
We must stop the insanity while we still can. Thank you, Jim Buckley for reminding us what to look at to find truth. We must look at the truth of what is happening and not the drama. They are two different things and if we get caught in the drama, we will miss the truth.

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Mar 22Liked by Santa Barbara Current

“ most of us are still protected ”

I disagree, most of us are not protected. Most of us are ignored as insignificant. There’s a difference.

If you become significant and you do not take a knee to the deep state you will be in trouble.

Here’s a local example, can you take the same liberties as a homeless drug addicted? Do drugs in the open, defacate in public, drink in public? Drive with expired tags, expired insurance? Nope.

Can you walk into a store and walk out with whatever you want without getting arrested? But certain groups can.

The US Constitution has been under attack from the very beginning. But it’s been extremely obvious over the past couple years.

The President takes an oath to uphold & protect the Constitution. Yet this President openly violates and fights the 1st & 2nd amendment.

Watch what you post on social media otherwise you’ll be canceled and perhaps arrested like many have for posting memes poking fun at elected officials.

Owning a gun, very controversial nowadays, but our Forefathers were not hunters. They fought against a tyrannical government and knew the people would have to fight the government again. They did not state you could only own a knife or bow & arrow. You have the right to bear arms.

Owning and carrying a gun is your constitutional right. Good luck with that one.

Covid was a great example of how our government is constantly trying to kill us. The FDA stating nicotine causes cancer and death, yet allows these products to be sold. While the government will not allow you to buy ivermectin, a Nobel peace price winner for saving literally billions of lives and is handed out like candy throughout most of the world. But here the pharmacies were instructed by our government to not fill doctor prescriptions.

There are plenty of other examples as well.

This November IS the Biden/Deep State trial. Every Voter is a jury member.

Abstaining from voting is a vote for the Democrat corruption.

Everyone knows the DOJ, FBI, CIA & every government agency is corrupt.

There is no protection for you.


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J6 defendants concur.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22

Anyone else get the dreaded SSSS airline bording pass for "additional scrutiny", and think it might have been linked to one's prior conservative blogging?

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Excellent Brian - very thoughful and right on!

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Trump has been targeted in a way never before seen in America. He is correct in asserting, “If they can do this to me, they can do it to you.”

Imagine what will happen to half of America if Team Biden is once again successful in stealing an election. It will look like the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror. A Trump presidency is the only thing standing between preservation of American Liberty and a top down, centralized Global Government.

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Biden didn't steal the election He won it.

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This needs a much wider audience than Santa Barbara Current. I suggest The Wall Street Journal.

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An instant chill apparently has run through the high end NYC housing sector, since the WSJ today has a front page puff piece touting the premium NYC housing market. (Mansion section). Caveat emptor.

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Terrific Jim! CJC

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[they] indicated a Ham Sandwich…regrettably, not only is Trump the victim, we The American People are victims...they want to bankrupt this man (and us) and put him in jail for life (and enslave humanity for life via the Great Reset)...

unfortunate for them, this Ham Sandwich is loaded with extra cheese...funny that people who parrot the Legacy Media narratives don't have a clue about Trump -- the man who worked with Rudy Giuliani (+ FBI + DOJ +++) to expose & jail the notorious crime families in NY NY decades ago, including the heads of New York City's so-called "Five Families"...unbeknownst to most, Trump has a history of working behind the scenes for the good of his fellow citizen…

think of it...Trump gave up everything to run for President...He knew his life, and the lives of his family, would forever change...imagine the possibility of texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the ASSASSINATION (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family…remember, nothing is ever truly deleted…He knew [knows] the consequences of filling the role of President & yet he fights on...a man who had everything...why do it (maybe because those that know the Truth cannot sleep)…

PS...Trump is a Master Communicator...leads them around by the nose & then shines Light...word to the wise, The Storm is brewing...expect Yuge waves, it's gonna be Biblical...seek shelter if in harms way...

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Purely political fines and attacks. You know it I know it we all know it but the Dems are acting like it's illegal action. What a bunch of BS.

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Well, yes. Well written and sadly true. Nothing needs to be added, but let me point out - after years of political activity in both parties - that the Republican party suffers from a fundamental and seemingly insolvable problem.

