Dec 20, 2023Liked by Jim Buckley, Santa Barbara Current

My head spins. First Trump is Russia-Russia-Russia. Now Trump is Hitler-Hitler-Hitler. Two unlikely bedfellows, if there ever were. Democrats need to reconcile their dystopian historiography.

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I don't know. Hitler and Stalin (two likely bedfellows) did make a "Friendship Pact," though it didn't last very long, and Hitler and Mussolini were pals for awhile too. Lucky for us, the Democrats' version of "democracy" includes shutting down all opposition and jailing them if possible.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

County elections office can provide one with lists of registered voters in your home precinct. Anyone who has walked precincts in the past will report this is a very rewarding activity. Many residents do like being contacted and asked to share directly in the political discussion. If they don't, they typically do not answer the door and you can move on.

Best done in pair, with a handout of talking points to leave behind. These individual efforts to create a voter contact are impressive on its own. Make a pledge - walk your own precinct in 2024. You may be surprised how many of your own neighbors are in fact registered GOP. They like learning they are not alone too.

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Just read all 14 comments (including my own) and I'm thrilled with the back and forth and appreciate the passion. Out of this may come solutions. For example, if we could prepare legislation on the banning of all the extra crap that's been thrown Into our election process (extended periods of time, drop boxes, vote harvesting, etc.) we'd be ready – if... if only... we end up with a Republican House, Senate, and President – to implement the third thing that should be done after closing the border and opening up the energy spigots. We should mandate voter ID and one-day or one-weekend voting in federal elections, which would put us back on an even keel w/Dems. By controlling all three branches of government, it could pass with only Republican votes.

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In a world of Trumps, be more like Reagan. Bear in mind, Trump snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by the fact that for four years he kept running his mouth and doing what he could to show his offensive, callous, and obnoxious personality. The novelty of his populism eventually became too much for the "swing vote" that ushered him into office to bear. I have voted Libertarian for many years, so I don't have a preference either way, (I've also been "on to" Biden for decades) but at some point you need to look at the truth and realize that unlike Ronald Reagan, Trump did not appeal to the positive in people, but rather the angry, negative, and immoral. (He never has repented of his sexual immorality, advocates torture for prisoners of war, and even has shown contempt for U.S.soldiers with his callous "I like people who weren't captured" comment, and all if this has been mainstream news for years.

You are correct in pointing out the Democrats' lack of any moral fiber, but you need to look in the mirror and realize that Trump is just as immoral and his appeal has worn off with many. Time to focus on Desantis or someone else who does not denigrate 'Family values", the military, or the tenets of bringing out the best in people. I think Reagan would agree. -Bill Clausen-

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

The truth is many of us became Trump fans by what he actually accomplished; not following the angry media and partisan portrayal him that you just repeated verbatim. Always have said if you really want to hear Trump's message and understand his appeal, turn off the sound and watch his body language instead.

That is what speaks to many Trump supporters who continue to endorse him enthusiastically. And to the surprise of many after the relentless lawfare Trump has been subjected to, are now coming over to what he has been trying to say. Good to see this much energy already invested in our 2024 election. It is a critical one, as new generations more fully invest in their own futures in this country.

Elections are always good civics lessons. America remains an exceptional political experiment. May all her unique institutions survive intact. Running for office is not for the faint of heart. As the prior Schulte column described, speaking truth to power is not for the faint of heart either. The secret ballot remains the voice of the people, but only when conducted under zero tolerance election integrity standards. We need to do better on that one.

PS: You will not convince us Trump is boorish, because we already know this. However, Trump does speak truth to power. That is his more enduring appeal.

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Bill, you speak of the presidency as if it were prom queen. Do you really care about personality over policy? Many find Trump's personality offensive. To me he is a lot like other brilliant, successful people I have known but none of that should matter. Vote for policy not personality. I am so sick of pissy little fools complaining about Trump's tweets or some equally insignificant trifle. Trump's policies were the best for this country's economy, our liberty, our standing internationally, our securiy, etc etc. Trump deserves a second term by winning the presidential election for the third time.

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I too share your disgust for the media, and as a de-programmed Democrat we can talk about (and agree upon) how they are destroying our country. My point is, that in my view, based upon what I see, Trump's behavior lost him a lot of votes, and I see zero evidence of a "fixed" election. Yes, he may well win in 2024, but he can be forceful (take on the media and political correctness) without being immoral.

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Apparently the media has still worked its magic on you and Alinsky would be proud by having made it personal or about personality rather than policy. The left media uses two tactics, ad and hominem. If you believe Trump lost a lot of votes then why did he get more votes in 2020 than in 2016? More votes than any other candidate seeking g reelection ever vet somehow Biden wone from his basement.

