Dec 22, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

I have no memory of subscribing to this substack, but I'm sure glad I got this! You sound like a brilliant and compassionate teacher and I agree that what's happened to education is heartbreaking. Thank you for being a voice of reason in a sea of insanity.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Decades ago when I taught art for SBCC Adult Ed it was a lively program aimed at "enriching the lives of older adults." We called the actual SBCC campus "high school with an ashtray" and considered its purpose the preparation of people for either college (if high school had not adequately done so) or delivering skills for the local workforce. At the Schott Center and other satellite campuses we taught various art disciplines, craft skills, and the big new thing: computers! Students of all ages got acquainted and enjoyed the opportunity to learn something new and exchange ideas. It was an education system well designed for this community. Now I am sad that the emphasis has changed to encourage out-of-area students who affect the rental housing market, and the curriculum is woke poison designed to drive people apart and lay blame. So sad.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Celeste. As usual, your compassion and intellect set the course towards common sense.

DEIAA needs to be defunded, dismantled and detailed for the scam that it is. How this generation of kids has suffered at the hands of these nitwits, should never be forgotten or forgiven.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

The California Education Code guides our locally elected SBCC trustees, who are tasked by the voters with the general oversight and fiscal soundness of SBCC in conformance with the state Education Code express mission statements.

The California Master Plan for Higher Education is a coordinated interface between the states wide network of community colleges, the CSU system, and the UC system. Prop 98 undergirds state funding for both K-12 and community colleges; but not CSU or UC.

"CALIFORNIA EDUCATION CODE Section 66010.4 - Missions and functions of public and private institutions.

The missions and functions of California's public and independent segments, and their respective institutions of higher education, shall be differentiated as follows:


(1)The California Community Colleges shall, as a primary mission, offer academic and vocational instruction at the lower division level for both younger and older students, including those persons returning to school. Public community colleges shall offer instruction through but not beyond the second year of college. These institutions may grant the associate in arts and the associate in science degree.

(2)The community colleges' mission shall include all of the following:

(A)The provision of instruction and additional learning supports to close learning gaps for those who need it, instruction in English as a second language, adult noncredit instruction, and support services that help students succeed at the postsecondary level.

(B)The provision of adult noncredit education curricula in areas defined as being in the state's interest is an essential and important function of the community colleges.

(C)The provision of community services courses and programs is an authorized function of the community colleges so long as their provision is compatible with an institution's ability to meet its obligations in its primary missions.

(D)The provision of student support services to facilitate academic success and achievement.

(3)A primary mission of the California Community Colleges is to advance California's economic growth and global competitiveness through education, training, and services that contribute to continuous workforce improvement.

(4)The California Community Colleges may conduct institutional research concerning student learning and retention, and community college programming to facilitate its educational mission.

(5)The provision of instruction and support to close learning gaps authorized by subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) shall be provided in the form of concurrent support, unless college data and research demonstrates that even with concurrent support a student is highly unlikely to succeed in the course".

Following.................... Codes specific to CSU and UC.

NB: Our elected state legislators (Senator Monique Lemon and Assemblyman Gregg Hart) are charged with drafting, revising, amending and/or rescinding this state code controlling taxpayer funded higher education.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Reading these 2023 SBCC strategies, it is hard to see what they are actually teaching at SBCC. Recalling Jonathan Abboud's experience as a newly arrived young person in Los Angeles, as he recounted to the public when running for State Assembly. Candidate Abboud complained he was not given enough free education, and it was not high enough quality to meet his cultural expectations.

Is this new SBCC strategy a rebound from that wretched scholastic experience? Now under Trustee Abboud's tutelage, SBCC students can experience.. "innovative, high-quality, equity-focused, evidence-based, anti- racist, culturally responsive teaching and learning experiences, educational programs, and services with a focus on closing equity and opportunity gaps for

historically marginalized students".

The phrase 'culturally responsive teaching and learning' means what it says. Under this rubric of responding to culture, teaching must suit the students cultural expectations. And if there are subjects or topics that go against said culture, they are to be eliminated from the curriculum as being 'racist against historically marginalized students'. With all the varied cultures in America today, there will be much cultural responsiveness required. And the one banned culture will be all things western, and I don't mean saddles and horses. This pedagogy of eliminating the home team's culture, goes against the traditional credo of America as a melting pot. Instead our new arrivals are taught to despise the western European culture that created this college for instance, and instead teaches them to cling to their differences and cultural heritage and biases, often from places where there is no melting pot.

So the whole proposed SBCC theory of lifting up marginalized groups is faulty, because it creates and perpetuates division while suspending real education. Soon colleges will only produce DIE officers whose only employment options will be in government. No real wealth nor societal benefit can be created from hoards of DEI, HR or gender graduates. What will these people do for a living after graduating full of enmity, angst and detachment? Division has not been America's motto, yet soon colleges will have to offer degrees in these divisive subjects, to employ graduates as college professors. Thomascolforcongress.com

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

My take away from this article is locals aren’t doing their civic duty as evidenced by the total disengagement from SBCC’s radical ‘consent’ governance. The lack of community concern and oversight has enabled the reset of SBCC, once a CC leader to near bottom of community colleges. SBCC‘s elected trustees are inadequate “Dumbed-Down” not acting in the interests of DISTRICT students, or taxpayers.Nothing will change until locals focus on our schools and not far away Harvard or Penn.

