Yes, the baby boom generation was only concerned with themselves, as evidenced by its maniacal preoccupation with making no changes to social security or medicare, despite the fact both will be bankrupt in a decade and a dim hope for the next generation when they retire. But let's not forget the quintessential baby boomer, the self-absorbed, narcissistic Trump, who attacks any Republican if they dare suggest reforming either or both programs. According to Trump, Republicans like Paul Ryan and DeSantis (not boomers) are RINO's because they dare to suggest that boomers may have to make some sacrifices to ensure their progeny will have the same retirement benefits they enjoyed.
Lou, you raise an important issue. But in response I ask when will the generations most affected by lost or diminished Social Security and Medicare finally rise up and demand these reform changes with a strong ballot box message. Have they been intentionally distracted by threats of global mass extinction , instead of the extinction of their own future entitlements?
Nancy Pelosi skillfully exploited this very issue among senior voters in the 2018 midterm election, which effectively ended any possible further action by President Trump. She spread the message more by stealth than directly, that Trump is going to take away your Social Security and Medicare. Entitlement reform, as long as I can remember, is always presented by the opposition as "taking away your Social Security and Medicare".
When later asked why Democrats did so well in the 2018 midterms, Pelosi smiled slyly and claimed it was because of "health care issues". Asking current Republicans in charge for more courage to face down Democrats and reform these entitlements is one thing; but the real courage needs to come from those who will be directly damaged if/when we do not. This younger generation has growing ballot box power and they need to exercise it. So far I hear only demands for more punitive "green" regulations, but little interest in future entitlement reform.
An oft repeated panacea when Democrats face any suggestions of cost-cutting or decreasing future deficits passed on to the next generation .....oh, they'll find the money. The can gets kicked down the road yet again. Keep spreading the message, Lou.
How will independent voters deal with this very issue in future elections? Based upon California voter registrations alone, finding a galvanizing common issue among independents and the state GOP creates a sufficient majority that can reform future entitlements. Just need to ramp up this new coalition nationwide.
It's one thing to be attacked by Pelosi or other Dems of her ilk, it's quite another for other Republicans to have to endure these same attacks by so-called Republicans like Trump. If Trump was attacked by Pelosi, the correct response can't be to emulate her and use her demagogic tactics on other fellow Republicans who are exhibiting some courage on this issue.
Some of us are War Babies - born during WWII - and are definitely not Boomers. Instead this very small demographic was called unwittingly to ride the crest of the later demographic Boomer bulge. Many of us War Babies remained far more rooted in traditional cultural values, while at the same time we directly experienced Boomers rebelling against so many of those same cherished values - both rightly and wrongly. The divide between these two generations War Babies and Boomers was swift and abrupt. It seemed virtually overnight.
My very traditional college years came to a screeching halt, when the Free Speech Movement erupted during my senior year at Cal. That was the major cultural watershed year that permanently divided sensibilities for many War Babies. It was a journey between Frank Sinatra and the Beatle's Rubber Soul. From the musical Camelot to Hair. From doobie-doobie-doo to doobies. Some of many transitions that I never made.
We War Babies were forced to teeter on both sides of this virtually instant generational divide. War Babies who did go off to war when called for Vietnam never dreamed of protesting, because our fathers never protested when they were called to serve in WWII. That was our inherited value of duty speaking for us. Yet, following decades proved duty to false government premises was not an exercise in valor after all.
War Babies were often forced to look in two opposite directions at the same time. One direction was the bulk of our formative years being very traditional and unquestioned. (define traditional please?), Yet this new Boomer generation that we did not immediately understand, questioned and even mocked everything we knew before. Boomers would drag us War Babies along into their own future, ready or not.
Four score years later, I continue to teeter. Upside is when younger people today say "Okay Boomer" I get to pull out my War Baby card and say,.... Hey don't blame me. But many wrongs also got righted by Boomers. I can take little credit for that, having been stuck somewhere in the traditional.
Thank you Jim for putting together for us this ride on your “Rocky Road”!