Republicans - and I mean the donor class and their "establishment" stooges - all agree with the Democrats on one crucial point: They believe the average, ordinary, everyday American is pond scum. Show them a video of Antifa or BLM criminals rioting in the streets ... and ask them if these criminals represent the average, ordinary, everyday American ... and watch 'em, press 'em. They will eventually agree ... and they have to ... that those violent nuts represent Americans. It is the only way for them to justify surrendering their positions, standing down, and staying away from hot topics. And supporting anti-American (and even anti-human) policies.

BTW. If you've read Gibbon or Roman authors about the fall of Rome ... you might not notice the same contempt for the plebes if you read their work in haste at college, but it's very obvious when read at leisure. The Roman elite considered themselves above their slaves as gods rise above the worms, and ... average, ordinary, everyday Romans ... well, they thought they were even lower. I wasn't paying attention in my reading ... until I read a comment about a Greek man who sold himself into slavery in the second century - to pay for his medical school. After that, I looked for parallels, and thought - hey, this stuff is just what's in our newspapers with funny names. ...

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Can we petition to bring back King George. I feel safer under him, than the New York judicial system.

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Well said. Ultimately, God puts leaders over nations and takes others down. I pray that the American church heeds the Biblical admonition to repent -

2 Chronicles 7:14- “If my people , who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land”.

Trump is hardly the embodiment of the attributes of behavior taught by Jesus. However, voting is a binary choice, and often we choose between two alternatives, neither of which we love. Biden, and the modern Democrat party promote policies that can only be described as evil. Their main appeal to voters is the cynical promise to guarantee the right of Americans to terminate the life of the unborn, right up to the moment of delivery. It is not an exaggeration to say that if apathy, Trump Derangement Syndrome, and election theft result in 4 more years of corrupt demented Biden, America is doomed.

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No one is perfect except God. Christians expecting Jesus ... or even St. Francis of Assisi ... to appear on a ballot are simply rationalizing their inaction or their collaboration. Anyone who can meet the 'test' for purity according to such Christians ... could not serve in the military, the police, EMT, linemen, plumbers, electricians, professors, pastors, missionaries, etc., etc., etc. They only want soft-spoken milquetoasts who would melt into obsequious butter in the face of a screaming Leftist.

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$20,000 would be "an excessive fine" for someone making just $38,000/year, so for a wealthy person like Trump, perhaps a $450,000,000 fine is not that much, especially if you can put your daughter-in-law in charge of the GOP and get them to pay your legal fees and get your son-in-law to "loan" you some of that $2 billion dollars he acquired from the Saudi's after working at the nepotistic Trump White House.

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Wow, guess you are a Biden fan. If you own a business, I know of a crackhead 50-something who might just fit into your employee pool. Million bucks a year is his ask, but don't worry, he won't bother you at all, as he'll probably never show up for "work."

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No, not a fan of the "professional politician", but I am also not a fan of the rapist grifter. Don't own a business, so I will not be needing your friend's references. As a Republican and a retired U.S. Army Warrant Officer I am saddened to see my country spiraling down into a partisan toilet where the Dems and the MAGA cult both piss on my leg and tell me its raining.

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Absolutely disagree with everything you say, but that's an interesting POV.

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Well, you may be unhappy with the two choices we have left, but them's the choices, and you shouldn't throw away your vote or cast it for the Biden. Trump is a good man and he loves his country. We'll all be better off with Trump as president. I've come to admire him and have no problem voting for him, but I realise there are many who feel otherwise, though I wish that weren't so. As I see it, he must win, for the sake of the nation. MAGA isn't a cult; it's a large group of Americans who are fed up with everything being done today and who trust neither politicians nor the press, so we don't pay any attention to anything they say or write.

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Amen! Here's a link for the folks who aren't familiar with Trumpy's accomplishments: https://rb.gy/8pt3mz

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If you work for the Whitehouse, you subject yourself to all public disclosure requirements. Unlike the heretofore private family business operations run by the Biden family. Raid the treasury and hire the relatives is the tried and true recipe for many Democrat run operations; and third world countries. Nepotism audits would be good to conduct in the world of public employment.

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"This event?" The judge announced his verdict before the trial began.

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We are not a nation of laws, but rather a nation of political will.

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Another wonderful story that doesn't let the facts get in the way…

A small fraction of the facts from this trial.

Engoron decided the case because state law doesn’t allow for juries in this type of lawsuit, which sought what’s known as “equitable relief” and has different rules than other cases with big-money penalties. Also, he noted, neither side asked for a jury.

