The Cost of Fiscal Irresponsibility
America generates a boat load of cash annually – $4.9 trillion – of which $2.6 trillion is donated by us taxpayers. Half the money the feds get is produced by the working people of America, yet the government gets to spend all that dough, and then some, as they see fit at the rate of about $6 trillion in 2022.
American ‘citizens’ have very little or nothing to say about it. You will note they spend more than they take in, something most of us have known for quite some time. But they continue to use it all up as if it’s not our money. Oh, that’s right, it isn’t. And if they don’t have enough mullah to get their greedy hands on, they just print more.
The federal government never runs out of things to squander tax dollars on.
What you never see, however, is the government cutting back. Working within a budget. To be fiscally accountable. How novel would that be?
It feels like every few months Congress says we must raise the debt ceiling or else the government is going to shut down. Democrats love to tell us the military, old people, and our national parks will be the first to go.
They never consider the almost three million federal employees piddling around doing millions of redundant jobs about nothing.
No, it’s always the men and women who put themselves on the line who are going to feel the financial pinch: the military, seniors, and places of enjoyment. Democrats – and I have to say, Republicans as well – try and coerce us to accept the need to share in their incompetence.
We’ve Opened the Flood Gates
There’s also never any talk about the millions upon millions upon millions of “asylum seekers” Biden’s minions are – for some ungodly reason –allowing to pour into and change our country. We never see any of their “free” stuff taken away. In fact, one of Biden’s many spending sprees – $451 billion – was allocated to provide services to all those people who are not supposed to be here.
In America, it pays to be illegal. Literally. Thank you, Americans.
In 2022, $3.5 billion was spent federally on homeless assistance (note the enormous financial disparity between illegals and the homeless).
Yet in that same year there were 582,000 homeless! So how is that working out?
A number of those homeless are veterans whom the government forgot or ignores.
With the addition of millions of unemployed, undereducated, and obviously homeless “asylum seekers,” we tossed even more souls on the fire. The difference is people who have no legal right to be here are the ones getting all the free stuff while our streets swell with more destitute American citizens.
In 2022 (USA Today) the poverty rate was 12.4%, up from 7.8% in 2021. Poverty for children doubled in 2022 over 2021.
How’s that Bidenomics working out?
Remember when Bernie Sanders, Gavin Newsom and other socialists were shrieking for a $15.00/hour minimum wage? That push has died a quiet death. Mostly because the marketplace took care of itself without the government telling it what to do. My grandson got a job at Walmart in Montana over two years ago starting at $20. That same year I stopped in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and learned pizza delivery drivers were being paid $35 an hour. How come we’re still outlaying billions of dollars when “Help Wanted” signs are everywhere and yet millions of Americans are barely surviving? Something is off.
Destruction of “Sanctuary” Cities
Democrats have always led you to believe they care for the minorities, the oppressed. They’re the party of the little people. Under their rule their dishonest interests have seen the poverty level for Blacks reach 17%, Hispanic 8.6% and Asians 8.6% ( As a reminder from above, we’re spending nearly a half trillion dollars on people who don’t belong here.
The lop-sided spending has placed Woke politicians in a bit of a pickle. They clearly see the botch-up of Biden’s sycophants destroying their cities but don’t really know how to speak up. The old “Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.”
New York mayor Eric Adams did speak up and let it be known the impact the influx was having on his city, but now he’s gone quiet. The problem didn’t go away, it’s likely much worse. Maybe he got word to shut up or he was secretly given a bunch of our cash to help fix Biden’s nightmare in the Big Apple.
Finally, there’s all the other spending. So much to add up. Biden’s string pullers, high on candy canes, allocated trillions upon trillions to fix roads, green the country, pay off loans, free healthcare, all in the interest to make the Dems look good. They accomplished nothing. Two years ago, and $7.5 billion later, not a single EV charging station came online from the bipartisan infrastructure law.
Then there’s the $3 billion given to Sunnova, a solar company that turned out to be full of a bunch of scammers.
And let’s not forget over $38 billion in foreign aid. Some to countries that hate us. America really is the Santa Claus of the world. A big, fat, spendthrift, taxing us little American elves to the bone.
What’s the point of all this? The Biden administration has been writing enormous checks attempting to “fix” one crisis after another. They have created disasters that no amount of money can fix. They can’t get a single thing right.
We can’t take care of Americans, but we can find all kinds of coinage to take care of migrants. We can’t close our border, but we found billions to protect the Ukrainian border. I’m all for supporting Israel but where’s the extra billions to support our own troops or those poor souls who have been lost to the streets?
My father used to tell me when I was a kid, that you can rationalize anything. We’re all guilty of it. You know you can’t afford that new car and need to fix the roof instead, but that new car has loads of safety features and the roof isn’t that bad. Boom, you got yourself a new car.
That’s how our government operates. They just rationalize away all common sense. After all, it’s OPM, other people’s money. And, hey, it’s better to give than receive, unless you’re the one getting the check and a free phone.
Happy New Year suckers!
Are there enough common sense American voters left who are paying attention to make a difference in the 2024 election? So many of my (past) friends and young people have been snookered and suckered into believing so many lies. What's more convincing, what you are told or what you see right before your eyes?
—Registered American Independent
Tax payers already fund Veterans Administration special programs specifically for homeless veterans. Congressperson Salud Carbajal needs to correct the often repeated claim "homeless veterans have been abandoned."
It is Representative Carbajal's duty to ensure this currently funded federal program offers sufficient outreach and accommodation. Representative Carbajal must provide updates on his efforts before the next election.