In addition to the presidential contest being waged between Donald J. Trump and the D.C. establishment (fronted by Vice President Kamala Harris), there is at least one more issue that has taken hold in the Santa Barbara area. While we know that Mr. Trump has little chance of prevailing among Santa Barbarians, defeat of the SBCC bond boondoggle called “Measure P” has a solid prospect of going down to defeat. Like Kamala, Measure P has the support of virtually the entire local Democrat establishment, so it won’t be easy and there is no guarantee it can or will be defeated. But, the opposition, inspired by Montecito resident Denice Spangler Adams, has grown exponentially and we – along with many former SBCC supporters – believe it is entirely possible that the groundswell of opposition that has been building may produce the desired result.
There has also been some discontent among Republican voters aimed at Democrat Salud Carbajal, our 24th District U.S. Representative, who has refused to even consider participating in a public debate with his Republican challenger, Thomas Cole.
What follows is but a small sampling of the behind-the-scenes conflicts taking place on both issues:
SBCC Measure P Money Grab
The recent KEYT News piece on Measure P was a travesty. It was an in-kind donation to the Measure P ad campaign. Denice Adams was presented as a crazy lady yelling from the sidelines, without any of the cogent arguments she’s made against the measure.
Unfortunately, the SBCC Foundation and SBCC itself are prominent members of KEYT’s advertiser base. Expecting KEYT to do investigative journalism on Measure P is like expecting them to do a hard-hitting story on price gouging at one of their important advertisers.
I sent the following email to Beth Farnsworth at KEYT, not that I think it will do any good.
To: Beth Farnsworth
Subject: The real story behind Measure P
Dear Beth,
In KEYT’s Measure P segment last night, you accepted City College’s story without question. When they come to taxpayers asking for $200 million, they have an obligation to be honest about what they want to spend the money on and why they need it.
City College has refused for years to face the permanent decline in enrollment and the hard reality of staff reductions needed to balance their budget. They have starved facilities maintenance instead of dealing with the real problem.
Yes, many buildings are in poor shape because they’ve been spending an average of $500,000 per year on facilities when a state report said they should be spending $5 million.
Also, they never mention that the number one item on their Measure P wish list is a new, $100 million PE building. They don’t mention it because they know voters won’t support it.
A $200 million dollar bond is not a trivial matter. I believe KEYT, as our primary TV news source, has an obligation to investigate the story behind the advertising job that SBCC is pushing. According to County Elections, they’ve raised $243,000 so far for their ad campaign. If KEYT won’t ask questions, how is the community to know the truth?
Best regards,
Dale Francisco
School Bond Industry Laden with Corruption, Fraud, and Delay
Too much happens at SBCC for even this volunteer watchdog to track. Just as I started to write about the great debate on SBCC’s Measure P, I’m sent a text about a lawsuit against the latest SBCC President, Erika Enjrijonas. She’s the publicly self-identified “school bond whiz [magician] who reportedly “gained passage of hundreds of millions in bond funding” at her prior stints as President of Pasadena and L.A. Valley Community Colleges. She was hired at SBCC apparently after her contract was not extended by Pasadena CC. (To my recollection, there was no public disclosure of her accreditation woes and lawsuits, or bond scandals.) Now we learn one building scandal exposed a major racketeering scheme resulting in tens of millions in lawsuits. Corruption, fraud, and delays are simply part of the huge and growing statewide school bond industry financed by well-intentioned voters. There’s much to this story for another day. Forgive the transgression. Moving along….
The Great Debate
What got my adrenaline going earlier was the great Measure P debate that broadcasts starting now on YouTube or at
Justin Shore’s researched article in SBCurrent (“Still ‘NO’ on Measure ‘P’”) set the stage for a real debate in ‘go along to get along, love one another’ South County Santa Barbara.
Knowing others are working, raising kids, and living life, I listened in as the sole opponent in your County Voter Info Guide.
In the ring were OPPONENTS: longest serving Trustee Marsha Croninger and Former Councilman Dale Francisco versus PROPONENTS: Consultant Wade Cowper and Economist Lanny Ebenstein.
Terrific exchange with four community leaders who care deeply about SBCC, kicked off with affirmations of their affinities which have led longtime friends to different positions on P2024.
Let the truth be told by facts from both sides. For readers in a hurry here’s the summation of closing remarks: all four value SBCC and know the need filled by SBCC; however, a spray gun of money is not the fix. (The visualization of my hose, anything, squirting out money remains memorable.)
