Most Americans favor the Moloch ritual during early gestation ... for reasons of convenience: But they justify it with irrelevant concerns about rape and ectopic pregnancy. Few Americans understand the Moloch ritual is a billion dollar industry for Big Pharma, the research-for-profit industry, and the human organ trafficking market. It is also a necessary litmus test for the eugenics industry.
But what about safe, sane, consensual consent? What about 'informed' consent? What about the right of conscience, practice of religion, and the right to refuse to practice the Established Religion of Atheism? ...
None of these issues are covered well in the echo chambers of the Left, Right, or Confused Center.
Almost no one really knows what's actually going on. According to my former employer, abortion is safer than crossing the street. They also claimed that no baby parts were trafficked. And no crimes were covered up. That no patients were transferred to hospitals or suffered injuries or death due to surgical or chemical abortions. ... All of these 'facts' were lies. Published by a government agency with your tax dollars.
As for rape ... our agency knew full well that the number of abortions due to 'stranger' rape - that is, the sexual assault normies always imagine - was less than a 100 in the entire history of the agency ... a period of almost 40 years.
But ... there were also hundreds of abortions in the state due to 'rape' each year. What's the difference?
The difference is that 'rape' leading to abortion ... is almost always statutory rape of minors and/or sexual assault upon vulnerable women engaged in prostitution or drug abuse, or women assaulted while under the influence of alcohol or drugs they did not agree to take.
And the difference makes a huge difference ... because the objective of the abortion is the destruction of evidence of the crime. The woman getting the abortion is often being forced to do so by the abuser. In many cases the abuser/rapist is the person forcing the abortion to occur.
The industry knows this. It's a fraction of total abortions, but it's a significant fraction. If we have to burn civilization to the ground for a handful of mentally ill people who need psychiatry, why can't we investigate the 'root causes' of thousands of abortions?
The answer is obvious: The eugenics lobby and their minions don't want to know.
Also I want to know why I must pay for this killing of the unborn by these abortion loving self centered leaches of society? Leave my tax money out of your vagina and your physical/mental repair work after you commit this crime to humanity.
Yes, a very inconvenient truth. Very good response to the misuse of taxpayer's coffers. Humanity is racing to its own demise. Many do not see the connection of shutting down our instinct to survive and pretending murder is a normal thing.
I disagree. We do know the ‘root causes’ or reasons which are varied and individual. We know the hundreds of reasons WHY thoughtful females seek abortions. Females are deep thinkers when facing pregnancy realities. The futures of who we create and bear is a major concern and the impact to others should be birth a child to life outside the womb. Your self described ‘rant’ indicates you have yet to research. Few women use abortion for birth control. There are pregnancies that happen while on birth control, too
I went to my hairdresser yesterday and at the checkout desk was a Planned Parenthood sign that had previously not been there. When I asked my sweet, kind, CS Lewis loving, 60 yo Christian hairdresser about it, she adamantly voiced her support for PP, saying, “no child should have to come into this world to be tortured, I WISH I HAD BEEN ABORTED.” That stopped me in my tracks. “Father, we need your healing!”
Thank you, Dr. Aijian for this articulate, comprehensive and timely article!
The mission statement of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Family Planning is that, “we are dedicated to helping people make informed, private decisions in matters of sexuality, reproduction, and parenthood.” Locally, check out parenting classes. John Romo is Tri-County PP President. (Former PP-USA Exec in NYC and past SBCC President.) he’s accessible. Also tri-County PP CEO Jena Tosh, PhD, a parent, neighbor, and current national president of the Association of PP CEOs. Volunteer! I’m certain both will be receptive to Tri County PP offering more parenting classes including financial literacy on cost to raise a child, and subsidy benefits offered to help parents raise children. Parenting is a FT job.
State law now requires college campuses in the UC/CSU/CCC systems to have "wellness machines" available on site, which dispense "emergency contraception" products. Planned Parenthood website asserts emergency contraception is not abortion; and may be used any number of times with no harm to the woman.
