact that they own our government. That’s why we’re funding their wars to bomb Palestinian civilians as we speak while not protecting our own borders. What about the Jews that I said was incorrect? Nothing was incorrect because you couldn’t name a single thing. This is why you shouldn’t be voting your hive minded, can’t handle the truth, and are easily controlled.

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Apr 13·edited Apr 14

Thes rants from Epstein was Mossad is why i'd suggest SB Current did some editing of posts.

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Also stop bombing Palestinian children. Bombing civilians is not a good look. Maybe that’s why people dislike you, not cause they’re anti semitic which is just a victim card used but unfortunately for you nobody is scared of that anymore. Robert Maxwell was a Mossad agent, it’s obvious Epstein was too or else his right hand woman’s father wouldn’t be Mossad. But unfortunately for pedophile supporters like Thomas John the bootlicker that connection made it obvious.

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Been a Nazi long? Aren’t these the same fears that Hitler used to rile up the German masses who were in an economic downturn. Look how that turned out.

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Yeah because Democrats hate truth. That’s why they support censorship. Especially Jewish censorship groups like the ADL which was established in 1913 to protect Leo Frank a Jewish pedophile who raped and murdered a child. Yes this is the group you spineless bootlickers want to control free speech. The group that was formed to protect a child murdering pedo, no wonder you love Biden. Because you are such a spineless bootlicker that that is better to you than free speech.

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Liberal men aren’t real men. You are more similar to women.

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Maybe that's what turns you on to liberal men? You should explore these feelings. Maybe you'll find some peace.

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I like and admire Donald Trump. I observe that men who do not like Trump are generally low achievers who are intimidated by a successful man. When comparing themselves and their achievements to Trump they feel inferior, impotent and flaccid. Not anyone on this post but unnamed others.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Jeff, I will take your word that your comment wasn't directed at me. However, I don't like Trump and I certainly don't fit the profile you outlined. I started and grew a very successful business, have a great family, own a nice home in one of the nicest places on earth and I am physically fit and hardly impotent. Be careful with the stereotyping.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 13Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Lou, I'm on the other side of the political fence than you. But I do enjoy and try to learn from your perspectives. And the fact that your tone is always civil is appreciated. Some of the comments on these threads seem like they are coming from nasty fox/msnbc bots.

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Stereotype: said of generalizations that hit too close to home, calling a generalization a stereotype is meant to diminish the observation. Often said by one who believes the generalization unfairly represents the group being generalized about.

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Oops ... I assume you mean incels living in mommy's basement are the majority of Trump haters? If so, I'd agree.

But I think most Never Trumpers hate the fact that Trump might interrupt their business plan ... and the rest are just watching their boob tubes.

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It’s a known fact that Trump appeals to uneducated males who are generally the low achievers. This has nothing to do with a formal education, or coastal elite status but instead it is a lack of curiosity about history, science or the world. Anyone can be self educated.

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Apr 12Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Do you mean: Trump appeals to hardworking, overworked men with common sense who pay far too much money in taxes to forever compensate overpaid ‘office pretty’ or ‘remote’ bureaucrats to waste? These men are indeed self-educated. Interact with them some time.

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Well, when the rich are not paying any taxes, Republicans have to find someone to take up the slack!

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When Democrats stop spending tax dollars only on themselves, there will be more money for taxpayers to keep for themselves plus balance a greatly trimmed down state budget at the same time.

The sheer growth of the Newsom state budget compared to the Jerry Brown budget is mind-boggling; while the state population declined and state infrastructure falls deeper into disrepair. It can no longer be ignored, where these additional and unfunded revenue allocations are now going .(expansion of numbers and benefits for government employees).

I hear Margaret Thatcher calling, gotta run.

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I understand the financial pain of the disappearing middle class. I don’t understand why they would support someone who is all bluster and provided no solutions.

Donald Trump didn't get our roads fixed or our bridges built. He didn't reduce the cost of healthcare coverage, lower the price of prescriptions, reduce the price of child-care, decrease the deficit, end the opioid crisis, revive the coal industry, make “Covid disappear," make Mexico "pay for the wall," he didn't "put America First" and he didn't "drain the swamp." He did give a hefty tax cut to himself and other wealthy.