SBCC Board President Jonathan Abboud posted on Facebook, “No need spending any energy trying to teach at this point, just need to continue working to make them politically irrelevant.” State Senator Monique Limon recently picked up on the ‘theme noting Republicans are “irrelevant”. Presumably this extends to all — regardless of political affiliation — who do not consent rather think independently. The consequence at SBCC is the same as at Cold Spring Elementary School: the inquiring ‘elected trustee’ who will not consent and seeks transparency via discussion is silenced, censored! Moreover, local media either refuses coverage or slants as per SBCC’s propaganda journalism class teachings. This ensures the greater community remains mis- or uninformed. The handful voicing any dissent pay the price. If you care about local students, like I do, get involved. Speak out

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

I feel very happy to receive a subscription to the Current! I am not an educator nor involved in the education community. I also have no children so I was never involved in local schools and their teaching process. However, after reading the many comments listed here from very informed and educated people I will add what I think is most important for ALL PEOPLE. We must remember that we do have a voice that should be heard! We can make a difference in what is going on in all areas of our lives. However, it takes time, research, and constant communication to those organizations, "leaders" and entities that think they can run and rule without input from the people of their community. I am one who will communicate my voice.

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Dec 26, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Be sure and read Jonah Goldberg’s take on California Community Colleges’ war on merit. “Hot garbage,” he calls it. “Bowel-stewing nonsense.”

Go Jonah!

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The SBCC Board of Trustees is a shameful cabal. People need to start attending these meetings, and NOT allow Board members or shills in the audience to shut them down.

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Thank you for your efforts as an educator. I imagine that you actually support some if not all of the "woke" goals of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Anti-racism (DEIAA). I am curious to learn if doing away with remedial classes is counter the goals of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Anti-racism (DEIAA). Some schools offer additional classes and or support services such as Educational Opportunities Programs to support learning and education. The origin of the word 'education' is from the Latin root educate. 'Educare' means 'to lead out or bring forth'. It implies that through organized questions knowledge, understanding and the potential of children have to be brought out. You reference exposure to theater and seem to frame the value of education solely as job training.

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Along these lines, Bari Weiss makes some suggestions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhvfRxJ3ul0 22 minutes and worth the time. Jerry Rounds

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Reading these 2023 SBCC strategies, it is hard to see what they are actually teaching at SBCC. Recalling Johnathan Abboud's experience as a newly arrived young person in Los Angelos, as he recounted to the public when running for State Assembly. Candidate Abboud complained he was not given enough free education, and it was not high enough quality to meet his cultural expectations.

Is this new SBCC strategy a rebound from that wretched scholastic experience? Now under Trustee Abboud's tutelage, SBCC students can experience.. "innovative, high-quality, equity-focused, evidence-based, anti- racist, culturally responsive teaching and learning experiences, educational programs, and services with a focus on closing equity and opportunity gaps for

historically marginalized students".

The phrase 'culturally responsive teaching and learning' means what it says. Under this rubric of responding to culture, teaching must suit the students cultural expectations. And if there are subjects or topics that go against said culture, they are to be eliminated from the curriculum as being 'racist against historically marginalized students'. With all the varied cultures in America today, there will be much cultural responsiveness required. And the one banned culture will be all things western, and I don't mean saddles and horses. This pedagogy of eliminating the home team's culture, goes against the traditional credo of America as a melting pot. Instead our new arrivals are taught to despise the western European culture that created this college for instance, and instead teaches them to cling to their differences and cultural heritage and biases, often from places where there is no melting pot.

So the whole proposed SBCC theory of lifting up marginalized groups is faulty, because it creates and perpetuates division while suspending real education. Soon colleges will only produce DIE officers whose only employment options will be in government. No real wealth nor societal benefit can be created from hoards of DEI, HR or gender graduates. What will these people do for a living after graduating full of enmity, angst and detachment? Division has not been Americas motto, yet soon colleges will have to offer degrees in these subjects, just to employ them all as college professors. Thomascolforcongress.com

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Excellent statement, Thomas.

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It is very, very sad the sick bill of goods these students are being sold by a group of people like Jonathan Abboud.

Abboud has benefitted from the amazing education system and the benefits America has to offer, and instead of wanting the same for his brothers and sisters, he has become entitled and power hungry, and wants to lord over others just like him. While it is can be human to do that, it is selfish, evil, and wrong. And it is a choice, and he and many others, are making bad choices.

We must stand up and speak to it and try to reverse the culture and the thinking. This is like Celeste's story about "rewiring the brain", it is going to take that method to heal from the damage that has been caused by this DEIAA Dumbed Down thinking.

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