Sad and wrong that local educational institutions spread mis-information and even offer meds harmful to females. However we know, CA elected leaders are reckless and most are DEM owned & controlled career, financially dependent politicians.
Happy talk - owning the language. SBCC article uses the term "wellness" fourteen times when describing these now mandated tax-payer funded free lifestyle choice products. Vasectomies or tubal ligations not mentioned once, which are also lifestyle choice options.
So many issues here. It’s been proven the government does not care about testing drugs safety and then they grant immunity to the drug manufacturer. That’s like giving a serial murderer a lifetime pardon. But that’s the Democratic justice system.
There were no clinical trials of the vaccine in pregnant women. Not enough women signed up. But the government still ran ads stating it was safe for pregnant women. Doctors still pushed the vaccine on pregnant women, including the dang pediatrist! Money, money, money! Or just plain ignorance?
So now the government has granted immunity to this abortion pill.
Let’s look at who is getting abortion.
Per the CDC and Guttmacher Institute 86% were unmarried in their 20s-30s. 93% stated having a baby was not “convenient” at the time.
Not rape, not mother’s health.
Because the woman couldn’t “keep it in her pants”
Between rubbers, birth control pills, the sponge, etc…. There are too many birth prevention devices. But no, they were too lazy or careless to use any of them.
That was the same reason for a mother of three to abort her fourth child with her husband in Roe v Wade. Yep, that 4th child was inconvenient.
Before you go all “Pro Choice” on me, define when life actually begins. What’s that? You don’t know? Really, so you advocate possibly killing an innocent child because the child is inconvenient. Wow, modern society is so enlightened.
Young women use abortion as birth control. Great job parents!
Yes, AND THE SAME FOR THE BOYS!! They too are creating a life by not keeping their pants on. We are now a depraved society. Me first. Me want. Me TAKE! Sounds a bit Neanderthal to me!! Both create the life. Both need to care for THE BABY once it comes. Selfish immature spoiled children.
Boy, what a macho post! So typical of controlling male types. Thank goodness in CA, at least, you’re outnumbered by compassionate, mindful males! Categoically, women are not “too lazy” to use birth control. The overwhelming number of “Young women do” NOT use abortion as birth control.
Excellent article with actual facts. I'm sure we will hear some person scream out, "Keep out of my vagina", or "it's my right and not the baby's", or "abortion doesn't hurt anyone, it's only a blob of tissue".
I say if you are so smart and responsible and self governing, then control what goes into your vagina. Then no one gets harmed.
A vasectomy usually prevents pregnancy. More men need to be responsible. Too few are. Its beyond time for more men look in the mirror, then go get a vasectomy.
Yes. If a young man really doesn't want children then he can get a vasectomy, she can get her tubes tied. It seems that freaks people out! WHY? Because they know their sexual exchanges can create a child. So is it they NEVER want children? I believe they think they might. Again, THEY KNOW THEIR CHOICES WILL CREATE LIFE. Who ever sold the idea killing another human being is No Big Thing? God forgives but we shall never forget our actions against others or ourselves. No matter how much we spin a lie.
Roe v Wade was always a bad law and overturning it was correct. It takes a zealot, a true believer, a fool or an academic to interpret the right to privacy as conferring a constitutionally guaranteed right to abortion. So state by state law is enacted allowing or forbidding to various degrees the practice. All of these laws are addressing the same question. When is a fetus a human entitled to its own rights? While the arrogance of man is stunning, it reaches its zenith when academics, lawyers, beuracrats and politicians debate ten weeks or fifteen weeks or three and one half weeks. From trash to treasure at the prescribed moment. But our rights are given by God, not by man. And they are not given at fifteen weeks or ten weeks, they are given at conception.
Only the self-righteous think they’re justified dictating to others how to live their life. Jeff, come meet me “a zealot, a true believer, a fool or academic”, to discuss privacy rights. There’s much to be shared publicly about every American. Specific God-given rights are defined in Constitution. Women are no longer second class although I’m told Bible says otherwise.
