Feb 26Liked by Santa Barbara Current

In my experience running for City Council in 2019 there was very little support from the R party. I felt alone, unadvised and definitely underfunded.

Father of two in elementary school, watching our D run school board ignore safety issues and our D run City & police ignore safety issues with homeless men taking pictures of elementary children on the playground, throwing bottles over the fence at kids, aggressively chasing concerned mothers, a rehab house several doors down from the school entrance where medics would go revive twitching addicts in the driveway and not one D in office cared. The papers made fun of the situation and said I was crazy. I was vocal about children’s safety.

I called out the growing humanitarian crisis in 2019 which the D run Ciity removed the homeless from my area a few weeks prior to Election Day.

I was approached and asked to run for City office. I was the only R running in my district and was “endorsed”.

I was told to attend the R luncheons and events and speak, that the attendees would donate to the cause. Not true. I was the only R on the ticket.

I was fortunate to have many volunteers walk neighborhoods. But the support was not there. Not from the committee, not from R voters as a whole.

I lost by a few hundred votes, 800 R’s chose to not fill out the ballot sitting on their kitchen counters.

That election ballots were sent to Norwalk for counting. Ballots were counted here, sealed in boxes and delivered to Norwalk. In Norwalk the ballot tallies did not match what our City reported they sent to Norwalk. The City chose to ignore this and told me I could sue them if I wanted.

When I pressed the City stated they counted the votes received on Election Day, post marked by Election Day and dated as of Election Day.

“Dated as of Election Day”? Where did they come from. Again the City said I could sue them.

With no funds, no advice, no support I let it slide.

If the are want a fighting chance they need to support candidates and we need election Integrity. Funds to sue when things smell fishy.

As I write this now I am watching a D tv ad promoting local D candidates.

How many ads have we seen for Rs? Exactly.

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Feb 26Liked by Santa Barbara Current

May this post get sent to every registered voter in Santa Barbara County. The truth is our elections are far from transparent, City and County officials with bureaucrat support are casual and non-chalet knowing they are in control of results. I was actively involved in 2019 with the ‘Norwalk Setup.’ There was no outrage from SBRCC, voters, or officials. No consequence for the City Clerk because her lack of oversight delivered the required, desired results! Share with everyone you know: in Santa Barbara we MUST send ballots to far away Norwalk because in our County ‘no one can count, and too few care’. We each lack math proficiency or any interest in election integrity regardless of PhDs, MDs, or fancy credentials. Our Republic is doomed because too few perform their civic responsibility required to sustain freedom.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 27

Funding to officially conduct local elections and official local oversight of vote-counting must be taken off the top of every city budget. This is not where a city council saves money by farming out this absolutely critical local government function. Fight over the rest of the city budget, but not this one fundamental local governance obligation.

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Most people don’t like Republicans. They are usually not nice people, tend to be self serving.

Just look at the influential voices in the Republican Congress….idiots. Uneducated morons, led by the biggest moron this country has ever had as a Republican candidate.

It must be embarrassing to admit being a Republican.

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Good thing I'm Monarchist.

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Feb 26Liked by Santa Barbara Current

The strong candidates bringing diverse skill sets to stagnant GOP Central Committee deserve our vote. It's beyond time for change; SBRepublicans must decide to become visible. Put the CAGOP Party Platform beside the CADEM Platform. There are 2 buses on the road: which will you chose for a better ride? Branding via national personalities is a lesser concern than policy and results beneficial to locals. We’ve local problems that require new, different perspectives. There's much work to be done locally. The commitment and proven skills of many challengers (not all) will deliver results. Thanks Dale for writing an excellent summation of the responsibilities of the SBRCC and the shortcomings, the failures, of the status quo.

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Feb 26Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Thank You…excellent concise review on the workings of the Republican Party apparatus at the local levels…and thanks to the new candidates willing to serve their party & country…we need the same level of effort to remove the dead wood from within the Democrat Party…

Our system of government has been infiltrated by corrupt and sinister elements…and Democracy was almost lost forever...Humanity is good, but, when we let our guard down we allow DARKNESS to infiltrate and destroy…like past battles fought, we now face our greatest battle at present, a battle to save our Republic, our way of life, and what we decide (each of us) now will decide our future…

This is not about the politics of Republicans v Democrats…this is about preserving our way of life and protecting the generations that follow…We are living in Biblical times…Children of Light v Children of Darkness…if America falls so does the world…if America falls DARKNESS will soon follow…

Fight for our Great Nation!

