Vive La Trump! Glad to see our President made such a splash in Paris. It’s about time we have a leader with such charisma, that can send a positive message to the rest of the world. No doubt leaders are lining up to visit and consult with our new President, it’s about time! Contrast this with our current feeble, clumsy and virtue signaling current administration. Yes, Joe Biden and his phony, “Dr. Jill” First Lady are ready for retirement, which is exactly where they belong.

As for our allies/cousins in France and Britain, someone needs to brake the news to them they are no longer relevant to world events as they once were. Both economy’s are struggling and both are trying to resurrect their national identity, while putting a lid on immigration.

Yes, once again it is American exceptionalism which leads the world, including Europe.

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Funny thing, of course, is that during Trump's first term, the French, the Brits, Germans, and other Euros couldn't sneer often or haughtily enough at our brash and "uncultured" president. Ah, what goes around comes around. Got to love it!

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Evidently, a greater percentage of the French people are not on board with Trump 2.0.


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Thank you. I read the link and towards the end of the article, the author does admit that sentiment is moving in Trump's direction. Most French, however, don't really know much about the U.S. other than what is written, either by their nearly 100% left-wing "journalists" and editors, whether they write for so-call "conservative" newspapers or the really far-left variety, or by talking heads on French television, nearly all of whom are left-leaning to rabidly left. BTW, my wife is French and we go to France often. They can be snobbish and frustratingly ignorant but I love 'em anyway.

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Thanks for sharing. Wow, even 63% of French blue-collar workers don't like Trump. Those are similar numbers to Germans, where I think less than 20% approved of Trump. But yes, Trump's approval rating increased in the UK. From 15% in 2020 to nearly 27% this past fall https://www.statista.com/statistics/879835/british-perceptions-on-donald-trump/ Fortunately for Trump, he was running in the US.

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When I lived in Europe in the 1960's and later in the 1970's, they had no use for America either. It is European thing. Except when they are forced to admit they need us.

Or wanted our dollars. They are basically mercantile, just like us. Except the moment we went off the gold standard, the Germans loved rejecting our US dollar claiming they no longer knew what they were worth so they could not accept them.

Shortly after 9-11, in an Amman, Jordan hotel lobby I along with other guests were watching CNN about some pending US financial crisis. The Frenchman scoffed imperiously "the walls are finally closing in on America" he sneered.

When I responded "I have been hearing that from the French since the 1960s.". This caused the German also watching CNN to let out a loud guffaw. And so it goes.

As they say, context is everything.

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Ya, I guess the jokes on us! Sure, when you calculate the trillions we have spent in blood and treasure during and after WWII. Hundreds of thousands of dead GI’s liberating these malcontents, not to mention the Marshall plan that rebuilt their entire economies. Yes, if not for the US military they’d all be speaking Deutsch!

Trump should refer to leaders in the UK, France and Germany as “Governors,” just as he did with Trudeau! He’s clearly the top dog and now the EU will have to take a big dose reality!

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Interesting, when I lived in Germany and Italy during the Obama administration, both seemed to at least like him. Some of that was probably because he replaced Bush, who wasn't well-regarded. You have an amazing memory quoting back to 9-11.

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Ask me about my memories as a War Baby in the 1940's. 9-11 was just yesterday. Good question though, what makes some memories stick and others just float away.

Yes, Obama was "loved" in Europe, but I always sensed it was more in a schadenfreude way, than any genuine earned affection. They were very much against Bush's ill-founded intervention in Iraq. Weren't we all?

I remember being asked to explain Bush and Iraq to a group of Germans in Berlin. All I could say is something dark had taken over America - I did not at the time fully understand the sway of the neo-cons and the military industrial complex.

I also remember the shock of very conservative friends in England when registering my own intense dislike of Obama - they could not believe anyone in America was not in love with him and they had fallen in line as a result. They loved his youthfulness

When I explained that is why we thought Tony Blair was so keen, they went absolutely apoplectic. But in that exchange, we mutually understood how often superficial our media perceptions about each other are, across the pond.

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I believe the Trump handshake, displaying his potentially infinite grip, is a worldwide symbolic gesture that "I'm back and I'm watching!" In the U.S. the Trump's grip is symbolic, to organizations such as the FBI, they will be receiving a big swat on the head. To our enemies, it means, "I'm not messing around with you guys, better behave!" Even to Trump's Staff it has a meaning, "Don't f**k with me or your toast!" It's all in Trump's hand.

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Trump is the anti Biden symbolically. I was proud to just watch him onstage at the opening ceremony. I watched the parts where he arrived and was seated with the other world leaders. The rest was in French and I did not understand why it was not close captioned. I doubt much of importance actually was missed. He made me proud to be an American, not just a Trump supporter.

