Mar 1Liked by Santa Barbara Current

When the full story about "covid" is written, it needs to be broken down into separate chapters.

1. The actual nature of this pathogen, that got labeled "covid".

2. The origins of this particular pathogen.

3. The global response to this particular pathogen labeled "covid", outside its physiological impact.

4. The exploitation of this particular pathogen for extra-curricular gain or loss.

5. The economic impact of the global response to this particular pathogen labeled "covid".

6. The residual impacts still reverberating in response to the term "covid".

7. Lessons learned.

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Another issue is the matter of “Sudden adult death” in people with subclinical myocarditis, after the vaccine, and the “excess mortality” phenomenon described well by John Campbell nightly on You Tube. Cause Unknown a book by Ed Dowd, deals with this well.

Every week I hear another story of a young or middle aged vaxed person dying suddenly for no apparent reason. No autopsies are being done, either.

Nothing to see here folks, just keep walking

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Mar 1Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Buckley writes: ........"The only way you put teeth into it is if the people dispensing the money call up and say, “HHS gets a trillion dollars? Guess what? We're withholding a hundred billion dollars till we get the records.”........

Since money is the "mother's milk of politics", this is a perfectly acceptable route to take. We need to exercise this power of the purse more often. This is our prerogative. We the people fund our government. It has no other independent revenue stream, other than our tax dollars.

Me boss-you employee. We have lost contact with our basic governance relationship: we the people and the people we hire to serve us. We are not helpless Stockholm Syndrome victims to "the state" which we are currently forced to fund. Time to consider constitutional amendments that changes this currently one-sided relationship. Repealing 16th Amendment is a good place to start.

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I heard Rand Paul at the same Young Americas Foundation event and have read most of his book - Deception. He is a true hero. The fiasco leading to the creation of the Covid virus is one of the biggest stories of governmental incompetence in our history. And yet Fauci, Barik and others walk free, and enjoy accolades and huge government retirement income. The fact that the government is stonewalling the release of the truth of this story should tell us a lot. If they have hidden the truth on this, what else are they hiding? They have the arrogance of the character played by Jack Nicholson in the movie A Few Good Men. He screams at the attorney played by Tom Cruise- “ you can’t handle the truth.” They have the arrogance to believe that they are brilliant, and the rest of the population and dumb sheep, who should gratefully follow wherever they lead. NIH funded the creation of the virus, and the FDA helped create the supposed cure. The harms of their vaccine are even more denied than the creation of the virus.

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good article and thanks to Rand Paul for continuing to push for truth...we are with you…

most people can now see that Covid was a bioweapon intended to take down the US (primary target) as well as bring humanity one step closer to the New World Order that has been planned for decades by the elites...

anybody remember the 2019 Military World Games in October 2019 that were held in Wuhan —China's largest military sports event ever with 9,308 athletes from 109 countries...was the Wuhan virus a live event during this period?

remember Event 201 — the table top event hosted by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation...this high-level pandemic exercise was held on October 18, 2019, in NY, NY to practice/illustrate areas where public/private partnerships would be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences?

Let's also consider the events of January 15, 2020:

1. USA CHINA Phase I deal executed [China bad day - see news]

2. Impeachment articles released by Pelosi [walked/delivered] to Senate [attack v POTUS?][coordinated/planned for a specific day?]

3. 1st C19 case lands @ Seattle-Tacoma Airport [attack v POTUS?]

Mathematical probability [SAME DAY][natural vs controlled?]

do people know of Dr Kary B. Mullis? Mullis won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for copying and amplifying DNA… Mullis had strong opinions about Dr Fauci and his past action with AIDS & AZT...he also warned against using the PCR for identifying specific viruses - especially when using high spin rates…unfortunately, Dr. Mullis died in August of 2019, just prior to the release of the bioweapon…

do people realize that US patents were filed for the virus, vaccines & other remedies prior to the release in 2019? Or, that production of PPEs and related medical equipment/paraphernalia

was ramped up prior to the release of the bioweapon?

could/would the media, governments, health institutions, academia, and corporate businesses coordinate to promote the pandemic for a flu bug with high survival rates (for relatively healthy people):

0-19 YEARS - 99.997% survival

20-49 YEARS - 99.98

50-69 YEARS - 99.5

70+ YEARS - 94.6

WHO benefits? Evil surrounds us...

