Mr. Eringer, excellent comments as usual! And shocking to behold all at once, the corruption of the FBI, FEMA, FDA, Gov. Newsom, Kommiela, and the platform of the Democratic party that aims to destroy America. The good news is overwhelming with Trump, Musk, Kennedy, Gabbard, Vance, and the new Border Czar!!!
Satan tipped his hand too far this time. I was wrong in my own predictions, i overestimated how much damage our public institutions have done to common sense, never have I been more grateful to have been wrong- still, this is a time to roll up our sleeves and get to the real work of rebuilding civilization. The absolute key is a recovery of objective truth and reality that will lead to a recovery of true definitions of virtue and vice. We must end the rewarding of vice and of punishing virtue, as in how in CA we protect criminals and punish virtuous citizens. We must end the race baiters, the gender ideologists, and perhaps most importantly the eco communists, all of whom attack and destroy civilization.
Truly, now is the time to get to work and help the insane recover insanity while at the same time protecting public institutions from these ideologues.
Well said Robert. Newsom recently bragged that the last time Trump was president, California, or I should say the Democrats, sued Trump a 130 times. Of course, he did not mean Trump personally: California sued the U.S. government. What he omitted was how many of these the demos won, and how many were a waste of the taxes Californians pay to bring the suits as well as to defend them. But the biggest loss was what all those lawyers could have been doing to help us besides chasing their own fantasies.
It begins: ACLU promises to fight Trump immigration policies in the trenches, as reported by Cal Matters: (Eg: Republicans are big meanies because they do not support open borders.)
........"Lee Gelernt, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union who argued challenges to immigration restrictions during Trump’s first term, said “Many of the policies Trump is advocating and promising, like use of the military, are illegal and we are prepared to challenge them.”
An ACLU “roadmap” on Trump’s reelection described plans to push legislators to block deportations and make cuts to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s detention operations. It also envisioned “a civil rights firewall” to protect immigrants and litigation against deportations.........."
ACLU forced GovRonald Reagan's hand to close state mental health care facilities. ACLU was a defender of the vagrant take over of public spaces in California. ACLU is writ large in this community.
Keep your eye on the goal - secure borders- legal immigration and high-priority deportation immediately. Stop the human trafficking, stop the drug trafficking, stop the correlated public safety issues, stop Democrat open border immigration policies flooding swing states for their own partisan political gain, and stop the unending drain on our tax dollars supporting those who illegally entered this country.
Make legal immigration into the United States great again. Expunge retaliatory lawfare for partisan gain from every part of our government operations.
Earl, this may be the first time I've agreed with you on something. Yes, there needs to be fines for business hiring people not here legally. But watch for what you wish for when prices for produce, meat, restaurants and hotels go up....... since all those industries are vested in that workforce.
Great summary Mr. Eringer. It should be obvious that the struggle continues despite a landslide victory. The left will certainly be disruptive for the next 4 years. To Trumps credit its, “Dam the torpedoes, full steam ahead.” Based on his cabinet choices so far, it looks like he is doing what should have been done during his first term. Job one is to deport the thousands of illegal alien criminals and get the economy humming again.
Yes, the Dems will have to be pulled kicking and screaming! But as with children, this will be a learning experience. For those that want to disrupt our commerce or deface our monuments, there should be mandatory prison time. We are all way beyond caring what the left thinks or wants anymore!
Mr. Eringer what a delightful commentary on the recent return to sanity due to a changing of the guard.
My dear, well meaning, leftist (communist) friends are in shock and mourning, however I detect no soul searching. Lots of excuses. Sexism, racism, homophobia, uneducated idiots, etc.
It’s sad we’re on different paths and my prayers are that this administration will somehow heal the divide.
Robert, lest you think there's no CA Resistance to Trump, just visit Crushcakes. When the Nazis storm Santa Barbara looking for single cat women to haul off to concentration camps, they'll be pelted with chocolate ganache.
What can you say?! It is very sad really how these poor, self centered creatures see the world around them and are so detached from reality. I can hardly see them living out happy, fruitful years because they are so much into being the "victim" that they don't even realize how fortunate they really are. The cupcake people may temporarily get in some more like minded customers but in the end may be eating their own cupcake leftover inventory. How pathetic. Thanks for the clip, Polly!
I call the Crushcake's cupcakes Dem Dumb Dumbs, or the 3-D's. The Dems won't buy them because they don't like being called dumb, but Republicans have no problem because Crushcake's is "selling" them for FREE to get rid of everything they make. Come and get them, all the Dumb Dumbs you can carry!