No, the Bible does not say women are 2nd class. Both are to esteem the other. Each lives out their lives differently. People must remember the lifestyle of ancient peoples. No grocery store, many times no way to make a living. Women have always been at risk by unhinged males. One big reason is pregnancy, not virtue. Why Jesus told the woman caught in adultery, Mary Magdalene as she was dragged in by the men, "Go and sin no more" (John 8). He rescued her from being stoned to death. He also said to the men, "He who has not sinned, let him take a stone and throw it." Jesus is teaching God's love and mercy. In God's eyes we are all the same. Men are not to esteem themselves above women. They are to love her as they have love for themselves. Life was very hard. To obtain water and food requires many long laborious days. A pregnancy hinders those abilities. Those are the meanings behind misunderstood Biblical writings. God created them, both in His image. Not one over the other. As usual, many do not know ancient hardships or Hebrew/Greek history. The Bible was written by ancient people inspired from God speaking directly to them. The Holy Spirit dwells inside each of us who invites God's presence to be with them. The issue you are correctly identifying is humans selfishness. Not God's Word.
What Bible version are you reading? Must be a new age version to fit your life style. You want people to stop dictating to others how to live their lives, then stop using our tax money to murder due to your lack of self control of your own body. Hmmm? Without our tax money to fund PP, so many precious lives would be saved. Shame on you, I pray for your awakening.
Thank you Dr. Aijian! Your indepth compassionate report sheds light on the REAL TRUTH! Thank you Santa Barbara for bringing the value of the truth to the public. A horrible truth to endure. Life is serious, abortion is serious, killing of another being is a lifetime of suffering from the truth of that choice. Excellent photo of THE TRUTH. Viability of life begins at conception. Undeniable evidence of a living human being is visible by the 8th week, and the whole body has formed including fingers, toes, and a recognizable face. The embyo in the 9th week is now a fetus, basically 2mo. So anyone who actually believes a pregnancy is a blob of tissue is horribly mistaken. What to do? Just know the truth before deciding. Abortion is never an innocent decision. It is taking of a viable life. We all need to make better choices how we conduct ourselves, both men and women. Conceiving a baby is not the same as an inconvenient cold treating with over-the-counter remedies.
I was one of those women with Negative blood type. My first birth was to a positive blood baby. I was given rhogam so that my body would not reject my 2nd pregnancy if I would so choose to have more children. If a young lady takes this pill and has no idea of knowing if the child she chemically aborted was a match to her blood type, she may be putting her future ability to ever get pregnant again in jeopardy.
Ignorance is dangerous; acceptance of pharmacology guidelines a mistake. Remember when women told to reduce estrogen due to FDA findings (valid or fake) that high estrogen birth control pills dangerous to heart health? The birth control pill formula was altered which in turn made females more fertile. Malpractice suits and abortions followed as even husbands were outraged. How did this happen? Vasectomies are worth the cost.
You made the case for why females must be ‘gifted’ access to medically licensed professionals, to surgical abortions, and birthing care in EVERY American state and territory. Pregnancy is dangerous. Self induced abortions whether by coat hanger or the abortion pill (Mifepristone) put the female’s life at risk. Women must be granted by government — controlled mostly by men — to own our bodies. We are no longer intended to be the property of our government or any man. I fully understand centuries ago passage to America meant females would be put on the block for auction sale to men for the sole purpose of reproduction with a 10 year commitment to pay for their passage here. Moreover, I know from experience that in early 1970s to enter into the executive world of high paying career jobs I had to sign a 10 year contract not to switch onto the mommy track by my church related employer, and to remain available 24/7 for company travel. FACTS: 1) No American women incarcerated or deemed unfit is required to get an abortion without a Court order. 2) Access to abortion will remain a political determinant until medical care is accessible to every woman in every state. GOP will win the White House but is positioned to lose House and Senate. However DEMs refuse to legalize abortion also so there’s no easy answer because we are females.
