Thank u 4 replying but they r all so far away. I'm in Lompoc. Came from this kind of fellowship. Sure miss it. Thank u 4 all your godly articles. Blessings
Have you read the Bible Rob? The roads are not many.
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13-14
I have read the Bible three times. I have my master's in divinity. I was a pastor for 10 years. Anecdotal accounts are not the same as history and science. A religious truth (virgin birth) is a 'fact of belief' like transubstantiation. Psychology is much like this. It's fine if you want to belive it. Just like you can 'believe' a glass of milk is a car - but you can't ride even a GREAT glass of milk to Los Angeles. For you, though, you might 'feel' safer 'buckling-up' before drinking a cold glass of milk
Wow, for having your masters you have real weird way explaining things. It doesn’t make sense. But no surprise, it was the “educated” and “elite” that crucified Christ.
Thank you for the article Mary! I enjoyed reading it this morning before I had the privilege to attend church this Pentacost Sunday in Rome on the very ground that Peter started his church 2000 years ago. I pray the Holy Spirit moves and gives us the opportunity to witness those same miracles the disciples witnessed in their time.
Christianity cannot be extracted from the weave of western Civilization. Always good to learn about the many and various threads that make up this fabric.
Our Men’s Bible group at the SB Mission is scaffolded by the Holy Spirit every time we meet. I for one, give “thanks” for the Holy Spirits love and guidance! Bob Basche
If only the holy Spirit would visit the children's center at the hospital and heal the kids dying of cancer and other diseases... But alas, God's mysterious plan includes letting children die. I'm happy to hear the prayers of a woman in England could heal a minister in Africa. To bad she didn't pray for the children as well.
It’s our job to pray and the Holy Spirits job to heal. Do you have Jesus in your heart and know Him as your personal Savior? If so, be the one to pray for the children and maybe you will have the opportunity to see the Holy Spirit heal the children you pray for.
I'm too worried that God will see me as an Edomite and his followers will dash my infants against the ground (Psalm 137). Too risky to follow your ways. Also don't want to stone my children if they disobey (Deuteronomy 21:21). Also I never understood why the God of everything would have a chosen people. Seems really cruel to the pre-Jesus gentiles.
The thief (the devil) comes to kill steal & destroy. Jesus came to bring life and that more abundantly John 10:10
The Holy Spirit uses Christians to pray for the sick. We have to be sensitive to His leading, pray and obey. Healing is a gift just like speaking in tongues, but you have to exercise it.
Christy, I believe you were the one that questioned my 'bona fides'; I was just responding to your question.
I understand that it's fashionable to be dismissive of one's education as a way of arguing for ones 'rightness'. Further, I don't believe the NT narrative characterizes those who crucified Jesus as, "educated and elite" unless you consider the military centurion to be "educated and elite".
Hermeneutically, your comments are eisegetic.
BTW, just curious, is your home made of glass?
When I was pastoring, we often said that some (lacking credulity), would use a 'proof text' in furtherance of their interpretation. We called this shooting 'bible bullets'. I'll refrain from further response; I presume it would be pointless.
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."
“Everyone has access to GOD, but we are taught it is only special people” Rev. Ken, dec. Ordinary people hear GOD, everyone can.
Rom. 8:11 He that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you.
This is not all an opinion,items with * can be verified.
There is a lot I cannot explain, but I know His love. *Richard met GOD (YouTube) and cried talking about God’s unconditional love. Happened at Cottage some years ago.*Ken Johnson (YouTube) heard GOD say I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW.
I have cried over 300 times feeling loved like a 4 yo child after doing what Rev. Ken said was his breakthrough to GOD (below). A friend cried for 3 days. When you feel loved like a small child you will realize you are not as smart as you thought.
*12 Days with GOD is a true story. At the end the formerly angry man told the doctor it isn’t a belief, IT’S A RELATIONSHIP..
* GOD told Dr. Clarice Fluitt to raise the pastor who died on the pulpit and take his place. Her book is Ridiculous Miracles.
* A friend heard GOD say WHERE ARE YOU GOING I WILL HEAL YOUR SON. He was going for medicine at 4 AM.
* THE HOLY SPIRIT IS REAL. Dr. Roth, dec., a former priest, wrote in The Spiritual Path of Prayer he was so depressed he couldn’t leave his house. A friend told him to say come Holy Spirit. *In the documentary Witness for The Holy Spirit a man was delivered after leaving those praying for him. GOD told the pastor I didn’t want you to think you did it.
We say GOD had a reason for this or that. No things happen in life including accidents, war, floods, children having cancer, etc.
There is a verse we overlook 2 Cor. 4:4 satan the god of this world and unfortunately is real and responsible for hate, anger, bitterness, revenge, greed, pride among other things.
The KOG is in our midst Luke 17:21 NIV. Where would Jesus be? He is Lord of the living (us) and the dead Rom. 14:9.
