Robert, I say this with great respect for your experience and intelligence but you need to stop bashing Putin over Ukraine and put the blame where it's due. We had no business overthrowing the government in Ukraine in 2014. The Obama and Biden team are to blame.

Had Trump been allowed to be President (since he won the 2020 election), he would have been able to negotiate with Putin and this would not have happened. Had Miranda Devine's rock solid case about Hunter Biden's Ukraine money-scheming for his father not been buried by the media, Americans would not have been duped into believing that Putin is an evil invader. They would have known the truth - that the Democrat administrations since 2014 repeatedly baited Putin because they want a war with Russia. And because they wanted to use Ukraine for money laundering,

Putin has not done as badly in Ukraine as you paint. We have. The deaths of all those Ukrainians are on us.

It is time you stopped supporting the Neo Con and Democrat desire for a war with Russia. We don't need it. The world doesn't need it.

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Well said, Polly! He is not the evil enemy that we need to concentrate on. Our enemy is already here.

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right. We have NEVER been at war with Russia. For some reason, people forget this.

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I think we are now!

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No. Democrats are the only ones today still playing the Russia, Russia, Russia card for their own political gain. Ukraine elites are playing it for their own financial gain.

The tell? Democrats give a flip about our own borders. Biden-Harris let them leak like a sieve.

Tell Zelenskyy to follow The Biden-Harris Doctrnie, let in 20 million high birth rate Russian, give them free cash, food, housing and win them over with Ukrainian generosity. Toss in some pre-filled voter registration packets too, and look the other way.

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Hello Polly, you have no idea how true your words sadly are and I quote

"They would have known the truth - that the Democrat administrations since 2014 repeatedly baited Putin because they want a war with Russia. And because they wanted to use Ukraine for money laundering" We talk daily with Russian and Ukraine folks caught up in this Human Catastophe. Robert Eringer is an Old Time Intelligence person emersed in Russian Cold War so that is what he knows. I have been there done that but the difference ... I took the time to take a REAL look at Russia and Ukraine and it's people and I see a different side simply not told. Again, and yes, this is all about MONEY and now there are over 300,000 Russian's Killed on the front and over 400,000 Ukraine's Killed and for what and who was involved in this Castrophe. Was the US Attacked by Hostile forces? DId the US Declare War Against Russia? The answer is No. Want to see a United Country that stood together against EVIL, then look at this>>


"There is no Blinking at the fact that our people, our territory, and our interests are in GRAVE DANGER. We will gain the inevitable truimph so help us God." ....United Applause....

I ask that the Congress Declare, that since the unprovoked attack and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday December 7, 1941, a STATE OF WAR, has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire. ....United Applause......

How the US has strayed from the founding principles and sacrifices of the Greatest Generation during WWII is the main problem currently before the people of the US. However I do not think that most people are aware of what is at stake. We are at the gates of WWIII and people are quite litterally ignorant of this fact as certain Politicians make a Mokery of that Sacrifice 60 years ago. It looks like we are going to make the same Mistakes that led to WWI and WWII.

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

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Amen, Howard.

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Well Polly I just hope that we all can continue to say amen

because these fools have put the US on a full-alert posture

against Russia. Russia has put it's fleet and more ominous

it Submarine Forice on FULL ALERT ready to launch it's

formidable missile capabilty. God Help Us because these

fools will not. Better get these war-mongers off the Nuclear

Button. As I said here in SB Current I think the Military Command

has taken Biden's hand OFF the Launce Decision as well as

VP Harris. I know that I would and any of my Military Family

Members would propably after Biden's third or forth fall

in Las Vegas. Regardless he is not all there that is for certain.

VP Harris that is another matter all together................

Heres the basic Launce Procedure on the President-Side

We had to practice receiving the Launch Order in Naval

Test/Drills back in the Cold-War Days at Submarine Base Bangor.

That is where we are not as a Country.


"If the mission calls for submarine-based missiles, they can be launched within 15 minutes of an order being sent. If land-based missiles are used, the launch can happen even faster (possibly within five minutes). Sub launches require the captain, executive officer, and two others to authenticate."


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Thanks Mr. Eringer for another entertaining article. I especially enjoyed the term “terminally brainwashed”. They are rabid.

I agree with Polly. Putin was provoked by Harris’s threat of NATO expansion in to Ukraine and Ukraine ignoring a UN vote regarding two areas ceding to Russia.

Our Neocons want war, and the current administration wants it too.

That’s my two cents.

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Your two cents could have saved US taxpayers at least $400 billion dollars, give or take a few hundred billion more.

