Nov 25, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Have Faith…

We are in the middle of a Color Revolution. The Old Guard” (CCP, Cabal, Evildoers, etc.) are using the same playbook that they have employed to install communism in other countries over time:

1. Take control of Health Care (make ppl depend on government)

2. Create Poverty (make ppl on government)

3. Create Debt (higher taxes -> more poverty)

4. Gun Control (remove guns to create Police State)

5. Take full control of Personal Lives (food, housing, transportation...)

6. Take full control of Schools / Learning

7. Eliminate Religion

8. Create Class Warfare

9. Control the Media

Have Faith & pray for our Great Country! Our US Military - the one area of our government that has not been totally corrupted / compromised and is strictly bound & dedicated to upholding our Constitution - is running the counter insurgency. Our Military and WW Patriots are leading the greatest military sting operation in the history of the world. It’s a hostile takeover from the Cabal & their international crime syndicates that have subjugated & ruled for centuries. The Silent War has been unfolding these past 6 years, but many battles remain - including the WW crash of financial systems (the US Petro Dollar is dead), further exposure of election rigging, further exposure of pedo networks, human trafficking, crimes against children, and more.

God Bless,

PS…JFK was on to them…


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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

We truly need a Reagan like president. Trump appears to be the only one with enough force of personality to look the Dems and the RINOS I’m the eye and tell them where to go. Others have similar ideas, but they lack the necessary chutzpah. I love the image of a brilliant economist like Milei showing up at a rally with a chainsaw, then give a well thought out rationale for deconstructing the leftist mess created by years of progressive Marxists.

We need to speak up against evil in this country, and convince our faint hearted fellow conservatives and libertarians that this may be the last election of our lifetime. Mike Lindell, Dinesh, and the Kracken attorney are right regarding the 2020 election theft. More than anything we need to pray that God gives America one more chance. Electing Trump may not seem like something people of faith would do. However, the DNC is clearly the party of Satan. You Keep looking up as you do your civic duty, and vote.

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Nov 25, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Mixed metaphor here, but it takes a junk yard dog to first clean out the Augean stables.

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That's a great mixed metaphor ... ;-))

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Enjoying every one of these articles.

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I recall watching a small, yet brilliant triangle shaped object float slowly across the night sky all snuggled in our cotton and canvas sleeping bags gazing into the dazzling Milky Way, while hiking to the summit of Mount Whitney with my father in 1963.

Upon returning home to Glendale, California we read in the LA Times newspaper that indeed it was astronaut John Glenn orbiting the Earth right above us over the eastern High Sierra in his Gemini space capsule.

This well-documented and concise review of the past six decades of history should be required reading of every history student in the US from middle school through high school.

I'm looking forward to next week’s installment.

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LOVED your article Jim ! It does seem so dour and hopeless at times, but we need to keep remembering history and also need to remember the miracles that do happen! We need to keep looking UP and not out. In the end, aren't the good guys supposed to always win???

Thanks for the history lesson, will be sharing it!

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I recently read this article about "The Soviets" and I quote >"The 1987 May Day parade in Moscow, meant to celebrate the success of communism, featured a group of laborers near the very end of the procession carrying a sign reading “Marching 70 Years to Nowhere,”

I will correct the above statement. May day in Russia is about the Russian family and how few Russian's survived the "Holocaust" by Germany who killed over 30 Million Russian's during WWII.

A Russian Family member will, for the May Day Celebration, walk in the May Day Parade with one of thier Russian family members photo who served during WWII, high on a stick, so all can see; where most of thier family were likely killed during War II. So May Day, to a Russian, is about survival and about that sacrifice. If you don't get that you are not going to understand the Soul of a Russian.

I have been around Russian's since 1980s when I first detected the Soviets in thier surface ships and submarines up at Submarine Base Bangor. Later I traveled to Saint Petersburg Russia in 1997 and that began my next 27 year involvement with "The Russians".

Do not and I mean never underestimate the Russian's in anything. They are very very good from deploying a modern navy during the 1980's that gave the more techincal superior US Navy a real run for our money and we spent ALOT OF MONEY detecting the Russian's. It gets worse because after the Cold War Russia moved quitely and very efficeintly into the major western countries embedding their Agents anywhere and anyplace they could. Any doubt listen to Director Wray's recent talk with SPY Mueseum found at this weblink >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovl30D7MFJ0&t=2345s

and this weblink >>https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/08/politics/fbi-director-christopher-wray-warning-russian-spies/index.html

Director Wray stated "“The Russian traditional counterintelligence threat continues to loom large,” Wray said during public remarks at the Spy Museum in Washington. “The Russian intelligence footprint, and by that I mean intelligence officers, is still way too big in the United States and something we are constantly bumping up against and trying to block and prevent and disrupt in every way we can.” and then Director Wray stated this "

There is a very large Russian and Uraine Community here in Santa Barbara and has been for some time likley helped by that SB Soap Opera TV Show >https://foreignpolicy.com/2017/07/24/american-soap-opera-explains-how-russia-feels-about-everything-santa-barbara-trump-putin/

Recently the Russians here in Santa Barbara were "Up to No Good" and all concleaded by the local

Good Ole Boys and Good Ole Gals of Santa Barbara.

Not that I am a fan of Senator Charles Schumer but he is dead on when he says in this Video


"You take on the US Intelligence Community they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you"

Good Luck Santa Barbara and never .....ever ..... take on the US Intelligence Community when

"The Hunt is On" You may want to heed Senator Charles Schumer's warning.

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

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While there are concentrations of wealth and power aligned in opposition, both Mark Zuckerberg and I still have just one vote to cast. This is my own reminder of the sheer power of American voting egalitarianism. No one should ever lose faith in voting.

However, one illegally cast or wrongfully counted vote can disenfranchise my vote entirely. Election security remains as critical as getting out to vote. One thing we can do right now is obtain a registered voter list from the county elections office for our own precincts. Then start walking our own neighborhoods to ensure the best turnout for the outcomes we most desire.

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