Apr 14Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Glad to see Roy Lee replace Das

Hoping he brings some new ideas and leadership

Progressive policies have turned Democrat run cities into urban hellscapes, with the homeless and addicts camping and defecating on the sidewalks in front of shuttered businesses. No surprise that failed policies in big blue cities don’t work in smaller blue cities

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SAN FRANCISCO – August 25, 2021 – A report released today by the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice finds that, compared to the 35 California counties that voted Democratic in the 2020 presidential election, the state’s 23 Republican-voting counties have higher rates of violent crime, including homicides.

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Thank you for posting this "study" as it is illustrative of the deceptive statistical correlations many radical (often leftwing) nonprofits use to fundraise. As most well-educated and statistically proficient people already know, correlation does not imply causality. Just look at Table 2 which highlights vastly different income levels by county, which themselves are a function of each county's underlying economies, opportunities, or lack thereof. Did this study correct for income differentials? Of course not. The goal of such papers is to gaslight and raise money, not inform. As Twain warned, "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics" and with this "study" you can find an abundance of all three. https://www.cjcj.org/media/import/documents/californias_republican_counties_have_worse_crime_trends.pdf

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Apr 14Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Who even bothers to report "crime" in blue districts? When the answer to a stolen car is call your insurance company, and everything from thefts to threats end up being ignored at the dispatcher's switchboard? While potentially lethal drug-trafficking crimes are touted instead a victories for Narcan.

Beware of "lying with statistics" and political agenda tag-teams during an election year.

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Peter, I didn't think that could be true - but you are correct. Here is some historical data. It didn't always use to be worse to be in the Red - but now it is. https://www.cjcj.org/media/import/documents/californias_republican_counties_have_worse_crime_trends.pdf

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It seems to me that the primary difference between these counties is in the way that crimes are counted and reported. I don't trust comparisons of data from different observers which have different biases

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Apr 14Liked by Santa Barbara Current

My wife and I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Lee a couple of years back while enjoying a great meal at his restaurant in Carp- He was thinking of running at that time and you could just tell from the brief conversation we had, that he would make a great leader who truly cared about his community!

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No one does Walnut Shrimp better than Uncle Chen's.

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Government operations are not intended to be full employment agencies granting lifetime benefits to a chosen and highly unionized few. Government operations are intended to be efficient delivery systems, providing prudent and accountable return for taxpayer-chosen investments.

May voters finally elect a majority of fiscally sound county supervisors. However, now that "government" is the largest local employer, a critical mass of voting interests has already been compromised.

Mr. Caldwell writes: ......."The short presentations typically include requests for more money and more staffing along with performance measures, which are mostly meaningless because the figures given are typically measures of activity not efficiency. It goes without saying that activity is not accomplishment!"

(NB: this same substitution of activity for efficiency can also be applied to our government-influenced health care delivery system today.)

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Don't worry about it, Andy. Santa Barbara is as "blue" ... as my backyard here in Texas isn't. ...

So I'm sure the geniuses in Sacramento and Washington will make sure y'all are just fine.

Of course, it might very well go Venezuela or Mad Max elsewhere ...

... but you're not supposed to notice that, or if you do ...

... blame the peasants.


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Another well written article detailing the county’s financial woes & procedures...Thank You Sir (for the article + who you are & what you do)…unfortunately, our county budget/financial woes are much the same as our state budgets and federal budget — we have jumped off the financial cliff & are nearing free fall speed, with the final crash in sight…

We are at war, a silent war, where the CCP & allies are attempting the final collapse of Our Country in order to subjugate Our People...[they] are at their end game, after their long slow march thru our institutions over these past 40+ years...all 3 branches of Our Government are now captured...

they are now setting conditions for their planned Holodomor, with the goal of starving 10s of 1,000,000s (see destruction of food production facilities, crops, chickens, beef, train derailments, hampered supply chains, etc, etc)...

best for each to prepare the household...key is to build personal strength, both physically & mentally so that one is ready & able to care for family & loved ones, as well as one's neighbors (love thy neighbor)...also wise to consider converting Federal Reserve Notes (aka Petro Dollars, which are quickly losing value & will crash to wallpaper value as a result of The Great Reset) to gold & silver (real money as codified in Our Constitution & used across The World forever)…

PS...The Storm has arrived, can you feel it...

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I can’t thank you enough for keeping a publishing eye on our self destructing government officials and departments thereto. I just sold the first of several Santa Barbara commercial properties that I own and moving my $ to Texas where there is at least a fair amount of governmental common sense in control. I have had enough of this fiscal insanity.

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Hello Ronald Hays, congradulations and very very smart move selling

and going to Texas. You have some very good company with Elon

Musk and Larry Ellison (Oracle) "Billionaire's Company Moves to Texas — But He'll Work from His Private $300M Hawaii Island Instead"


Howard Walther member of a Military Family

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Welcome to Texas Ronald ...

We're still sane here ... but then we are pretty far out. I'm 75 minutes from Dallas when the freeway isn't playing the parking lot game.