*Big George Foreman movie is a true story; he woke up from a heart attack and said Jesus is in me and he became a minister.
Do you not realize Christ Jesus is in you 2 Cor. 13:5.
*Bobby Conner (YouTube) hears from The Lord often and sees bodies restored. He said GOD wants us all to do this.
* Beyond Mile Marker 80 is a true story. A man in the hospital sees his wife who just died in the car wreck with Jesus. The nurse and doctor see the same thing and travel talking about this miracle to doctors.
* A friend was healed the night before a major operation and said Jesus did it.
*Howard Storm (YouTube) a former atheist cries talking about Jesus saving him from hell. He said God created other dimensions and you can explore heaven for eternity.
* David Sorenson is used by GOD for miraculous healing. He said a religious mindset has crept into the church for centuries. He said, “Many are looking for the return of Jesus Christ, but He is looking for people where He can dwell right here and now in His Glorious Presence."
* An acquaintance, addicted to cocaine said Jesus if you’re real help me. Bill heard NEVER WILL I LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU
Some claim Jesus is coming back to judge the unrighteous. Jesus said I have not come to judge but to save the world John 12:47. 1 John 3:8 the reason the Son of God came is to defeat the work of the devil, and John 10:10. Jesus said some here will not taste death before I return Mat. 16:28.
I did what Rev. Ken said was his breakthrough to GOD not knowing what would happen and after 6-8 weeks of reading the verses on my knees, I cried feeling loved like a 4 yo child. I have cried so hard I said wait a minute.
GOD said TELL ABOUT MY LOVE. The verses are Eph. 1:16-20, 2:4-8, 3:14-19. You cannot be separated from GOD’s love Rom. 8:38-9. Love does not keep a record of wrongs. If you have any concerns, Google who GOD says I am by donna Schambach.
A Barna survey says 50% of Christians have issues with depression, anxiety, guilt, loss of faith, addiction, porn, etc.. That is 1.5 billion people +/-.
A man said fear left when I said Jesus remove anything here not from God’s love. I rold him next time he needs to ask as I won’t be there. Jesus said each day has its own troubles Mat. 6:34.
Some act like we’re saved and you’re not. Three people told me a pastor and or priest told them their loved one would go to hell as if they decide. A grandchild had not been baptized and two committed suicide. Everyone may not make it to heaven but there is only One judge James 4:12. At the end of our life He will be there and forgives more than most of us.
It is not the duty of the church to say anyone would go to hell or purgatory causing lifelong grief. Twenty-two veterans commit suicide daily. A veteran told me he had always wondered about that.
GOD does not want you to feel guilty and unworthy, that is what satan the god of this world does. It is NOT the Holy Spirit bringing a rememberance so you will repent. It is the one who came to steal, kill and destroy and those thoughts must be ignored. A pastor almost gave up because of thoughts of what he had done until he realized where they were from. GOD said for My sake your sins are forgiven Isa. 43:25.
Every word in the Bible is not from GOD. Nearly 300 verses say fear GOD and I've met people who believe this. HE said their fear of ME is a commandment taught by men Isa. 29:13 ESV.
GOD said more than once they led My people astray. Jim Cavizel (YouTube) heard GOD say THEY DON’T LOVE ME, VERY FEW. GOD said their worship is a farce, they teach man-made ideas as commands from GOD Mat. 15:9.
I have been set free from 35 years of alcohol addiction in one night before I believed, I’ve been healed of issues every person would see a doctor about and don’t take any meds and haven’t had a headache in 5 years. I’ve cried feeling loved by GOD and I have cried feeling love for GOD after realizing how much HE loves me/us. I said GOD I don't know how to love Jesus. A couple of days later listening to praising songs on my iPod I cried hard in love for Jesus and the third time listening to the song I was bent over crying. I can tell you more about the god of this world that you need to know.
Anita, dec., was healed by Jesus and said He prefers Yeshua.
God said seek Me and you will find Me Jer. 29:13.
We all get signs from GOD. I had a drfeam ALWAYS BELIEVE IN GOD. That was 10+ years before I did.
I woke my wife from a nap and she said she had a dream Jesus told her GOD WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU.
We attend City Church in Ventura. Very charismatic. Veronica Springs Church off Modoc is spirit filled as well as Word of Life in La Cumbre Plaza. South Coast Church and a few others.
P Jude Fouquier’s son Jude Jr is moving to Santa Barbara next year to start a church here called The Fathers House. Watch for it 😊
Very well presented Mary!
Thank you 🙏
Excellent commentary! Faith and Trust in Christ the answer. Thank you for sharing these truths!
Thank u 4 replying but they r all so far away. I'm in Lompoc. Came from this kind of fellowship. Sure miss it. Thank u 4 all your godly articles. Blessings
I would really enjoy brief stories about Buddhism, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and Hinduism. Truth is one, the roads are many.
