Mar 11Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Yes, I too was appalled at the shunning of our First Lady during Trump's presidency. At one point I wrote to CBS News and asked where was Melania Trump's story on a "60 Minutes" segment? I explained that hers would be a fascinating story: Her immigrant story. The eastern European town where she was raised. Her life as a model. Her fluency in multiple languages. Her commitment to her family. But nothing.

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Mar 11Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Melania was a Tour de force in her handling of the many unpleasant facets of being wife to the president of the USA. She came out of all the unwarranted hostility with dignity and honor in putting her family ahead of the criticisms and outright hostility of a press mob, who used her as a surrogate to attack her husband.

Beauty is a matter of opinion, but I think she is classically beautiful, very elegant and has a captivating presence. And, those who say the least, are often those who are most intelligent.

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Here here! It’s a shame how the press has treated the former first lady. Obvious proof of their bias because she is obviously the most beautiful woman to ever occupy the White House!

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Melania Trump is gorgeous...what makes her particularly attractive is her intelligence, confidence and quiet demure…most impressive was her genuine care for children during her time as First Lady...still amazes me the level of hatred for all things Trump...everybody’s a critic…people actually believe the Trump persona created and juiced along by the Legacy Media (Project Mockingbird has the spell on high)...methinks people will soon be shocked to find the truth about President Trump…and, our beautiful First Lady will be instrumental in soothing our nation’s wounds...feels like The Storm is brewing…

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I have nothing against Melania. In fact, one can’t help but feel sorry for the poor woman for having to be married to Donald. I do think the press has treated her unfairly. Wearing the “I Don’t Care” jacket was probably a stupid move but I imagine the thought behind that was, “They criticize everything I do anyway, so why not?”

On the other hand, I don’t consider fashion magazines to be “the press.” So if they choose not to put Melania on their covers, I don’t see that as particularly newsworthy. If they think having her on the cover would result in selling fewer magazines, then they have simply made a business decision. Let the market decide.

And one thing I know for sure. If Donald Trump was a Democrat, conservatives would be raising a stink about Melania's nude photos and how she got her citizenship. You can deny it all you want, but you know it’s true.

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Conservatives do raise a stink about Kamala Harris's rise to political power. So you are right. Plus we do question Rep IIhan Omar's dubious marriage to her brother for citizenship purposes too. We are equal opportunity complainers. Or as they say, we are "buy partisan" in the this political three ring circus.

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Yes, you are complainers. If this website is any indication, it's about the only thing you know how to do. I've never come across an unhappier group of people.

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Who is this Doug E fellow who seems to know so much? Question for you Doug E, which is worse, a complainer or a criticizer?

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I am reminded of the "coming to the nuisance" defense, Doug. For more elucidation should your own choices continue to distress you: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/coming_to_the_nuisance

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Yes. When I'm on social media ...

... all I want to do is celebrate war, slavery, murder, crime, pedophilia, etc., etc., etc.,

... all the things I would not have to think about if the Leftists would just take their meds and leave the rest of us alone.


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Doug, don't worry, you'll never be on the cover of any magazine.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11
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Funny how Putin never tried any of this BS during bushes or trumps presidencies, but felt totally empowered to rake havoc when Obama and Biden were in office. The children dying in Gaza are doing so because Hamas lead a military raid on innocent civilians. You can blame the children’s parents and political leaders for the hell storm that has come down on them because of their actions. Your myopic view of the situation is so incredibly shallow.

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Putin did not invade Ukraine under Trump because he didn’t need to. Trump was Putin‘s gift. Maybe because Russia helped elect Trump?

Anyway, Trump:

Elevated Russia by becoming its ally

Denigrated NATO

Delegitimized Ukraine

Happy Putin.

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This is such a non-sensical remark. Your team (Hillary et al) formulated the fake Russia "connection" and milked it with the help of the intelligence community and the lemming like press. Now, people like you can bring it up and actually believe you sound smart. Sad.