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I will be fighting for democracy when I vote BLUE all down the ballot every time!

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You won’t be fighting for democracy voting blue, but you can tell yourself that if you like.

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Have you ever considered fighting for our Republic?

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Wow, and there it is color blind and issue blind every time.

First let’s reiterate CA has been run by Blue for decades, meaning Blue is and has been in control for decades and Red has had no say in how things are done in CA or SB.

So you enjoy how our city, county, schools and state are run?

You enjoy your kids attending schools that are ranked 44 out of 50 states.

We are the world’s 5th largest economy with schools that cannot, choose to not educate our kids.

You enjoy the $73 billion deficit?

You enjoy sending your tax money to illegals, yes they broke our laws, otherwise known as criminals.

You enjoy breaking federal laws and harboring fugitives?

You enjoy watching business after business close because of looting, stealing?

You enjoy watching young women be killed by illegals that have been arrested multiple times and released without bail.

You enjoy paying for healthcare and education to these illegals.

How many illegals do you have living under your roof and in your yard?

You voted for this, why don’t you invite them to your home?

You enjoy watching the humanitarian crisis of homeless grow? You voted for politicians who haven’t reduced the homeless population or provided meaningful, regular healthcare to the homeless.

How many homeless do you have living at your home? How many do you feed each day?

You enjoy corruption of Blue because you are profiting from it? Or do you live under a rock without any children?

San Francisco, this weekend a mother goes to buy donuts for a birthday party. She gets back to her car, puts her purse and donuts in the car. Walks around to get in, out of nowhere someone opens the passenger door and steals her purse. She calls the police. At 8am they already had 119 calls. The Police told her to not report the crime, there is nothing they can or will do because they are overworked and the DA will do nothing. They told her to be thankful she wasn’t violently assaulted.

Oh and Newsom taught decreasing crime rates. True, if the police refuse to file a report the number of reports decrease. Thereby the lie is true. Crime reporting is down, crime is up.

The DA, Blue. Shocking!

Thank you Blue Voters. You guys are great!

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Pow. Wow. Fire in the belly, GOP. They are out there. Bring 'em on, newly invigorated SBRCC. Thank you again SB Currents, for breaking down the barricades of "conservative" isolation in this town.

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I enjoy women's reproductive rights

I enjoy caring abour our environment and wildlife

I enjoy common decency

I ejnoy equality for all people all skin colors and orientations

I enjoy equal pay

I enjoy worker's rights and social security

I enjoy making big corporations pay their fair share

I enjoy the separation of church and state.

I do not have kids, never wanted them, but I do support funding schools. Republicans have slashed school funding every single time!

The deficit shrinks EVERY single time Democrats are in charge.

Reagan took the deficit from 70 billion to 175 billion.

Bush took it from 43 to 300 billion.

Clinton got it to zero. FACT.

Bush number2 took it from 0 to 1.2 trillion.

Obama halved it to 600 billion.

Trump got it back to a trillion.

Morons: “Democrats cause deficits.” You can look up the facts for yourself, B Camp.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Obama passed the largest delayed costs of Obamacare on to his successor. Intentionally. So Red/Blue deficit math gets a little fuzzy here.

Many of your points have no conservative opposition, except in the Blue cartoon version of conservatives. There are a few where there are semantic differences - such as woman babies also having the right to choose a live birth, compared to blue mothers retaining the right to kill them.

No such thing as paying a "fair share". There is only the tax code. We also agree the Church of Green needs to be severed from state policy and government institutions.

No one is touching social security, not sure why Blue keeps lying about this. Red wants it protected and saved long term. Blue wants it spent into bankruptcy.

Fiscal responsibility is the task we all share. Blame at this point is meaningless - what does that put back in the bank? How did Red create the current $73 billion dollar Calif Blue deficit? Conservative fundamentals have done more to raise the standard of living for more people than any other system.

Red tax cuts inherited by subsequent Democrat administrations routinely stimulate the overall economy benefiting everyone . Democrat government dependencies built into the public budget, can no longer be assigned Red blame.