Reflecting back on my 76 years, I was either a “part” of or “influenced” by. Following the “Greatest Generation”, have the “Baby Boomers” made for a more peaceful world, probably not! Our nearly Idyllic childhood came to an abrupt end with Vietnam, I got drafted! Although, at that time, I was bitterly against the War that was tearing our America apart, I served. After serving my time, I put my uniform away for the next 30 years. Reason? Being spat upon while wearing my uniform during that crisis was a “cross I could not bear”! Then, maturation happened! With that, I became more aware of how fortunate we have been to have lived in this extraordinary Country! It was because of my Service, I got my first significant job, finished my education, bought my first house!
Unlike Vietnam, wearing my uniform today, I get, “Thank you for your Service”!
Yes Jim, in a decade, we will all be saying “adios”, not goodbye!
It’s been a good ride, but pray for our future generations!
Is this editorial and the Current just MAGA nonsense and dog whistle click bait for those who you label the left? Some native peoples had twin spirt people with gender fluidity. Sexual orientation and non-binary gender identity are not going to fade away with baby boomers or Dr. Spock. Crumbling infrastructure due to "trickle down economics" low taxation on the wealthy. Are you advocating for Raising taxes for the wealthy or for all?
We Baby Boomers have much to answer for, including a type of self-interest that put our needs and wants ahead of the needs of younger generations. As we phase out and leave the stage, we need to ask ourselves how we can pass on the wisdom that comes from experience and still leave the stage gracefully.
Actually, Buckley is playing another version of the game the Left plays: blame an entire demographic.
Yes, no question about it, the Boomers were seduced into believing the "do what feels right" mantra, threw the baby out with the bathwater, and here we are: a society where the very fabric that holds it together has been torn to pieces, yet all this article does is enable Leftist ageism.
The thing of it is the left have created a situation where there is an absolute hatred of older people, and we see this often in social media posts where they say things such as " ok boomer", "shut up Boomer," "STFU Boomer." (Shut The Fu*k Up") The irony of the bigotry of these millennials and hipsters is the fact that while they constantly complain about racism and sexism it was the boomer generation who went out and fought for racial and gender equality. All this article is doing is is enabling even more ageism, and it's terrifying to think what is going to happen to all of us when we get to the point where we have to rely on this new generation of people who already hate us as we go into nursing homes or need care in our older years. I don't know if the author of this article is a member of the boomer generation or not, either way trying to placate the younger generation is really just a case of him signing his own death warrant, as well as ours. It is ironic that many of the boomers now who led that movement earlier are disgusted with what they're seeing now. There is no evidence to support that this new generation of angry people is going to be any better than the boomers that came in before them, and at least in the case of the boomers they were not burning down buildings and blocking freeways like this new generation coming in is doing all the name of social justice. When one tries to placate and appease, they themselves often find themselves suffering at the hands of those who they're trying to placate, a good example of this would be what we saw when Stalin was in power, all the so-called useful idiots trying to go along with regime who themselves ended up in the gulags. A similar example of someone who tried to placate, by trying to prove herself to be "one of the good ones" can be found in the link below.
I think the moral of the story comes back to “stewardship of the generations” and really about relationships at a deeper level between the generations.
We are being robbed right now because of the lack of stewardship and lack of strong genuine relationships in families and in our culture. There is a disconnect and it is being highly taken advantage of by those who “seem to care”.
How do we stop it?
People (which even group, it does not matter even though I believe an older wiser group has more power to affect the situation) need to step up, acknowledge the disconnect and the problem, and go to those that have been hurt and intentionally work to close the gap and heal the hurts.
We can start with our own families and communities and listen to each other, respect each others perspectives, and bring some love back to our lives. Listening, acknowledgement, and admitting responsibilities are powerful medicine. And it doesn’t cost us a thing, just some of our pride.
Humility goes a long way. All of those willing to do that, will start the road to help heal our nation. ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
Polling shows that, if we can get it on the ballot, it will pass.
Remember that in 2020, even while Biden was beating Trump in California 2-to-1, race-based "affirmative action" lost, 55% to 45%. This was with the exact same set of voters.
I was once a proud Boomer. A Vietnam veteran, who hasn't drank or done drugs in almost 40 years, I am sad that my peers, along with those medical quacks in the late 1940s, have so screwed up our society. Jim Buckley seems to think it will take a couple generations to "repair the damage", but I do not have much faith in the ability or strength of the succeeding generations. "Happy" New Year!
