I share Jim Buckley's concerns about the November election. First, HOW we vote has changed dramatically since 2020 through the various "reforms" he presents in his article. In 2016, I predicted that Mr. Trump would sweep the primaries and then go on to win the presidency. My eyes told it all. We watched his campaign rallies for months, attended by thousands and often 2 (or more) rallies in a single day, day after day up until and including the Monday night before election day. Every attendee cast a vote. By contrast, Mrs. Clinton was AWOL, including a vacation right after Labor Day -- the traditional final push of the campaign season. Her rallies were "boutiques" really, held on Cape Cod and in Beverly Hills for the wealthy far left, behind closed doors. And attended by folks who probably don't vote. What changed in 2020? Electronic voting. Universal registration. And the mother lode of gifts: Covid.
The second, an uniformed electorate today. Look at the above example of Joy Behar's history lesson. She has no idea what was at play in the 1930's. Of course Europe appeased Germany. Twenty years earlier was a war of immense slaughter. An entire generation of youth GONE. The far left counts on an ignorant, malleable citizenry. We have a challenge ahead, indeed.
I enjoy reading different political points of view in your commentaries and appreciate when they are civilly written and not an attack on the opposing writer. Nancy Freeman's posts, though, bring to mind the Oscar Wild quote "It is only the intellectually lost who love to argue".
We elect our Santa Barbara County Clerk, Assessor and Registrar of Elections - JOSEPH HOLLAND Time to deal directly with our concerns about sloppy and potentially corrupted election procedures. Receiving unsolicited mail in ballots at your registered home address is at the top of the list.
We must clean up elections in our own county - zero tolerance for error standards only - before we can clean up the rest of the country.
Great piece as usual Mr. Buckley. I did have to turn on my computers Spit Shield, as the two deranged screaming meemies were getting saliva pouring out of my laptop with their Trump Derangement Syndrome rants.
The difference is that one side ….the Democrats’…..is backed by prosecutors, award winning writers, lawyers, documentation, and of course facts as verified in many ways, whereas the other side never shows any of same. Therein lies the problem. Followers of Criminal Trump do not seek truths or verification of all the garbage he spews.
The law demands just that: verification, facts, proof. Trump followers do not respect or seek or believe in the Laws of these U.S. just as Trump DOES NOT. THATS WHERE THE DIFFERENCE LIES, so stop trying to pretend it’s just a question of one likes the color red and the other prefers blue.
Trump is a Criminal. THAT IS NOT IN DISPUTE.
He in not fit to be a candidate for the Presidency.
Mr. Dawson, I’ve just done more thorough research. Th original judgment consensus is Trump “ sexually assaulted “ Carroll and was fined $5 million. If you don’t want to call that rape….I acknowledge that the jury did NOT use the word “ rape” .
I always knew the $83 million were for “ defaming “ for HER truth about being “ sexually abused “.
Ms.Carroll, who was present while being “ sexually abused”, called it “ rape”. WHO better to know than she? This theme not worth further words, although again your point is a fine point.
What’s wrong with if you DONThave a problem with a criminal wanting to be.Our President.?
Are you aware of the many many charges against him…..raping Jean Carroll is ENOUGH. And that is FAR from all. Why are you not informed of his many many criminal activities?
Why do you want a Criminal in such a powerful position….anti immigrants, PRO-dictators, he believes he should be IMMUNE TO SHOOTING SOME ONE ON FIFTH AVENUE…..or starting an insurrection.
How can you, Vuckley, clearly as demented as the man you think is SAFE FOR US to have as President, still insist The TDUMP is a viable candidate for our United States? He has already demonstrated in so many ways his willingness to break all of the rules of law and of decency.
What sick planet are you living on? Don’t you read ? Don’t you watch fact-based TV?
Why are you voting for a man who has broken so many of our laws: rape, fraud, evading taxes, stealing material from his one pathetic time as President, and more and more ……
Didn’t you grow up in the U.S.? No other President has ever approached the self-interest of this one unfit for office disgusting creature. YOU ARE ANGRY AT THE DEMOCRATS POSSIBILITY OF WINNING AGAIN. You like to call others “angry” as though that is proof their comments are not factual. You just don’t have the cohones to admit how angry you are, to the point of having to lie and fabricate to avoid speaking the truth. To the point of omitting comments you don’t like, the ones which are true, so only your lying words are here to read, Pretending to be cool headed, speaking one untrue statement after another does not obscure your failures, your shallowness.