Have you read the Bible Rob? The roads are not many.
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. Matthew 7:13-14
I have read the Bible three times. I have my master's in divinity. I was a pastor for 10 years. Anecdotal accounts are not the same as history and science. A religious truth (virgin birth) is a 'fact of belief' like transubstantiation. Psychology is much like this. It's fine if you want to belive it. Just like you can 'believe' a glass of milk is a car - but you can't ride even a GREAT glass of milk to Los Angeles. For you, though, you might 'feel' safer 'buckling-up' before drinking a cold glass of milk
Wow, for having your masters you have real weird way explaining things. It doesn’t make sense. But no surprise, it was the “educated” and “elite” that crucified Christ.
I always enjoy your articles, Mary . God bless you. Please keep them coming 💕
Thank you for the article Mary! I enjoyed reading it this morning before I had the privilege to attend church this Pentacost Sunday in Rome on the very ground that Peter started his church 2000 years ago. I pray the Holy Spirit moves and gives us the opportunity to witness those same miracles the disciples witnessed in their time.
Christianity cannot be extracted from the weave of western Civilization. Always good to learn about the many and various threads that make up this fabric.
Our Men’s Bible group at the SB Mission is scaffolded by the Holy Spirit every time we meet. I for one, give “thanks” for the Holy Spirits love and guidance! Bob Basche
Thanks for the reminder. The Holy Spirit will come into our hearts and help us make it through this dangerous life. We only need ask him.
If only the holy Spirit would visit the children's center at the hospital and heal the kids dying of cancer and other diseases... But alas, God's mysterious plan includes letting children die. I'm happy to hear the prayers of a woman in England could heal a minister in Africa. To bad she didn't pray for the children as well.
Everybody dies eventually.
It’s our job to pray and the Holy Spirits job to heal. Do you have Jesus in your heart and know Him as your personal Savior? If so, be the one to pray for the children and maybe you will have the opportunity to see the Holy Spirit heal the children you pray for.
I'm too worried that God will see me as an Edomite and his followers will dash my infants against the ground (Psalm 137). Too risky to follow your ways. Also don't want to stone my children if they disobey (Deuteronomy 21:21). Also I never understood why the God of everything would have a chosen people. Seems really cruel to the pre-Jesus gentiles.
The thief (the devil) comes to kill steal & destroy. Jesus came to bring life and that more abundantly John 10:10
The Holy Spirit uses Christians to pray for the sick. We have to be sensitive to His leading, pray and obey. Healing is a gift just like speaking in tongues, but you have to exercise it.
Christy, I believe you were the one that questioned my 'bona fides'; I was just responding to your question.
I understand that it's fashionable to be dismissive of one's education as a way of arguing for ones 'rightness'. Further, I don't believe the NT narrative characterizes those who crucified Jesus as, "educated and elite" unless you consider the military centurion to be "educated and elite".
Hermeneutically, your comments are eisegetic.
BTW, just curious, is your home made of glass?
When I was pastoring, we often said that some (lacking credulity), would use a 'proof text' in furtherance of their interpretation. We called this shooting 'bible bullets'. I'll refrain from further response; I presume it would be pointless.
"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace."
“Everyone has access to GOD, but we are taught it is only special people” Rev. Ken, dec. Ordinary people hear GOD, everyone can.
Rom. 8:11 He that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you.
This is not all an opinion,items with * can be verified.
There is a lot I cannot explain, but I know His love. *Richard met GOD (YouTube) and cried talking about God’s unconditional love. Happened at Cottage some years ago.*Ken Johnson (YouTube) heard GOD say I LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU WILL EVER KNOW.
I have cried over 300 times feeling loved like a 4 yo child after doing what Rev. Ken said was his breakthrough to GOD (below). A friend cried for 3 days. When you feel loved like a small child you will realize you are not as smart as you thought.
*12 Days with GOD is a true story. At the end the formerly angry man told the doctor it isn’t a belief, IT’S A RELATIONSHIP..
* GOD told Dr. Clarice Fluitt to raise the pastor who died on the pulpit and take his place. Her book is Ridiculous Miracles.
* A friend heard GOD say WHERE ARE YOU GOING I WILL HEAL YOUR SON. He was going for medicine at 4 AM.
* THE HOLY SPIRIT IS REAL. Dr. Roth, dec., a former priest, wrote in The Spiritual Path of Prayer he was so depressed he couldn’t leave his house. A friend told him to say come Holy Spirit. *In the documentary Witness for The Holy Spirit a man was delivered after leaving those praying for him. GOD told the pastor I didn’t want you to think you did it.
We say GOD had a reason for this or that. No things happen in life including accidents, war, floods, children having cancer, etc.