A sincere thanks Dr Aijian for making the case that politicians, the courts, and FDA bureaucrats are putting the lives of American females in danger!
As an aside, when I was financially secure and chose to have my first child at age 40, I was told I would be dead without the team of 4 surgeons. If I had died who would have cared for my 55 pound bed bound mom with crippling Parkinson’s or my newborn? Who? I signed an agreement to be 99.9% sole parent so he would be in foster care or even adopted by a trans couple or — who knows! I seek the best medical care available.
Right now California taxpayers are paying for abortions for women from other states traveling here. Time for these other states like AL and FL to value their women! I donate to free women trying to help women in other states. I hope others do too.
Yes to all you are reporting. The problem IS, churches are not representing God or his Son. It is many and their ignorance harming women and our men, not esteeming them. It is their misunderstood right to their lusts and beliefs that women are here only for men's enjoyment. GOD NEVER SAID THAT!! God is grieved by all sin. Genesis says He made them both male and female in his image. They perish for lack of knowledge. I am a follower of Christ. A female. Yes, I remember the 60s and the 70s! Difference for me was being blessed by two parents raised by their independent 2x divorced mothers, 1900 to 1930s. They REALLY knew the injustces toward women. 1960s still saw women as men's property even though the laws finally changed for married women in the late 1800s. So, the boys in school also had these misguided notions. God wants us all to live a virtuous life. Not men deciding "What" a woman should be, or her virtue not theirs. God is no respecter of persons.
Pregnancy is not dangerous. Especially in western nations dominated by "something" forced upon us all by the "patriarchy" ... thanks to which well over 98% of pregnancies should result in a live birth with no intervention. And the vast majority of the remaining 2% can be dealt with relatively simple techniques. The common issue being 'breach' of some form or another.
OTOH abortions are much more dangerous than pregnancy ... with outcomes ranging from sterility to fatalities. This is the reason why invasive ultrasound should be mandatory for any surgical procedure, and in-patient treatment at a clinic with immediate emergency medical care available for anyone undergoing a chemical abortion. Note: A number of tests must also be performed to rule out contraindications for chemical abortions to avoid life threatening situations.
As to your personal problems ... those are personal problems, and I don't mean to be dismissive ... but problems that are personal should not be made into public problems. Life is full of unpleasant compromises required by our community and for the common good and public safety.
No abortion should be performed without informed consent. No abortion should be performed in any unlicensed or unprepared facility that is unregulated, uninspected, or uninsured. No abortion - chemical or surgical - should be performed without a physician or equivalent in attendance with hospital privileges at the local hospital and permission of the hospital to receive patients in the event of an emergency. And notwithstanding HIPAA laws, all such facilities should be required to report the age of the patient. I would also require a blood sample from the victim (the baby), for later forensic purposes to determine the donor for the thousands of cases involving stat rape, incest, molestation, and abuse. A screen should also be made for both licit and illicit drugs ... and STDs ... for the purposes of developing a large and overwhelming database for what insiders already know.
Last, for the other readers here, I would remind those reading this ... to remember that these laws are to protect others. And if some people are just clump of cells ...
... how long before the lunatics decide you - or your loved ones - are just a clump of cells.
Once 'abortion' falls ... euthanasia will be the next rung on the ladder. And there are more rungs, which I'm pretty most of you are not aware of.
Most Americans favor the Moloch ritual during early gestation ... for reasons of convenience: But they justify it with irrelevant concerns about rape and ectopic pregnancy. Few Americans understand the Moloch ritual is a billion dollar industry for Big Pharma, the research-for-profit industry, and the human organ trafficking market. It is also a necessary litmus test for the eugenics industry.
But what about safe, sane, consensual consent? What about 'informed' consent? What about the right of conscience, practice of religion, and the right to refuse to practice the Established Religion of Atheism? ...
None of these issues are covered well in the echo chambers of the Left, Right, or Confused Center.