That comment of mine here IS THE THRUST of this topic….what value is there to making your comment?…. “ corruption is all around …”. YEAH, JUST LISTEN TO CRIMINAL TRUMP….A totally corrupt creature.
I can’t believe, after all the proof, all the courts who investigated corruptions, you idiots are still questioning what is DONE ELECTION. Give it up!
Mr. Livingston: you lie. There has not been one evidence of voting corruption as evidenced by the Republicans’ 60 attempts to show ( they couldn’t ) and Fox News having to pay millions for trying to unsuccessfully lie about same.
And the REALLY GOOD NEWS: Citizen the TDUMP LOST every POPULAR VOTE he engaged in.( twice when running for President ), and for excellent reasons: American voters do not want a CRIMINAL as President. Trump is not fit to be President…. Maybe, Dog Catcher…I pity the dogs.
Founders were wise not to elect the US President by "popular vote"; particularly now that we have seen how easily voting got corrupted in these past elections. Mob rule by nefarious "election practices" has no place in this country. Ever.
Any SANE person should have a problem with Trump, a hateful vile man who quotes Hitler and incites hatred and bigotry. He's a toxic narcissist and a blowhard bully. We must never ALLOW him anywhere near the White House ever again.
This independent, former Republican can’t, won’t vote for the presumptive candidate the Republicans are offering. I’m not alone. Independent, pretty conservative but not on the Trump train. Don’t need to go into details, but his failings (and for this old first responder-demonstrated inability to manage crises) outnumber his successes.
Andy: So, what does that mean? Who will you vote for, the old man with garbled memory who promotes everything the Democrat far-left is pushing, or the old man with the funny hair who promotes everything the Republicans supposedly stand for?
I will not vote for a third party candidate nor will I write in someone because both are essentially a vote for Trump. If the republicans would offer up a more palatable candidate I could vote for them. As it presently stands, my wife and I shall be voting for the incumbent. I believe we are not alone. Trump continues to show poor judgement with his remarks about Russia and our allies, among other things. I have repeatedly implored my Republican friends to find a new messiah. The new Republican Party with the likes of Santos, Greene, .Boebert and Trump is not the party I registered for when I cast my first absentee ballot in Vietnam.
Andy: Trump's comments related to what he would do "if Russia attacks NATO Allies," was simply a demonstration of a negotiating tool to prod a NATO member to pay up. It was not anti-NATO; it was anti-deadbeat country. His comments were, as usual, twisted to fit the anti-Trump narrative. I know you haven't addressed this, but I thought it important to point out too that his desire to install his daughter-in-law into the RNC is to put some muscle behind money-raising and get-out-the-vote procedures in order to ensure a win for the Republican candidate in November. Incestuous maybe, but nothing like getting one's crack-addled son a million-dollar-a-year do-nothing gig sitting on a corrupt board of directors of a foreign nation. As for a "new messiah," I'm not looking for one. I'm just voting for the Republican candidate, which Trump is, to try to put the brakes on the runaway spending and crackpot "progressive" agenda. Santos is a turd who fooled everyone with his lies. Greene, Boebert, and Trump are decent people. I'm saddened that you seem determined to travel that road with Biden and his corrupt ilk.
Where did you, Buckley get permission to reinterpret what The criminal Trump says? You just on the spot DECIDE and PRINT HERE WHAT YOU THINK HE MEANT? Oh, clever clever mind-reader….so THAT IS THE KEY TO VOTING FOR. THAT A-HOLE…..just put your own foul words into HIS foul mouth. You dare to call Trump a “ decent “ person ? Where and how do you define “ decent “.? He wanted his Vice President hanged! He loves Putin. HE HAS RAPED WOMEN? Cheats on his taxes.
As for President Biden: you dare call HIM corrupt?. You are one sick out of touch creature. You should pray to be as bright and as much of a a humanist as he.
The true believers sure think he’s a messiah, some saying he was sent by God….NO…I’m voting for Biden and he’s certainly no messiah, to that you can certainly agree.