“The frauds found here leap off the page and shock the conscience,” Judge Arthur Engoron wrote in a 92-page decision that spares Trump’s company from closure, but forces it into years of court supervision, among other sanctions.

Engoron ruled that Trump engaged in a yearslong conspiracy with top executives at his company, the Trump Organization, to deceive banks and insurers about the size of his wealth and the true value of such properties as Trump Tower in Manhattan and his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida.

Engoron, who ruled before the trial that Trump and his co-defendants committed fraud with his financial statements, found Trump liable on five of the six remaining claims in James’ lawsuit: falsifying business records, issuing false financial statements, conspiracy to commit insurance fraud and conspiracy to falsify business records.

Two former longtime Trump Organization executives, Allen Weisselberg and Jeffrey McConney, were also found liable for insurance fraud.

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There can be no fraud when parties mutually agree on valuation. Valuation in commercial transactions is opinion; not fact. Willing buyer meets willing seller.

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Claiming your home is 30,000 square feet when; your home is actually 11,000 square feet in size is a fraud, no matter how you slice it.

To say that these multiple state laws violated by Trump are not valid because…

Your argument doesn't make a valid defense.

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For the record, I believe Mr. Trump added the patio space on each floor of his 11,000 sq ft Manhattan aerie to arrive at his 30,000 sq ft evaluation. Anyone considering loaning money against the value of his apartment would obviously have done a run-through and realised that. As for "judge" Engoron's $18 million evaluation of Mar-a-Lago, well, it's not only laughable, but the "judge" should be charged with fraud for putting such a low price tag on such a valuable property, or at a minimum thrown out for malicious incompetence in dealing with a real-estate case.

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Who were the defrauded parties? Apparently none. That is the valid defense. Ummmmm ...naughty, naughty ...orangemanbad is not a valid cause of action.

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Following your logic: it's not against the law to drive drunk just as long as we don't hurt anyone while doing it. Beyond this, devaluing a property for the purpose of not paying taxes makes for the State of New York to become a victim- which is only one of the many examples that can be used.

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It is against the law to drive drunk. What should also be against the law would be to charge someone with driving drunk two weeks or more after the alleged infraction took place, providing, of course, that there was no negative consequences and that no one was hurt.

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So this means that Trump can now tell his tax assessor that Mar -a-logo is valued at $18M? After all, he has “judge” (what a joke), Arthur Engoron’s appraisal.

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Logic is the wrong parameter to apply. You have an exact case and claim of fraud in front of you. Stick to the facts.

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Nonsense. Market valuation is an opinion. Square footage is a fact that can be established by measurement. Comparing the two is like mixing metaphors. Find me a house that changes size depending on prevailing opinions.

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If you were the bank and I told you I want a $ million dollars on my beautiful 20,000 s.f. home would you give me the money? Or would you send your own experienced appraiser out to examine, measure and evaluate first?

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Judges are required to only consider what is "in the trial record" when ruling. Before the trial begins there is no "trial record:" the judge ruled on an empty record. The rules for discovery are whether the information "may lead to evidence:" not that it be admissible at trial. One party has to "introduce" the document at trial and the other party has the opportunity to argue about whether it is authentic and relevant to the issues in the case. This was a classic "kangaroo court" where the judge "jumped" over the legal requirements.

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And your evidence of this event is, what?

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Even speculating that Trump can hide anything is dreaming. There are public records, files, adversaries, critics and camp-followers who analyze and inspect every one of his moves, ideas, efforts, problems, successes and failures since he first appeared on the public scene.

Look who he deals with - _the_ sharpest, most sophisticated, most experienced business sharks in the business world. You think they’re going to risk their money taking anyone’s word for anything without doing their own due-diligence? Ha! That’ll be the day.

This _ridiculous_ “judge” Arthur Engoron and his absurd order demanding that Trump pays $350M ‘damages’ ($450M with interest), and limiting his ability to do business in New York . . . for what? As Letitia James tells it - “Trump’s lying & cheating etc. When Trump is inaugurated as our new president we’ll see how far that goes.

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How about a column on Project 2025? Sure looks dangerous to me….

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Andy, I was unfamiliar with Project 2025 . "Looks dangerous"? Quick look - https://tinyurl.com/3n7nvz7h I'd love to see a column on this interesting idea.

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Fair enough. My disdain for both parties and all politicians is great. It’s refreshing to see real journalists for a change.

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