Bottom line: Blue is shared misery. Red is splendid opportunity.

Here is another measurement - conservative fundamentals:

1. Limited government

2. Free and competitive markets

3. Protection of private property

4. Rule of law.

Blue stands for just the opposite.

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Keep on spouting that right wing propaganda, J.

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Lies,lies, lies and more. What country are you living in? Don’t you even ever listen to what exits the TDUMP’s ugly mouth? What you say does not agree with what the Republican candidate spews.

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Feb 26Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Why do the Ds have so much money?

Corruption, money laundering.

CA high speed rail for example. How much progress has been made in the last 9 years since the ground breaking ceremony?

“ The latest estimates from the California High-Speed Rail Authority suggest it will cost between $88 billion and $128 billion to complete the entire system from LA to San Francisco.”

When Trump was President he asked Newsom for the money back because no work was done. Newsom couldn’t locate the money.

If the Republicans were serious and not a Uniparty, they’d do forensic accounting to find out where the billions went to.

Same with the water reservoir expansion. $4.4 billion.

“ This reservoir on the Sacramento River has been planned for decades. What’s taking so long?”


Or locally, what happened with all the money from the sell off of the desal plant years ago? Where did the money go?

How much you want to bet that money has wound up funding D campaigns and lining pockets?

When I ran for school board here Laura Capps outspent me by $100,000. For a school board position.

Seriously, Republicans get your act together or stop complaining.

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Feb 26·edited Feb 26Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Democrats have so much money because they support the government employee unions - SEIU and the teachers unions - who in turn support the Democrats. Government employment is the biggest industry in town, so follow the money. Look at the campaign disclosure forms filed with the County Elections Office and you we see regular donations made by interested members of our local government workforce.

Supporting candidates to sit on both sides of the public employment bargaining table generates self-interested political engagement. If there were another major industry in town, we would see their self-interested public engagement too. But public sector employee interest is the name of the game in Santa Barbara.

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B. Camp: Laura Capps spent over $100,000 to gain control over spending $200 million in SBUSD dollars.

Which means those most interested in how those $200 million SBUSD dollars got spent, donated over $100,000 to insure Laura Capps was the one who would be allocating them.

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That's a flat out LIE. Corruption and money laundering? What a joke.

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Feb 26Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Show us the high speed railroad. Or how about those new water reservoirs.

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Mar 3Liked by Santa Barbara Current

The Democrat party is firmly committed to the abortion rights issue. I don’t know of a single right to life Democrat candidate. “Pro life Democrat”should now be added to Jumbo Shrimp as an example of an oxymoron. This is the defining moral issue of our time. When deciding which person to vote for on the Republican Central committee, the first question to ask them is whether they regard fighting conception to due date abortion as a worthwhile cause. If they start to equivocate, you know all you need to say no thanks.

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Dale is right. Let’s get some new blood transfused into the anemic local Republican Central Committee. The challengers he lists deserve your consideration and your vote.

Just remember Einstein’s definition of insanity- repeatedly doing something that has never worked, expecting a different outcome.

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Republicans are not liked…that’s why they are in the minority. They are self serving and ONLY interested in money, making it, keeping it. Reluctant to pay taxes, care little or nothing for the needy, the underpaid, education and the other human traits of Democrats. Just listen to their demented candidate. and listen here to the selfishness of that candidate’s followers.

When facts don’t work for them they resort to lies and disinformation.

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You mean “When facts don’t work for you or other Democrats like you, you resort to lies a disinformation.”

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Dream on. You’re outnumbered!

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Not for long….

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Feb 26Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Independent registration is out-numbering Democrat registration. Younger voters recognize they are getting saddled with the massive public debt run up by the current Democrat-public sector union hegemony. California politics is swiftly moving into open-season; where it belongs.

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Vote Red. Get these cheating lying democrats out of office

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NEVER EVER will I vote red.

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Montecito93108: Why? Oh, for so many reasons. I find the current GOP to be utterly reprehensible. Mainly because I am a pro-choice reproductive rights voter, but there are a host of other reasons as well.