Wow! it is baffling to most conservatives that some of our likeminded citizens refuse to vote for a man that delivered for the American people…before we were hit with China virus, Trump accomplished some much domestically to provide jobs and hope for the American people…
we built the world’s most prosperous economy - ever!
America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections.
Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.
The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century.
Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job-hirings.
More Americans reported being employed than ever before – nearly 160 million.
Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record.
Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly 3 decades.
amazing that so many people have fallen for the brainwash put out by the MSM’s 24hour barrage of telling us that Trump is a Russian agent, Trump hates women, Trump hates people of color, Trump does not support our troops, Trump is a rapist, Trump is low IQ, Trump is blah blah blah…this barrage has gone on for 8 years and many people are drunk from the koolaid…Qurious that they will lop off their nose to spite their face…Qurious
Protecting and providing underfunded public pension pay-outs is all our jobs now. We are on the hook to pay off these partisan public pension promises, in full. Recipients of large public pensions may put their own self-interests first, and send the bills to future generations to make good.
Or they could start investing in getting America back on track; to be a maker nation again not just a debt-riddled taker nation. Transparent California website is your friend. Learn what is at stake. You owe this to your grandchildren, who get saddled with the growing public pension debts they never contracted to undertake.
Trump is seen on tv TELLING US WHOM HE HATES…..no one is putting words in his foul mouth…..let alone MSNBC. Why don’t you quote time and reporter who is lying. Don’t you know he has been fined $83. MILLION FOR RAPING A WOMEN. Is that a fabrication?
You are not living in the real world of facts and the Court of Laws.
Fact: Trump said on tv that he wished Sweden would send blonds to US as immigrants instead of “ rapist” Mexicans. Too many of your misinformations to refute with facts here .. Whoever you are, you clearly do not know the reality of what that stupid ( yes, low IQ, never got a degree ) candidate ( Trump ) has said, OFTEN AND OUT LOUD.
HE HAS SAID HE WANTS TO BE A DICTATOR. Did you not hear him?
methinks you’ve been watching too much MSNBC (CIA funded Project Mockingbird)…Trump was fined $83 million for defamation of E Jean Carrol’s character after she claimed that the former president sexually abused her in the mid-1990s…Trump has never been convicted of rape, a heavy charge that liberals like to toss around to defame others…best to deal in facts, should you wish others to listen to your claims…
He also capped the mortgage interest and real estate tax deduction boning states like New York and California. And I think his overall response to Covid was reprehensible.
Capping federal deductions for state taxes was a shot across the bow for states to get their fiscal house in order. Why should state profligacy be rewarded with federal tax deductions?
Was Trump's first reaction to the 2020 "covid-covid-covid" hysteria, as Nancy Pelosi's next partisan hoax and during an election year no less, what you found to be so reprehensible? Trump by late 2020 very much wanted to get the economy back open again. That is on public record.
Not to be confused with the several more years of Biden's far more punitive and draconian responses to Covid-Covid-Covid™, that just about pushed us and the rest of the world off the cliff.
Well, obviously poor fiscal practices. Both the private and public sector struggle with attracting and retaining employees, and that takes money. The federal, state and local governments need to get away from unbalanced budgets. There ARE some hard to budget items, like disasters, that the private sector isn’t burdened with….no easy answer. Once I die from what was either a Hazadous Materials or Agent Orange Exposure that will be one less pension to pay.
Before you fall off your mortal coil, please consider investing in the growth of the domestic economy that supports paying off our current massive public debts; rather than investing in those who continue to incur them and dare call spending borrowed money "economic recovery".
Who can best lead us , even by default, in this fiscally-balanced direction at this given time? Nothing wrong with exercising self-interest in these matters. Taming the growing public debt is in all our interests, so indeed we can invest in our current mutual needs.
I share Jim Buckley's concerns about the November election. First, HOW we vote has changed dramatically since 2020 through the various "reforms" he presents in his article. In 2016, I predicted that Mr. Trump would sweep the primaries and then go on to win the presidency. My eyes told it all. We watched his campaign rallies for months, attended by thousands and often 2 (or more) rallies in a single day, day after day up until and including the Monday night before election day. Every attendee cast a vote. By contrast, Mrs. Clinton was AWOL, including a vacation right after Labor Day -- the traditional final push of the campaign season. Her rallies were "boutiques" really, held on Cape Cod and in Beverly Hills for the wealthy far left, behind closed doors. And attended by folks who probably don't vote. What changed in 2020? Electronic voting. Universal registration. And the mother lode of gifts: Covid.