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When they all stood up as he came down the line to greet them, it felt like spontaneous display of respect for the man and the office. Yes, it was a heartwarming moment.

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I love hearing your “first hand” account of what’s going on in your French neighborhood!! I’m so proud of our president elect - he has no time to waste.

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America is back and everybody in the world knows it. The status quo is finished. It will be the American way, with respect, or they can go it alone in NATO and try to protect their tariff destroyed economies. We tried it ‘the elites way’ and the world came apart. Now they will do things our way which is the right way for these times. Welcome to the Trump Train World. Hop on or be left behind. MAGA.

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For those that mentioned that the people in France aren’t big on Trump.

Most Americans don’t care what The French think about anything and never will.


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Ms. Corner, it doesn’t matter if trump was invited or not. trump does what he wants. I’m sorry, but trump is neither honored or respected by foreign countries, it’s more like the fear of his instability. The handshake was as awkward as the first time they met, there were a few other awkward handshakes with dignitaries, there are pictures. trump might have loomed over President Macron, but Prince William loomed over the not so diminutive trump. Prince William is 6 foot four, Trump claims 6 foot three, I don’t think so.

As for the Mrs., if her husband had transferred power correctly she wouldn’t have had to worry about anyone rummaging through her drawers, pun intended. Is she aware that Dr. Biden is not in charge of the DOJ or the FBI? And I believe both the Attorney General and the Director of the FBI were appointed by trump. Just heard on the news that Christopher Wray, present Director of the FBI has just resigned under pressure from trump. Probably because trump’s not sure if Wray will do what he wants and Kash Patel already has been told what to do. Revenge and retribution has begun. All the boxes you mention were found at Mar-a-Lago, all unauthorized classified documents. They were all over, bathrooms, bedrooms, event halls, out in the open for anyone to take. The documents found in Biden‘s garage were turned over voluntarily, and they wouldn’t even fill one box, and the garage was at least locked. Dr. Biden was not given an appointment or ambassadorship of any kind by her husband, so she has no say in policy. There are many cabinet appointments and ambassadorships that were passed around like lollipops to trumps friends and family. And I’ll say it again, these appointments are strategic, not for America, but for trump, as they’re being filled with loyalists to him and him alone.

Now back to the Mrs., so she doesn’t like Dr. Biden because the president said mean things about trump. Does the Mrs. remember the things trump has said about Obama and Biden and many other people. trump has said vicious, evil, nasty things about anyone who does not agree with him or support him. Of course, everything trump says are lies, he’s the one that was behind the “birther lie”. The Mrs. always seems to have previous engagements when having to perform some of her First L ady duties she has yet to meet with Dr. Biden for what has been tradition between First Ladies, but even though she’s a citizen of the United States, she does not really care about American traditions. In fact, she’ll be a part-time First Lady again this term, although if she’s paid, she may participate sometimes.

The French, of course don’t care about Hunters pardon, after all soon we’ll have a convicted felon for a president. A while back, someone posted something praising trump, he just went on, and on, trump this, trump that. So I responded and told him it sounded like he was introducing a snake oil salesman, which trump seems to be proving to be. Is there anything he hasn’t sold? As far as I know he’s been hawking water, steaks, bibles, coins, education, sneakers, watches, trading cards, clothing, mugs, books, medallions, plates, wine, NFTS, guitars, and now another fragrance. I know I’ve probably forgotten something. Even the Mrs. has gotten on board hawking items. She’s pushing jewelry and Christmas ornaments. By the way, where is all this money going? It can’t be because he needs it. He is a billionaire, right? Speaking of billionaires, it seems he’s trying to drain the swamp by building an infinity pool of billionaires. So all these billionaires are going to decide what is good for the common people?

I wonder if Dr. Biden will contact her lawyer regarding her likeness being used unauthorized in a degrading manner?

Three things keep popping into my head when Trump is mentioned, which seems to be constant. One, is the movie “ The Ugly American” the part of the general. Second, the saying,

“you can dress them up, but you can’t take them anywhere”, and finally the one that seems most appropriate to me is, “you can’t make a silk purse, out of a sow’s ear.

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Julia, Trump transferred power correctly. Any other version is a fevered partisan dream and intentional misinformation hit job. Voters just re-confirmed this fact. It is going to be a long four year for you. I suggest finding another hobby that is less destructive for you. And try for a better standard for honesty when you post these very tired and ridiculous diatribes here.

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Calla, I love your letters from France! Reminds me of the long ago New Yorker writer Genet's letters from France which as a child I enjoyed so much - très sophistiqué (my French is about as good as Trump's).