I want tax hikes on the wealthy. I want national healthcare and I'm willing to pay more in taxes for that. A country that doesn't take care of the most vulnerable of its citizens is no country at all. I vote blue because I care about the climate and environment and wildlife. I vote blue because I don't like that gun violence is the number ONE killer of kids in our country. I vote blue because I want social security to remain secure. I abhor the GOP and its policies.

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Feb 27Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Almost every reason you state for voting blue will lead to an outcome antithetical to your goals. The law of unintended consequences pervades the wishes of uninformed liberal activists who think more govt spending, higher taxes, govt-controlled healthcare will bring about the things they want. History has shown just the opposite. You get, instead of equal outcomes, a degradation of society by pulling everyone down to a point where you not only harm the people you supposedly care about but also make everyone else poorer and less secure.

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Why is the country doing so well then….Why is it a fact that the more educated a person is the more likely she/he will become a liberal? Check it out.

Democrats believe in the people of this country. Republicans are self serving money grabbers.

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The difference between you and me is that I can objectively criticize my side as well as the other side because I rely on critical thinking skills, while your mind is closed to information that doesn't fit your unthinking narrow-minded rigid ideology you slavishly worship.

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Feb 26Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Abortion is the number one killer of kids in our country, Ms Schroeder. Which also belies "women's rights", since it is equal opportunity genocide. We accept this issue has now become a state issue; and taken out of the federal "constitutional right" mythology. It is no longer a "red or blue" issue. Voters have now the right to choose at the state level. California has chosen to accept infanticide. Other states have not.

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Too bad most females are stuck in place due to family and/or work considerations. Your definition of infanticide is unique. Abortion does NOT kill kids. It removes an embryo, a cell mass or fetus: a decision made for complex and varied reasons. Radical conservatives limit the party’s growth over medical autonomy for adults.

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It's a hill they will DIE on, and I hope they die soon.

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When you get pregnant, you may speak about abortion. Till then, it is NOT YOUR BODY, so button up. No one ever talks about the OBLIGATIONS of the man who makes the women pregnant. NOT A WORD about him.

Just get your words away from her body….not your baby there. It is hers and hers to make decisions about.

Are there any laws that control mens’ bodies….ONE? ANY? Men make laws, and men make them so they benefit men. Now the men of the S.C. have once again imposed their will on Women's bodies. Disgusting.

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THANK YOU. I'm so sick of this. It makes me furious.

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Abortion is the removal of a clump of unformed cells. It is NOT 'killing kids'. It is NOT 'infantcide'.

Say there's a house on fire. In one room there are a couple of toddlers sleeping, in the other room, a frozen bunch of embryos in the freezer. Which do you grab and save? A fetus is no more a "kid" than an egg is a chicken. Also, so so SO bloody sick and tired of men thinking they can have any sort of say over what women do with our reproductive rights. Also, this is a religious based argument and in this country there's a little thing called separation of church and state.

If you can't get pregnant yourself than this has nothing to do with you. And none of these efforts will ever stop abortion, all it will do is create desperate women who will resort to illegal abortions and many will die, but the GOP doesn't care about women, just clumps of unformed cells. Pathetic.

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Thank you for your explanation. I, too, am pro-female, Constitutional right to ownour bodies, and to privacy. I’m a loud proponent of individual rights unliked by many local Christian registered GOP who feel entitled to impose their religious beliefs on others. (I cant live in TX, LA, AL, MS, ID or many states where I’m a second class citizen; nor serve in the military for fear of be assigned to a state prohibiting abortion.). I’m a rationale environmentalist, safety net /health care proponent, wish we were taxed a flat % tax after a base survival income. However, I agree with Lou Segal, the blue way hasn’t worked. We’re all going to sink. Therefore, I hopped on the red bus committed to working towards equity for females under the US Constitution. Reproductive care is every woman’s need.

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Really?! You care about women's rights and you are going to still vote Republican?! That's not the way, my friend.

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Color and issue blind.

Or are you paid by Blue?

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HAHA! Paid? No. I just have common sense and dignity, so I vote blue. The GOP is a dumpster fire!

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Liberal cheating scum

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Sick Brad Blue.

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Love your last name! HAHAHA!

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OH REALLY? Care to explain just exactly how I am 'cheating' and 'scum'? LOL. What a clown.

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You certainly aren’t listening to YOUR demented candidate or your demented FOX opinions or you wouldn’t dare call Democrats liars. Why don’t you post what our Democratic candidate, Biden, is lying about, so we can sue you?