Almost no one really knows what's actually going on. According to my former employer, abortion is safer than crossing the street. They also claimed that no baby parts were trafficked. And no crimes were covered up. That no patients were transferred to hospitals or suffered injuries or death due to surgical or chemical abortions. ... All of these 'facts' were lies. Published by a government agency with your tax dollars.
As for rape ... our agency knew full well that the number of abortions due to 'stranger' rape - that is, the sexual assault normies always imagine - was less than a 100 in the entire history of the agency ... a period of almost 40 years.
But ... there were also hundreds of abortions in the state due to 'rape' each year. What's the difference?
The difference is that 'rape' leading to abortion ... is almost always statutory rape of minors and/or sexual assault upon vulnerable women engaged in prostitution or drug abuse, or women assaulted while under the influence of alcohol or drugs they did not agree to take.
And the difference makes a huge difference ... because the objective of the abortion is the destruction of evidence of the crime. The woman getting the abortion is often being forced to do so by the abuser. In many cases the abuser/rapist is the person forcing the abortion to occur.
The industry knows this. It's a fraction of total abortions, but it's a significant fraction. If we have to burn civilization to the ground for a handful of mentally ill people who need psychiatry, why can't we investigate the 'root causes' of thousands of abortions?
The answer is obvious: The eugenics lobby and their minions don't want to know.
Pardon the rant.
Excellent comment!
Also I want to know why I must pay for this killing of the unborn by these abortion loving self centered leaches of society? Leave my tax money out of your vagina and your physical/mental repair work after you commit this crime to humanity.
Yes, a very inconvenient truth. Very good response to the misuse of taxpayer's coffers. Humanity is racing to its own demise. Many do not see the connection of shutting down our instinct to survive and pretending murder is a normal thing.
Thank you, and "amen" to your comment.
I disagree. We do know the ‘root causes’ or reasons which are varied and individual. We know the hundreds of reasons WHY thoughtful females seek abortions. Females are deep thinkers when facing pregnancy realities. The futures of who we create and bear is a major concern and the impact to others should be birth a child to life outside the womb. Your self described ‘rant’ indicates you have yet to research. Few women use abortion for birth control. There are pregnancies that happen while on birth control, too
"Your self described 'rant' indicates you have yet to research."
Apparently you missed a relevant part of my post.
I quote myself: "Almost no one really knows what's actually going on. According to my former employer, abortion is safer than crossing the street" ...
It would take very little effort to guess who provided my "research"
... with your tax dollars btw ...
As for your opinion: I don't blame you.
God love you.
I went to my hairdresser yesterday and at the checkout desk was a Planned Parenthood sign that had previously not been there. When I asked my sweet, kind, CS Lewis loving, 60 yo Christian hairdresser about it, she adamantly voiced her support for PP, saying, “no child should have to come into this world to be tortured, I WISH I HAD BEEN ABORTED.” That stopped me in my tracks. “Father, we need your healing!”
Thank you, Dr. Aijian for this articulate, comprehensive and timely article!
Planned Parenthood.
Challenge, show me where on their website they discuss being a parent. They don’t.
They advocate openly in several places on their opening page for abortion.
Bait & switch tactics. Who funds Planned Killing? Guess that company name wouldn’t go well in advertising and fund raising.
Here you go
You might not agree with it - but as so often you're incorrect by stating they don't discuss it.....
The mission statement of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas Family Planning is that, “we are dedicated to helping people make informed, private decisions in matters of sexuality, reproduction, and parenthood.” Locally, check out parenting classes. John Romo is Tri-County PP President. (Former PP-USA Exec in NYC and past SBCC President.) he’s accessible. Also tri-County PP CEO Jena Tosh, PhD, a parent, neighbor, and current national president of the Association of PP CEOs. Volunteer! I’m certain both will be receptive to Tri County PP offering more parenting classes including financial literacy on cost to raise a child, and subsidy benefits offered to help parents raise children. Parenting is a FT job.
Powerful photo. Thank you.
State law now requires college campuses in the UC/CSU/CCC systems to have "wellness machines" available on site, which dispense "emergency contraception" products. Planned Parenthood website asserts emergency contraception is not abortion; and may be used any number of times with no harm to the woman.