Am I reading this wrong? I thought the maga swarm were the conservatives. Honestly, you’re not always clear on what you’re trying to say. Now I guess, you’re going to insult my intelligence again?
Julia, because you're a Dem, so you don't have intelligence to insult. Just kidding <g>. Be careful not to be turned into Soylent Green Crushcake or you might be consumed by a MAGA Conservative.
Mr. Bill, you don’t disappoint, it’s about what I expected. Why do you assume I’m a Democrat. Democrats aren’t the only ones that don’t agree with the maga swarms infestation.
MAGA Swarm Infestation ... I like that phrase. An infestation of MAGA's to defeat the Dem Dumb Dumbs is good vs. a Swarm of Dems is a bad. We've all heard of good vs. evil. More recently experienced is smart vs. stupid, or Trump vs. Harris. Harris has to be crowned the Queen of the Stupidest of the Stupid. I've never witnessed anyone in public life as Stupid as Harris, honestly. Fortunately for Harris, she is so Stupid she doesn't realize it and can walk around as if nothing happened; not even realizing how everyone is laughing at her. Harris has the perfect clown face and with a little makeup she can find a new livelihood. And clowns don't have to talk, a side benefit for everyone.
These days of open access to electronic media are finally taking money alone out of our political campaigns. Opposition candidates now have a chance to out-run the oppressive, special interest funded Democrat Mean Machine.`
Thank God the insanity is over. Surely our country could not have survived another Democratic administration. We avoided Communism but hopefully all of America will finally WAKE UP. I would like to see the map of USA entirely red.
Looks like the insanity remains. Kristi Noem for director of Homeland Security?
She's the governor of South Dakota, population a bit over 900,000. Whereas, we the people of Santa Barbara county, (not a state) have about 450,000 residents. How in the world is she qualified? I think Andy Caldwell or Mike Stoker would be more qualified.
You can throw all the money you want to promote someone, but if the person is brainless and a menace to society then money doesn't work much. A comfortable message derived from the Harris campaign. And all the Hollywood freaks don't work either. One of you writers could write a Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme which would be humorous. Nobody could put Harris back together again. Too broken to repair.
How then does one explain Biden 2020? It worked then, so they assumed it would still work in 2024. How will history reassess the data now tumbling out from the "covid" election year 2020.
" . . How then does one explain Biden 2020? . ." Becaue the Commie-Dems believed Biden's BS about being a 'uniter' - restore jobs, fight for the 'comon man', bring his vast experience to handle foreign threats . . what a joke and a failure.
I don't think it worked in 2020 it was the machinery of cheating- start with Google- facebook, twitter and then get to the ballot problems and voter rolls. The election was stolen, but just like every evil thing the left has done, it turns into Trump's advantage and our good fortune.
Biden's brainlessness doesn't compare to Harris's near empty head. I'd say Biden has about 10,000 times more brains than Harris <g>. Even in Biden's current state, he's still more intelligible than Harris. There was probably cheating in 2020. Guiliani found a lot of suspicious things.
Mr. Eringer, as usual, you can be counted on to make unifying commentaries. I hope you recognize sarcasm. Do you get paid by the word?
I don’t think you always read the room. I’m talking about that invitation at the end of your commentary. The first thing that jumps off the invitation is MAGA SWARM. It seems you would’ve picked something like Trump wins, Victory Lap, Victory Cruise, but you go with MAGA SWARM? When most people hear the word swarm, they think January 6, or an infestation of nasty ugly bugs. I don’t think any true Republicans want to be a part of a swarm. Although you might not have a problem, as I’ve said before the MAGA SWARM killed the Republican Party, so no worries.
Julia, interesting comment about "reading the room"- Most people understand that what happened Jan 6 was unfortunate, but not anything like an "insurrection" so it is the lies that have been overcome here- You are clearly an honest person and do not well represent the ideological left who have brainwashed many believers who are not bad people- but the people have spoken and most are like me, never have I been a republican, but "maga swarm" works for me and the majority of the USA, at least the majority who still retain common sense. It is not only premature to talk about the death of the Republican Party (only the neo-con uniparty members are the real problem) because maga party unified more people in the US than ever, if we don't count about 20 million illegitimate votes from 2020. If only the maga swarm is left, it accounts for significantly more than half the US and from all walks of life, as opposed to the party of death and destruction that is monolithic and rigidly ideology. Yes Make America Great Again!!!!!