The second, an uniformed electorate today. Look at the above example of Joy Behar's history lesson. She has no idea what was at play in the 1930's. Of course Europe appeased Germany. Twenty years earlier was a war of immense slaughter. An entire generation of youth GONE. The far left counts on an ignorant, malleable citizenry. We have a challenge ahead, indeed.
I enjoy reading different political points of view in your commentaries and appreciate when they are civilly written and not an attack on the opposing writer. Nancy Freeman's posts, though, bring to mind the Oscar Wild quote "It is only the intellectually lost who love to argue".
We elect our Santa Barbara County Clerk, Assessor and Registrar of Elections - JOSEPH HOLLAND Time to deal directly with our concerns about sloppy and potentially corrupted election procedures. Receiving unsolicited mail in ballots at your registered home address is at the top of the list.
We must clean up elections in our own county - zero tolerance for error standards only - before we can clean up the rest of the country.
Email contact - Office of County Assessor - Jospeh Holland https://secure.countyofsb.org/care/contact/assessor
Great piece as usual Mr. Buckley. I did have to turn on my computers Spit Shield, as the two deranged screaming meemies were getting saliva pouring out of my laptop with their Trump Derangement Syndrome rants.
The difference is that one side ….the Democrats’…..is backed by prosecutors, award winning writers, lawyers, documentation, and of course facts as verified in many ways, whereas the other side never shows any of same. Therein lies the problem. Followers of Criminal Trump do not seek truths or verification of all the garbage he spews.
The law demands just that: verification, facts, proof. Trump followers do not respect or seek or believe in the Laws of these U.S. just as Trump DOES NOT. THATS WHERE THE DIFFERENCE LIES, so stop trying to pretend it’s just a question of one likes the color red and the other prefers blue.
Trump is a Criminal. THAT IS NOT IN DISPUTE.
He in not fit to be a candidate for the Presidency.
Example please of my “ slander “.
Example, please?
Mr. Dawson, I’ve just done more thorough research. Th original judgment consensus is Trump “ sexually assaulted “ Carroll and was fined $5 million. If you don’t want to call that rape….I acknowledge that the jury did NOT use the word “ rape” .
I always knew the $83 million were for “ defaming “ for HER truth about being “ sexually abused “.
Ms.Carroll, who was present while being “ sexually abused”, called it “ rape”. WHO better to know than she? This theme not worth further words, although again your point is a fine point.
What’s wrong with if you DONThave a problem with a criminal wanting to be.Our President.?
Are you aware of the many many charges against him…..raping Jean Carroll is ENOUGH. And that is FAR from all. Why are you not informed of his many many criminal activities?
Why do you want a Criminal in such a powerful position….anti immigrants, PRO-dictators, he believes he should be IMMUNE TO SHOOTING SOME ONE ON FIFTH AVENUE…..or starting an insurrection.
How can you even consider him as a candidate……?
Nancy, I'm with you 100%. I will never ever understand these people.
How can you, Vuckley, clearly as demented as the man you think is SAFE FOR US to have as President, still insist The TDUMP is a viable candidate for our United States? He has already demonstrated in so many ways his willingness to break all of the rules of law and of decency.
What sick planet are you living on? Don’t you read ? Don’t you watch fact-based TV?
Why are you voting for a man who has broken so many of our laws: rape, fraud, evading taxes, stealing material from his one pathetic time as President, and more and more ……
Didn’t you grow up in the U.S.? No other President has ever approached the self-interest of this one unfit for office disgusting creature. YOU ARE ANGRY AT THE DEMOCRATS POSSIBILITY OF WINNING AGAIN. You like to call others “angry” as though that is proof their comments are not factual. You just don’t have the cohones to admit how angry you are, to the point of having to lie and fabricate to avoid speaking the truth. To the point of omitting comments you don’t like, the ones which are true, so only your lying words are here to read, Pretending to be cool headed, speaking one untrue statement after another does not obscure your failures, your shallowness.
