There’s a Disturbance in the Force
These are not the politicians you are looking for.
Oftentimes it takes multiple slaps in the face to finally get someone’s attention. America has been slapped so many times in the last four years that maybe finally there’s been an awakening. The era of idealism and social engineering is burning up like the fires in Los Angeles and people are now paying attention.
From East Palestine, Ohio, to Maui, to the hurricanes in Florida to the floods in Ashville, NC, and now the disastrous fires in California, there’s one thing you can count on from your chosen liberal leaders and government. And that is you can’t count on them.
Sadly, it takes a disaster the magnitude of the fires to hit the left in their own backyards. They’re finally being forced to admit all the dumb social stuff doesn’t put out flames. That requires leadership and planning and not cutting services in the name of DEI. Why it takes catastrophes and the loss of life to pull back the curtain and expose all the waste, corruption, and bad decisions made by those who were supposed to have your back is beyond me. Many of us saw it for years but most didn’t want to look. During way too many disasters we’ve seen reckless decisions and exposure of the weak leaders responsible. Then, cures are ignored until the next disaster. Things get watered down until they die as the flames in L.A. eventually will.
This time, we can’t just let it happen.
And I’m not just talking about the fires. I’m talking about everything. The billions wasted in the name of helping the homeless only to enrich those charged with providing the help.
Governor Gavin Newsom and L.A. Mayor Karen Bass do the dance of joy when they announce they’re going to toss a fortune at something. What no one mentions is that they’re clueless as to how to fix anything and are responsible for creating the mess in first place.
What about the never-ending flood of foreigners who continue to reap our kindness and will likely continue to do so until Trump kicks them out? In the meantime, it will be very interesting to watch the next nightmare begin for those who’ve lost their homes. How much help will they get? FEMA couldn’t handle the Eastern floods and claimed they gave it all away helping illegals. As bad as that was, the fires are a thousand-fold worse in so many ways. Maybe we can ask Ukraine to give us some of the billions back. We need it more than they do. Also toss in some of the military equipment we gave them. We left billions in Afghanistan and would love to replenish our own military.
California has more regulations and rules to drown even the strongest of stomachs under piles of paperwork and fees. Once homeowners get through the insurance process, the building approval process begins.
Here’s where Mayor Bass and the city of Los Angeles have a chance to redeem themselves.
They may have to hold their noses, but they better make it easy to build the new homes.
Fingers Pointing in the Wrong Direction
The bigger concern is the Coastal Commission. That group can’t think straight. I could almost see them taking the opportunity to claim now is the time to keep open space in Pacific Palisades for the red legged frog. Or the loss of homes along PCH for the Commission to take advantage of what they could claim is a wonderful gift handed to Californians: the ability to drive along with unobstructed views of the ocean. They’re capable of twisting things in so many ways some will almost believe what they’re saying makes sense.
They will be a fun group to watch.
Newsom, Bass, and the various department heads have their fingers pointed in all the wrong directions instead of the one direction it should be pointing: back at them. There’s no need for me to repeat what we have already learned about the what ifs and the stupid things that were done leading up to the fires. The key to all this glaringly points the headlights smack in the face of all those who make – I don’t want to say earn – huge salaries but don’t work for it. They love to pat themselves on the back for adding gender-neutral bathrooms but won’t stand up and grow a set when people are looking at them for answers.
Saying we’re going to rebuild is not an answer. Admitting you spent more on illegals, the homeless, and have cut critical budgets is the answer. Explain why. Maybe you had good reasons. If not, admit they were mistakes and take your hits. And then, consider in good conscious to step aside. You were not cut out for the job. You are and were unqualified. This applies not only to someone like the mayor of LA but Governor Newsom himself. He’s the poster boy for everything wrong in this state and yet his stench keeps getting smothered in liberal cologne.
Maybe it’s Time to Get Out the Pitchforks and Torches
I like where I live. I couldn’t see myself moving anywhere else at this station in my life. I can’t stand California politics, but it’s shifting. With that said, I can see some of those who lost their homes saying now is the time to get out. Enough is enough. It will take years to rebuild. If homeowners have the wherewithal, put the land up for sale, go to Florida and buy a new house for around 600K and start life anew. Okay, hurricanes can be an issue, but just imagine when California gets hit with the “big” one.
What a sad way to start the new year, except for those who lost everything, a positive benefit can be a cleansing of sorts. A chance to remove the political rubble and rebuild the state.
This time use common-sense as the foundation.
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Yes Henry, political homeless-illegals social engineering and state water diversion (for fish worshipping) isn’t a substitute for fire prevention engineering, consisting of brush control management, adequate and filled reservoirs, adequate and working fire hydrants, adequate and working fire trucks, functional fire emergency protocols. The men and woman combatting fires are the people risking their lives to save the life and property of residents. It is the fire people deserving to be worshipped, not the politicians that dance to the tune of restoration money coming their way. Hopefully Trump will see to it that doesn’t happen!
In Los Angeles, the most fire-related calls they receive are homeless encampment fires. In Santa Barbara, keep an eye out for fires while driving; such as encampment locations off the freeways are a known problem area. Residents should pester the city governments to clean them up as a preventative fire control measure. The danger of high winds is not new to Santa Barbara
Pitchforks and torches? We’ll see how that plays out. People here seem to have a short term memory loss, even though the Dems have direct culpability in this disaster. How? Lack of prescribed burns eliminating decades accumulation of scrub brush, lack of coherent water management policies, no new construction of dams, reservoirs or desalination plants, and hostility towards the insurance industry, making doing business in California too costly for carriers to remain here and profitable.
Will California liberals finally get the message and demand reforms necessary to put our state on sound financial footing?…doubt it!
Maybe, just maybe after all the smoke clears and folks have a chance to comprehend the devastation and destruction will voters FINALLY realize we don’t have to live this way…it’s a choice! Anger like fire, can spread rapidly and those responsible for this inferno need to lawyer up. Why? There just may be a fire storm headed their way.