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I read this article by Mr. Caldwell. You may want to change your Title to

"Drive By Shooting by the SB County"

How many lawsuits are sealed and pay-outs concealed by the County?

$100, $200 Million over the years........

What was the County's malfeasance, misfeasance or worse.

Folks the SB County is never going to tell you the real problems

lurking like a bad Drive-By-Shooting. What is concealed will shock

you or maybe it will not since most do not want to know.

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

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Everything you said used to be thought of as just using common sense. I don’t know when or how this way of thinking became common place. It surely started at a time when they thought not enough. People were paying attention and that they could therefore get away with it.

All I can say is somebody better start paying attention and do something about it or there is going to be hell to pay. Hopefully Roy Lee is the man to get the ball rolling. But rolling. That ball is going to be all uphill.

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Hello Brian,

Good news "All I can say is somebody better start paying attention and do something about it or there is going to be hell to pay."

Some-Bodies have paid attention since 2015 and they are doing something about it

because they have flipped the PIN................. and all Hell Is Breaking Lose...............


"The Public Integrity Section (PIN) oversees the investigation and prosecution of all federal crimes affecting government integrity, including bribery of public officials, election crimes, and other related offenses. PIN investigates and prosecutes some of the most sensitive, complex, and contentious public corruption cases handled by the Department, including cases involving elected and appointed officials at all levels of government."

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family.

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Thanks Howard, just moving my $, not my 3rd Generation body ‘cause I still enjoy being around the 4th and 5th generations. I just find the California destructive political agenda to be impossible to understand.

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Andy, thanks for corroborating what I wrote. Your doomsaying has not come true, or at least not for the reasons you cite. I've been to N. County and see prospering wineries and field after field in ag production. Yes, we have water shortages, mostly attributable to State inaction, not County. Housing shortages will persist, because the State Mandates allow developers to get away with 20% affordables, and the reset market rate most can't afford. Anyway, places like Akron, Ohio, Gary Indiana and the like don't have housing shortages...because their economy is not prospering. Our housing shortage is at least in part due to people and businesses wanting to move here. And by here, I mean N. and S. County. I agree with you, we should try not to send rain water to the ocean, but the infrastructure to capture and store it is expensive. Are you advocating MORE government spending to do so? Gadzooks! Are you advocating for more taxation to pay for it? Holy Cow! Oh I know, you will advocate for more cuts in social and health spending in the name of waste. Sure, you've said all this before. Yada, yada. But feel free to throw around accusations of "ivory tower" and "nimby." And I will continue to address you by what you are, a paid "lobbyist." (BTW nobody pays me, I'm just a resident with a memory.)

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Those who have been following Andy's informative testimony and editorials know that he has been prophesizing the death knell of, well, just about everything: agriculture will be ruined, everyone will move away, the pension system is broken and portends a financial crisis...at least he is consistent in his doom saying. While he is paid to lobby for the oil industry and big ag, his chicken little pronouncements have not materialized. Not that everything is perfect. Not that we can't do better. But ag is our number one industry, the wine industry is flourishing, high tech is doing great, people want to send off satellites from here, the educational industry brings jobs galore...in other words, the sky is not falling. To the contrary, most of our challenges such as a housing shortage and water shortages are a product of our successes. I think we can agree that the County trying to manage a budget of over $1 billion has its work cut our for it. I think we can agree that there's some waste, as in every government and as in private industry. I think we can agree that each of us would choose some different priorities. BUT I for one take most anything Andy says with a large grain of salt because is doom and gloom predictions have consistently not materialized.

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Hello Mr. Sanders, the goings on for the last 15 years here in SB County is actually much much worse than "Andy's death knell" statements. I refer you to the below link and I quote from said link. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6014157/

"Social impacts of corruption upon community resilience and poverty"

In a word Corruption effects the entire health of one's Community.

"Corruption , existing at all levels of all societies in varying degrees, is a behavioural consequence of power and greed in contexts of inadequate governance. With no published rulebook or formula with which to comply, corruption is covert, repetitively opportunistic and powerfully reliant upon dominance and fear within unwritten and unspoken codes. It is therefore an understatement that, consequently, corrupt practices do not readily lend themselves to scientific analysis. Instead, investigation of its consequences amongst the poor has to be necessarily ad hoc and gathered from relatively few published sources which have become available over time. For the purposes of this assessment of its social impacts upon resilience and poverty, extracts have been gathered of its variety of methods and pervasive consequences; as with corruption itself, its procedures are evasive and do not readily lend themselves to formal research."

I also see that you are an investor. You may want to put some of your money into exposing the very serious problems here in Santa Barbara, after all that is your Civic Duty. I challenge you to do so. Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

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Richard, you should leave your ivory tower for a moment in time and go visit the north county where ag and oil are facing a disaster! Water and housing shortages are a product of our success??? That is one of the most preposterous notions ever. We have housing shortages because of nimby attitudes and gov policies, and the water shortage has to do with sending upwards of 40% of our water straight to the ocean.

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Just moving my $ to Frisco area, not my body-yet.

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Well good for you Mr. Hays. I am with you on that and will not

spend one more cent in this town. They already stole enuf of

money already!


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