That comment of mine here IS THE THRUST of this topic….what value is there to making your comment?…. “ corruption is all around …”. YEAH, JUST LISTEN TO CRIMINAL TRUMP….A totally corrupt creature.
I can’t believe, after all the proof, all the courts who investigated corruptions, you idiots are still questioning what is DONE ELECTION. Give it up!
Oh Mr. Livingston: I forgot to ask you : where is your evidence of “ corruption”? SHOW ME.
Have the courts found any….punished anyone for ?
The liars ( Fox and maybe now Trump ) WERE punished, and you would have been too if you had proceeded with lies you state here.
Corruption is all around you. You would have to cover your eyes and plug your eyes to avoid it.
Mr. Livingston: you lie. There has not been one evidence of voting corruption as evidenced by the Republicans’ 60 attempts to show ( they couldn’t ) and Fox News having to pay millions for trying to unsuccessfully lie about same.
Shame shame on you.
And the REALLY GOOD NEWS: Citizen the TDUMP LOST every POPULAR VOTE he engaged in.( twice when running for President ), and for excellent reasons: American voters do not want a CRIMINAL as President. Trump is not fit to be President…. Maybe, Dog Catcher…I pity the dogs.
Founders were wise not to elect the US President by "popular vote"; particularly now that we have seen how easily voting got corrupted in these past elections. Mob rule by nefarious "election practices" has no place in this country. Ever.
Wow talk about hate... you
Obviously have a problem with Trump. And no problems with brain dead by.
Any SANE person should have a problem with Trump, a hateful vile man who quotes Hitler and incites hatred and bigotry. He's a toxic narcissist and a blowhard bully. We must never ALLOW him anywhere near the White House ever again.
This independent, former Republican can’t, won’t vote for the presumptive candidate the Republicans are offering. I’m not alone. Independent, pretty conservative but not on the Trump train. Don’t need to go into details, but his failings (and for this old first responder-demonstrated inability to manage crises) outnumber his successes.
Andy: So, what does that mean? Who will you vote for, the old man with garbled memory who promotes everything the Democrat far-left is pushing, or the old man with the funny hair who promotes everything the Republicans supposedly stand for?
I think I’ve made it clear that I will not, nor will a lot of moderates vote for Donald Trump.
Andy, but you haven't clarified what you intend to do. You're content then to watch as bumbling Biden continues down the road to ruination?
I will not vote for a third party candidate nor will I write in someone because both are essentially a vote for Trump. If the republicans would offer up a more palatable candidate I could vote for them. As it presently stands, my wife and I shall be voting for the incumbent. I believe we are not alone. Trump continues to show poor judgement with his remarks about Russia and our allies, among other things. I have repeatedly implored my Republican friends to find a new messiah. The new Republican Party with the likes of Santos, Greene, .Boebert and Trump is not the party I registered for when I cast my first absentee ballot in Vietnam.
Andy: Trump's comments related to what he would do "if Russia attacks NATO Allies," was simply a demonstration of a negotiating tool to prod a NATO member to pay up. It was not anti-NATO; it was anti-deadbeat country. His comments were, as usual, twisted to fit the anti-Trump narrative. I know you haven't addressed this, but I thought it important to point out too that his desire to install his daughter-in-law into the RNC is to put some muscle behind money-raising and get-out-the-vote procedures in order to ensure a win for the Republican candidate in November. Incestuous maybe, but nothing like getting one's crack-addled son a million-dollar-a-year do-nothing gig sitting on a corrupt board of directors of a foreign nation. As for a "new messiah," I'm not looking for one. I'm just voting for the Republican candidate, which Trump is, to try to put the brakes on the runaway spending and crackpot "progressive" agenda. Santos is a turd who fooled everyone with his lies. Greene, Boebert, and Trump are decent people. I'm saddened that you seem determined to travel that road with Biden and his corrupt ilk.
Where did you, Buckley get permission to reinterpret what The criminal Trump says? You just on the spot DECIDE and PRINT HERE WHAT YOU THINK HE MEANT? Oh, clever clever mind-reader….so THAT IS THE KEY TO VOTING FOR. THAT A-HOLE…..just put your own foul words into HIS foul mouth. You dare to call Trump a “ decent “ person ? Where and how do you define “ decent “.? He wanted his Vice President hanged! He loves Putin. HE HAS RAPED WOMEN? Cheats on his taxes.