Thank you for what I think is a pep talk, but most brainwashed people are unified no doubt about that. I could be mistaken, the Republican party isn’t dead, but they are most certainly comatose.
Mr. Bill, I’m sorry to hear about your dilemma, especially if it’s the FBI. One subscriber to this website accused me of having a sour attitude, but it seems you’ve developed a sour attitude due to your present circumstances. I have tried not to make personal attacks when I reply to one of many maga supporters. I try to keep it non-personal, I hope your dilemma improves. I didn’t like the ending that you’re “waiting for trump to put an end to all this”. I hope you don’t mean like nuclear war, democracy, or America. You can see where that might be misconstrued. Wishing you better days.
Do you folks really want to do a victory parade through SB? I"m a former McCain staffer so I'm a never Trumper from back in 2016. But you guys won this election, well done. Most important race was the race for President and you should celebrate, but what about locally?
I could only vote for Tony Beccera for City Council and he lost. Dang, I voted with most of you on all the Props & Measures, and local offices.
I voted for Steve Garvey but he lost, and I think it's stupid to have a parade in SB. The Dodgers didn't do a parade in San Diego even though they are both in Southern California. . See?
Mr. Eringer, excellent comments as usual! And shocking to behold all at once, the corruption of the FBI, FEMA, FDA, Gov. Newsom, Kommiela, and the platform of the Democratic party that aims to destroy America. The good news is overwhelming with Trump, Musk, Kennedy, Gabbard, Vance, and the new Border Czar!!!
Satan tipped his hand too far this time. I was wrong in my own predictions, i overestimated how much damage our public institutions have done to common sense, never have I been more grateful to have been wrong- still, this is a time to roll up our sleeves and get to the real work of rebuilding civilization. The absolute key is a recovery of objective truth and reality that will lead to a recovery of true definitions of virtue and vice. We must end the rewarding of vice and of punishing virtue, as in how in CA we protect criminals and punish virtuous citizens. We must end the race baiters, the gender ideologists, and perhaps most importantly the eco communists, all of whom attack and destroy civilization.
Truly, now is the time to get to work and help the insane recover insanity while at the same time protecting public institutions from these ideologues.
Well said Robert. Newsom recently bragged that the last time Trump was president, California, or I should say the Democrats, sued Trump a 130 times. Of course, he did not mean Trump personally: California sued the U.S. government. What he omitted was how many of these the demos won, and how many were a waste of the taxes Californians pay to bring the suits as well as to defend them. But the biggest loss was what all those lawyers could have been doing to help us besides chasing their own fantasies.
It begins: ACLU promises to fight Trump immigration policies in the trenches, as reported by Cal Matters: (Eg: Republicans are big meanies because they do not support open borders.)
........"Lee Gelernt, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union who argued challenges to immigration restrictions during Trump’s first term, said “Many of the policies Trump is advocating and promising, like use of the military, are illegal and we are prepared to challenge them.”
An ACLU “roadmap” on Trump’s reelection described plans to push legislators to block deportations and make cuts to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s detention operations. It also envisioned “a civil rights firewall” to protect immigrants and litigation against deportations.........."
ACLU forced GovRonald Reagan's hand to close state mental health care facilities. ACLU was a defender of the vagrant take over of public spaces in California. ACLU is writ large in this community.
Keep your eye on the goal - secure borders- legal immigration and high-priority deportation immediately. Stop the human trafficking, stop the drug trafficking, stop the correlated public safety issues, stop Democrat open border immigration policies flooding swing states for their own partisan political gain, and stop the unending drain on our tax dollars supporting those who illegally entered this country.
Make legal immigration into the United States great again. Expunge retaliatory lawfare for partisan gain from every part of our government operations.
Today’s Bon Mots:
- Tom Homan - new Border Czar - perfect choice and a real badass - he’ll get it done!.
- Rent to an illegal - have your property seized. Hire an illegal - major fine. Illegal aliens . . .
_O-U-T_ !
- Has Rob Reiner killed himself or left the country yet?
Earl, this may be the first time I've agreed with you on something. Yes, there needs to be fines for business hiring people not here legally. But watch for what you wish for when prices for produce, meat, restaurants and hotels go up....... since all those industries are vested in that workforce.
Didn’t they try that a few decades ago? Businesses were fined for hiring undocumented workers.
