Mar 27·edited Mar 27Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Thanks Lou, for an interesting article. Michael sounds like an interesting guy. Seems like evidence as to why labels are dangerous things. I think, like most people, he has various opinions about numerous issues that don't fit cleanly within a label. I'd be considered a democrat. On some issues, people might call me progressive. Yet I believe in a secure border and would be fine with a wall if it could be constructed in an environmentally sound manner. But I also want a sane immigration policy to go with it. (Like Reagan, funnily enough). I'm a long-time big fan of nuclear power but I am also a fan of EV's and moving away from natural gas. (Gas ain't clean Lou, it's not the worst, but it is not clean). I'm Christian, but it seems to me that a lot of people have forgotten the first 5 letters of that spell Christ. (In fact I challenge myself to be Christ-ian)

Anyway, my point is that the application of labels is too-easily the first step toward making enemies and dehumanizing people. If someone labels me a democrat or libtard or progressive, then a bunch of people consider me an enemy. Same works the other way. Which is sad because most everyone wants the best for America and are probably closer on most issues than they might imagine. Unfortunately, divisiveness has been monetized by politicians and social media companies and too many people are in the thrall of both. One of the things that made America great was adults finding ways to compromise. I'm a big fan of that too.

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Mar 27Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Eventually every True Believer will leave the plantation ...

... those who know don't need an explanation ...

The problem is ... we can't wait that long.

We are on the verge of the whole planet learning what Venezuela, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Haiti, Libya, Russia, Somalia, Sudan, and China, etc., etc., etc., already know ...

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Mar 27Liked by Santa Barbara Current

I was there that day with my wife and two teenage granddaughters. To me, the most memorable comment was his answer to the last question from the audience. A young lady asked if he believed in God, and if so, whether that impacted his views. He responded “ yes and yes.” He went on to say that he found himself rediscovering his Anabaptist roots.

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Mar 27Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Tucker Carlson's recent interview with Tulsi Gabbard describes a similar transition from an idealistic Democrat party leadership role, to a seasoned and pragmatic cynicism. Once they see how sausages are actually made (and sold) inside the Washington DC Beltway.

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While I don’t agree completely with Mr. Shellenberger, I applaud him for being a thoughtful moderate. He has a brain and uses it. In many ways he represents a majority of voters who may disagree on some issues but would like some compromise. We need more Shellenberger’s

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I grew up a NY school teacher Democrat.

As a young adult I saw the hypocrisy of both parties, but that the Democratic Party had a worse track record of keeping promises and not actually being the “party of the people”. Dems voted against the Civil Rights Act, was the party stemming from slave owners and the KKK.

History they don’t teach you in school, you have to actually be interested and ask questions.

I realized that our leaders like to put you in boxes so they can control you. Dem v Rep, not voting on the issues and a candidates actual platform.

When I was running for office I discussed the issues, not politics. Jerry Robert’s was confused by my stances. Saying I sounded like a Democrat but was registered as a Republican. I told him that he should really examine what have Democrats done for people other than make them slaves to the government.

That did not go over well.

Democrat leaders don’t want people to wake up.

If they did they’d realize simple things like, CA schools, SBUSD are and have been under Democratic control for decades. And we are ranked 44 out of 50 when it comes to education.

Democrats celebrate that over 60% of our students cannot read & write at grade level. Math is dismal. They say they’re preparing our youth for the future, what future is that where they can read and write at grade level? Housekeeper, gardener, waiter?

After all attorneys, doctors, engineers all need to know how to read and write at grade level.

The Democrats also don’t tell you that it’s primarily minorities, Hispanics specifically, that are not being educated.

Why is that?

They say the education system they created and run is racist. Ah, the Democrats are in charge of education. So who’s racist? Democrats squirm and point fingers and yell racist at you if you question their track record, statistics recorded showing their poor track record.

Virginia Alvarez touted that she was an immigrant and spoke no English when they moved here but she learned in a few months to speak English.

So was she saying she’s smarter than over 60% of the Hispanics here or that she knows how to get through to the kids. And why did our education stats not increase while she was in office?

Or better yet, why did she step down? Perhaps she realized the Democratic run school board has no desire to elevate and educate but to placate and hold back minorities?

Perhaps she is another disenfranchised Democrat?

The question is, are Democrats smart enough, educated enough to vote on the issues instead of being a good “soldier” in the Donkey Cult and potentially vote for a non Democrat. Or will they be good followers and follow the Democrat leaders like the Pied Piper to their end?

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Balanced and informative.

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Wow! Great article Lou.

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