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Excellent article by Dale but he understandably did not bring up a very important part of the massive problems the local party is experiencing today. There must be an effort to separate the party from Trump and not emulate the national party where it is becoming his personal fiefdom. Trump is massively unpopular in Santa Barbara and any candidate who runs for office aligning himself to him is already doomed. The last time I was at the Republican Party office, there was a picture on the wall with Trump standing over Madison, Jefferson, Washington, Lincoln and Reagan. This picture is totally inappropriate to be hanging at the party's headquarters. We are not the Trump Party and we should do everything possible to keep it that way. If we are serious about electing viable candidates, then the first thing we can do is not brand ourselves in this manner.

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Feb 27Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Tough call, Lou. It is the local Democrats who quickly identify any candidate as the "Trump candidate". Just because a local candidate runs in opposition to any Democrat candidate, on any issue. Discounting this instant Democrat labeling is on us; not the local GOP officials. I don't know any local candidate who ran as a "Trump Republican". Do you?

But I do see how quickly the Democrat machine labeled them as such. I was sorry to see previously off-year local races now get lumped into national and state political races on the even years, where this chronic Democrat name calling can carry more weight. We know this will happen, even when it is not true nor even is applicable. That is now on us to counter this.

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I agree that they do this because they know it works, but I have gotten fundraising emails from the local Republican Party like this one. It also had a picture of Trump behind bars but for some reason I can't seem to paste images here. This is not okay.


This is what the Democrats want:


Defend America,

Bobbi McGinnis


Santa Barbara County Republican Party


FPPC #742537 FEC #C00174334

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If you call yourself a Republican you ARE a Trump voter. . There is no other viable Republican voice out there. And a lot of the Republican voices here sound like Trump’s: crazy!

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Careful, you sound like a conservative.

Equal rights, equal pay, freedom of choice.

But our current elected officials, who happen to be Blue have a lousy track record. I know they say they believe in these things buts let’s look at reality.

For example CA State budget went from a $30B surplus to a $73B deficit in less than a year under True Blue Newsom. How does that happen? He blew $100B in less than a year. Where did that money go? Can you show me?

Our Blue government believes that laws can be broken.

- Illegal “immigration”. It’s illegal.

- No crime under $950 is prosecuted. That’s Straight from San Fran police dept yesterday morning.

Women’s reproductive rights. Absolutely, they have total choice over their body.

So you need to define when an unborn baby is a living person. When is an unborn baby a living person, please answer that for me.

Do you think once they get a social security number they are a living being?

Or when they have a heart beat?

Patriots believe in leaving as small a footprint on the environment as possible. Do you know the true carbon footprint of an EV? From the fracking to burning of coal to make the parts to the 10yr battery life where 90% of the battery including the toxic chemicals go into a landfill?

To the electricity used to charge one, which per hour an EV requires more energy to charge than a home!

What is the true carbon footprint, since you seem to be a green deal advocate?

I’d like to know, because I’m open to hearing other opinions.

Kids, funding schools is not necessarily the issue. Why is it that the 5th largest economy in the world has one of the worst academic records into the entire nation? That’s not money. The schools are run by Blue.

Let’s not dig too far into the past otherwise we have to pull out Carter, who preceded Reagan. He drove up inflation & interest rates to double digits, gas shortages & supply chain issues. Do you remember waiting in line at the gas station to fill up your car. It’s actually exactly what happened when Biden took over, he’s the new Carter!

Point is Blue/Red/Purple. Don’t care.

It’s about the issues

The people in control of our government are doing a lousy job. Fire them. Vote for someone with a track record of success or just try someone new.

For example , how’s State St doing? How many retailers left? How long has our mayor been at City Hall, 12 years.

Is SB still unfriendly towards businesses & people wanting to build or remodel their homes? Yes.

Seen many changes?