Yes, the baby boom generation was only concerned with themselves, as evidenced by its maniacal preoccupation with making no changes to social security or medicare, despite the fact both will be bankrupt in a decade and a dim hope for the next generation when they retire. But let's not forget the quintessential baby boomer, the self-absorbed, narcissistic Trump, who attacks any Republican if they dare suggest reforming either or both programs. According to Trump, Republicans like Paul Ryan and DeSantis (not boomers) are RINO's because they dare to suggest that boomers may have to make some sacrifices to ensure their progeny will have the same retirement benefits they enjoyed.
Lou, you raise an important issue. But in response I ask when will the generations most affected by lost or diminished Social Security and Medicare finally rise up and demand these reform changes with a strong ballot box message. Have they been intentionally distracted by threats of global mass extinction , instead of the extinction of their own future entitlements?
Nancy Pelosi skillfully exploited this very issue among senior voters in the 2018 midterm election, which effectively ended any possible further action by President Trump. She spread the message more by stealth than directly, that Trump is going to take away your Social Security and Medicare. Entitlement reform, as long as I can remember, is always presented by the opposition as "taking away your Social Security and Medicare".
When later asked why Democrats did so well in the 2018 midterms, Pelosi smiled slyly and claimed it was because of "health care issues". Asking current Republicans in charge for more courage to face down Democrats and reform these entitlements is one thing; but the real courage needs to come from those who will be directly damaged if/when we do not. This younger generation has growing ballot box power and they need to exercise it. So far I hear only demands for more punitive "green" regulations, but little interest in future entitlement reform.
An oft repeated panacea when Democrats face any suggestions of cost-cutting or decreasing future deficits passed on to the next generation .....oh, they'll find the money. The can gets kicked down the road yet again. Keep spreading the message, Lou.
How will independent voters deal with this very issue in future elections? Based upon California voter registrations alone, finding a galvanizing common issue among independents and the state GOP creates a sufficient majority that can reform future entitlements. Just need to ramp up this new coalition nationwide.
It's one thing to be attacked by Pelosi or other Dems of her ilk, it's quite another for other Republicans to have to endure these same attacks by so-called Republicans like Trump. If Trump was attacked by Pelosi, the correct response can't be to emulate her and use her demagogic tactics on other fellow Republicans who are exhibiting some courage on this issue.
Some of us are War Babies - born during WWII - and are definitely not Boomers. Instead this very small demographic was called unwittingly to ride the crest of the later demographic Boomer bulge. Many of us War Babies remained far more rooted in traditional cultural values, while at the same time we directly experienced Boomers rebelling against so many of those same cherished values - both rightly and wrongly. The divide between these two generations War Babies and Boomers was swift and abrupt. It seemed virtually overnight.
My very traditional college years came to a screeching halt, when the Free Speech Movement erupted during my senior year at Cal. That was the major cultural watershed year that permanently divided sensibilities for many War Babies. It was a journey between Frank Sinatra and the Beatle's Rubber Soul. From the musical Camelot to Hair. From doobie-doobie-doo to doobies. Some of many transitions that I never made.
We War Babies were forced to teeter on both sides of this virtually instant generational divide. War Babies who did go off to war when called for Vietnam never dreamed of protesting, because our fathers never protested when they were called to serve in WWII. That was our inherited value of duty speaking for us. Yet, following decades proved duty to false government premises was not an exercise in valor after all.
War Babies were often forced to look in two opposite directions at the same time. One direction was the bulk of our formative years being very traditional and unquestioned. (define traditional please?), Yet this new Boomer generation that we did not immediately understand, questioned and even mocked everything we knew before. Boomers would drag us War Babies along into their own future, ready or not.
Four score years later, I continue to teeter. Upside is when younger people today say "Okay Boomer" I get to pull out my War Baby card and say,.... Hey don't blame me. But many wrongs also got righted by Boomers. I can take little credit for that, having been stuck somewhere in the traditional.
Thank you Jim for putting together for us this ride on your “Rocky Road”!
Reflecting back on my 76 years, I was either a “part” of or “influenced” by. Following the “Greatest Generation”, have the “Baby Boomers” made for a more peaceful world, probably not! Our nearly Idyllic childhood came to an abrupt end with Vietnam, I got drafted! Although, at that time, I was bitterly against the War that was tearing our America apart, I served. After serving my time, I put my uniform away for the next 30 years. Reason? Being spat upon while wearing my uniform during that crisis was a “cross I could not bear”! Then, maturation happened! With that, I became more aware of how fortunate we have been to have lived in this extraordinary Country! It was because of my Service, I got my first significant job, finished my education, bought my first house!
