When asked by a black waitress how he likes his coffee, Matt Walsh is reluctant to say that he prefers his coffee black. So begins his journey to determine if he is indeed racist. In the first part of his journey, he attends a support group focused on white guilt. While in the crying room, emotionally venting feelings of guilt at his whiteness, other members of the group recognize Walsh as a conservative commentator (and documentarian producer and star of “What Is A Woman?” They insist on his immediate departure, claiming to feel unsafe in his presence.
They even go as far as to call the police. At this point, Walsh decides that to make his documentary on racism (“Am I Racist?”) he must go undercover. His disguise is hilarious: skinny jeans, slip-on tennis shoes with no socks, too-short tweed jacket over a t-shirt, wire rim glasses, and an unconvincing wig featuring a man bun. Walsh also tools up by taking an online course culminating in the issuance of an official looking laminated DEI (Diversity! Equity! Inclusion!) Expert card. Now in DEI Expert character, and armed with his certification, Walsh sets out to expose the absurdity of the DEI movement.
Walsh begins by collecting signatures to rename the George Washington Monument to the George Floyd monument. Picture Walsh standing in front of the monument in full DEI regalia with one of the film’s producers – who is black – holding a janky homemade sign. Walsh flags down pedestrians and cars asking for signatures for his petition. In addition to renaming the monument, Walsh adds that the monument will be increased in height by 30% and will be painted black. He seems to have no trouble gaining signatures in D.C. for this proposal. People seem willing to sign anything themed DEI regardless of the absurdity of the details.
“Cultural Appropriation” a No No
During an interview with Kate Slater, PhD anti-racist scholar-practitioner (no kidding, that’s what she calls herself on her website) there is a hilarious discussion in which Walsh proudly proclaims that his daughter prefers the Disney character Moana over other white princesses. They mutually agree that it is a good sign, indicating that Walsh’s child is not bigoted by her whiteness. Slater, however, confesses that her daughter is drawn to the white princesses.
A quandary arises when Walsh admits that his daughter wants to dress in a Moana costume and the question of cultural appropriation comes up. Would she have to darken her skin? It is agreed that she should not be permitted to wear the costume of her favorite character. This is a recurring theme seen in interactions with DEI scholars.
Being white is a no-win situation and the sin of whiteness can never be forgiven.
Visiting a biker bar and looking for racism he instead encounters attitudes reminiscent of Martin Luther King Jr.’s advice to judge people by their character rather than skin color. Walsh also interviews a black mechanic in New Orleans. Try as he might, Walsh could not get the man to admit that America is a racist country or that he himself feels racist. Instead, he proclaims America to be a non-racist country and a great country with opportunity. Time and time again, when interviewing “normal” people, it seems the only racist person is the DEI Expert, Walsh himself.
Show Me The Money!
The highlight of the movie is an interview with Robin DiAngelo, celebrated author of “White Fragility” and member of the brain trust of the DEI movement. During the interview, Matt invites his black producer to sit in. At this point the conversation is directed to the question of reparations; DiAngelo agrees that blacks in America should receive some form of reparations. Matt reaches into his wallet and pulls out some cash to make a direct payment to the black man witnessing the interview. The black man assures Walsh that he is open to taking cash. DiAngelo was clearly uncomfortable with this, but she eventually went to her purse and grabbed a few bills to pay the black man.

A Most Entertaining Documentary
My main takeaway from his interviews with DEI scholars is that they were not very smart. And I don’t mean that I just did not agree with them but their use of language to formulate coherent and convincing arguments to support their thesis was seriously lacking. They spoke in a specialized jargon that made no sense, as if the meaning in their arguments derived from the DEI buzzword count. For example: ”What could have been a much-needed and integral display of solidarity and true intersectionality quickly became a live play-by-play of the toxicity that white-centered feminism can bring to the table of activism.” It is as if universities hand out PhD’s in social sciences based on adherence to an ideology and not to any academic standard.