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Brian you ask: “ When is an unborn baby a living person, please answer that for me.” The fetus becomes a neonate or newborn, a baby at birth. A fertilized single cell egg is fertilized becoming a multiple cell embryo. All human cell masses start as a female. An embryo grows into a fetus. An embryo is termed a fetus beginning in the 10th- 11th week of pregnancy. A fetus develops into baby. Generally, a baby can survive outside the womb with medical support around 22 weeks gestational age. Reportedly, a majority of babies born at 28 to 30 weeks and beyond can survive without significant complications. At less than 28 weeks, survival is possible, but the risk of long-term complications is high. Amniocentesis is usually carried out between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy. I am aware Christians believe a baby is created with a fertilized egg — at conception (38%). Nationally polls indicate the majority of Americans disagree that an embryo is a baby. At 24-28 weeks gestation, a fetus is commonly considered a baby. ‘When’s your baby due?’

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An unborn baby MAY be a living person, but it is still a part of a woman’s body and BEING HER BODY IT IS HER RIGHT TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT IT. You hAve no right to tell a woman how to treat her own body. Are women EVER given the option to control mens bodies?

Why should men make laws governing my body?

And IF she is being forced to carry that child to birth, why isn’t the sperm donor ( father ) being held responsible for this new life, the expense, care of, education? Why is the mother alone responsible? Where are the laws about HIS responsibility?

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Valid points. I agree with you. It’s my body, I own it, I have a constitutional right to privacy and to control.

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Montecito 93108 ,

Name one lie the Democrats have told, substantiate it, and if you have an iota of honesty, just try comparing the lies the Dumpt has made to any “lie” you think a Democrat has.

Should we start with one Republican named Green and “Jewish lasers “ that start fires in California?”

How about the Dumpt claiming immigrants are rapists?

How about the lie that the Dumpt won the last Presidential election? ( That was cute. )

There are a hundred more lies I could quote here which Republican spew daily.

I wish there was some dignity in confronting you….who hides behind a ZIP CODE….! Come out, come out , you ever you are. Are you ashamed of your name? Liars should be.

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Feb 28·edited Feb 29

Why would we want to invite and influence voters into an election system that is far beyond any corrective action taken to correct past grievances? I received my sample ballot it is green for independent yet Donald J Trump was not listed as candidate for president which is unconstitutional. Only way to vote for him was to register republican so you are denied your right to vote unless you comply with the mob mentality and join their association. Well guess what. I have never voted by mail, i received a mail in ballot i did not ask for. So when i registered Republican 2 weeks later I get another mail in ballot i did not ask for. So now i have two mail in ballots that breaks the chain of custody. These political party affiliations need to be abolished for their clear demonstration of bad affirmative action and discrimination denying its people legal US citizens, their due process not only violates the bill of rights in the US Constitution and the civil rights act of 1862. Its morally wrong by their use of mob mentality to influence anyone into a system that is just as corrupt as the other political party. the DNC. We have every constitutional right to say no to all this corruption to maintain constitutional standing for what our fore fathers had intended for us to be the People for Santa Barbara County without any political sway to join any political association. Riverside County had 30 speakers at their Board of Supervisors speaking on election fraud, yesterday we had 7. https://rumble.com/v4g4vru-rivco-citizens-address-the-bos-on-march-election-issues-again-feb-27-2024..html This is a direct Call-Out to the People of Santa Barbara This county needs to hear from you for it is your government not those whom were elected in a unfair, illegal elections with corrupted voter roles.

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Sounds to me like in-vitro test tube babies developed in incubators could be the answer for males like you. Fortunately there are many thinking males who respect each females right to own her body. Pregnancy is a woman’s issue. Each decides: her body, her life.

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Montecito, anonymous poster, let’s get together and have a discussion. After all that is what made this country, open discussions about uncomfortable topics.

The national poll of 24-28 weeks you cite stems from the 1973 Roe v Wade, 50 years ago. Would you say modern science and health has made progress and new discoveries in the last 50 years?

In 1973 the State of Texas submitting over 34 pages of briefs to prove life begins in the womb. Instead the court looked at statistics that supported the average of 24 weeks being when a baby is usually “viable” outside of the womb. The court did not recognize a baby as a living person until they could see the baby & hear the baby crying. The old if I close my eyes it doesn’t exist trick.

The court finally based their decision upon a 1965 abortion case citing the privacy rights of the mother.

The 1973 Judges, not doctors, created the 24-28 weeks “rule”. That’s science! Wait, no that’s politics!