SBCC student newspaper The Channels celebrates this campus addition for women's wellness. Plan B two-part abortion products are additionally available at lower costs at the SBCC campus health center.
And so it goes. Your tax dollars, Senator Monique Limon and Assemblyman Gregg Hart at work.
Sad and wrong that local educational institutions spread mis-information and even offer meds harmful to females. However we know, CA elected leaders are reckless and most are DEM owned & controlled career, financially dependent politicians.
Happy talk - owning the language. SBCC article uses the term "wellness" fourteen times when describing these now mandated tax-payer funded free lifestyle choice products. Vasectomies or tubal ligations not mentioned once, which are also lifestyle choice options.
Yes, toooooo far left! Heartless humans. Confusing their freedom with the right to take another's life.
So many issues here. It’s been proven the government does not care about testing drugs safety and then they grant immunity to the drug manufacturer. That’s like giving a serial murderer a lifetime pardon. But that’s the Democratic justice system.
There were no clinical trials of the vaccine in pregnant women. Not enough women signed up. But the government still ran ads stating it was safe for pregnant women. Doctors still pushed the vaccine on pregnant women, including the dang pediatrist! Money, money, money! Or just plain ignorance?
So now the government has granted immunity to this abortion pill.
Let’s look at who is getting abortion.
Per the CDC and Guttmacher Institute 86% were unmarried in their 20s-30s. 93% stated having a baby was not “convenient” at the time.
Not rape, not mother’s health.
Because the woman couldn’t “keep it in her pants”
Between rubbers, birth control pills, the sponge, etc…. There are too many birth prevention devices. But no, they were too lazy or careless to use any of them.
That was the same reason for a mother of three to abort her fourth child with her husband in Roe v Wade. Yep, that 4th child was inconvenient.
Before you go all “Pro Choice” on me, define when life actually begins. What’s that? You don’t know? Really, so you advocate possibly killing an innocent child because the child is inconvenient. Wow, modern society is so enlightened.
Young women use abortion as birth control. Great job parents!
Wake up people, parent your children.
Yes, AND THE SAME FOR THE BOYS!! They too are creating a life by not keeping their pants on. We are now a depraved society. Me first. Me want. Me TAKE! Sounds a bit Neanderthal to me!! Both create the life. Both need to care for THE BABY once it comes. Selfish immature spoiled children.
Boy, what a macho post! So typical of controlling male types. Thank goodness in CA, at least, you’re outnumbered by compassionate, mindful males! Categoically, women are not “too lazy” to use birth control. The overwhelming number of “Young women do” NOT use abortion as birth control.
Excellent article with actual facts. I'm sure we will hear some person scream out, "Keep out of my vagina", or "it's my right and not the baby's", or "abortion doesn't hurt anyone, it's only a blob of tissue".
I say if you are so smart and responsible and self governing, then control what goes into your vagina. Then no one gets harmed.
God forgive us, for we are so selfish.
A vasectomy usually prevents pregnancy. More men need to be responsible. Too few are. Its beyond time for more men look in the mirror, then go get a vasectomy.
Yes. If a young man really doesn't want children then he can get a vasectomy, she can get her tubes tied. It seems that freaks people out! WHY? Because they know their sexual exchanges can create a child. So is it they NEVER want children? I believe they think they might. Again, THEY KNOW THEIR CHOICES WILL CREATE LIFE. Who ever sold the idea killing another human being is No Big Thing? God forgives but we shall never forget our actions against others or ourselves. No matter how much we spin a lie.
I could not agree more.
Thank you, Paul, for writing this article which explains what is at stake with the current Supreme Court case!