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Hence the term, Plandemic

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Scamdemic, given the transfers of wealth…

Governments deployed a Grade-A Military-Style Psychological Warfare on the people…they coerced you, lied to you, blackmailed you, threatened your livelihoods, tried shaming you & in many countries mandated an experimental novel Gene Therapy Injection…now more people are dying post vaccine roll out…all for the freaking Flu…

Justice is coming…

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Yes. And thank God Senator Paul has taken notice. The problem however is much worse.

Our health departments are riddled with incompetent and unqualified activists. These people do not understand testing, data collection, or wet chemistry - much less which bathroom to use - and they have been falsifying data for decades.

Much of the 'Covid' data is not worth the electrons used to store it, post it, analyze it, or publish it. There were plenty of 'anomalies' that point to poor data quality, poor collection, and deliberate reporting errors. Pretty sure if we had the ability to analyze and publish a study of data collection and quality ... the entire picture of the plandemic would change.

As for mitigation measures: We have known that none of these work for respiratory viruses for years. Never mind the research on 'Covid' which shows the uselessness of masks, social distancing, and lockdowns ... We've been studying influenza for decades - and the research all shows negative impacts on overall health in all cases.

We knew all that decades ago. I know - I sat through plenty of presentations offered by state-level experts and university researchers covering these topics - and the safety and effectiveness of 'traditional' technology flu viruses ...

The entire 'Covid' dumpster fire and sham-show was a crock of dangerous and wicked anti-science policies. ... And I'm just talking about data collection. Never mind gain of function research, mRNA vaccines, prophylactics, therapeutics, or any of the other upside 'flips' that happened.


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Mar 1Liked by Santa Barbara Current

What is truly pathetic is to read the comments of sheep, so deluded that they see this through a political lens. This is not Red or Blue, but driven by uniparty, deep state, arrogant bureaucrats, who think they are so brilliant that we should just shut up and let them lead us to the promised land. Where they are actually leading is to the opposite .

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Yes. That's true, and you're right.

Bureaucrats feel entitled to change 'facts' to suit their opinions and beliefs.

We're like Wiley E. Coyote running as hard as we can to go nowhere ... knowing full well that if we look down there is nothing below us.

... you and yours have a great weekend, doc! ;-)

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Health insurance companies are sitting on raw data for the entire "covid" period; from initial incidence reports to the long term post-"covid" injection sequelae. This private industry data is neutral and independent of any political agenda. Though it too was tainted by "covid" reporting monetary incentives.

Yet, no one has been allowed to have access to this raw health insurance company data, despite Obamacare promises that mandatory electronic record keeping would improve our health care delivery system. Not if suddenly all that neutral data is declared off 100% limits.

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Yep. True. And plenty more where that came from. Which is why there are already many good books on the topic - and many more to come I'm sure.

... you and yours have a great weekend!

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Great articles Jim. Keep up the good work.

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Ms. NancyKaren

这是疯狂的美国理论,我们不喜欢一直看着你们,我们的新冠病毒是为了和平与繁荣而发展的,为什么你们都长得很像,你们总是偷我们的大米,为什么你们这么胖,你们有多少钱? 贝宝检查帐号以寻求合作和乔·拜登脑子快说一口流利的普通话那你就死美国佬帝国主义了。

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Americans don’t like the truth.

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Imagine being such a dumb old boomer you would read a rand paul book lol. All the lead as melted your brain.

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Mar 1Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Aside from your distasteful "handle" (Fthegop), which continues to perpetuate the division that currently pervades US politics, I find your comment to lack any substance. It would serve you well to learn how to present an argument rationally, rather than depend upon inflammatory rhetoric. Further, your comments wreak agism. If you haven't, I would suggest that you consider reading the book "The Greatest Generation". As a reader, I found that it gave me insight and respect for those who have come before, served at OUR country's requests/needs, and built the great country that you now have the honor of living in through their service and self-sacrifice. Unfortunate that you probably just file all of these great men and women away into the archived "dumb old boomer GOP" category within presumably two-category mental filing system. Shame on you!

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Lol you aren't the great generation. They actually sacrificed and fought a real war. All the boomer cry babies do is whine about insane conspiracies while pulling the ladder up behind them.

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I am interested to hear what generation you actually think that I am. (Can you guess without Googling me?). You are agreeing with me that the Greatest Generation "actually sacrificed and fought a real war". But so did many of the Boomers, their children. They went to Vietnam, Korea, etc. Most of them continued the legacy of their parents - doing the hard work needed to build infrastructure and sacrifice for the next generation. What is YOUR generation? What is IT doing and what are YOU doing to pass on the legacy? I am asking. It is NOT a rhetorical question.