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As usual, great commentary! It is just astounding the Kamelian has any credibility at all, even with the brainwashed. She is as vapid and empty as one can be. Who is so incredibly stupid that they think this conniving, heartless, self-promoting harpie is "joyful"- does anyone really mistake that laugh for anything other than camouflage? Does anyone really believe this person "loves America?" or the American people? Her policies are hateful and harmful, even if she is not sure what they are, they are the false green agenda, the race baiting identity politics, and abortion. That this vote would even be close is a testament to the efficacy of the public schools and the power of the media to propagandize.

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(Who supports her?……..23 million government employees for a start………Yada…yada….yada…..) P.S.You support them.

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That is a good point J. But how could the mostly fake polls have her so close to Trump? I do fear, having worked in the public schools for so long, that every year a new little brainwashed army of high school graduates joins the ranks voting for Kamel.

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The Great 23 Million do have family members and friends and organized ballot harvesters in sufficient numbers to give credence to the legendary Biden “popular vote”coming mainly from CA and NY.

Do the math. This is a critical tipping point election when facing those built in partisan-voting numbers.

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My mom is 94. She wants Kamala because it's time for a woman to be President. (that's what she says) Also, I have never personally ever received a poll in the mail, yet I have intercepted 2 now sent to my mom. I filled them out. lol. Probably not the answers they were expecting. So, i don't trust polls at all. They send them to the people whom they want to respond.

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Anne, exactly the same with my 93 year old mom, she wants Kamel, not just to have a woman president, but because MSNBC taught here many terrible things about trump. I am not surprised by the brainwashing, but as rampant contradiction would have it, she is pro-life- there, her moral standards end, but that is a high one that is not shared by the kamel monster. I don't trust the polls either, but those sons of guns cheat very well.

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Love the endorsement list!!! 🥰🥰🥰

I feel like Steve Martin’s character in “The Jerk”

“The new phone book’s here! The new phone book’s here!….I’m somebody now!” 😂🥰🥳

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Just wait til you win!

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Thanks! If it happens, I will do a good job. Managing and making decisions is something I do well. Campaigning and popularity contests…not so much. But I’m giving it the old college try (I graduated tops in my classes at college so who knows? 😂)

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In todays rapacious partisan infected, and free spending politics, just voting no is good enough.

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I promise you I know how and when to say “no” to anyone and anything with the possible exception of my wife. (And even her if she wants another dog or cat) 😃

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Eric, Goleta needs you. Goleta should be The Good Land, not The Dumping Land.

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Btw, when I was a little kid Goleta did a staged production of the Walter Tompkins book, complete with horse riding on the stage.

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Harmeet Dhillon talks about the real Kamala Harris: https://tuckercarlson.com/tucker-show-harmeet-dhillon

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I watched the entire hour and half presentation. The facts laid out by Harmeet and Tucker are unbelievable and a must see by all. Outrageous how Harris has been given a free pass based on these allegations.

BTW, Harmeet Dhillon is a brilliant litigator and should be on the short list for our next Governor. She is a winner and we need to stop backing loser campaigns like Garvey for Senate.

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Democrats have no problem running losers like Schiff, Biden or Harris. So it is far more than just the candidate choice or availability, that we need to attack.

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I really like Harmeet, but there is only one choice for the new California governor - Steve Hilton! He's brilliant, sensible and trustworthy - he'll do the job right. I'm gonna get behind his campaign in every way possible.

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I'm for Harmeet. I find Hilton tiresome with his let's make it Reagan country again. No es possible.

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George Washington was also 'tiresome.'

Let's _do_ make it Reagan country again - I think I remember him doing a pretty good job! :)

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Yes, very informative story about Kamala! Thanks for sharing.

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James Carville Is a joke, he has to be paid or he’s really that ignorant.

Notice how they are not protecting Kamala anymore? They’re letting her sink, just like they let Biden drown then tossed his body overboard.

October surprise anyone?

The Dem party is not about individuals it is about the party.

It is not about the people, it’s about the ballots.

Notice how Biden and other Dems attack individual voters.

Unlike Trump who attacks politicians and people trying to lock him up.

One party attacks you and me, but they say they’re the nice guys trying to unite the country.

I’m still amazed at the ignorance from Dem Voters in not seeing any of the hypocrisy.

I’m amazed Dem Voters will choose pride over truth and not admit their party left them and their personal ideas a long time ago.

But then again Dem party originated with slaves owners, voted against every civil rights act in history, puts men in women’s sports, allows illegal aliens to use tax payer resources while ignoring the humanitarian crisis of citizens.

Wait, did Dem voters really believe in their party? Are Dem voters really nazis & Marxist’s?