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Senile. You believe a caricature through constant propaganda from the delivery vehicle of your choice.

Biden is old. He is **NOT** senile. Trump is also old, but he is an out of control demagogue and wanna be authoritarian MONSTER.

Biden was more than effective during his state of the union, and everyone claiming his senility most definitely did not watch it. You’re regurgitating a belief based on a caricature. Congrats for getting it wrong.

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Wow! I saw the entire speech (barf bag at the ready) and, while I understand that it was truly raw meat for the indoctrinated, it was otherwise silly and foolish. No regurgitating here, just reporting what I saw and heard: an old, senile, man trying to look strong and angry. He got the angry part down but the "strong"? Not so much.

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What was silly and foolish about Biden’s speech?

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Mainly that is was supposed to be a "State of the Union" speech to a joint session of Congress and he ended up bashing one half of his audience, including at least six members of the Supreme Court. It was a stupid re-election speech to the already convinced that alienated the rest of the body, and of course, as is his won't, was filled with lies and bombastic claims that were also ludicrous. Such as, he inherited an economy that was on its back. What bullcrap, as was most of the rest of his maniacal raving.

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Interesting that you are disturbed by some of Biden’s inflated numbers when you kneel at the altar of a pathological liar who cares nothing about the truth.

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Boy how I wish people in the republican party were at all authoritarian, we might actually get something done against leftist deviancy.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

He read the speech and even then was unable to deliver it without some serious fumbling. He also sounded like an angry old man. What happened to the uniter we were supposedly getting? Biden hardly ever talks to the press or gives press conferences because he rarely can string together two coherent sentences when speaking extemporaneously. Seriously, just look at some film of him 5 yrs and compare it to him today. It's like night and day.

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So he isn’t senile? He’s just guilty of reading from a teleprompter just like every politician? Is that where the goalposts have moved?

He fumbled some lines? Trump has NEEEEEVER done that while never reading from a teleprompter as well right? Right?

Biden is fine. He’s aging like a human does. So is Trump.

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So ... Trump is a Demokkkrat?


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Apr 12Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Brilliant. Come on ladies of the left---wake up‼️CJC

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Dond Trump is a crude man and not one who embodies what a man should truly be like, st. Joseph, the greatest among all the male Saints and among men (after the God-man of course. But he support a lot of what I do and so I'm with him because at least he fights for the little guy, unlike Biden who will continue to make life harder for Americans and enact continuously more liberal/degenerate policies and social changes.

Trump > "Catholic" in name only Biden

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Jesus is not on the ballot.

Let he has no sin cast the first stone.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

good article, Thank You…never ceases to amaze me — the ignorance of people when it comes to selecting the President of the United States, the most important office in the land as well as the World…why is it that so many people - women and men - make their choice based on their feelings about the candidate’s personality — rather than the policy that will govern our lives…mostly because people are totally brainwashed by the Legacy Media, which is run by the Democratic Party with cash infusions from the C 👁️ A Mockingbird…

time to wake up folks…Our Country is circling the drain…shall we continue down this path of the CCP running our country & driving us into the grave or should we restart with the proven leader who has shown that he will drill for energy (the basis for everything), close the border, return to law & order, and provide equal opportunities for all…

it’s near the time to pick our President, not to shop for a daddy or boyfriend...

PS...wonder how many minds would change if Trump picked a VP candidate that carries the respect of the general public...say Ben Carson (😉) — a soft-spoken doctor (much needed, given our state of health), a well-spoken intellectual, & proven leader that championed positive programs with proven results for our inner cities...

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I too am a VP Ben Carson fan. Both well- seasoned now by the Washington DC ways; both unaffected by insider games that get played in this arena. They do have a good prior working relationship and sensible goals.

Watching Ben Carson getting grilled during Congressional "gotcha" hearings and remain unflappable, should bring great comfort to anyone who doubts this man is also made of steel.