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Mar 1Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Sure, yeah, but at least we weren't mandated to ingest the lead! 😂

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who mandated anyone to ingest lead? The COVID vaccine reportedly has no preservatives (e.g. thimerosal (mercury) or any other preservatives.) and does not use Aluminum as an adjuvant. What is the basis/source for this comment?

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Charles, it was a joke. And it wasn’t referring to lead in Covid jabs, it was in response to F trying to compare lead poisoning in the 70’s to Covid mandated jabs 2 years ago.

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Ah. As I remain unvaccinated (as in no mandate), your comparison, and thus the punch line, alluded me.

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So there was no mandate 2 years ago?? Biden didn’t sign and announce EO’s affecting over 100 million Americans?? No DoD vax mandates? No healthcare workers fired for refusing the jab? No DoL rule requiring all companies with over 100 employees to get all their workers vaccinated or face $14K per unvaxxed worker per day? None of that actually happened?? …weird

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Mar 5·edited Mar 6

Those who are within three standard deviations to the left claim there was no mandate because people like me remain unvaccinated without consequences. This position gives no recognition to the many who had to choose between work, or school for their kids, and the vaccine, which is technically a choice, but not really. The reality is spun left in other ways as well.

Those who are three standard deviations to the right, hyperbolically claim sweeping mandates and fail to recognize that a rule permitted regular testing in lieu of vaccination and often turn 100 million into, "everyone." So, I commend you for some factual accuracy within your rhetoric.

Three standard deviations to either side speak with broad strokes that usually can be characterized as the inaccurate rather than accurate. The bottom line is that clown shows on the left and right are in more demand now than ever, and people who participate by responding with a string of rhetorical questions are at the front of the line, whether it be Oberman, Tucker, or any of the many, many websites can now make a good return catering to those who have holes to fill.

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So do you have an issue with the mandated ban on leaded gas? How dare they stop my body from disintegrating!

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Mar 2Liked by Santa Barbara Current

"So do you have an issue with the mandated ban on leaded gas?" ~Yes

"How dare they stop my body from disintegrating!" ~No one stopped anything. Your body is disintegrating. (I mean, you probably aren't disintegrated enough to run for president yet, but that day will come!)

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Thank you, Jim. Excellent interview and comments. And you know you're getting through to people when you get attacked on those Reddit forums where people reinforce each other's delusions and say you are an Extreme Right Wing Conspiracy Theorist who should be censored.

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Hi Polly,

Haven't heard that some Reddit forums have attacked us. Tell me more!

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I would like to remind my Republican friends, Trump made Fauci his Covid spokesman, kept him in that position for the entire duration of the pandemic and gave him an award on the last day of his Administration. And it wasn't only Fauci, his other appointments, the surgeon general, Adams, and Birks, an influential member of his taskforce, were equally awful. Why are we not holding Trump accountable for these colossal mistakes?

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Okay. And??

Let it go, Lou. Trump was played and he's probably too embarrassed to admit it. So what? At least he wasn't responsible for the outbreak. Fauci et al were and they should be held to account.

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Are you familiar with sign on Truman's desk? The buck stops here. I guess it doesn't apply to Trump.

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I don't get it? Would you give other elected leaders a pass if their appointed officials caused so much damage to the country?

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Ok. Trump doesn't get a "pass." I'm still voting for him and you should too.

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I’m not sure anyone noticed that Trump’s term ended at about the halfway point of the covid pandemic. I can’t be sure without more looking, but it looks like Dr. F stepped down from the NIH at the end of 2023….

So Biden kept him in place even after it seemed clear that he should have been sacked long before and should not be enjoying the misbegotten fruits of his multifaceted screwups.

As Dr. Aijian pointed out, there is more than enough evidence of guilt to go around in D.C.

People like Nancy that think conservatives are to blame for all our problems should set the alarm early enough to get an extra cup of coffee on board, get the eyes open wide…and take a good look at what is really going on!


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As usual I don’t see your evidence of “ lying “,and Fauci definetly was working on Covid when Trump was in office. My original question: why didn trump do anything about the alleged “lies”.

You know what….whatever you say will be as untrue and as confusing as all the other lies Republicans tell over and over.

You’ve got the UNSUPREME COURT ON YOUR SIDE, just stop lying. You Republicans are a disgrace to our democracy .