Roe v Wade was always a bad law and overturning it was correct. It takes a zealot, a true believer, a fool or an academic to interpret the right to privacy as conferring a constitutionally guaranteed right to abortion. So state by state law is enacted allowing or forbidding to various degrees the practice. All of these laws are addressing the same question. When is a fetus a human entitled to its own rights? While the arrogance of man is stunning, it reaches its zenith when academics, lawyers, beuracrats and politicians debate ten weeks or fifteen weeks or three and one half weeks. From trash to treasure at the prescribed moment. But our rights are given by God, not by man. And they are not given at fifteen weeks or ten weeks, they are given at conception.
Only the self-righteous think they’re justified dictating to others how to live their life. Jeff, come meet me “a zealot, a true believer, a fool or academic”, to discuss privacy rights. There’s much to be shared publicly about every American. Specific God-given rights are defined in Constitution. Women are no longer second class although I’m told Bible says otherwise.
No, the Bible does not say women are 2nd class. Both are to esteem the other. Each lives out their lives differently. People must remember the lifestyle of ancient peoples. No grocery store, many times no way to make a living. Women have always been at risk by unhinged males. One big reason is pregnancy, not virtue. Why Jesus told the woman caught in adultery, Mary Magdalene as she was dragged in by the men, "Go and sin no more" (John 8). He rescued her from being stoned to death. He also said to the men, "He who has not sinned, let him take a stone and throw it." Jesus is teaching God's love and mercy. In God's eyes we are all the same. Men are not to esteem themselves above women. They are to love her as they have love for themselves. Life was very hard. To obtain water and food requires many long laborious days. A pregnancy hinders those abilities. Those are the meanings behind misunderstood Biblical writings. God created them, both in His image. Not one over the other. As usual, many do not know ancient hardships or Hebrew/Greek history. The Bible was written by ancient people inspired from God speaking directly to them. The Holy Spirit dwells inside each of us who invites God's presence to be with them. The issue you are correctly identifying is humans selfishness. Not God's Word.
What Bible version are you reading? Must be a new age version to fit your life style. You want people to stop dictating to others how to live their lives, then stop using our tax money to murder due to your lack of self control of your own body. Hmmm? Without our tax money to fund PP, so many precious lives would be saved. Shame on you, I pray for your awakening.
Thank you Dr. Aijian! Your indepth compassionate report sheds light on the REAL TRUTH! Thank you Santa Barbara for bringing the value of the truth to the public. A horrible truth to endure. Life is serious, abortion is serious, killing of another being is a lifetime of suffering from the truth of that choice. Excellent photo of THE TRUTH. Viability of life begins at conception. Undeniable evidence of a living human being is visible by the 8th week, and the whole body has formed including fingers, toes, and a recognizable face. The embyo in the 9th week is now a fetus, basically 2mo. So anyone who actually believes a pregnancy is a blob of tissue is horribly mistaken. What to do? Just know the truth before deciding. Abortion is never an innocent decision. It is taking of a viable life. We all need to make better choices how we conduct ourselves, both men and women. Conceiving a baby is not the same as an inconvenient cold treating with over-the-counter remedies.
I was one of those women with Negative blood type. My first birth was to a positive blood baby. I was given rhogam so that my body would not reject my 2nd pregnancy if I would so choose to have more children. If a young lady takes this pill and has no idea of knowing if the child she chemically aborted was a match to her blood type, she may be putting her future ability to ever get pregnant again in jeopardy.
Shameful judgement, Ranger, against women.
Ignorance is dangerous; acceptance of pharmacology guidelines a mistake. Remember when women told to reduce estrogen due to FDA findings (valid or fake) that high estrogen birth control pills dangerous to heart health? The birth control pill formula was altered which in turn made females more fertile. Malpractice suits and abortions followed as even husbands were outraged. How did this happen? Vasectomies are worth the cost.