R. I. P. P-nut !
Great summary Mr. Eringer. It should be obvious that the struggle continues despite a landslide victory. The left will certainly be disruptive for the next 4 years. To Trumps credit its, “Dam the torpedoes, full steam ahead.” Based on his cabinet choices so far, it looks like he is doing what should have been done during his first term. Job one is to deport the thousands of illegal alien criminals and get the economy humming again.
Yes, the Dems will have to be pulled kicking and screaming! But as with children, this will be a learning experience. For those that want to disrupt our commerce or deface our monuments, there should be mandatory prison time. We are all way beyond caring what the left thinks or wants anymore!
I love all of this. Thank goodness our country is waking up to the insanity of the left. God bless America
The first thing that comes to mind is the Truth can hurt and bite me.
Mr. Eringer what a delightful commentary on the recent return to sanity due to a changing of the guard.
My dear, well meaning, leftist (communist) friends are in shock and mourning, however I detect no soul searching. Lots of excuses. Sexism, racism, homophobia, uneducated idiots, etc.
It’s sad we’re on different paths and my prayers are that this administration will somehow heal the divide.
Robert, lest you think there's no CA Resistance to Trump, just visit Crushcakes. When the Nazis storm Santa Barbara looking for single cat women to haul off to concentration camps, they'll be pelted with chocolate ganache.
And ladies, if you haven't joined the 4B movement, do it now!
Let’s see . . . these dogs are threatening a 4B ‘sex strike’? Your terms are _very_ acceptable!
What can you say?! It is very sad really how these poor, self centered creatures see the world around them and are so detached from reality. I can hardly see them living out happy, fruitful years because they are so much into being the "victim" that they don't even realize how fortunate they really are. The cupcake people may temporarily get in some more like minded customers but in the end may be eating their own cupcake leftover inventory. How pathetic. Thanks for the clip, Polly!
Thanks Polly, for that great "4B" video link - he has been the best meme-smasher since covid. Never tire of his precision insights.
I agree!
I call the Crushcake's cupcakes Dem Dumb Dumbs, or the 3-D's. The Dems won't buy them because they don't like being called dumb, but Republicans have no problem because Crushcake's is "selling" them for FREE to get rid of everything they make. Come and get them, all the Dumb Dumbs you can carry!
Yes, sell those Soylent Green, Dem Dumb Dumb Crushcakes for the Conservatives to eat.
Am I reading this wrong? I thought the maga swarm were the conservatives. Honestly, you’re not always clear on what you’re trying to say. Now I guess, you’re going to insult my intelligence again?
Julia, because you're a Dem, so you don't have intelligence to insult. Just kidding <g>. Be careful not to be turned into Soylent Green Crushcake or you might be consumed by a MAGA Conservative.
Mr. Bill, you don’t disappoint, it’s about what I expected. Why do you assume I’m a Democrat. Democrats aren’t the only ones that don’t agree with the maga swarms infestation.
MAGA Swarm Infestation ... I like that phrase. An infestation of MAGA's to defeat the Dem Dumb Dumbs is good vs. a Swarm of Dems is a bad. We've all heard of good vs. evil. More recently experienced is smart vs. stupid, or Trump vs. Harris. Harris has to be crowned the Queen of the Stupidest of the Stupid. I've never witnessed anyone in public life as Stupid as Harris, honestly. Fortunately for Harris, she is so Stupid she doesn't realize it and can walk around as if nothing happened; not even realizing how everyone is laughing at her. Harris has the perfect clown face and with a little makeup she can find a new livelihood. And clowns don't have to talk, a side benefit for everyone.
These days of open access to electronic media are finally taking money alone out of our political campaigns. Opposition candidates now have a chance to out-run the oppressive, special interest funded Democrat Mean Machine.`
Thank God the insanity is over. Surely our country could not have survived another Democratic administration. We avoided Communism but hopefully all of America will finally WAKE UP. I would like to see the map of USA entirely red.
80% of all US counties voting red is a stunning re-set. Hold the line. The counter-attack forces are already swinging into action.
Looks like the insanity remains. Kristi Noem for director of Homeland Security?
She's the governor of South Dakota, population a bit over 900,000. Whereas, we the people of Santa Barbara county, (not a state) have about 450,000 residents. How in the world is she qualified? I think Andy Caldwell or Mike Stoker would be more qualified.
