Feb 9Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Money in politics is often/ usually a very corrupting influence. People can be bought off, and some are looking for opportunities to enrich themselves in the guise of being “ public servants”

Money has polluted the flowers- to-marijuana transformation of once lovely Carpinteria, and has created chaos with the cartels in the narcotic and avocado business. All of this is a good reason to elect two new SB supervisors - Roy Lee to replace Das Williams, and Frank Troise to replace Joan Hartman.

Sitting around, complaining about our little piece of paradise being destroyed by liberal politicians, and not voting them out, is useless.

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You are very correct Mr Aijian "People can be bought off, and some are looking for opportunities to enrich themselves in the guise of being “ public servants”

"Complaining about our little piece of paradise being destroyed...."

The SB Good Boys and Good Ole Gals who control this little piece of paradise ...., will retailate against anyone who stands in thier way. Very, very few have the guts to stand up to these

nice so-called-leaders in this little ole piece of paradise SB.

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

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It seems strange that America is constantly at war with countries overseas, yet not even a slingshot is let loose against Mexico. I read just the other day that our trade with China is falling, putting Mexico at the top level as our trading partner. Does this, I wonder, include their exports to America of drugs that are killing more than 100,000 Americans a year?

If Mexico exported guns to America that killed more than more than 100,000 Americans a year, punitive actions by America against Mexico to stop the trade would be severe.

Does trade volume include the 5.5 million a year, mainly male, illegal immigrants that entered our country in 2022 & 2023, causing enormous social problems and $Billions in costs across America?

Mexico is a state dominated and controlled by criminal gangs that who have corrupted not only local state governments, but also they are entrenched in the national government and law enforcement across the country.

Furthermore, courtesy of the Biden administration, the Mexican Narco- terrorists now control our borders and are infiltrating our cities with trafficking in drugs and human beings for exploitation.

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Since I remember hearing the saying "Santa Barbara is the place for newlyweds and nearly dead's" when I attended UCSB in 1967-1971. I think it would be most appropriate for those of us in the older population to connect and make sure our voice is heard. There is a lot we can do if we band together, and I am happily working on that now.

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Nancy that is very very well said. Older folks have that experience that much younger

people just do not have. I am now one of those older folks.

"There is a lot we can do if we band together, and I am happily working on that now."

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

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Mr. Aijian and all those reading the SB Current. There are very serious corruption around

the US and also rigth here in SB. I attach a weblink to one of the biggest bribery cases in

New York by the DOJ Federal Prosector>>>>https://www.oann.com/newsroom/70-current-and-former-nycha-employees-arrested-charged-with-bribery-and-extortion/

I quote from the weblink above "As many as 70 current and former New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) employees have been arrested and charged in a federal investigation. On Tuesday, U.S. Attorney Damian Williams announced the bribery and extortion charges against the dozens of employees, making it the biggest bribery bust in the Department of Justice’s history."

Read here from the weblink because this is EXACTLY what is going down here in SB>>>

"Since they do not require a competitive bidding process, the contracts are considered no-bid contracts. Alternatively, the contractor may be selected by the superintendent or assistant superintendent. [Of the City] The authorities say the scheme involves the largest number of federal bribery charges in a single day in Department of Justice history. The accused individuals are alleged to have received cash payments from contractors in return for securing lucrative contracts with the NYCHA."

"There is nothing new under the sun." Ecclesiastes 1:9

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

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I read this article by Mr. Schulte, "Avocado Murders" and I quote "Countries like China, Russia, and Iran, have no love for us. But it’s the country that shares the soil where there is no longer a southern border that’s far from being our friend. Mexico is equally as complicit as the Biden administration in allowing the ongoing human invasion to take place. Not only do the cartels control the drug trade, human trafficking, and the government of Mexico itself, the cartels also control the “green gold” avocado industry, along with berries and numerous other fruits and vegetables.

Lets bring this topic back home to Santa Barbara and rename it "Marijuana Murders"

Who exactly is bank-rolling the huge money for the Pot Farms in Santa Barbara County?

Are their "Local Attorney's" Involved in the Marijuana business and how about "Russian Oligarchs", any local Attorneys represent any "Russia Oligarchs" here in Santa Barbara? Pot Permits, zoning, and the like.................who does that involve? Is not the Pot Business mostly cash? Where does all of that cash go from the Pot Farms? Was there a controversy with the SBPD with Pot Farms and Pot Dispensaries?


and here>>>>https://keyt.com/news/santa-barbara-s-county/2021/05/13/santa-barbara-police-spokesman-cleared-of-wrongdoing-following-investigation/

Has there been any other "Controversy" concerning SBPD and the Fire and Police Commission?

Then why is a former "Intelligence Officer" of the FBI Linda Esparza Dozer Co-Chair now of the Fire and Police Commission? https://www.thechannels.org/features/2019/04/24/sbcc-hires-former-fbi-agent-for-new-job-as-title-ix-coordinator/

Was there a BIG PROBLEM with Russians money laundering into Santa Barbara CA?

I invite every to sit down get your popcorn and watch One of the Foremost Experts in

Russian Money Laundering Louise Shelly>>>


I think we have some very very serious problems in Santa Barbara

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

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Don't get me started ... I know hundreds of stories like this ...

... I know so many because I closed 30 years of files on industrial waste water permit holders in a small midwest state ...

... where over 98% of our industrial permit holders (8000+ facilities - mostly small business) ...


Most did not 'move to China' or Mexico or anywhere else. Many sold out to the Bigs. Those were the lucky ones. The vast majority just went bankrupt. Unable to survive without an army of lawyers, accountants, lobbyists, politicians, or the law on their side.

God help us all.

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Correction: 5.5 million illegal immigrants was the estimated total for 2022 & 2023 combined, not a year.

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Feb 10Liked by Santa Barbara Current

There is no truth in anything anymore. Numbers are fudged to protect the guilty. I don't believe a single thing anymore.

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Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

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Mr. Schulte, unfornately and sadly you are very correct and your statement that applies almost everything happening in the local government here in SB.

I took care of my Grandfather before he passed. He was a full Bird Colonel and one of the finest individuals I have ever met, much like many other Greatest Generation.

If my Grandfather were alive today he would say EXACTLY what you have said.

"There is no truth in anything anymore."

And my Grandfather would add. "Our Country has gone to Hell"

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

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