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It's hard to dislike a guy who I would let operate on my brain, but it wouldn't change my feelings toward Trump. Only Trump can do that and so far he hasn't shown the slightest interest in doing so. In fact, if you follow his truth social account, the incessant lying and hyperbole has only gotten worse. The only reason why I would vote for him is because the other guy is totally clueless.

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I don’t need to love the man, but I loved his policies, the directions of the results of actions, and, most importantly, the opportunities his administration provided my fellow citizens…people were way better off in his early days prior to the CCP hitting us with the bugs…

PS…the “other guy” is compromised, thus the degradation of our social order & Our Country as a whole…I feel The Storm brewing…

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Interesting; I’m a Republican guy (pronouns he/him/his) and I don’t like Trump for the same reason a lot of my Republican guy friends don’t; he’s an entitled pathological liar with no moral compass. A real man steps aside for a woman and tips his hat, he doesn’t reach out and grab her by the crotch and then brag about it. When a woman voter, sometimes that could even be my own wife, doesn’t agree with my political view on a subject, I don’t feel the need to call her names, demean her, or try to prevent her from voting. Thanks to MAGA Republicans, my daughter and granddaughter have had their “freedom to choose” taken away and now have fewer rights than my wife had at their age. Now their right to vote is even being questioned by MAGA extremists? This is not the Republican Party I grew up with, that party has been hijacked by boot-licking sycophants of a serial rapist and endorser of Putin’s talking points. From your article it appears you and your MAGA “he-men” are ready to write off the “female vote” and join MAGA Congressman, and statutory rapist, Max Gaetz in his campaign to court the votes of like minded misogynistic minority males: “This is the blue collar realignment of the Republican Party and what I can tell you is for every Karen we lose, there’s a Julio and a Jamal ready to sign up for the MAGA movement” (Max Gaetz to Carl Higbie on Newsmax). Good luck with that! As for me, in November I will be voting against the policies of Putin and for the continuation of the fragile gift of Democracy.

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So, you WILL be voting for Trump! I knew you'd see the light!

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No one has the right to violate the personhood and life of a child through abortion.

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No one has the right to compel another person to give birth against her will. That is why it is called "pro-choice". If you believe it is wrong, choose life; if you believe your future and well-being are threatened, choose abortion. The "breath of life" is exactly that, a "living, breathing human being" is exactly that. There may be "potential personhood" in a fetus, but until it sucks air and breathes, it is not a child. Even Adam was nothing more than a lump of clay until GOD breathed into him "the breath of life." ("And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7)

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Stephen, is another one of your "Republican principles" no man should ever be responsible for 18 years of child support?

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Stephen’s position is how compassionate, thoughtful, supportive men respond to their pregnant sex partner/ wife. Birthing is a female decision. Support for minor children is determined by each states family law: 26 in New Jersey (if in school), 18 in CA UNLESS the couple has a private contract (like a pre-nuptial) spelling each partner’s parenting and financial responsibilities through pregnancy to the states age of majority. Women listen to the opinion of their partner — assuming any interest in the pregnancy. Many men I know tend not to be highly interested in parenthood costs and 24/7 responsibilities. Do you have children?

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Please mommy, can I have a live birth?

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No, no one has a choice in arbitrarily deciding who gets to live because they feel like it. Life begins at conception, the fetus is a child in the early stages of human development. Quoting scripture doesn't support your argument at all, God creating man from clay is not the same as a man and woman engaging in the marital act. One act turned clay into a loving being, another act was the union of two gametes to make a new person from two other people.

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Poor Theo! Do you not realize that "NO" is also a choice that arbitrarily denies the right of another to make their own choice? Give birth, if you believe what you say, I can respect your right to choose to do so. On the other hand, if you are the one who fertilized the egg, you are only entitled to an opinion, not a "choice." If you are NOT the one who fertilized the egg, whatever the "human incubator" decides to do is her choice and none of your business. Let's keep the over-reaching arms of Big Government out of the bedroom and outside our pants.