Sounds like he gained votes not lost votes. Zero evidence of election tampering? Son, the very act of changing election laws by courts and governors rather than state legislatures is a violation of our constitution. That the courts would not heat the case Texas brought does not mean the law was not broken, it clearly was. What about the well documented collusion between the media (social and conventional) to bury or discredit any information detrimental to Biden? What about our own intelligence agencies actively working to defeat Trump? Think Stroczk and his horse faced lover Lisa Paige. As an aside her smile as a solid case for gum control. Add what is your definition of immoral? When Trump says McCain was not a hero cause he got shot down he is right. We should honor everyone who serve this country but to call a failure a hero is simply bullasit and Trump has the eggs to point it out. I applaud that you have moved away from the Democrat party but much of the brainwash remains.

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Thanks for the concise summary of the previous election and what faces us this 2024 presidential election. Of greatest concern to me are the manipulation of process and the changes to election day (or weeks!) voting. The primary election is where ordinary citizens have a say in their preference for the party's nominee. The DNC has increasingly eroded the rank and file's part in the process. Recall 2020 when they effectively shut down the March primaries (including California's) when Biden was tanking. And their attacks on alternative candidates like RFK Jr. Now the DNC has expanded its tactics to the GOP side -- determined to keep Mr. Trump off the primary ballots, including prohibiting write-in. These tactics are not simply attacks on a candidate, but directed against the American people and the Constitution itself. And then the dismantling of a secure ballot box. Don't get me started.

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Jim - lots of talk about the voting ‘problem’, but except for “Republicans must go door-to-door” - no solutions.

Here’s what to know:

a) Most people are stupid, especially the Commie-Dems. They don’t have a clue who their politicians are or what they stand for - they just recognize a name they heard on the news and check the ‘D’ box - “Hey! I’m a Kingmaker!”

b) Not a chance Biden will run. The Dems, and esp their big money donors aren’t _that_ stupid - they remember what happened in 1980 with Reagan / Carter. The GOP owned politics for the next 20 years.

c) We need to find and bust a vote hustler, (drop boxes, balloon harvesting, etc.), early and scare the heck out of any operation contemplating cheating. Lot’s of exposure and threats of huge federal penalties etc.

d) The GOP is so damned naive - we need a tough guy managing Trump’s election campaign. I don’t mean some charming, hand-shaker, I mean a street-wise jerk. Someone like Chris Christie - a real ass-kicker.

The Republicans are going to need some Democrat votes, but the Dems get their ‘news’, lies and distortions from CNN, MSNBC etc. instead of Fox News, NewsMax etc. Fox is preaching to the choir, which means it doesn’t influence Democrats to vote GOP because they don’t watch it. The Main Stream Media is telling them Biden is doing a great job, so if that’s all they hear, why change?

Here’s how to reach Democrat voters to let them know the truth how Biden is screwing everything up, (inflation, border, crime etc), and why voting Republican will make their lives better.

Air little 60 sec spots called “Did You Know” all over TV, and _especially_ on the Dem channels - CNN etc. These aren’t public service announcements, candidate promotions or Republican infomercials, (which Democrats wouldn’t watch), but interesting little spots featuring popular, nonpolitical celebs like Mike Rowe, Tom Brady, Jennifer Garner, Tom Hanks etc.

Here’s a typical spot:


“ Hi, I’m Tom Brady, and I’d like to tell you a little about inflation which you might not know about. Inflation is tough, and it’s affecting all of us, having to pay so darn much more for gas, food, clothes and everything else. I bought a gallon of milk yesterday, and it cost me $3.56¢. Just a couppla months ago it was $2.14!

(Ding the Democrats) President Biden doesn’t seem to think it’s a big deal - I guess because it’s his people who are causing it. They told dairy farmers, (a new, restrictive regulation). And the cost of gas? Wow! They told our oil drillers to stop drilling! etc.

(Boost the Republicans) The Republicans have a better idea - mindful of the environment, but encourage and help the guys who produce the gas we need for our cars (etc). There’s no reason we can’t get the price of gas down to $2.50 a gallon where it should be! The Republicans have a solid plan for making it happen, and are all set to start right after the election!”


Produce and run these little spots all over TV - it’s the only way the Democrats will get the _real_ facts, and see how voting Republican will make their lives better and cheaper. The GOP’s gotta sell Trump like Madison Ave sells soup, soap or cigarettes!

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Don’t these guys have any boogeyman other than Hitler? I mean this must be...like...the twentieth “Hitler” or “Worse than Hitler..” I have been warned about in just the last 40 years of keeping track! 🤪

Hey, old people, stop with the Hitler references! I get it, you don’t like the guy and want to scare everyone away from him; but you stopped teaching history because ...racism....and WW2 was almost 100 years ago, and you took down all the statues, renamed the institutions, libraries, schools, and military bases...we seriously don’t know what you are talking about anymore .

You would be better served by trying to convince us that Trump is Thanos!


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I like your idea of Thanos, described as an Eternal-Deviant Warlord who was born on the moon. I'm scared already!

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You mean Thanos was born on the moon? That means he’s an illegal alien 👾!! Great! Just great... does he hate Jews too? 😂

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The other "old people reference" that remains critical is referencing the man behind the curtain, from The Wizard of Oz. Much surface bluster intends to mask the real forces and issues behind the curtain. Younger voters will suffer the consequences of those distractions, false flags, and duplicitous agendas. Trust, but verify... remains a political watch word too.

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