Unlike Vietnam, wearing my uniform today, I get, “Thank you for your Service”!
Yes Jim, in a decade, we will all be saying “adios”, not goodbye!
It’s been a good ride, but pray for our future generations!
Is this editorial and the Current just MAGA nonsense and dog whistle click bait for those who you label the left? Some native peoples had twin spirt people with gender fluidity. Sexual orientation and non-binary gender identity are not going to fade away with baby boomers or Dr. Spock. Crumbling infrastructure due to "trickle down economics" low taxation on the wealthy. Are you advocating for Raising taxes for the wealthy or for all?
We Baby Boomers have much to answer for, including a type of self-interest that put our needs and wants ahead of the needs of younger generations. As we phase out and leave the stage, we need to ask ourselves how we can pass on the wisdom that comes from experience and still leave the stage gracefully.
Here is the link that I see I didn't post completely.
Actually, Buckley is playing another version of the game the Left plays: blame an entire demographic.
Yes, no question about it, the Boomers were seduced into believing the "do what feels right" mantra, threw the baby out with the bathwater, and here we are: a society where the very fabric that holds it together has been torn to pieces, yet all this article does is enable Leftist ageism.
The thing of it is the left have created a situation where there is an absolute hatred of older people, and we see this often in social media posts where they say things such as " ok boomer", "shut up Boomer," "STFU Boomer." (Shut The Fu*k Up") The irony of the bigotry of these millennials and hipsters is the fact that while they constantly complain about racism and sexism it was the boomer generation who went out and fought for racial and gender equality. All this article is doing is is enabling even more ageism, and it's terrifying to think what is going to happen to all of us when we get to the point where we have to rely on this new generation of people who already hate us as we go into nursing homes or need care in our older years. I don't know if the author of this article is a member of the boomer generation or not, either way trying to placate the younger generation is really just a case of him signing his own death warrant, as well as ours. It is ironic that many of the boomers now who led that movement earlier are disgusted with what they're seeing now. There is no evidence to support that this new generation of angry people is going to be any better than the boomers that came in before them, and at least in the case of the boomers they were not burning down buildings and blocking freeways like this new generation coming in is doing all the name of social justice. When one tries to placate and appease, they themselves often find themselves suffering at the hands of those who they're trying to placate, a good example of this would be what we saw when Stalin was in power, all the so-called useful idiots trying to go along with regime who themselves ended up in the gulags. A similar example of someone who tried to placate, by trying to prove herself to be "one of the good ones" can be found in the link below.
I think the moral of the story comes back to “stewardship of the generations” and really about relationships at a deeper level between the generations.
We are being robbed right now because of the lack of stewardship and lack of strong genuine relationships in families and in our culture. There is a disconnect and it is being highly taken advantage of by those who “seem to care”.
How do we stop it?
People (which even group, it does not matter even though I believe an older wiser group has more power to affect the situation) need to step up, acknowledge the disconnect and the problem, and go to those that have been hurt and intentionally work to close the gap and heal the hurts.
We can start with our own families and communities and listen to each other, respect each others perspectives, and bring some love back to our lives. Listening, acknowledgement, and admitting responsibilities are powerful medicine. And it doesn’t cost us a thing, just some of our pride.
Humility goes a long way. All of those willing to do that, will start the road to help heal our nation. ❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
this is depressing....
Delete if not appropriate, but someone sent me this link. I admit, some of the stuff is way over my head, so I'm not sure what to think:
Help us fight the transgenderist agenda by getting this initiative on the statewide ballot:
Polling shows that, if we can get it on the ballot, it will pass.
Remember that in 2020, even while Biden was beating Trump in California 2-to-1, race-based "affirmative action" lost, 55% to 45%. This was with the exact same set of voters.
I was once a proud Boomer. A Vietnam veteran, who hasn't drank or done drugs in almost 40 years, I am sad that my peers, along with those medical quacks in the late 1940s, have so screwed up our society. Jim Buckley seems to think it will take a couple generations to "repair the damage", but I do not have much faith in the ability or strength of the succeeding generations. "Happy" New Year!
John Richards