Hey! You forgot the straightest talker of them all - Marjorie-Taylor Green. (MTG). But seriously, my vote is for Mike Pompeo as Trump’s VP. Ex Director of the CIA, Secretary of State, West Point, Harvard Law, Aerospace expert etc. Qualified, experienced, sensible.

Forget Huckabee-Sanders - by the time Crook Biden gets through the world and the U.S. will be on fire, inundated with illegal aliens, and trashed almost beyond repair. We don’t need a politically-correct woman VP - we need a pro who understands how to help Trump get us out of the mess Biden and the other Commie-Dems got us into, make us safe, and put us back as leader of the free world!

PS: Thought you might like to see where we’re currently headed: http://tinyurl.com/3c7bb8wh

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Ben Carson is the pick…has experience & history with Trump, given his HUD cabinet position…highly intelligent non-political individual that would significantly increase the share of black votes…

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One can also make a strong case for Ben Carson - cool under pressure, smart, and knows government now from the inside out, plus has a good working relationship with Trump.

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Fat dumb Sanders for V.P.? Yuck, yuck and yuck again. IDIOCY…..would complete the anti -brain illiteracy-proliferated anti-Democratic Presidency if the TDUMP got in.


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I agree!!!!!!!!!

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You would have to be crazy to want to serve as Trump's Vice President. There is almost a 100% chance you will be thrown overboard and treated like a pariah if you run afoul of the bully. Look what happened to Pence and countless other cabinet secretaries. Pence was probably the most loyal Vice President any President could have had, but because he wouldn't violate his Constitutional oath to allow the electoral delegates to vote at the deadline, he is now treated as scum by the big crybaby. Every high official who tried to protect Trump from his own worst instincts got skewered by him. Now his very capable former press secretary, Kaleigh McEnany, is being treated like garbage by Trump because she dared to question him. The only people he will attract to his administration if he is elected are sycophants, lackeys and leeches. Competent people will not want to have to deal with someone who has no impulse control and will probably have their reputations and lives ruined because they will be expected to take the fall for Trump when he does something half-cocked or ill-advised, which you know is inevitable.

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Trump is a counter-puncher. Rarely if ever, does he throw the first blows. Track back the timelines out of the partisan media glare when you run across these she said; he saids.

It was my understanding the "Pence issue" was whether to continue the proper electoral certification review requests by the various states, which were legally underway until the Jan 6 Capitol Police Riot allowed Nancy Pelosi to immediately declare a "national emergency". This declaration allowed the termination of the pending state legal reviews, and move to an immediate final electoral college vote. Is that perception correct?

Should Pence have declared the "national emergency" was over when they reconvened a few hours later? Should Pence have picked up the pending state requests for review which would have legally delayed a final electoral vote count, and perhaps allowed time to find disqualifying final vote count irregularities? History will need to sort that one out.

Instead Pence expedited the immediate "national emergency" electoral college vote, and Biden was duly installed as the 46th POTUS. There would be no further properly appealed state reviews.

Personally, I am glad Trump had this forced interregnum. He is now poised to come back stronger and more seasoned, than had he won a second term in 2020. Plus voters are more chastened now, after four years of Biden. There is a strong talent pool who now want to support and participate in a future Trump administration; unlike the strong reluctance to participate back in 2016 and to even actively sabotage this raw and untested political outsider.

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Thoughtful analysis, J. I esp liked your use of the word “interregnum” - I had to look it up! :) “a period when normal government is suspended, especially between successive regimes.”

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The Constitution and federal law establish a detailed timeline for counting electoral votes. Jan 6th is the deadline. Considering it is only 2 weeks before the president is inaugurated, any delay would have been extremely chaotic and caused a crisis which heretofore has never happened in the history of the US. Pence did the right thing. What Trump was asking him to do was probably illegal and would have engulfed him in the same legal quagmire that Trump is now facing. Trump was never going to prevail and overturn the 2020 election and Republicans still pretending that could have happened are living in a delusional world. Furthermore, if Pence could have done this, then so could Kamala Harris in 2024. It's a terrible precedent.

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We need to be responsible for the application of the law; not discount the law due to projected reactions to its proper application.

From the net:

........"Federal law calls for the U.S. Congress to meet at 1 p.m. on Jan. 6 following the meeting of electors to certify the election results. The electoral votes of each state are read in alphabetical order.

During that meeting, the president of the Senate "shall call for objections, if any." Each objection must be made in writing, with the signature of at least one member of the House and one senator.

Attempts to object to election results have been made in some fashion by House Democrats in 2001, 2005, and 2017, following the successful campaigns of George W. Bush and Trump, both Republicans"...........

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You do know that these ambiguities have been dealt with in bipartisan legislation passed by Congress. Now you need a much greater threshold to object to electors and the new legislation has made clear the Vice President's role is strictly ministerial. He cannot unilaterally decide to pause the counting of votes. I will say it again: Never has the counting of electoral votes been delayed beyond Jan 6. The reason is because in only 2 weeks after that date the new president has to be inaugurated. You cannot delay that. In Trump's delusional mind, he thought he could overturn the election on Jan 6, which his Attorney General and practically every other legal advisor was telling him was a pipe dream. One last point: citing irresponsible Democrats for doing something that is clearly reckless is not a persuasive argument.

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