There is a verse we overlook 2 Cor. 4:4 satan the god of this world and unfortunately is real and responsible for hate, anger, bitterness, revenge, greed, pride among other things.
The KOG is in our midst Luke 17:21 NIV. Where would Jesus be? He is Lord of the living (us) and the dead Rom. 14:9.
*Big George Foreman movie is a true story; he woke up from a heart attack and said Jesus is in me and he became a minister.
Do you not realize Christ Jesus is in you 2 Cor. 13:5.
*Bobby Conner (YouTube) hears from The Lord often and sees bodies restored. He said GOD wants us all to do this.
* Beyond Mile Marker 80 is a true story. A man in the hospital sees his wife who just died in the car wreck with Jesus. The nurse and doctor see the same thing and travel talking about this miracle to doctors.
* A friend was healed the night before a major operation and said Jesus did it.
* All veterans with PTSD see Jesus at
*Howard Storm (YouTube) a former atheist cries talking about Jesus saving him from hell. He said God created other dimensions and you can explore heaven for eternity.
* David Sorenson is used by GOD for miraculous healing. He said a religious mindset has crept into the church for centuries. He said, “Many are looking for the return of Jesus Christ, but He is looking for people where He can dwell right here and now in His Glorious Presence."
* An acquaintance, addicted to cocaine said Jesus if you’re real help me. Bill heard NEVER WILL I LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU
Some claim Jesus is coming back to judge the unrighteous. Jesus said I have not come to judge but to save the world John 12:47. 1 John 3:8 the reason the Son of God came is to defeat the work of the devil, and John 10:10. Jesus said some here will not taste death before I return Mat. 16:28.
I did what Rev. Ken said was his breakthrough to GOD not knowing what would happen and after 6-8 weeks of reading the verses on my knees, I cried feeling loved like a 4 yo child. I have cried so hard I said wait a minute.
GOD said TELL ABOUT MY LOVE. The verses are Eph. 1:16-20, 2:4-8, 3:14-19. You cannot be separated from GOD’s love Rom. 8:38-9. Love does not keep a record of wrongs. If you have any concerns, Google who GOD says I am by donna Schambach.
A Barna survey says 50% of Christians have issues with depression, anxiety, guilt, loss of faith, addiction, porn, etc.. That is 1.5 billion people +/-.
A man said fear left when I said Jesus remove anything here not from God’s love. I rold him next time he needs to ask as I won’t be there. Jesus said each day has its own troubles Mat. 6:34.
Some act like we’re saved and you’re not. Three people told me a pastor and or priest told them their loved one would go to hell as if they decide. A grandchild had not been baptized and two committed suicide. Everyone may not make it to heaven but there is only One judge James 4:12. At the end of our life He will be there and forgives more than most of us.
It is not the duty of the church to say anyone would go to hell or purgatory causing lifelong grief. Twenty-two veterans commit suicide daily. A veteran told me he had always wondered about that.
GOD does not want you to feel guilty and unworthy, that is what satan the god of this world does. It is NOT the Holy Spirit bringing a rememberance so you will repent. It is the one who came to steal, kill and destroy and those thoughts must be ignored. A pastor almost gave up because of thoughts of what he had done until he realized where they were from. GOD said for My sake your sins are forgiven Isa. 43:25.
Every word in the Bible is not from GOD. Nearly 300 verses say fear GOD and I've met people who believe this. HE said their fear of ME is a commandment taught by men Isa. 29:13 ESV.
GOD said more than once they led My people astray. Jim Cavizel (YouTube) heard GOD say THEY DON’T LOVE ME, VERY FEW. GOD said their worship is a farce, they teach man-made ideas as commands from GOD Mat. 15:9.
I have been set free from 35 years of alcohol addiction in one night before I believed, I’ve been healed of issues every person would see a doctor about and don’t take any meds and haven’t had a headache in 5 years. I’ve cried feeling loved by GOD and I have cried feeling love for GOD after realizing how much HE loves me/us. I said GOD I don't know how to love Jesus. A couple of days later listening to praising songs on my iPod I cried hard in love for Jesus and the third time listening to the song I was bent over crying. I can tell you more about the god of this world that you need to know.
Anita, dec., was healed by Jesus and said He prefers Yeshua.
God said seek Me and you will find Me Jer. 29:13.
We all get signs from GOD. I had a drfeam ALWAYS BELIEVE IN GOD. That was 10+ years before I did.
I woke my wife from a nap and she said she had a dream Jesus told her GOD WILL ALWAYS BE WITH YOU.
Is there a charismatic here to go to? Where? I want to go.
We attend City Church in Ventura. Very charismatic. Veronica Springs Church off Modoc is spirit filled as well as Word of Life in La Cumbre Plaza. South Coast Church and a few others.
P Jude Fouquier’s son Jude Jr is moving to Santa Barbara next year to start a church here called The Fathers House. Watch for it 😊