May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

This is a movie we need to watch again! Oh wait, we are watching the remake LIVE! We need to make sure everyone we know understands what is going on here. Our country and future depends on it. Thanks for a great summary.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Whether you love, hate or anything in between Donald J. Trump you should be saddened at lawfare used to eliminate a political opponent.

Another rip in the fabric of our country.

They’re so obvious in their destruction of our judicial systems

Deny it at your own peril.

Some can destroy communities and murder innocents with no consequences while others with the wrong thoughts end up in jail.

Banana republic. What say you?

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1

Michael, this is a terrible situation. But what does one do if a person in politics commits a crime? I think this suit was a waste - but the documents case is far more worrisome. Will any prosecution be deemed partisan? It's a sad that the judicial branch is has descended to a place were 'lawfare' is a real word.

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Jun 1Liked by Santa Barbara Current

TJ: First you catch your breath and conclude nothing, until the final appeals have been exhausted. That is what you do. The issue here are the machinations used against one person committing a "crime"; versus others who are ignored when they carried out similar acts.

The jury "nullified" the crimes of Hilary Clinton agents, even when written receipts etablished the crime took place on more than one occasion. But the NYC jury in those cases thought the "crime" was silly and discounted its application. (Durham cases)

So the underlying issue is how much bias and license is shown interpreting the "crime" when a very clear criminal statute can be nullified by jury caprice. Yet a jury then watches very vague acts, discredited witnesses and a very fulsome interpretation of the criminal statute lead to a speedy verdict of guilty.

What does your gut say about all of this? There is very little bright line law - it is very stretchy so human bias does enter its execution. That obvious disparity in the application of "the law" in these present cases is the real crime. And our legal system of trial courts and multiple appeals honors there can be error in the first judgment. One must ask for nothing less before the power of "the state" can strip freedoms away from individuals.

Don't be so sure a "crime" has even committed at this point. That is the best I can offer. Did you ever read or see the movie - "The Trial" by Kafka? Did you ever wonder about Cassandra in Greek mythology or the story of Job in the Old Testament of the Bible? The "law" is about protecting human nature -both for and against it. And the social expression of the "law" found various statutes ...written by inherently flawed human beings.

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Biden had more classified documents since when he was VP. In loose boxes in his garage and in his office at a university in Pennsylvania. Apparently that’s not a crime

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He turned them over immediately, but Trump went to great lengths to hide them, that was the crime. Did you conveniently forget that damning key fact? Had Trump simply returned all classified national secrets promptly there would have been no crime.

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C'mon Eric: "He turned them over immediately?" He was a senator and then a Vice President with no authorisation to have had a single one of those "classified" documents for... thirty, forty years. "Immediately?" Surely, you jest. As for President Trump, he was the 45th president in a row who had disagreements as to what was personal and what "belongs" to the archives. His position certainly didn't warrant an armed raid on his house. The people in charge at DOJ are criminals.

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Jun 1Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Count on my vote for the “convicted felon”

I always judge people by who hates them. Trump is hated by all the right people.

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Never mind the foundation of our country on the rule of law, the cornerstone of our Constitution. He was found guilty by 12 jurors that listen to all the facts and decide he was guilty 34 times. Sure ignore that at the peril of the nation.

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Eric: And, they didn't "listen to all the facts." They listened to what the judge allowed them to listen to.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Anyone who supports this political lynching of a political opponent by the Biden administration is certainly cheering on the destruction of America.

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May 31·edited Jun 1Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Jefferson Smith was a putz and a boy scout - a funky little minnow swimming with sharks.

You wanna see what politics is really all about? Read about George Washington Plunkitt, an old-time New York political boss whose motto was “I seen my opportunities and I took ‘em”. He talks about graft and how it really works “ . . I’m getting richer every day . .” https://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5030

*Hit* this guy!” was Taylor’s command. Absolutely right.

Senator Paine - “Expel me, not him.!” Oh p l e e a s e ! What politician would throw himself under the bus because it was the right thing to do? What a joke.

Look - politics is a filthy _business_ and as long as people crave fame, money & success it will always be a filthy, corrupt business.

I’m pissed that Trump got got railroaded by the Commi-Dem judge and the stupid jurors, but that’s not the point. The problem is the GOP better learn how to gutter-fight or we’re always gonna be sucking hind-tit. You can see that Bragg and the rest of the gang were closer to the courts than Biden’s diaper when it came to backroom dealings, evidenced by Trump’s conviction.

The GOP has _gotta_ learn - ’Talk’s cheap - takes Wampum to buy whiskey!’

1) First of all, we gotta sue every Democrat in sight, and make Trump’s lawsuits look like ’just politics.’ For sure they all have a skeleton in the closet somewhere. How do I know? Because they’re politicians!

2) Then we gotta dig up every video that shows FJB for what he really is - a doddering old fool with one hand on his walker and the other on the nuclear button - like this one for instance: https://tinyurl.com/4r33tvra

I am sick to death of the GOP’s ‘High road’ We gotta start kicking ass, know for sure the the average American will believe your lies if you promise enough and make ‘em half-way believable, and that people don’t give a hoot about ‘the right thing’ - they’re looking for a chicken in every pot and “What’s in it for me.!”

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Earl, I'm with you most of the way, but Biden doesn't have "one hand on his walker and the other on the nuclear button." His other hand is in your and my pocket!

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May 31·edited May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

This ruling and the other cases amount to domestic terrorist attacks on our judicial system, and virtually everybody knows it. They could not have helped Trump win in November more if they tried. He got 34 MM in American donations within hours of the sham verdict by people who realize the magnitude of corruption involved and who now clearly see that Trump is the only thing between us and a country and legal system run by a corrupt cartel.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Great article.well written.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Excellent and truthful article.

