My anti-Trump (and frankly anti-American) British neighbor couldn't wait to telephone me late last week to announce that Donald Trump had invited himself to the re-opening of Notre Dame Cathedral. I assured her that wasn't the case; both President Trump and Mrs. Trump had been personally invited by President Emmanuel Macron. I then suggested that my neighbor stop watching BBC’s fake news or reading The Guardian, and to watch FOX (which has only recently come to France!) to get the real story.
Lest anyone think, however, that there weren't intense negotiations between Mar-a-Lago and the Elysée Palace as to with whom President Trump would meet, for how long, and what subjects would be discussed, Le Monde reported that President Volodymyr Zelensky was to be at the top of the list with a meeting of the American president-elect and the French president.
Negative Coverage Almost Completely Absent
It was reported that Trump also insisted on a two-hour meeting with Prince William, who represented America's closest ally in place of his father, King Charles, still recovering from his cancer treatment. The French press didn't mention Trump's faux pas of saying to the future king that he was better looking in person than in pictures. My British neighbor, however, thought it "rude." I bet the British press voiced a similar comment.
Philippe Gélé, Le Figaro's Washington correspondent, wrote that "Macron had issued an invitation to President Trump weeks ago that he couldn't refuse, given all the hot water Macron is now in. So, the biggest red carpet was rolled out at the Elysée Palace for President Trump."
The “Power Play”
About Trump's bear hug and long and forceful handshake with the much-diminished-in-stature President of France (Trump seemed to loom over the rather diminutive Macron), The Hindustani Times claimed that the handshake that went 'round the world' lasted 17 seconds but did not break the previous 29-second handshake between the two leaders that occurred when the Macrons visited the White House during President Trump's first administration.
Resenting the Raid
As it turned out, President Trump wasn't accompanied by First Lady Melania Trump. I'm sure it was her decision, as Jill Biden was also invited to represent the present lame duck administration. Dr. Jill’s husband is now an embarrassment to the entire Western world, not just America, all of whom are crossing fingers that their powerful enemies – Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea (did I forget any?) – won't set off World War III. Some, maybe correctly, believe that – thanks to the Biden administration's utter failure in foreign policy – the war has already begun.
Besides, why on earth would Melania want to sit next to the woman who apparently thought it was okay for the FBI to raid her underwear drawer in Mar-a-Lago at 6 am, guns drawn? The armed agents were there, ostensibly, to search for "unauthorized" documents taken from the White House. Meanwhile, boxes of unauthorized documents had already been “found” strewn all over behind a prized Corvette in the Bidens’ Delaware garage, with no armed search warrant or charges required.
Trump Honored and Respected
As it turned out, President Trump sat between the Macrons, in the place of honor, with Dr. Jill, looking very small and helpless in unremarkable baby blue, hardly noticeable next to the always elegant Brigitte Macron in chic white, chatting with Trump “as if flirting,” FOX's Larry Kudlow quipped, on Outnumbered. “I'm sure she voted for Trump, she's so mad at the Democrats.” FOX's financial eminence grise added only half-jokingly that “Biden probably did, too.”
Macron and the rest of the E.U. and members of NATO know they need Trump more than ever as populism and the right and far right win elections in Europe. The assembled leaders seemed like pygmies next to the tall, strong, and confident American.
Trump graciously said the conservative Italian president, Georgia Meloni, was "quite a gal." Trump does like woman and, contrary to les mauvaise langues here in France, many French women would welcome a genuine hug from the charming Trump they saw that weekend: me included.
I watched many hours of television (FOX, France 24 in both English and French) from the moment President Trump – dressed discretely in black with an elegant, gold-yellow silk tie (as if to reflect the brilliant renaissance from ashes of the 800-plus-year-old cathedral) – stepped out of his limo with a decently accented "Merci." He gently but firmly shook the hands of the mingling of world leaders, royalty, celebrities, and many of the 2,000 workers who brought their skills from all over the world – including the U.S. – following the service of Thanksgiving. (France is a secular country despite most citizens being Catholic.)
I saw and heard only respect for our soon-to-be President. One commentator on France 24 even mentioned that of the almost one billion euros the rebuilding of Notre Dame will eventually cost (the work continues) the greatest contributions came from small American donations averaging $350. Sound familiar?
The French can't seem to be bothered with Biden's outrageous pardon of Hunter or that the U.S. seems to be running on empty until January. French people are scared and are pinning their hopes on the new Trump administration, though it pains them to admit it.
“Fight, Fight, Fight,” the Fragrance
Even though I am now a French resident, I am still a proud American, who voted for Trump. Much of the rest of the world, following this exceptional moment in French history, seems to see – as I do – in the President-elect the much-needed leader that those in attendance at the ceremonies saw, including Macron.
For those, like my British neighbor, who can't get beyond President Trump's "orange" complexion and his hugging Queen Elizabeth during his and Melania's state visit to the U.K., (Michele Obama's putting her arm around the aging monarch was okay), perhaps a glass of Burgundy Pinot would help them through these tough times.
The devil in me wants to give my British neighbor a bottle of Trump's new perfume "Fight, Fight, Fight," but it's sold-out at $199 a bottle. I'll have to settle for teaching her the Trump Dance – not exactly Gene Kelly material, but we are now in a not-so-brave new world.
Vive La Trump! Glad to see our President made such a splash in Paris. It’s about time we have a leader with such charisma, that can send a positive message to the rest of the world. No doubt leaders are lining up to visit and consult with our new President, it’s about time! Contrast this with our current feeble, clumsy and virtue signaling current administration. Yes, Joe Biden and his phony, “Dr. Jill” First Lady are ready for retirement, which is exactly where they belong.
As for our allies/cousins in France and Britain, someone needs to brake the news to them they are no longer relevant to world events as they once were. Both economy’s are struggling and both are trying to resurrect their national identity, while putting a lid on immigration.
Yes, once again it is American exceptionalism which leads the world, including Europe.
I believe the Trump handshake, displaying his potentially infinite grip, is a worldwide symbolic gesture that "I'm back and I'm watching!" In the U.S. the Trump's grip is symbolic, to organizations such as the FBI, they will be receiving a big swat on the head. To our enemies, it means, "I'm not messing around with you guys, better behave!" Even to Trump's Staff it has a meaning, "Don't f**k with me or your toast!" It's all in Trump's hand.