As for President Biden: you dare call HIM corrupt?. You are one sick out of touch creature. You should pray to be as bright and as much of a a humanist as he.
Messiah? your looking for a messiah to give your vote? your in the wrong field of play my friend…
The true believers sure think he’s a messiah, some saying he was sent by God….NO…I’m voting for Biden and he’s certainly no messiah, to that you can certainly agree.
Wow! it is baffling to most conservatives that some of our likeminded citizens refuse to vote for a man that delivered for the American people…before we were hit with China virus, Trump accomplished some much domestically to provide jobs and hope for the American people…
we built the world’s most prosperous economy - ever!
America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections.
Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.
The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century.
Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job-hirings.
More Americans reported being employed than ever before – nearly 160 million.
Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record.
Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly 3 decades.
amazing that so many people have fallen for the brainwash put out by the MSM’s 24hour barrage of telling us that Trump is a Russian agent, Trump hates women, Trump hates people of color, Trump does not support our troops, Trump is a rapist, Trump is low IQ, Trump is blah blah blah…this barrage has gone on for 8 years and many people are drunk from the koolaid…Qurious that they will lop off their nose to spite their face…Qurious
Protecting and providing underfunded public pension pay-outs is all our jobs now. We are on the hook to pay off these partisan public pension promises, in full. Recipients of large public pensions may put their own self-interests first, and send the bills to future generations to make good.
Or they could start investing in getting America back on track; to be a maker nation again not just a debt-riddled taker nation. Transparent California website is your friend. Learn what is at stake. You owe this to your grandchildren, who get saddled with the growing public pension debts they never contracted to undertake.
Trump is seen on tv TELLING US WHOM HE HATES…..no one is putting words in his foul mouth…..let alone MSNBC. Why don’t you quote time and reporter who is lying. Don’t you know he has been fined $83. MILLION FOR RAPING A WOMEN. Is that a fabrication?
You are not living in the real world of facts and the Court of Laws.
Fact: Trump said on tv that he wished Sweden would send blonds to US as immigrants instead of “ rapist” Mexicans. Too many of your misinformations to refute with facts here .. Whoever you are, you clearly do not know the reality of what that stupid ( yes, low IQ, never got a degree ) candidate ( Trump ) has said, OFTEN AND OUT LOUD.
HE HAS SAID HE WANTS TO BE A DICTATOR. Did you not hear him?
methinks you’ve been watching too much MSNBC (CIA funded Project Mockingbird)…Trump was fined $83 million for defamation of E Jean Carrol’s character after she claimed that the former president sexually abused her in the mid-1990s…Trump has never been convicted of rape, a heavy charge that liberals like to toss around to defame others…best to deal in facts, should you wish others to listen to your claims…
He also capped the mortgage interest and real estate tax deduction boning states like New York and California. And I think his overall response to Covid was reprehensible.
Capping federal deductions for state taxes was a shot across the bow for states to get their fiscal house in order. Why should state profligacy be rewarded with federal tax deductions?
Was Trump's first reaction to the 2020 "covid-covid-covid" hysteria, as Nancy Pelosi's next partisan hoax and during an election year no less, what you found to be so reprehensible? Trump by late 2020 very much wanted to get the economy back open again. That is on public record.
Not to be confused with the several more years of Biden's far more punitive and draconian responses to Covid-Covid-Covid™, that just about pushed us and the rest of the world off the cliff.
What is your solution for the massive over-promising and under-funding of public pensions, since you are an "old first responder"?
Well, obviously poor fiscal practices. Both the private and public sector struggle with attracting and retaining employees, and that takes money. The federal, state and local governments need to get away from unbalanced budgets. There ARE some hard to budget items, like disasters, that the private sector isn’t burdened with….no easy answer. Once I die from what was either a Hazadous Materials or Agent Orange Exposure that will be one less pension to pay.
Before you fall off your mortal coil, please consider investing in the growth of the domestic economy that supports paying off our current massive public debts; rather than investing in those who continue to incur them and dare call spending borrowed money "economic recovery".
Who can best lead us , even by default, in this fiscally-balanced direction at this given time? Nothing wrong with exercising self-interest in these matters. Taming the growing public debt is in all our interests, so indeed we can invest in our current mutual needs.