The Christian Inaugural Gala that I attended in the nation’s capital on Saturday January 19, was a sold-out affair. Some 700 pastors, ministers, and prayer warriors – Christian and Jewish – gathered for this event from across the United States. These believers fight in the spiritual realm, and without these fighters, President Trump, or any other man on Earth, would likely have a tough time achieving anything worthwhile. They believe that God uses man to accomplish His will, and in listening to Donald Trump’s Inaugural speech, I’d have to guess that even President Trump would agree.
Dutch Sheets, one of the main speakers for this “Realigned for Restoration” event, offered a huge “Thank you” to Andrea Sheldon Lafferty, the Thrive America Foundation CEO, who organized the event. Andrea recently lost her mother, father, and her husband, and this was her first event coming back from those great losses. Dutch praised both her resiliency and her efforts, and noted that Washington D.C. has an embassy for everything, but it does not have one for Christians. He said that he could not think of a more deserving person to be D.C.’s first ambassador than Ms. Lafferty.
“Restoration” means “a return to a former, original, normal, or unimpaired condition.” For wrongs to be righted, principles must be adhered to, and done in a “right” way. In other words, one must follow the right path. Mr. Sheets suggests that indeed President Trump exhibited this quality throughout his administration. This is not an easy thing to do, but it acts as an anchor in the midst of chaos.
Some of the giants in the room at this Inaugural Ball have faithfully served for decades. They included:
Mario Bramnick, husband, father, and pastor of New Wine Ministries. Bramnick is the President of Latino Coalition for Israel. He brought a message from Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Dutch Sheets: In 2015, he promoted Christian Nationalism via the use of the Appeal to Heaven Flag, which he claimed was symbolic of God’s plan to restore the United States to its Christian Roots. After the 2020 election, he also used his GiveHim15 app as a real-time tool to discuss prayers related to election fraud and other topics.
Gene Bailey: Emcee of this gathering and host of Flash Point, a spiritual news and commentary on the Victory Channel. Flash Point is rapidly becoming a trusted source of truth and hope
Bishop Joseph Garlington: Founder of Covenant Church of Pittsburg. He is widely acclaimed for both his teaching and music ministry. Bishop Joseph’s distinctive insights and humor have made him a favorite conference speaker around the world. He recently made a significant quote at the Glory of Zion church in Corinth, Texas where he said, “Your comprehension is not a prerequisite to your cooperation.”
Danny Gokey: an American singer, and former church music director. Danny was third-place finalist on the eighth season of American Idol and has over 1.2 million followers on Facebook. He sang his hit song “Stand in Faith” which he wrote in 2021. To “Stand in Faith” is to “stand” regardless of what is happening in the world around you.
There were several Santa Barbara supporters at the Gala, including Bob and Margie Niehaus, Longtime YAF allies and supporters and survivors of the attacks of 9/11, and Cheryl Trosky, newly elected Treasurer of the Santa Barbara Republican Central Committee.
Under the Biden administration there was no “alignment.” The Trump administration, however, seems to be more amenable to encouraging the alignment necessary to restore, to work together, unite, and discuss topics that a majority can agree upon. even if they can agree to only 20% of the subjects, that 20% can be the starting place from which this group hopes to build momentum to take the County of Santa Barbara, the State of California, and the United States of America County back to its Christian roots.
Christy Lozano is a military veteran, teacher, and four-time candidate for public office, with a focus on the issues in schools in Santa Barbara County. Christy was newly elected and now serves as 2nd Executive Vice Chair of the Santa Barbara Republican Central Committee. “I am also a principled Christian,” she says, “and have continued to stand in the face of adversity in Santa Barbara despite its strong progressive agenda.” She plans to run again for Santa Barbara County Superintendent of Schools in 2026.
Sounds like an awesome event. From what we read, going anywhere in DC, and surviving the cold were real heroic feats. America was founded by people of deep Christian faith. The founders knew that if we drifted from that source of truth and morality, the nation would not long endure. The last 4 years showed what that dire warning looks like. Trump demonstrates many qualities, some wonderful and some that make us shake our heads. I don’t think he was making it up to say that he believes God spared him for “ such a time as this.” We pray for him and those working with him to help make America great again by encouraging a return to our God fearing roots.
I read this article by Ms. Lozano titled “Realigned for Restoration” that also related
to Bonnie Donovan's Article yesterday, 1/24/25 titled “Take Down Santa Barbara”
I offer a new title “Restoration of the SB So-Called-Leaders, The Devil is in the Details -Emails”
On 12/28/24 in SB Current I posted an analysis on the Honorable Judge Carrozzo
alleged CA Commission Judicial Misconduct Complaint. I quote from my Key
Statements “And how did “Someone” find these minor infractions; specifically,
from Judge Carrozo's emails and cell phone texts???”
I then referred to and quoted former FBI Tom Parker's Article “2/22/2020” titled
“Perceptions of Political Corruption Too Often the Harbingers of Stark Reality” and
I quote from same “Upon close inspection by trained investigators, the proscribed
relationship between the official and the co-conspirator becomes apparent. It can
also surface when those plotting the scheme covertly agree to conceal their being
symbiotically joined at their hip pockets. In today’s electronic world of emails and
high-speed research, such concealment rarely lasts, and the act, or the perception
of one, pops to the surface at the most unexpected times, such as right before an
upcoming election.”
Judge Carrozzo has recently filed his reply, thru his Attorney, to the CA commission weblink>
Hon. Michael Carrozzo Answer to Notice of Formal Proceedings
In Judge Carrozzo emails to his wife he was alleged to make Disparaging Remarks
against SB Judges Judge Jean Dandona, Judge Patricia Kelly, Judge James Herman,
then-Assistant Presiding Judge Gutavo Lavayen, Judge Raimondo Montes De Oca,
Judge Pauline Maxwell, and Judge Donna Geck. THAT IS ALOT OF JUDGES that
Judge Carrozzo seems to be very upset about and confided his “Concerns” to
his wife in a series of emails.
Judge Carrozzo's main argument in his reply-defense to CA Commission, on page 16, is that
he never received a Subpoena for these emails, and additional documents. I quote from
his reply, page 16 to CA Commission>”required the examiner to obtain authorization
or a subpoena with notice to Judge Carrozzo and others providing an opportunity
to quash or seek a protective order.”
The Devil is in the Details shown on the last page, SERVICE, to the involved parties
of Judge Carrozzo's CA Commission Complaint. NOTE>REDACTED #1 and REDACTED #2.
Now who possibly could be the REDACTED #1 and #2???
Former FBI Executive Tom Parker just told us in his warning to the Citizens of Santa Barbara and I quote from same> “While spending nearly 25 years in the FBI and convicting a number of local,
state, and federal officials on corruption charges, it did not take long for my colleagues and I to learn how to spot those who had crossed the bright line into unethical, and sometimes corrupt, behavior.”
We would want to see Judge Carrozzo's emails of his statements concerning
Judge Dandona, Judge Kelly, Judge Herman, then-Assistant Presiding Judge Lavayen,
Judge De Oca, Judge Maxwell, and Judge Geck to see if it involved Judicial Misconduct?
Are there more serious Federal Civil Rights Complaints against the aforementioned Judges
& the ENTIRE Santa Barbara Superior Court?
As Ms. Lazona stated “For wrongs to be righted, principles must be adhered to, and done in a “right” way. In other words, one must follow the right path.”
Romans: “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.
Howard Walther, member of a Military Family
PS1- Recent Independent Article for above>
PS2 - Older Noozhawk Article for above>