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Thanks, Calla. It is interesting what inviting a few million migrants into your country can do to your attitude. I know it is a bit foreign to the folks in the UK, so help them out by informing them that Trump's color is a "sun tan."

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As a retired journalist and worldwide traveler, it's been interesting to experience other cultures and hear the comments from residents of other countries. There's a similar reality taking place that mirrors the results of America's 2024 election: Trump supporters around the world are growing a spine. This surprised us because we assumed that Europe is a progressively-minded society, but it appears from first-hand experience, that the political/social/moral pendulums are swinging back to the center there, too.

In the past year, as my wife and I travelled through Montenegro, France, Spain and Portugal, it's been interesting how most locals we meet in taxis, buses, flights, hotels, and cafés commonly ask us, "What do you think of your new President, Mr. Trump?" I typically return a smile and a offer thumps up.

Guess what the response has been 99.9% of the time? "We love Trump, too!" Then, we ask, "What do you like about him?" Again, the response is typical. "Trump will stop the wars, inflation, and close your borders." Many express their frustration for how unchecked immigration ruined their country and community by taking away jobs, and increasing crime.

Surprisingly, we have not witnessed a significant emphasis on trans-related issues or lifestyles in any of these countries. I would have expected this in the Middle East, but was surprised by its absence in Western and Eastern Europe. Several ask us, "What's going on with all this trans stuff in America? Do Americans really want boys in girl's bathrooms?"


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Wally, that is exactly what I find in my travels too. Love or hate America on the surface, but they know they can't live in a world without its strong presence. We can no longer be the sole global policeman, nor should we ,but we do have a global leadership role to play that recent Democrat administrations abandoned, but which the the rest of world still hungers for.

Even our superficial enemies want a strong America, since they have hot heads in their own countries they need to keep in check. They are not ready nor have the resources to take over any degree of global leadership, so they prefer to abdicate that role while just being nuisances around the edges to remind us of their presence.

We must remain a moral and just country for this to work - for ourselves first, and global tranquility second.

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The entire political world has made an about face since November 5th. All because of one man.

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Geoff, It was a movement starting with the Tea Party, years before it had its current one man face. You err fundamentally, if you think what is happening right now is the work of one person. It is not.

It is an overwhelming act of renewal by those too long crushed by the oppressive and now illegal controls imposed by the unelected and out of control administrative deep state.

Please process that fact. Get ready to wish America a happy 250th birthday - we the people are proving, yes indeed, we can save this Republic.

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My comment has to be about Trump's meeting with Wee Willy in Waiting, Prince William. Has anyone else noticed that W is wearing a beard? Following the example of JD Vance, he has chosen facial topiary to combat that great British ethnic failing, the weak chin.

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Pat: the beard may have more to do with his lack of top hair than a weak chin!

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Mitigating factor. Going for "distinguished gentleman."

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A "distinguished gentleman" reminded me of the day a Georgia swimming pool workman with a full beard and then some, was describing a task, and with an apparent full mouth of spit, he decided to discharge the spit, and it all went into his beard instead of on the ground. Aside from the fact I felt like I wanted to vomit, he kept on talking like nothing out of the ordinary happened. A Georgia spitter has about the same success odds of a kicker kicking a football between the goal posts.

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Ms. Fish, you might not have noticed that many men have beards these days, even before Vance came on the scene and what could his beard be hiding? A second chin maybe, beards are not always a disguise.

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Ah, the weak chin that cracks upon the first word spoken. But there are those original Normandy Viking chins amongst the Brits which are strong.

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Brilliant work Calla. Glenn

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.Melania wants zero to do with Jill Biden because she referred to Donald as evil a few times at a rally..

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My guess is Melania wants nothing to do with politics during her husband's second term.

Who would? She's more clever than I would have given her credit for 8 years ago.

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Mr. John,

She didn’t like being first lady the first time, and she showed it. Besides being clever, she’s Wily too, she saving up for her retirement.

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Ms, Fresne,

As opposed to some of the things, her husband has said about Biden, Obama, and countless other people, including women. When did she start attending rallies.

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She doesn't attend his huge rallies and doesn't need to. Read her biography to clear up the lies you love to believe about her. She's a good person.

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Melania has also mentioned that Jill's husband invaded their home in Mar a Lago.

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Brent’s journal,

Does the Mrs. realize that the president didn’t participate in the search? It’s up to the DOJ to make that decision and both the AG and the FBI Director where Trump appointed.