You made the case for why females must be ‘gifted’ access to medically licensed professionals, to surgical abortions, and birthing care in EVERY American state and territory. Pregnancy is dangerous. Self induced abortions whether by coat hanger or the abortion pill (Mifepristone) put the female’s life at risk. Women must be granted by government — controlled mostly by men — to own our bodies. We are no longer intended to be the property of our government or any man. I fully understand centuries ago passage to America meant females would be put on the block for auction sale to men for the sole purpose of reproduction with a 10 year commitment to pay for their passage here. Moreover, I know from experience that in early 1970s to enter into the executive world of high paying career jobs I had to sign a 10 year contract not to switch onto the mommy track by my church related employer, and to remain available 24/7 for company travel. FACTS: 1) No American women incarcerated or deemed unfit is required to get an abortion without a Court order. 2) Access to abortion will remain a political determinant until medical care is accessible to every woman in every state. GOP will win the White House but is positioned to lose House and Senate. However DEMs refuse to legalize abortion also so there’s no easy answer because we are females.
A sincere thanks Dr Aijian for making the case that politicians, the courts, and FDA bureaucrats are putting the lives of American females in danger!
As an aside, when I was financially secure and chose to have my first child at age 40, I was told I would be dead without the team of 4 surgeons. If I had died who would have cared for my 55 pound bed bound mom with crippling Parkinson’s or my newborn? Who? I signed an agreement to be 99.9% sole parent so he would be in foster care or even adopted by a trans couple or — who knows! I seek the best medical care available.
Right now California taxpayers are paying for abortions for women from other states traveling here. Time for these other states like AL and FL to value their women! I donate to free women trying to help women in other states. I hope others do too.
Yes to all you are reporting. The problem IS, churches are not representing God or his Son. It is many and their ignorance harming women and our men, not esteeming them. It is their misunderstood right to their lusts and beliefs that women are here only for men's enjoyment. GOD NEVER SAID THAT!! God is grieved by all sin. Genesis says He made them both male and female in his image. They perish for lack of knowledge. I am a follower of Christ. A female. Yes, I remember the 60s and the 70s! Difference for me was being blessed by two parents raised by their independent 2x divorced mothers, 1900 to 1930s. They REALLY knew the injustces toward women. 1960s still saw women as men's property even though the laws finally changed for married women in the late 1800s. So, the boys in school also had these misguided notions. God wants us all to live a virtuous life. Not men deciding "What" a woman should be, or her virtue not theirs. God is no respecter of persons.
Pregnancy is not dangerous. Especially in western nations dominated by "something" forced upon us all by the "patriarchy" ... thanks to which well over 98% of pregnancies should result in a live birth with no intervention. And the vast majority of the remaining 2% can be dealt with relatively simple techniques. The common issue being 'breach' of some form or another.
OTOH abortions are much more dangerous than pregnancy ... with outcomes ranging from sterility to fatalities. This is the reason why invasive ultrasound should be mandatory for any surgical procedure, and in-patient treatment at a clinic with immediate emergency medical care available for anyone undergoing a chemical abortion. Note: A number of tests must also be performed to rule out contraindications for chemical abortions to avoid life threatening situations.
As to your personal problems ... those are personal problems, and I don't mean to be dismissive ... but problems that are personal should not be made into public problems. Life is full of unpleasant compromises required by our community and for the common good and public safety.
No abortion should be performed without informed consent. No abortion should be performed in any unlicensed or unprepared facility that is unregulated, uninspected, or uninsured. No abortion - chemical or surgical - should be performed without a physician or equivalent in attendance with hospital privileges at the local hospital and permission of the hospital to receive patients in the event of an emergency. And notwithstanding HIPAA laws, all such facilities should be required to report the age of the patient. I would also require a blood sample from the victim (the baby), for later forensic purposes to determine the donor for the thousands of cases involving stat rape, incest, molestation, and abuse. A screen should also be made for both licit and illicit drugs ... and STDs ... for the purposes of developing a large and overwhelming database for what insiders already know.
Last, for the other readers here, I would remind those reading this ... to remember that these laws are to protect others. And if some people are just clump of cells ...
... how long before the lunatics decide you - or your loved ones - are just a clump of cells.
Once 'abortion' falls ... euthanasia will be the next rung on the ladder. And there are more rungs, which I'm pretty most of you are not aware of.
Have a nice weekend!
It is so important that women understand clearly what this procedure entails.