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Sorry but a government is supposed to defend all people especially the most vulnerable. And denying fathers parenthood over the child they conceived is disgusting. Women do not and should not have greater agency or more rights to a child simply due to biological circumstances.

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The baby killers live in a formerly Christian nation that cannot see the "rules" we live by ...

... like goldfish in a bowl who cannot see the water they live in ...

... they have no idea what will happen when the nation gives up on our right to life ...

... and it becomes the governments' right to choose.

I've spoken to many people who have survived that switch. It's much worse than anything we Americans can imagine.

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The people (not only women) that dislike President Trump, don't simply NOT find him favorable, they HATE him. With visceral vein popping rage, they express their extreme hatred as if he is Satan in person. In my personal opinion, those people (even the one's here 🤔) have a hole in their heart that needs to be filled. Our current president Biden, is a fool (as defined in the Bible), and has an evil desire to destroy our Country. Dislike him...yup! Hate him...no, I pray for him. The Trump "derangement" syndrome is a real thing and it's contagious. If you love the United States of America and the Constitution you are immune...if you don't consider wearing a mask.

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Amen, Michael. It's weird.

It also prevents reasonable debate about 'Trump' policies, or what policies Republicans should support. Rational voices on the Right are divided into two camps - crazy and real-politic - with no room for discussion or investigation.

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What a bunch of whiny men here. Woe is me, women don’t like me if I’m rude, arrogant and crass when I’m just being a man.

Funny, I always considered George Bush and Ronald Reagan as manly and yet they embraced civility and felt no need to be crude or rude. What Trump and the GOP are missing is that the man at the top sets the tone for the behavior of many. Women see that. We are now seeing more instances of Trump like behavior. It’s as if he has given the nation a pass to be uncouth and mean.

We differ on what is considered manly. When it comes right down to it, many women see elected Republicans as a bunch of pussies afraid to express an opinion that is not embraced by Trump. They are being controlled by fear. Is that what you call manly? Interesting that it is only the women such as Cheney and Haley, who have not been afraid to express an authentic opinion. It looks to me like the women have the guts and the strength here.

Sure ‘boys will be boys’ but there is a time and a place for that behavior and most men realize that. It is sad that the Republican party has so lowered its standards that it will stand behind someone who expresses casual racism and is a bully, rude, arrogant, and self-centered. Shame on you.

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Times have changed dear heart. Crook Biden and the Commie-Dems have screwed the country up so badly we’re gonna need Trump to get in and kick-butt if we ever hope to get our beautiful American back on track!

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‘Crook Biden’ and ‘Commie Dems’ is so Trumpian, name calling with no basis in fact.

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Really? So Trumpian? Thank you!

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Sad that you are proud of making statements not based on facts. Time to go back to school, Earl.

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Crook who? How did Bidens Impeachment go? And who's in court, again, this next Monday?

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Bro, what? "Boys will be boys"? St. Joseph is the model of manhood and he did as God wants all people to behave.

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True, TA ... but St. Joseph is not on the ballot.

... And if Joseph were on the ballot, he would be accused of adultery (having children from another marriage), fornication (with Mary before marriage), homosexuality (not having sex with Mary), child abuse (for wanting to abandon the child), hypocrisy (for wanting a divorce), and making furniture that causes cancer in the State of California. As Joseph was a carpenter ... I am certain the last accusation qualifies as criminal negligence, racism, and likely genocide. They even admitted he was a carpenter in the affidavit.


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Just. Vote. And remember back int he peaceful time of DT: "


“The Washington Examiner cataloged some of Trump’s biggest accomplishments on the first anniversary of his presidency.

He revived the economy and restored jobs with his landmark tax reform, which also repealed the Obamacare mandate, and GDP growth was well on its way to 4 percent. 1.7 million Americans had new jobs, and unemployment had dropped to 4.1 percent.

The stock market skyrocketed, boosting consumer confidence to a seventeen-year high.

And for all the left’s whining about Trump’s hating women, he initiated some $500 million in new SBA loans for women-owned businesses. But he didn’t stop there. American business had been strangled by job-killing regulations imposed by an Obama administration with delusions of omnicompetence. President Trump ordered that two regulations be eliminated for each new one imposed. But he beat himself at his own game, killing about sixteen regulations for every new one and saving business about $8.1 billion.