You can throw all the money you want to promote someone, but if the person is brainless and a menace to society then money doesn't work much. A comfortable message derived from the Harris campaign. And all the Hollywood freaks don't work either. One of you writers could write a Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme which would be humorous. Nobody could put Harris back together again. Too broken to repair.
How then does one explain Biden 2020? It worked then, so they assumed it would still work in 2024. How will history reassess the data now tumbling out from the "covid" election year 2020.
JL did it really work I. 2020?
Or was there some cheating?
CA has more registered voters than eligible people, go figure?
Methinks 2020 ain’t over, getting a restart…see Arizona/Kari Lake vote totals…same cheating been happening for many cycles…
FYI...2018 midterms...Nov 12, 2018 status:
R Gov (Doug Ducey) won by 328,000 votes.
D Sen (Sinema) winning by 32,000 votes.
R Gov won MARICOPA County by 325,000 votes.
D Sen winning MARICOPA by 32,000 votes?
[350,000] vote swing to D Sen?
" . . How then does one explain Biden 2020? . ." Becaue the Commie-Dems believed Biden's BS about being a 'uniter' - restore jobs, fight for the 'comon man', bring his vast experience to handle foreign threats . . what a joke and a failure.
I don't think it worked in 2020 it was the machinery of cheating- start with Google- facebook, twitter and then get to the ballot problems and voter rolls. The election was stolen, but just like every evil thing the left has done, it turns into Trump's advantage and our good fortune.
Biden's brainlessness doesn't compare to Harris's near empty head. I'd say Biden has about 10,000 times more brains than Harris <g>. Even in Biden's current state, he's still more intelligible than Harris. There was probably cheating in 2020. Guiliani found a lot of suspicious things.
Mr. Eringer, as usual, you can be counted on to make unifying commentaries. I hope you recognize sarcasm. Do you get paid by the word?
I don’t think you always read the room. I’m talking about that invitation at the end of your commentary. The first thing that jumps off the invitation is MAGA SWARM. It seems you would’ve picked something like Trump wins, Victory Lap, Victory Cruise, but you go with MAGA SWARM? When most people hear the word swarm, they think January 6, or an infestation of nasty ugly bugs. I don’t think any true Republicans want to be a part of a swarm. Although you might not have a problem, as I’ve said before the MAGA SWARM killed the Republican Party, so no worries.
Killed the Republican Party?
It’s a trifecta of Red .. seems alive and well at present
Not many believe or care about the Trump drama they cooked up apparently.. soooo
It’s awesome!!
No, I’m sorry. Only the maga swarm infestation is left.
Julia, interesting comment about "reading the room"- Most people understand that what happened Jan 6 was unfortunate, but not anything like an "insurrection" so it is the lies that have been overcome here- You are clearly an honest person and do not well represent the ideological left who have brainwashed many believers who are not bad people- but the people have spoken and most are like me, never have I been a republican, but "maga swarm" works for me and the majority of the USA, at least the majority who still retain common sense. It is not only premature to talk about the death of the Republican Party (only the neo-con uniparty members are the real problem) because maga party unified more people in the US than ever, if we don't count about 20 million illegitimate votes from 2020. If only the maga swarm is left, it accounts for significantly more than half the US and from all walks of life, as opposed to the party of death and destruction that is monolithic and rigidly ideology. Yes Make America Great Again!!!!!
Thank you for what I think is a pep talk, but most brainwashed people are unified no doubt about that. I could be mistaken, the Republican party isn’t dead, but they are most certainly comatose.
Mr. Bill, I’m sorry to hear about your dilemma, especially if it’s the FBI. One subscriber to this website accused me of having a sour attitude, but it seems you’ve developed a sour attitude due to your present circumstances. I have tried not to make personal attacks when I reply to one of many maga supporters. I try to keep it non-personal, I hope your dilemma improves. I didn’t like the ending that you’re “waiting for trump to put an end to all this”. I hope you don’t mean like nuclear war, democracy, or America. You can see where that might be misconstrued. Wishing you better days.
Do you folks really want to do a victory parade through SB? I"m a former McCain staffer so I'm a never Trumper from back in 2016. But you guys won this election, well done. Most important race was the race for President and you should celebrate, but what about locally?
I could only vote for Tony Beccera for City Council and he lost. Dang, I voted with most of you on all the Props & Measures, and local offices.
I voted for Steve Garvey but he lost, and I think it's stupid to have a parade in SB. The Dodgers didn't do a parade in San Diego even though they are both in Southern California. . See?