My one criticism of this film is that Walsh should have resisted the temptation to highlight his subjects’ absurdity by being even more absurd. They did a good enough job of making themselves seem irrational without Walsh’s prodding.
Overall, “Am I A Racist?” is an excellent and entertaining film and it exposes Walsh as a talented character actor, although I do wonder how he pulled off those interviews without laughing.
“Am I Racist?” opened September 13 and is currently playing in Santa Babara County at Metropolitan Theaters (Paseo Nuevo in Santa Barbara) and at Regal Edwards Santa Maria RPX and Regal Arroyo Grande.
About the authors:
Monica Barton moved to Santa Barbara in 2014 from Los Angeles. Retired from the cosmetics industry, Monica is an avid reader and editor of her husband's writing.
Jeff Barton moved to Santa Barbara in 1985 from Los Angeles. Retired from engineering-related work, Jeff spends his free time working on old cars and playing the guitar. Jeff recommends that for marital bliss to never have a wife as an editor.
Fun fact: Jeff and Monica were married on a Zoom call due to covid19.
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Racism. It’s the no 1 goto for the radical left. When they have no facts or if they just can’t put a coherent sentence together they call you a racist.
Democrats are the party of division.
They create diseases intended to divide people. This DEI is a social disease just like transgenderism.
Social diseases are created like COVID to divide, separate and control the people. Small groups are easier to control & manage than a large cohesive group. Fear is a great shock collar. They create fear in people as a motivator. They purposefully stir the pot trying to create animosity between the people trying to prevent people from coming together.
Don’t fall for it. Remember those who are still open Democrats voting for Kamala are ignorant children from an abusive relationship. How would treat a victim of such abuse? With kindness, not getting angry at them.
Have pity on Democratic Voters, take the time to talk to them in your kind gentle voice. Ask them questions, help them wake up to the abuse & lies they have been enduring.
“Racism “ has become one of the four pillars of liberal ideology. Yes, racism, climate change, abortion and transgenderism make up the vast majority of liberal life and liberal talking points. In fact, racism has become a cottage industry in “lefty world.” American industry has been targeted by this shakedown, in the form of DEI and accounts for millions to the corporate bottomline. Of course, the ultimate is state sanctioned reparations which somehow makes us all feel whole again. That’s right, making whites pay for blacks plight in life, even though they have nothing to do with injustices committed hundreds of years ago!
Racism is used as the ultimate trump card against whites, especially when blacks are to be held accountable. When all else fails…play the race card! Sure, violent crimes, robbing stores, dealing drugs, all due to white supremacy! We hear it all the time. After all, what could be worse than being accused of racism?
Clearly, liberal whites are complicit in promoting this sham and often display a degree of self hatred because of past misdeeds. We see this all the time here locally, being lectured by white, liberal elites, who probably have NEVER lived or worked in the black community.
What about black racism? Clearly, a significant portion of the black population seem to display open hatred and hostility towards whites and make no apologies. Somehow, it is this form of racism which is excused and enabled by the white corporate media. Ever notice how racists like Joy Reed operate against non-compliant, argumentative whites? The conversation immediately seems to get loud, angry and exhibits rage for those whites which dare to question DEI orthodoxy.
ANYTIME a black suspect is killed by police, the racism chants automatically begin. Yet, when blacks commit violent crimes against whites, race is NEVER an issue. Don’t believe it? Try walking in the streets of Compton or Oakland sometime if you happen to be white. I remember one time I got lost in South Central, so I stopped my pickup truck with Texas plates at a gas station for directions (before cell phones). Before I could even utter a word, the attendant asked me “what are you doing here?…you better get out of here now!’ Sure enough a crowd started to form.
Well, whites are getting tired of this and are pushing back. Of course racism in ALL forms is unacceptable, but don’t tell me this while I’m being car jacked!
Ever notice how inner cities which have large black populations, have black mayors , DA’s and police chiefs, are typically modern day hell holes…why is this? White guilt?