Media heads spun when he withdrew from Obama’s Paris Climate Accord and ended other environmentalist measures choking coal and other business. He withdrew from the anti-American Trans-Pacific Partnership and tightened up enforcement of U.S. trade laws.

He ended Obama’s deal with the corrupt Cuban regime.

He unleashed American energy and oil when he opened 77 million acres for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. He approved construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and ended the forty-year-old ban on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.

One of his key campaign promises to Angel Moms, legal immigrants, and American citizens in general was to solve America’s dangerous and out-of-control illegal immigration problem. He ended Obama’s catch-and-release program and cracked down on so-called sanctuary cities. He added more than a hundred new immigration judges and removed almost 40 percent more criminal gang members than were removed in the year before his election. Homeland Security rounded up almost eight hundred MS-13 members, 83 percent more than the year before.

Another key issue for Trump’s base was activist judges. Trump nominated more than seventy-three federal judges and topped it off with the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. This especially pleased his religious base, who had been unfairly victimized again and again when Obama and the ACLU weaponized the judicial branch of government.

But the president didn’t stop there. Living near Palm Beach, Florida, I know a lot of people who know the president and who knew him well before he was president. I myself have experienced his loyalty to those who have been good to him, but that loyalty was never more beautifully on display than when he defanged the Johnson Amendment, which was used to bully pastors who share a Gospel perspective on public affairs, and when he recognized Jerusalem as the rightful capital of Israel by moving our embassy there. Taking that stand with Israel was a promise that even Trump’s most enthusiastic religious supporters might have doubted he could keep, but he did, and he did it in the first year of his presidency. It was a clear message to his base that he would keep his promises, regardless of the mockery of the left, who were losing their minds over his ability to win despite them.

One of the issues near to my heart wasn’t on the elites’ radar, but Trump heard about it from Main Street America, who asked for his help. That is why I was so honored when I was asked to speak on the president’s Facebook page about the opioid crisis and his commitment to solve it. He began his war on opioids by declaring the problem a nationwide public health emergency and allotting $500 million to fight this national crisis. He addressed the illegal sales of opioids from China on his trip there late in 2017. Hundreds of arrests were made, and 456 tons of drugs were seized in one day by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

While most Republicans avoid the abortion issue for politically pragmatic reasons, this president made defending life a centerpiece of his first year. In his first week in office, he reinstated and even expanded the “Mexico City policy,” which blocked millions of dollars in foreign aid that would have paid to kill babies overseas.

He didn’t forget his promises to veterans, either. He restored accountability to the Department of Veterans Affairs with the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, allocated $2.1 billion for the Veterans Choice Program, and set up a hotline to report abuse. He reduced wait times and improved the quality of care at VA health centers.

Perhaps his most herculean but unheralded accomplishment was his victory over ISIS. Many haven’t noticed that ISIS attacks, a common occurrence under Obama, are virtually a thing of the past. No more would Americans go to sleep under the threat of Islamic terrorist attacks, and no more would they wake up to news of yet another Islamic terrorist act. Such atrocities became fewer and farther apart, and the media were silent.

President Trump funded and rebuilt the military while auditing the Pentagon to look for wasteful expenditures. He restored the National Space Council, enabling new space war strategies to combat our enemies with technology they don’t have. He repudiated the United Nations’ New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, an affront to U.S. sovereignty, and imposed a travel ban on nations that lack terror security, using Obama’s own list of the most dangerous countries.

Sometimes his foreign policy was as amusing to his base as it was maddening to his detractors. North Korea decided to test this president immediately to see if he was as feckless as his predecessor. President Trump sent the media and the Swamp into a tizzy when he responded on Twitter, “I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man”—his pet name for the dictator Kim Jong-un. While the left in their fury called for the president’s impeachment, President Moon Jae-in of South Korea credited him with bringing the North to the negotiation table. Bringing a brutal dictator to the negotiating table with a tweet was unheard of, to say the least.