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Mar 2Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Nancy, I love your spirit and get the feel that you're a fighter for your family, your people, and your country. But you should know that we are at war...Fifth Generation warfare is being applied...inside the strategy and tactics of 5G warfare is manipulation of thought and attitudes without peoples awareness...we are all part of the Target Audience, including all people of all political persuasions…

According to the US Department of Defense, the Target Audience is an individual or group selected for influence or attacked by means of psychological operations. Right now, someone is assessing you as a target and figuring out how to influence your thoughts, behaviors and actions...there are military manuals written on how to do it…

This is not a new tactic, but with the proliferation of artificial intelligence and social media, it's never been faster, easier or more effective...Psychological Operations (Psyops) are designed to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, in order to affect the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

ALL corporate “news" sources are controlled and part of the PSYOPS...truth can only be found by turning off the legacy media and digging deep on the internet…read all sides (360 degree review) and find the bits and pieces that ring true…

this is not about Republicans v Democrats…we are all under a spell and have been for decades…however, people are finally waking en masse...there will be great turmoil across the world over the next few months as more & more truth comes to the surface...stay strong...The Silent War continues...

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I think I’m correct in saying, I think Fauci was working in White House when Trump was President. Are those the papers R.Paul wants? Why didn’t he ask for them when Trump was fouling the White House?

( I’m prepared for NOT receiving an answer from these one-sided almost amusing articles.)

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Mar 1Liked by Santa Barbara Current

July 2021 - Fauci first lies to Rand Paul during an official hearing about US funded gain-of-function research. Trump was not President at that time; Biden was. Why did Biden not follow up on this?

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“one-sided almost amusing articles.” -Nancy Freeman-

I think J. Livingston's response supports your conclusion. At the hearing I assume is being referenced by Livingston (references at sites like these are wanting), both Dr. Fauci and Rand Paul accused each other of lying and those accusations remain mere accusations today as far as I am aware.

At that same hearing, Rand Paul claimed all the evidence pointed to a lab origin at time when there was no evidence linking COVID to a lab at the time. Perhaps more evidence is available today. Personally, I have not followed and I would never rely on a book about the subject written by a sitting politician, especially Rand Paul who has established a record of outright falsehoods, further undermining this post.

Political theater sells proverbial tickets ..

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Great conversation. Sen. Paul’s been one of the heroes of the Covid years.

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DL Dawson,

I’m touched by your kindness in explaining what is obviously more complex than I might imagine. I have a penchant for doing what I think is cutting through the garbage for the nugget of truth. Perhaps I simplify, yet the garbage ( lies and maneuvering ) seem so obvious to me, and so grossly unfair. We are talking about Laws, the backbone of fairness and equality, the structure of our lives. I am furious at the inequality of what the political life of parts of our government is getting away with.

I may be prejudiced; being a liberal, a woman, an artist ( facing a blank canvas, dealing with limited elements forces one to seek something real and honest ), the daughter of honest immigrants from Italy…..but I believe in honesty, fairness, and am genuinely breathless at what is happening since Trump arrived on the scene.

Thank you for taking the time to explain, to cause me to be more generous towards what I tend to perceive as flawed prejudiced self-serving ( and often, uninformed ) thinking.

It does mostly feel as though the values of my youth and then values I chose to cherish have all been discarded by certain groups.

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Mar 2Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Nancy, Thanks You for the follow on…I feel your pain & frustrations, as we are all lied to and deceived by our governments (have been for all of our lives as well as past generations) and it seems that we have little sway on our government and the systems of operations…it’s particularly hard on us Patriots that sworn an oath to uphold our Constitution and served to protect our Great Nation… but I’m highly confident that we are winning The Silent War…Love your spirit sister…

PS…believe it or not, you’re going to love the ending of this movie…God Bless

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Mr. Anderson, YOUR letter is refreshing to read. I am overwhelmed by the lies and disinformation being put forth by Republicans. And then there is Buckley who urges Republicans to “ hold their nose

and vote for the TDump one “ who keeps addressing Obama ( ! ) in his railings. If they valued their candidate, why hold their nose…..oh wait! Could it be because Trump AND his values, AND his 91 counts of breaking the law, AND his stupidity, AND his crassness STINKS TO HIGH HEAVENS ?

And as usual it is ALL about money. Republicans hope to pay fewer taxes. Trump offers nothing more. Republicans’ proclivities and comments reveal their craven values: not one whit of honesty in the sick bunch,

a disgusting group of barely humans.

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