Why Are They Trying to Destroy Voting Integrity Too?
If you can’t agree with the following statement, you’re probably among those who are attempting to add a few nails in the coffin of the one-day voting booth. And that is: The idea of letting non-citizens vote in any American election is insane.
But nearly half the country as I can figure it, particularly many on the Democrat side, seem to believe that it's okay to allow non-citizens to vote in municipal elections.
But, oh, no, they won't be permitted to vote in state or federal elections.
That would be wrong.
Well, what are the barriers to keep non-citizens (let’s call them the ineligible-to-vote crowd) once they're in the precinct house, from being offered the same ballot U.S. citizens are given? What's going to happen when a poll watcher approaches a potential ineligible-to-vote person and asks him to produce documents that proves he is eligible to vote in both municipal elections and any other elections?
I presume these ineligibles must be registered to vote in these municipal elections, right? Doesn’t everyone have to be registered to vote? It’s a procedure that simply requires a person to give his name and address, and a statement under penalty of perjury that he’s a U.S. citizen over the age of 18 and that he or she isn’t registered to vote anywhere else.
How is it possible that non-citizens – aliens – would be allowed to enter our voter precinct houses to vote in municipal elections, without registering to vote like everybody else?
What's to keep precinct workers in heavily one-party precincts from giving these people state and federal ballots? Who's to know? If there aren't more overall ballots cast than registered voters signed up for in that precinct, who will ever know?
What's to stop an ineligible to go to as many precincts as he wishes, to cast as many ballots as he wishes?
This whole procedure is sick and insidious.
We've been told since fourth grade American history, how sacred our democratic process is. Why would spokespeople for one of our major political parties be behind so many efforts to profane something so sacred?
Shouldn't we stand behind efforts to shore up the integrity of our democratic process, rather than doing the exact opposite? Anything less would be introducing suspicions to this supposedly sacrosanct voting process that questions those results, wouldn’t it?
Making these matters even worse is "Early Voting." This gives those wanting to contaminate the legitimate results of elections an extra month to undermine elections with their nefarious deeds. Some states even offer up to six weeks to deploy whatever election tactics one has in mind.
Instead of doing everything possible to see that Election Night numbers reflect the democratic will of U.S. citizens living in that precinct, we seem to be doing everything possible to undermine the integrity of those numbers. And if you take steps to ensure that only authorized voters should be allowed to cast a ballot, you're called the usual names (racist, bigot, xenophobe, your choice). You’ll be accused of "suppressing the vote." (Yeah, we're trying to "suppress" the illegal votes.)
But many (maybe even most?) Democrats apparently don't believe there is any such thing as an "illegal" vote, or voter.
This oppression of legitimate voters is nothing less than another attack on national sovereignty.
Excellent thoughts & question, however, one should know that illegals voting in our national, state, and local elections occurs regularly…these votes are often cast by officials within the voting apparatus on behave of illegals…let’s consider these follow questions as well:
1-Election + D party officials filled out many thousands of blank ballots?
2-Election + D party officials removed and destroyed 'legal' ballots?
3-Election + D party officials deliberately organized non-citizen voting?
4-Election + D party officials in [XX] locations across the US [under lock & key] stored many thousands of 'blank' ballots for purposes of 'altering the vote total'?
Who safeguards 'blank' ballots?
Who issues 'blank' ballots?
Who controls 'blank' ballots?
How many 'blank' ballots are generated vs. total county pop?
Why did the same counties REFUSE to turn over voter registration information upon request to the Voter Fraud Commission after 2016 elections?
Enemy @ the Front Door...
Good time to review the consequences, intended or unintended, of every single "election reform" measure enacted in this state over the past few decades: from term limits, district elections, jungle primaries, same day registration, ballot harvesting, ersatz "covid" measures, to now universal vote by mail.
Any opposition to these measures was met with the claim - you want to deny people their right to vote. However a casual observation is every election advantage from these "election reform" measures has also accrued to one party only - the current super-majority party in this state. Our formerly bi-partisan state now seems well-entrenched into the hands of only one party today.
We need a thoughtful analysis of the past few decades of "election reform" in this state, since the rest of the nation continues to believe "term limits" is still the answer to government misfeasance. Our own experience has demonstrated just the opposite.