President Trump proved again that his way of leading was not that of the dour old media and that he could get the job done while they lost their minds about his tactics. It is estimated that in his first year, he completed one monumental accomplishment every thirty-six hours. I argued on Twitter that his mental stability and stamina far surpassed his attackers, because few could be so productive while their families, friends, livelihoods, and very existence were constantly under threat.

But he did. And it drove them mad. They will never appreciate him. They can’t. They are too invested in their cushy lifestyles, their friendships on Capitol Hill, their friendships with Coastal elites who own most of the nation’s wealth, and playing in the Swamp with them. There is no way they will admit they’ve been wrong. They have what some have called “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” There is no known cure. Losing can be maddening. If the talk show host Michael Savage is right, and liberalism is indeed a mental disorder, then the media’s tendency to lose its mind in reaction to Trump is less puzzling.”


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Excellent Helene! Here are more of his accomplishments! - tinyurl.com/4f5dz3bf

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Thank you for sharing Helene,

ANWR brings back memories ...

... had ANWR been opened 40 years ago ...

Oh, well ...

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What ever happened to people voting on policies?

There is no way any honest person can say with a straight face that Bidens policies are better for the majority of the people on this country.

Have a nice day!

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All these beta liberal men in the comments are everything wrong with this country. Honestly i hate to say this because I like Trump, but ever since Israel killed JFK every single president has been a Zionist puppet. Do you honestly think it’s a coincidence that the last president to oppose the Israel Lobby got assassinated and since then no president has dared to oppose them putting their hand on the wall like a good little cucked goy? Voting for Trump won’t save anyone, what you need to do is finish what JFK started and force Israel’s warmongering lobby to register as a foreign agent, kick dual citizens out of government, and oppose Jewry. Even Epstein was a mossad agent if you just look at Ghslaine Maxwell’s father that immediately becomes obvious. Plus whether it’s mass immigration Jews are behind that to look at all these NGO’s and Biden’s top cabinet. Mostly Jews and they are bragging about how whites will be the minority. Even if you look at his top cabinet which is mostly Jews, Alejandro Mayorkas before becoming the Secretary of Homeland Security was on the board of directors of HIAS (HEBREW IMMIGRANT AID SOCIETY) which is one of the biggest NGOs promoting open borders in the USA. Which HIAS is one of these Jewish NGO’s I’m talking about that promotes mass immigration into western nations. In 2017, HIAS organized the “Jews for Refugees” assembly, which brought together over 50 very powerful Jewish organizations in the USA including the vile ADL to lobby for more “asylum seekers” into the USA and to oppose DONALD TRUMP‘s ban on immigrations from Muslim nations. HIAS gets over 100$ million in our tax payer dollars from the administration that Alejandro Mayorkas is apart of and that funding has only exploded since 2020. As you might of guessed these Jews don’t want to send these immigrants to Israel, but they want to send them to white nations to replace white people which is Biden’s stated goal. Now it has been discovered that HIAS is directly facilitating the invasion of the US southern border by helping illegals cross the Darien gap which connects South America to the American continent. They have a dedicated building used as a processing facility there, and are using their funding to help build roads and other forms of transportation to help illegals reach North America. They’ve even produced maps in Spanish to explain to illegals how to best reach the USA southern border. Mayorkas is aware of this and has even visited these facilities.

Sorry to drop this giant red pill on the comments but I’m tired of people thinking voting is gonna save you when the only winner in that game is the Israel Lobby.

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To be fair my guy, few people here will care about a word you say. Most people here I would imagine are at least in their 40's and would dismiss and ignore whatever you have to say.

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He's a Jew hater.

He compromises everything he pretends to support with his bigotry.

Let's not feed his delusions.

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The list of women you mention is a pretty bad example of how most women I know behave and express themselves. I will never understand who votes for the politicians. I do believe that Trumps has many good traits including his business acumen. As an Independent, I think it is very sad that our great country wound up choosing these old guys to represent us. Carla Reeves

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This piece. Unbelievable.