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On July 27, 2016, Trump called on Russia to find presidential Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s missing emails. “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” He added, “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”

And guess what, a few days later there was a leak of Democratic emails by the Russians.

It is a known fact that there was Russian interference in the 2016 election and interesting that many of Trump’s associates had close Russian ties…Paul Manafort(Trump’s campaign manager) , Michael Flynn, George Popadoupolos, Roger Stone.

The Senate IntelligenceCommittee's bipartisan Report shows that almost immediately following Election Day in 2016, the Trump transition responded to Russia's election interference not by supporting punitive action, but rather by holding a series of secretive meetings and communications with Russian representatives that served to undercut the outgoing administration's efforts to hold Russia accountable.

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Oh stop. You're apparently pleased that Hillary destroyed 30,000 e-mails and smashed her phones and devices with hammers after having been subpoenaed ... But there's no point going over this with folks who've bough the entire intelligence-industry-created story. I saw the debates, I saw Donald Trump say what you said. If you can't detect a little snark in his statement, then you'll continue to live in fantasyland. Ooh, why not write a book all about the things you know about Trump and Russia? I'm sure you have all the "facts."

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Excellent point ... think of what would happen if one of us spoliated evidence in any case? Much less investigation of mishandling classified material.

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Just saying….

“A person is known by the company he keeps.” Aesop

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Unfortunately, her time in the porn industry follows her. It takes more than looks and a beautiful dress to make a classy woman.

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Mar 11Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Kamala Harris's unsavory past alliances continue to haunt her too. Point taken. Not sure there was any proof of "porn industry" engagement, but Melania did pose for some provocative artful shots. Much like constant diet from Hollywood on any given day today.

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Mar 11Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Nancy...Nancy/Karen...is that you?

Why no last name?

Didn't you complain about people who were afraid to post messages without using their last name?

You friend, Anonymous Dale.

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No, I have never complained about a lack of last name on this site. Frankly, as a woman, I’m a little afraid of some of the people who post here.

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Are you sure you "never" complained about an anonymous post?

On Feb 6th, someone apparently hacked into Nancy's Substack and posted this:


SO….whoever you are : You never say what your source of info-facts is….do you? WELL?

Is it the girls with the high heels and exposed thighs…or maybe, from the megaphone-like mouth of CRIMINAL TRUMP. Do reveal, oh unnamed one.


I still haven't heard your reasons repeatedly mentioning the high-heels, careening hair and exposed thighs "thing".

One more minor item, in case you mis-remembered.

Early last month, you complained (I'm using the polite word) that your "...ethical and honest comments..." were not being published.


Feb 5 Nancy's Substack

I can see that the few posts allowed here are all ( wrongly ) in favor of the uninformed originator of this site. Honest and ethical comments like mine are. Not posted.


I think we, the ignorant deplorables, have seen your "honest and ethical" opinions posted on at least 3 or 4 occasions.

This means either you've forgotten your insinuation of censorship by SB Current, or you accidentally hit the delete key (instead of SEND) when you typed that apology to them.

Bring ALL the 🐈 🐱🦨🐈‍⬛️ ...let's do lunch🐡

Anonymous Dale

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Well, I CERTAINLY apologize for mistaking you for the World's Foremost Authority (Cat-Lady) who refuses to answer my questions about her posts regarding high-heels, exposed thighs and fake careening hair.

Dale Lowdermilk

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Apology accepted.

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There is another Nancy who sometimes post. Those are not my statements.

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

You can’t compare Jackie Kennedy to Trump’s whore in the White House. One more dilusional distorted example of Republican logic.

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Wow. Can you feel the hatred? "Trump's whore"! No reason to pay any attention to you ever again.

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Well, he isn't wrong.

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Mar 11Liked by Santa Barbara Current

The “whore” in the white house was Jackie’s husband! You have consumed way to much koolaid buddy

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Mar 15Liked by Santa Barbara Current

That is true! It was JFK who actually did the whoring in the Whitehouse.

