Jan 21Liked by Santa Barbara Current

It is foolishness to think we can recycle all this stuff. My family taught us to “use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without”. I struggle to find ways to avoid participating in the problem, but we can at least buy our laundry detergent in sheet form in cardboard boxes. Awareness that we are fooling ourselves is the first step toward change. Thanks for letting us know, Andy. I am going to try to do better in this regard.

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I read this article by Any C. and I quote "As boondoggles go, even the strident enviros with the Gaviota Coast Conservancy (GCC) saw this pig in a poke coming down the pike and they are not buying the operator error excuse" Boondoggle is a common term, NAVSpeak used in US Navy to describe "An inefficient meeting, event, or evolution" Here in Santa Barbara Boondoggle describes the Santa Barbara "So-Called-Leaders" utter incompetence if not downrigth Corruption. From Trash to Law Enforcement to the entire Santa Barbara legal system "Boondoggle" is Standard Operating Procudure.

You can put lipstick on a Pig but it is still is a Pig and welcome to Santa Barbara Pig Pen and it's Pigs.

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family.

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Once again, the inmates are running the asylum. We need more like Roy Lee and fewer like Das

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once again The waves of reality hitting the House the liberals built upon the sand of the lies they repeat to themselves. The house is gone and the debris is out into the sea of reality and truth.

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What is the mission today for the City of Santa Barbara million dollar plus Environmental Services Department, with seven employees average compensation packages of approximately $160,000 each?

In light of the loss of most community recycling programs, what now comes under the city's special umbrella called "environmental services"?

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Why not triple the cost to users of purchased recyclables like plastics; and contractually require Marborg to charge users $100/mo for each blue recycle can it picks up twice monthly? I have no need for a blue can: it takes me over a year to fill one. However, one was delivered because ‘it’s free and govt encourages recycling’. I often wonder how neighbors can fill a blue can twice a month. Must be the nonstop daily deliveries they get in cardboard boxes; the plastics used, or because they don’t trust the safety of our tap water. Again, we cross subsidize others which incentivizes waste. We were informed years ago China stoped taking our shipments of recyclables. Did behaviors of environmentalists change?

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I’m a Montecito refugee and I fill one can a week, sometimes two and it’s just the two of us. If you’re only filling it once a year you must be doing a bang up job of reusing, or it’s all going in the trash.

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You must eat and entertain in your home, or buy stuff. I don’t. As a single, it takes me a month to fill trash . Banana peels don’t take much room. Now yard clippings is another story: I fill 10-16 black bags a month w debris and cuttings from my verticle acre. The green cans are pointless because I must haul the 40 pound bags from hilltop. (New neighbors refuse once a week road access which I enjoyed for 30+ years.)

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Good article Andy!!

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Thank you. I had wondered why my Marborg bill had gone up 50% in the last five years.

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