There is no better man in America to exemplify the complete void of character, integrity, leadership and example than Donald Trump.

This isn’t a man you would give a job at your company, this isn’t a man you would work for. This isn’t a man you can trust in every single sense of the word trust.

He isn’t anywhere close to what a man should be, aspire to be. That this isn’t crystal clear to all Americans tells you everything you need to know about the Republican Party, its leaders and its voters. Shame on every single one of you. You deserve defeat, you deserve ridicule for generations.

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Why the moral preening, AdotCee?

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Because apparently you as well as this right wing rag need hand holding to admit the obvious.

It won’t help.

But you know I’m right.

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What I "know", is you sound very familiar. Good to get all sides.

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Trump is an unrepentant adulterer. He paid a huge sum of money a stripper wouldn’t tell the story .

That story includes the account of Trump chasing a stripper around a motel room with his trousers around his ankles while his wife was at home caring for his newborn son.

Lozano and Buckley seem ok looking past that debauchery but I’m not.

On another note , try to name the author of this following statement :

“In our nation’s 246-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump,"

"He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters rejected him. He's a coward, a real man wouldn't lie to his supporters. He lost his election and he lost big. I know it, he knows it and deep down, I think most Republicans know it."

Clue - a man who until fairly recently was considered as the top dog of the GOP.

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That would be Dick Cheney.

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We have a winner.

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The moral compasses of Buckley and Lozano seem hopelessly broken. When Trump I famously said “when you’re a star you can do whatever you want . You can grab them by the - - - - - . They don’t care” decent folks started to pull back.

If one has heard Trumps “interview” with Howard Stern and is not repulsed , then most likely nothing he does or says will sway them away.

Trump is an unrepentant adulterer chasing strange women around hotel rooms while his wife was home caring for their newborn son.

Supporting Trump is a terrible example to set for our children .

When Bill Clinton looked into the camera and told America “I did not have sex with that woman” , he lost my support forever.

I’m no Puritan prude , but lying, cheating and hypocrisy are not qualities that I could support.

Lozano and Buckley unfortunately don’t seem to mind.

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Wow - Jim -you sure know how to get everyone’s attention!

The first thing to know is most of the Dem females you mentioned are f’ugly, and f’ugly females are always ready to jump on males they don’t like. They’re gonna make them pay for all the disappointment, regret, dejection and indignation they’ve experienced over the years, one way or another. ‘No rage or fury like a woman scorn’d’ . . .

I _love_ Trump and believe he’s the best president, (except for that genius George Washington), we ever had. He pulled us out of the mess Traitor Obama got us into, then accomplished _all this_ !- tinyurl.com/4f5dz3bf

The problem I have with the GOP is we’re too damned nice - all this ‘high-road’ crap. I hope we use _every_ option to get the vote, (even some considered ‘creative’.)

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Your second sentence is disturbing! Please judge women on our minds, our substance, our ability to multi-task, our results; do not judge women on our looks. Based on reported viewership and actions, a generalization of GOP males: seeks shown cleavage , 4” heels, short skirts, dangling legs, false eyelashes and long hair pieces. Their women like to deliver to get and hold a man. Steve Bannon notes Natalie’s looks, so she in turn flaunts more with giggles, when it’s her brain and research work listeners seek. Real Republican men and women don’t fit your f-ugly description. They’ve substance, pride of person, and are exceptional citizens

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If I see a gorgeous girl walking down the street the last thing I'll wonder about is her mind and if she can multi-task. Far more interested in the fun we can have together in the back seat of my car! :)

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Don't be a pervert my guy, don't engage in the sin of lust.

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Dirty old man street comments are out of context to this thread Eel.

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No actual conservative man wants to see a woman's cleavage my guy, not unless they're partipating in the marital act. Dangling legs, false eyelashes? Women who dress immodestlty and with the intent of seeking male attention in a perverse way are gross.

Women in elegant feminine dresses/skirts > Women in lingerie

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Please share your post with FOX, NewsMax, Bannon on WarRoom. These program bosses disagree with you, or according to you, aren’t conservatives.

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