Recently the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that embryos are considered children, and that a person could be held liable for accidentally destroying them. The case stems from a wrongful death lawsuit brought by three couples whose embryos were lost at a fertility clinic in 2020. The couples sought to sue the Center for Reproductive Medicine and the Mobile Infirmary Association under the state's Wrongful Death of a Minor Act. They won.

24 days there’s a heart beat.

5 weeks there’s brain activity

16 weeks the baby starts kicking

But the far left want you to believe that a baby is not a living person until they can survive outside of ”mom’s house”. By that argument any child still living at home depending upon mom for shelter, food, health insurance, etc is not a living person and can be exterminated.

I know no Democrat likes to hear the term “far left”. But hear me out.

Per the CDC, 93% of abortions occur prior to 13 weeks, most occur in the first 6 weeks. And all states allow abortions if the mother’s life is at risk. But the far left makes you think there’s a huge national crisis with all Republicans trying to remove abortion.

If that’s the case then why do 48 States allow abortions up to 20-26 weeks. Red & Blue states. That’s right Republicans run states allow abortions well past the CDC stated 13 weeks where most abortions occur.

And 7 States have no limits on abortion, that’s right a baby can be killed right after it is born. Guess who runs those states, Democrats. Democratic states allow the killing of a baby after it is born. The “party of the people”.

But why do women get an abortion? Rape? Nope, less than 7% are because of rape.

Most, 93% of abortions are because having a baby is inconvenient, just like the 1973 Roe v Wade.

And 86% are from single women in their 20-30s because they can’t keep it in their pants.

Abortion is used by our youth as birth control. A rubber would be cheaper & easier. But heck in the moment after a few drinks late at night after a bar crawl who wants to go buy rubbers.

93% of abortions are from women making bad choices about their body. Yes it is their body & their choice and they chose to have unprotected sex.

And because of their irresponsibility, laziness they choose to kill unborn babies because a baby is inconvenient to their lives.

Heres a novel idea; don’t have sex, buy rubbers in advance, use birth control. But don’t have an abortion because you can’t keep it in your pants ladies.

“My body my choice” they said it. Their choice for their body was to have unprotected sex knowing they could get pregnant. Then they use the my body my choice argument to advocate the killing of an unborn person because of their bad choice.

But a baby is not their body, a baby is not a kidney or liver. It is a living person with half its DNA coming from Dad. And Dad has no say in whether a woman chooses to kill his unborn baby.

How is that fair to men? It takes two to have sex.

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Let me ask you this, how did the woman get pregnant? Out of all abortions 93% are because the woman chose to have sex knowing getting pregnant is a possibility. 93% of women are irresponsible about their body choices. Yes I know you’re going to hate that comment, but please read on.

You know that you might be killing a person and you think that is totally ok. Murder is the intentional killing of another person. Instead of erring on the side of caution to not murder someone your argument is that “it’s my body my choice”.

Per the CDC & Guttmacher Institute 73%, of abortions are personal choice because the baby is “inconvenient “. Who’s getting abortions? 86% were unmarried in their 20s-30s., they cited reasons from affordability to interfering with their careers and college education. 

Right, what about Rape? Even though that was not your concern, rape victims represent less than 7% of abortions.

Moms health and safety, every state has a law saying abortion is allowed to save the mother’s life. That is not an issue.

Abortion is used as birth control.

Here are a couple novel ideas; don’t have sex, use a rubber, use birth control.

I understand access to a drug store with rubbers is also inconvenient. But isn’t potentially murdering a baby even more inconvenient?

A baby is not part of a woman, they are not a liver or kidney. A baby is a separate person living and growing inside a woman. Just like a child growing up in mom’s house.

Bottom line, if you don’t want a baby, don’t have sex.

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B Camp “ Let me ask you this, how did the woman get pregnant?” Please take basic 5th grade health class or google. Spetm fertilizes a single cell egg, which MAY become an embryo of multiple specialized cells. Please re-read by earlier post. Sn embryo may grow into a fetus. Every woman requires reproductive medical care. PREGNANT WOMEN require medical care. In CA, Older women 39 and over are guaranteed reproductive care. Females aged 11 to 39 years old deserve the same reproductive medical care and no less. It’s in everyone’s best interests. No male is entitled to decide the fate of a woman. Yes B, I know the Bible gives males control. The US Constitution does not.

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