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Kathleen Fresne

just now

Watch the Congressional committee hearings for sworn testimony that refutes your false opinion here....testimony that revealed shocking dishonesty, traitorous acts and deep corruption of Wray,, Democrat and RINO congressmen, senators, Biden and his cabinet.

You're 100% brainwashed. Its very clear your pea brain soaks up the daily lies and propaganda of the entirely anti-Trump and anti-conservatives media - CNN, MSNBC, THE VIEW, ABC. NBC, CBS, NYT, WaPo, THE ATLANTIC , etc. Its clear you watch garbage outlets. If youre looking for true and balanced news you wont find it there. They're all tanking now because they lie.

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Ms. Fresne, would you direct me where I can hear these congressional committee hearings? Also, why the anger and rudeness? Your obvious anger is desperate for me to believe you. You do know now that trump will be president he no longer cares about you magas, sorry to burst your bubble. He now has his puppet appointees to do his bidding, they will help him put project 2025 in place.

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Ms. Fresne, I forgot to mention all his new pals, the billionaire posse.

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Oh dear, class envy again?

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KF: The Democrat agenda for the last 12 years has failed the American gut check. One must wonder why these current acolytes in its defense are still trying to pass partisan lies for fact. Good to see they have no new angles however, just the same tired and long debunked partisan litanies.

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Mr. Livingston, you forget that in the last 12 years there was also a 4 year failed Republican administration in charge. JS

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Julia, No, I did not forget. 12 of the last 16 years were Democrat-led failure and four more of Democrat led insurrection against the Trump presidency. That actually makes 16 years of failed Democrat leaderships and/or sabotage.

Actually, there were only two years of Trump led administration, since Nancy Pelosi took back the House in 2018. Bottomline: America got a good long dose of failed Democrat leadership and they rejected this in no uncertain terms this 2024 election.

We thank you for playing your very best hands because we now have a very clear picture what electing more Democrats will do to this country. Now get on board and help us clean up this mess.

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Julia, the buck stops at the top. There is no unelected independent power base in our form of government. You sound so desperate to run cover for Democrats and their unions, that you sacrifice your own credibility. Why is that?

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Mr. Livingston, did you purposely misquote the “Democrat” that authored the actual quote, which is “The Buck Stops Here” Harry S. Truman? It’s not desperation it’s frustration. Frustration with the dyed in wool magas who believe and excuse every lie trump spews and take it as gospel. I don’t worry about my credibility, but there’s a lot of people on this publication whose credibility is questionable depending on their sources.

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Julia, The buck stops here is a principle of good management. No one owns it. Respondeat superior is the legal take on this same principle.

Harry Truman has been acknowledge by both parties to have been an effective leader under his circumstances of office. Back when we could all get along better than today -before government employee unions polarized the playing fields.

In this last election American voters also rejected the constant blame and shame howls coming from the now out of power grievance party. It could be very instructional for you to keep participating here, Julia. I hope you don't keep wasting your time playing petty gotchas.

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Mr. Livingston, of course half of America rejected the blame and shame howls, they’re getting ready for the promises the snake oil salesman made. Boy, will they be surprised.

You call my postings and opinions “petty gotchas”. I think they are important, because some of the postings here sound so righteous and high and mighty. I apologize, but I at least I didn’t say petty.

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The destruction of Ukraine, the proxy war against Russia, has been a bipartisan scandal: “While it never provided lethal aid, many of the items that the Obama administration did provide were seen as critical to Ukraine's military. Part of the $250 million assistance package that the Trump administration announced (then froze and later unfroze) included many of the same items that were provided under Obama, including medical equipment, night vision gear and counter-artillery radar.”


Syria has been overthrown because of the US agenda as well.

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RINOS + Democrats is not bi-partisan.

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You’d mean TRINOs as well

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“The Trump administration did approve the provision of arms to Ukraine, including sniper rifles, rocket launchers and Javelin anti-tank missiles, something long sought by Kiev.”

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S.2: What are you doing to bring peace to the Obama administration Ukraine meddling? Do you accept a partition of this alleged country that never should have been put together in the first place after the hasty days of the Soviet Union break up?

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I doubt there’s a lot a US president can do to stop this incessant war machine. For their part, Russia’s letting every red line be crossed. They’re even going to use AI to a degree we’re not at the moment. These governments get the worst ideas possible from each other.

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S.2: Who do you think funds the "incessant war machine"? Do you understand the demands put on US "foreign aid"? Strings attached they must us that "aid money" to buy US military-industrial complex manufactured munitions. Talk about corporate welfare to buy Democrat votes while spending our own tax dollars. You could protest this daisy chain to Salud Carbjal for a start.

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They’re all doing it. You’re right it extends to people like him.

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