Other Take Aways from the Measure P Debate
1) there is no plan;
2) no state funding will be left on the table if Measure P not approved;
3) half of the requested bond proceeds ($100M) will be spent on a “hidden PE building,” when locals recreate outside;
4) “There will be a tax increase,” admits Lanny, to which Marsha adds, “a tax rate increase too”;
5) cost to a median valued District home from Gaviota to Ventura is $8,858, and City $14,222;
6) SBCC governance is not ready, but that’s not the issue: funding is, states Wade, let’s separate the two;
7) locals deserve and expect truth – we’re not Pasadena – fantasy was presented to the Board;
8) professional out-of-town pros, “self-described political operatives” have been turned loose. Hire locally! (We never seem to for political reasons.);
9) look for their next campaign trick (can’t wait with Halloween approaching);
10) a “misleading, disappointing campaign” has been purchased (with a boatload of money);
11) local students need a District plan that reflects changing demographics to ensure improved opportunities for student success at SBCC (because our SBUSD has failed students for my 44 years here);
12) revenues based on low-income enrollment have changed from 20% to 14% as low income leave the District: 2025 is a demographic cliff (few can afford to remain here given CA, County high taxes, and nonstop requests for more);
13) “5% of 34-44-year-olds will not pump up” what’s needed;
14) CalMatters describes crumbling buildings at other CCs, so don’t expect any state money here, if Prop 2 approved.
Proponent Lanny agreed that no tax increase needs to be re-worded to no tax rate increase, which Opponent Croninger challenged by adding “That’s not true either.”
Facts have been debated for truths to be known prior to voting. Let’s stabilize SBCC first! PAUSE: visit
Only tough love will get our District community the SBCC needed in future years.
Denice Spangler Adams
Sole Opponent, County Voter Ballot Guide
“No Debate” Democrat Incumbent Spurns Republican Candidate
On Mon, Oct 21, 2024, at 3:51 PM Newsmakers with JR <> wrote:
Hi Tom (24th U.S. Congressional District Republican Candidate Thomas Cole),
Just had Salud [Carbajal] on the show and asked him why he wouldn't debate you. He stated:
"My opponent has really worked to demagogue and spew a lot of hate about transgender individuals, immigrants. He's pedaling conspiracy MAGA theories and basically I didn't want to provide a forum for him to continue to spew that hate and put people's lives in danger."
"My opponent has really focused on fixating and being obsessed with tearing people down and in my opinion, spewing hate and putting people's lives in danger. And the only forum that he has to really continue to provide that rhetoric of hate would be a debate You've seen that he hasn't done much other things, and I did not want to aid in abet his performance that way."
If you wanna send me a comment in response, will include in my write up. Thanks.
Jerry Roberts
Thomas Cole’s Response
“Okay. Well, in the first place, I’m not “spewing hate” against anyone. I disagree with Salud’s policies. For instance, I believe young girls and women in school sports must be free from trans men competing against them, and in their locker rooms. And the Supreme court just recently agreed.
“That’s not hate; it’s protecting our children.
“And on the border issues. I believe it’s wrong to have open borders, for which my opponent has voted with the Biden/Harris administration down the line.
“Importing 15 million new homeless guys, unvetted into our neighborhoods is hateful to America.
“Fifteen million means 30,000 new homeless people into every district in our nation. I am against that. We cannot have a welfare/sanctuary state… and open borders. It is a recipe for disaster.
“That is not hate; that is protecting our people, our housing, our American culture, and our tax dollars.
“This smear as a hater is just that. A smear. I am a peace Republican; I am for diplomats not cluster bombs. That is not hate. We must cut the printing and spending on proxy wars that kill millions around the globe.
“Our nation needs peace, border security, and parents’ rights to control and watch over their children’s education. These are the big issues I am running on because I care about our people and our nation.
“I am asking the honorable Salud Carbajal to meet at the Santa Barbara Empathy Center, for an hour, with a mediator of listening and expressing our differing strategies to help our communities and nation.”
Thomas Cole JD
Santa Barbara Current’s Endorsement List (Nov 5, 2024 Election)

Carbajal spews hate, lies and permanent division to satisfy his Democrat part handlers. His own lack of self-awareness is both stunning and troubling. California has suffered greatly from similar, highly partisan and ugly copy-cat attacks in every single contested race in this state.
This is not America. Clean up your language, Carbajal. Do something besides letting your party use you as their perpetual yes vote. Drop the Democrat buzz word salad, and tell us who you really are and why both America and California has gone downhill under your watch.
The key word here is "transparency" when it comes to Measure P, I am voting "NO" as I had no clue what they were going to spend all this money on and it reeked of corruption. This article gave me some insight into what their plans are.
The Carbajal versus Cole debate will never happen for the same reason that Brett Baier didn't get answers from Kamala on any of her policies. They have only one policy which is "deconstruction" of the United States (read "destruction").