You know, it hasn't taken the Dems ( and Repukes) very long to corrupt every department of government.

It is so devastating to see one of the last firewalls of checks and balances now be totally overtaken by the corrupt Dems. (and Repukes) I had prayed that at least there were still moral individuals in the Justice Dept. But no, they are more corrupt than Congress, Senate, Presidency, and all their minions.

If the Supreme Court sinks into the murky cesspool, then it is over for America. We are officially a Third World Banana Republic. I hear people say that they will just leave this country. Wow, what has our citizen base become? These idiots don't realize America was the last country standing for democracy. Just look at the boarder, those people are fleeing countries like what we are becoming.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Is there any public institution we still trust?

1. legal system

2. elections system

3. public education system

4. health care system

5. social welfare system

6. military as we find it today

7. public servants

8. the fourth estate

Founders started with the presumption we should trust none of them - yet we drifted slowly and surely into Big Government and its armies of unelected bureaucrats who hold tremendous power over our daily lives, voices and now even thoughts. ( Eg: We know what Trump was thinking, so he is denied due process to establish this.)

All of the above current corruptions, the Founders instinctively found abhorrent. They carefully drafted an express constitution that would protect this from ever happening. What happened to our original ideals? How can we function without trust. More importantly why should we be forced to fund this corrupted system, as now required by the 16th Amendment?

Yes the last bulwark of our essential liberty lis the US Supreme Court - now under attack every single day. We cannot let them wear down this last defense. Time to haul out any old copy of The Federalist Papers from college to be reminded of the intellectual struggle the Founders faced getting this document as right as they could in their times. Including the Amendment Clause, knowing human efforts are never perfect nor prescient.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Is demeaning one of the countries political parties elevating?

This type of thing further divides us.

This is exactly what tyrants want!

While we squabble they dismantle!!

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Well we better not just sit on our butts and let them (both parties) ruin this once great country created by by God.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Good column. Strange times in America!

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Yes, we are witnessing it live. As President Ronald Reagan often reminded we Americans, freedom and liberty must constantly be protected and defended! Our founders said the same things. We are now under siege. We are in need of God’s Providence!

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Reagan also said, America is just one generation away from tyranny.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

It was actually "Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction". But you might have the better world choice these days.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Remembering how Nelson Mandela endured his long years of political persecution:



Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Excellent , J.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

I just scanned through the 34 counts...all of them refer to 'intent to defraud and intent to commit another crime' although the other crime is never mentioned, nor is he being charged with this other crime. What is that other crime?


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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

The judge and prosecutor unilaterally decided what Trump was thinking - Trump was never allowed redress on this court presumption. OrangemanBad, so of course they knew what Trump was thinking. This is a gross due process violation.

This is why we have the appeals process after every trial court decision. Because our legal system knows human error and prejudice can enter any case at the trial court level.

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Jun 1Liked by Santa Barbara Current

See Justin's post above. It outlines the crime in everyday language.

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I don’t see a Justin.

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It's below now on my screen now. I'm not sure how I have the thread sorted?

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I found it. Thx

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

The fact this had to be written is a sad commentary on both New York, and twisted 3rd world law in the nation.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Remember the Clinton trial in the Senate for lying about his hanky-panky in the Oval Office? Try to imagine having poor Monica coming into the senate and describing in graphic detail the incident? And then having the blue dress submitted as evidence. Well, that is more or less what happened when Stormy Daniels testified against Trump at his trial. It was a blatant attempt to shame Trump. I also thought it was interesting that historian Arthur Schlesinger defended Clinton that the lying about the incident of engaging an intern in a sexual encounter was not a high crime and misdemeanor of a magnitude to remove him from office, yet if Schlesinger had done something similar with a student he would have been fired and lost his tenure. We frequently hear the mantra that we are a country of laws, yet this case seemed more one of made up laws, turning misdemeanors into felonies. By the way, Capra had the reputation in Hollywood in some circles of being a fascist. But it is a fascinating movie, and the comparison with the Trump trial is pretty interesting.

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Trump probably won’t be found officially innocent until after the election, but there’ll be enough outrage and thoughtful commentary by credible sources from now ’till then to make the judge, the jurors and the current charges seems like a bad joke.

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Jun 1Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Did the state make a legal sound case to find Trump guilty? That is what is at stake now. No one is declared to be "innocent"; only that the state itself failed to make the case for guilt. Or as in this case, was the case was so riddled with material legal error, that even after a guilty verdict it must be over-turned.

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Oh I don’t think ‘legal’ matters much at all. It’s more like 2 wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.

‘Judge’ Merchan, Bragg and the rest of the gang doesn’t give a hoot about a ‘legally sound case’ They know they’re in deep kimchee, and must do whatever it takes to avoid pitting FJoe Biden against Donald Trump this November.

Once this case gets out of flash publicity and down to the nitty-gritty, I believe there are enough honest, contemplative legal scholars who will judge it fairly and find Trump innocent. Maybe not award Trumpy a ‘Good Boy’ pin, but at least kick a little Merchan ass.

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Earl: Yes, but if they succeed in winning this election, nothing else will matter.

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Jim - 'they'- don't you mean us? - the GOP?

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Earl: We also must find out what the jurors know and when did they know it! I really don't believe they were given enough information to acquit.

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It's pretty obvious Merchan slanted his 50 page jury instructions towards conviction. There were 2 attorney's on the panel. Rather than an independent, thoughtful anaylsis, they probably went along with the judge, who usually has 'the last word.'

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May 31Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Unfortunately, most of the scriptwriters in Hollywood today would not write such an ending. Orange Man bad!

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