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I completely agree with you sentiments about Melania! She is amazing.

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About six months a go, I suddenly went deaf in my right ear. It took about 60 seconds, starting with a loud ping and followed by a roaring sound in my ear followed by total deafness. I have since found that sudden deafness might he associated with either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines. A research group in France is studying a group of 400 people who suffered sudden deafness after taking one of the vaccines.

After a more recent incident involving pneumonia starting the day after getting another shot of Moderna vaccine, I am now convinced of the dangerous side effects of these drugs.

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Sorry, but I do not vote for a candidate because of who the spouse is. I consider it irrelevant. What I don't want is the spouse heading up a healthcare reform task force when she has no direct experience or expertise in the field. I also don't want the daughter-in-law taking over the Party of the candidate due to nepotism.

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Hillarycare: That was the same year health insurance companies serving public sector employees got very greedy, and raised premiums well beyond any other market forces. No one pushed back when it was OPM buying the plans for government employees, so health insurance premiums soared every year thereafter.

Transparent California discloses in brutal detail how much taxpayers now fund public employee "benefits" today, on top of their salaries - one of the largest benefit being employee health are coverage. Offering government employee benefit plans most can only dream about. Compare and contrast with Covered California.

(Waiting for the standard response - everyone should belong to a union then, so everyone should get OPM to fund these same plans for everyone. Do the math.)

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Yes, it was Hillarycare to which I was referring. It became a fiasco which was mercifully extinguished by her husband.

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Yet the collateral damage from that short-lived Clinton administration assault on private sector "health care"still reverberates today.

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Collateral damage? I guess you forget the budget surplus the Clinton administration left us. And I didn't vote for him either. . .

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Also not forgetting the Reagan tax cuts, that left Clinton with a newly stimulated economy.

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Well ... to be fair ... the budget surplus from 1998-2001 was due largely to Newt Gingrich leading the way to less spending. But it was also a result of having excess Social Security receipts. Without Newt cutting spending (before getting the boot), Slick Willie would not have had any surplus. And without counting SS taxes, the remaining revenue would not have covered the spending.

LOL. That's government.

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Medicare Part D was the RINO response to Hillarycare. It was revised to guarantee Big Pharma profits and a few other bad ideas buried in it for the administrative purposes . ... And it was a ...

Typical RINO response ... the best of both worlds (which is sarcasm on my part - I really mean they maximize the damage to the sector, the public, and the taxpayers).

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Nothing against Melania but I don't think she's particularly attractive so not sure why her appearance is being hyped up so much. She's does seem like a pleasant person to be around so there's that I guess.

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Come to think of it, it seems so often that both men and women comment on the appearances and attractiveness of women, (especially conservatives as it relates to politicians or political fugures like Marjorie Taylor Greene) in their circles) even when they are average looking at best, but say absolutely nothing regarding the appearance of men.

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I think Mike Johson is particularly attractive and he seems like a pleasant person to be around.

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The "eyes" have it. Motion passes.

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BAHAHAHA! Mike Johnson would take away your bodily rights and have you being a Stepford Wife. NOTHING attractive about that!

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Obviously bait is obvious. Praying for you.

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Thought perhaps you'd find this picture, the contrast between M. Obama and Melania interesting - https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZ4R9z0Zy42Ob3xNPTFscWXWX7WxJhPRsR6X

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No problem. It's an honor. ... If the Liestream wanted her image ... it make me doubt her integrity.

That they hate her ... proves her worth is priceless beyond the measure of lust or lucre.

God bless Melania and her family.

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Oh, PLEASE! A classless non-American gold digger. She was hardly the "most beautiful" First Lady. Beauty is as beauty does, as they say. Her "I Don't Care, Do You?" jacket was deplorable. She was also caught on tape saying she "hates Christmas". Pretty ugly.

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