Ask your Dem friend if they are against civil rights and all for supporting illegals over citizens. Get the answer direct from the donkey.

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I think the Taylor Swift endorsement was intended to be an October Surprise. But sly as a fox Trump flushed that out way early to not cause any last minute damage. Swift now has to carry the Kamala Harris albatross around her own neck. Not too swift, Taylor.

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I still love Linda Ronstadt's singing but she is for Harris. I don't pay attention to what most artists, writers, filmmakers and musicians think politically. I spent thirty years in NYC going to parties and dinners where I met many of my artistic idols. Invariably I'd come away thinking how God whimsically gives talent to whoever God feels like on a given day.

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LOL, you wouldn't listen to any music if politics were a steering element as to who you listen to.

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I was a Frank Sinatra bobby soxer My mother was appalled and asked, do you know what kind of person he is. Huh, ma? I just love Old Blue Eyes.

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B, to answer your question “did Dem voters really believe in their party? Are Dem voters really nazis & Marxist’s?” The Dems I know and knew (the ones who still talk to me after I left The Party and voted for Trump in 2016) are mostly in two camps: sweet, well-meaning people too old to change and mentally ill younger people.

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Pol, you forgot the most dominant camp of all . . ._stupid people_!

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So true, Mr. Brown!

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Mr. Eringer continues to be entertaining and I see he added movie critic to his résumé. He seems to have something to say about everything and everyone. Kamala said this and she didn’t say that, very critical of everything. I would like to see him write about what trump says. trump, the great unifier of racism, misogyny, and treason.

Do any people leaving comments here ever listen to him? Do you actually hear what he said? When asked a question he goes on and on about how the election was stolen, how everyone’s after him and it’s always about him. Has he once mentioned what he’s going to do for all the people of the United States of America, not just the rich, what his policies are? He talks about getting even with everyone who has done him wrong. He talks about bashing people, hit them in the face, beat them up, and this happened at his last rally in Coachella. There was a protester at his rally in Coachella, his answer to dealing with her was violence. To top it off, his supporters were left stranded in the desert, with no way to get back to their vehicles, which were two hours away. Buses were provided to the rally, but not from the rally.

It is sad, pitiful and unfortunate how the majority of his supporters follow him blindly and so misinformed. OK let’s see if I hear more from bashers or people with civility.

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Julia, Look up Trump’s Chicago interview with the Bloomberg group today. And listen to the audience reaction to his comments on the economy and his proposed policies.

This might be the Trump substance and style you keep missing. Do you ever listen to him, or just get filtered sound bites and campaign stump speeches?

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Mr. Livingston. I did happen to catch the Chicago interview with trump and The Economics Club of Chicago. There might’ve been some cheering and applause when trump was talking about his plan for tariffs, but did they listen to the economist who was explaining to trump why that wouldn’t work. He told trump, that yes, he could raise tariffs as high as he wanted, which means higher prices for the consumers. In other words, the taxpayers would end up paying for trumps tariffs.

As for trump’s substance and style, I am afraid there’s nothing to filter as he has no substance or style. Unfortunately, his supporters filter everything he says and pick and choose what they want to hear, they don’t seem to hear what he actually says.

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Julia, Trump does not demand slavishness from anyone, even his team - he is the first candidate to pick a VP as smart as he is. His team - Musk, Gabbard, Kennedy, Dillon - are the most independent thinkers in America. Julia, you listen to MSM idiots who *are* slaves to their boss, the DNC.

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Polly, all I can say is, “Heaven Help Us”, if he wins. You mention his team and that his VP pick is as smart as trump, that’s not saying much. His team is made up of cookie cutter images like trump, project 2025 supporters. Heaven forbid, if he wins this team he has may be around when he starts his reign, buy they’ll be gone the minute they stop being yes-men. trump and his henchmen want to control this country, not lead it.

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Great article. Loved it thanks.... Lets hope the majority of the people see through all the BS that is going around. It is unbelievable to me how some people even think!

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Depends on who is funding your own paycheck.

We should not be surprised when people vote their own best interests. And getting a government paycheck is a reasonable self interest for the millions now getting paychecks from Big Government. Democrats think Bigger and Bigger Government is even better.

This will soon swamp this nation. It is the Democrats sole goal.

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It’s hard to believe there are voters remaining as “undecided.” It’s more likely people who plan on voting Trump but don’t want the push back.

How can anyone make a cogent argument in favor of Harris by giving specific examples of how she will govern?

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The Silent Majority redux.

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Love your work but needed this before voting began. Voted by mail on first day, first ever early vote.

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Thank you, Robert, for the voting recommendations. Appreciate them.

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